Gced-M10-Week4 (Group K)

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Week 4 - SDG 7, 8, 9

I. Reflection and Discussion

SDG 7, which is part of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015, focuses
on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. It is
significant because energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity
the world faces today. Access to clean and affordable energy is crucial for reducing
poverty, improving healthcare and education, and supporting economic growth.
Additionally, sustainable energy practices are essential for addressing climate change
and protecting the environment. Therefore, achieving SDG 7 is not only important for
improving the quality of life and driving development but also for ensuring a sustainable
future for the planet ( Haines, A. & Frumkin, H.).

SDG 8, focusing on sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, is vital for
forests and forest-dependent communities. Achieving this goal is challenging due to
competing priorities among stakeholders, often leading to conflicts over land and
resources. However, when economic growth includes sustainable forest practices like
responsible forestry and ecotourism, it can benefit both the economy and the
environment. To maximize these benefits, it's crucial to create environments that
support sustainable forest-based activities, formalize community stewardship, and
incentivize youth involvement in forest economies. By doing so, we can minimize trade-
offs and maximize synergies between economic growth and forest conservation,
ensuring a more sustainable future for all (Stoian, D., Moneterroso, I., & Current, D.).

SDG 9 focuses on industry, infrastructure, and innovation, which can impact forests and
livelihoods. While it offers opportunities for economic growth, like small-scale industries,
it also poses risks, such as deforestation from infrastructure expansion. To balance
these impacts, we need reforms that prioritize sustainable economic models and
integrate forests into green economies.

SDG 7, which focuses on cheap and sustainable energy, is inextricably tied to SDGs 8
and 9. Access to inexpensive, clean energy is critical for boosting economic activity and
encouraging sustainable development. Countries may create new job opportunities in
the clean energy industry by investing in renewable energy sources and increasing
energy efficiency. Furthermore, advances in energy technology and infrastructure or
SDG 9 are critical to delivering universal access to cheap and dependable energy
services, which will encourage industrial growth and innovation while maintaining
environmental sustainability. This integrated strategy promotes holistic development by
balancing economic growth, environmental stewardship, and social equality.

Addressing one goal can have a beneficial ripple effect on others, resulting in a
synergistic benefit. For example, investing in cheap and clean energy not only
minimizes environmental degradation but also promotes innovation and growth in the
energy sector, therefore contributing to industrial and infrastructure development or
SDG 9. This, in turn, generates job opportunities and stimulates economic growth or
SDG 8 by expanding renewable energy sectors and improving energy efficiency
technology. Similarly, advances in infrastructure and innovation may increase access to
renewable energy sources, which is SDG 7, resulting in more sustainable and equitable
economic activity, while lowering reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change.

Positive effects
Sustainable Development Goal 7, as stated prior, is the Access to Affordable, Reliable,
Sustainable, and Modern Energy for All. This goal is a vital goal since most, if not all,
businesses and livelihood revolves around any type of Energy. Furthermore, energy is
not available to all as well since some live in remote areas or have intermittent access
to them as well. The positive effects when this goal is achieved is that many people will
have access to these Energy and further develop their livelihood which, in turn, can also
help boost the economy. Furthermore, it reduces the reliability of other countries for
their resources for these energies. Asides from access to energy, by achieving this goal
it means that there has been a modern and clean energy that has been developed and
is already in use. This would mean that the carbon emissions brought by energy
factories and vehicles, and the use of common fuel sources would be lesser as we
progress. With this, the population's health will improve and further lessen the illnesses
that are caused by just pollution from these energies. Transitioning to sustainable
energy will also benefit environmental sustainability. By switching to renewable energy
sources like hydroelectric, solar, and wind power, greenhouse gas emissions are
decreased and climate change is mitigated. By using less fossil fuels, it also contributes
to the preservation of ecosystems and natural resources.

