Assignment Iaea

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As an independent international organization related to the United Nations system, the IAEAs

relationship with the UN is regulated by special agreement . In terms oI its Statute, the IAEA
reports annually to the UN General Assembly and, when appropriate, to the Security Council
regarding non-compliance by States with their saIeguards obligations as well as on matters
relating to international peace and security,which can be Iound in the statute article 3.

However the statute provides quite general inIormation about the relationship between the two,
the Agreement between IAEA and UN has more concret introduction to this.

Under the relationship agreement between the UN and the IAEA, the IAEA is recognized as
being "responsible Ior international activities concerned with the peaceIul uses oI atomic

A. Article 3 provides the report system between IAEA and UN:

Reports oI the Agency to the United Nations

1. The Agency shall keep the United Nations inIormed oI its activities. Accordingly it shall:

(a) Submit reports covering its activities to the General Assembly at each regular session;
(b) Submit reports, when appropriate, to the Security Council and notiIy the Council
whenever, in
connexion with the activities oI the Agency, questions within the competence oI the Council
(c) Submit reports to the Economic and Social Council and to other -organs oI the United
on matters within their respective competences.
2. The Agency shall report to the Security Council and the General Assembly any case oI
compliance within the meaning oI Article XII, paragraph C, oI its Statute.

B.Article 5 provides the inIormation exchange between IAEA and UN
1. There shall be the Iullest and promptest exchange between the United Nations and the
oI appropriate inIormation and documents.

2. The Agency, in conIormity with its Statute and to the extent practicable, shall Iurnish
studies or inIormation requested by the United Nations.

3. The United Nations shall likewise Iurnish the Agency, upon request, with special studies or
inIormation relating to matters within the competence oI the Agency.
From here, we can see UN has the right to request the IAEA to do research and study about
nuclear issues.
C.Article 9 tells us the relationship between IAEA and Security Council.
Co-operation with the Security Council

The Agency shall co-operate with the Security Council by Iurnishing to it at its request such
inIormation and assistance as may be required in the exercise oI its responsibility Ior the
maintenance or
restoration oI international peace and security.

These three articles should tell the enough inIormation about the relationship. While the
agreement actually has more about this.

Here I just want to point out the articles and you may read by yourselI:
Co-operation between secretariats

1. The Secretariat oI the United Nations and the staII oI the Agency shall maintain a close
relationship in accordance with such arrangements as may be agreed upon Irom time to time
between the
Secretary-General oI the United Nations and the Director General oI the Agency.

2. It is recognized that similar close working relationships between the secretariats oI the
agencies and the staII oI the Agency are desirable and should be established and maintained in
accordance with such arrangements as may be made between the Agency and the specialized
agency or
agencies concerned.


Administrative co-operation

1. The United Nations and the Agency recognize the desirability oI co-operation in
matters oI mutual interest.

2. Accordingly, the United Nations and the Agency undertake to consult together Irom time to
concerning these matters, particularly the most eIIicient use oI Iacilities, staII and services and
methods oI avoiding the establishment and operation oI competitive or overlapping Iacilities
and services
among the United Nations, the specialized agencies and the Agency, and with a view to
securing, within
the limits oI the Charter oI the United Nations and the Statute oI the Agency, as much
uniIormity in these
matters as shall be Iound practicable.

3. The consultations reIerred to in this Article shall be utilized to establish the most equitable
manner in which any special services or assistance Iurnished by the Agency to the United
Nations or
by the United Nations to the Agency shall be Iinanced.


Statistical services

The United Nations and the Agency, recognizing the desirability oI maximum co-operation
in the
statistical Iield and oI minimizing the burdens placed on national Governments and other
Irom which inIormation may be collected, undertake to avoid undesirable duplication between
them with
respect to the collection, compilation and publication oI statistics, and agree to consult with
each other on
the most eIIicient use oI resources and oI technical personnel in the Iield oI statistics.

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