Decent work and economic growth

SDG 8 understands that inclusive and sustained economic growth can drive progress
create decent jobs for all and improve living standards. To achieve this among other
measures the UN considers it necessary that a number of mandates be implemented to
maintain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and to
achieve GDP growth of at least 7 % per year in the least developed countries, or to
achieve higher levels of economic productivity through technological upgrading and
innovation. It also sees the need to progressively improve the efficient production and
consumption of the world's resources and to seek to decouple economic growth from
environmental degradation.

This is one of the SDGs that has suffered a major setback due to the confluence of
several economic and geopolitical crises in addition to the pandemic caused by COVID-
19. According to the World Labour Organisation low-income countries and regions in
Africa and the Arab States are unlikely to recover to pre-pandemic levels of
unemployment by 2023. The United Nations therefore developed a roadmap for a socio-
economic response to the recent crises to support countries on their path to social and
economic recovery thereby making development more sustainable and the global
economy more resilient to future shocks.

SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure)

SDG 9, which focuses on industry, innovation, and infrastructure, has a number of

positive outcomes that help to promote sustainable development. Improving
infrastructure, such as transportation and communication networks, increases
connectedness and accessibility, which promotes economic growth and employment
creation. Investing in innovation and technological developments not only stimulates
industrial development, but also encourages creativity and entrepreneurship, resulting in
more robust and inclusive economies. Sustainable industrial practices and infrastructure
development are also critical for decreasing environmental impact, increasing resource
efficiency, and supporting climate change initiatives. Overall, progress toward SDG 9
promotes economic success, technological innovation, environmental sustainability, and
societal well-being, setting the groundwork for a more prosperous and sustainable
future for everyone.

II. References
[1] A. Haines and H. Frumkin, Eds., ‘Health in the Sustainable Development
Goals’, in Planetary Health: Safeguarding Human Health and the Environment in
the Anthropocene, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 213–233.
doi: 10.1017/9781108698054.007. Available:
[Accessed: Mar. 15, 2024]

[2] S. Bruce and J. E. Viñuales, ‘SDG 7: Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable,

Sustainable and Modern Energy for All’, in The Cambridge Handbook of the
Sustainable Development Goals and International Law, E. Hey and J. Ebbesson,
Eds., in Cambridge Law Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2022, pp. 185–207. doi: 10.1017/9781108769631.009. Available:
1964862C893192704A37585A5E5BEBBD. [Accessed: Mar. 15, 2024]

[3] D. Stoian, I. Monterroso, and D. Current, ‘SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic
Growth – Potential Impacts on Forests and Forest-Dependent Livelihoods’, in
Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People, C. J.
Pierce Colfer, G. Winkel, G. Galloway, P. Pacheco, P. Katila, and W. de Jong,
Eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 237–278. Available:
C881A1CC4EE9BFB1F92BF2244D631F7A. [Accessed: Mar. 15, 2024]

[4] M. F. Tomaselli et al., ‘SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure –

Anticipating the Potential Impacts on Forests and Forest-Based Livelihoods’, in
Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People, C. J.
Pierce Colfer, G. Winkel, G. Galloway, P. Pacheco, P. Katila, and W. de Jong,
Eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 279–314. Available:
C925D10F6738A9682EE883A6EAA5652C. [Accessed: Mar. 15, 2024]

[5] A. N. Fourie, ‘SDG 9: Build Resilient Infrastructure, Promote Inclusive and

Sustainable Industrialization and Foster Innovation’, in The Cambridge Handbook
of the Sustainable Development Goals and International Law, E. Hey and J.
Ebbesson, Eds., in Cambridge Law Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2022, pp. 231–257. doi: 10.1017/9781108769631.011.
Available: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/cambridge-handbook-of-the-
innovation/86F602869DD8BB5D5D479ECE26946BED. [Accessed: Mar. 15,

III. Appendices
Appendix 1: Grammarly Performance Score Report

Appendix 2: Library Student Access Report

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