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Thermodynamics - is that branch of physical sciences that treats of various phenomena of energy and the related properties of matter,

especially of the laws of

transformation of heat into other forms of energy and vice versa.
Engineering Thermodynamics - is a branch of thermodynamics which is focus on the engineering analysis and design fo processes, devices and systems which
involve the beneficial untilization of energy and material.
Newton's law states that "the acceleration of a particular body is directly proportional to the resultant force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.”
CGS - Centimeter Gram Second, MKS- Meter Kilogram Second, FPS - Foot Pound Second
Acceleration (a) - A unit of force is one that produces unit acceleration in a body of unit mass.
The mass of a body is the absolute quantity of matter in it. The weight of a body means the force of gravity, Fg on the body. g= Acceleration produces by force, a =
acceleration produced by another force F, K = standard acceleration
The density of any substance is its mass (not weight) per unit volume.
The specific volume, is the volume of a unit mass
The specific weight, of any substance is the force of gravity on unit volume.
Since the specific weight is to the local acceleration of gravity as the density is to the standard acceleration, y/g = p/k.
Pressure is defined as the normal force exerted by the system per unit area.
Manometer- measuring instrument used to measure pressure in the form of U-tube.
Open-type Manometer - used to measure pressure in flow lines or vessels.
Absolute pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure (P = Po + Pg)
Absolute pressure is less that atmospheric pressure (P=Po- Pg - vacuum pressure).
Closed Type Manometer- used to measure the pressure difference between two flow lines or vessels.
Pressure at vessel x is greater than pressure at vessel y (Px >Py)
Pressure at vessel y is greater than pressure at vessel x (Py>Px)
Pressure gage is a device for measuring gage pressure.
Gage pressure is the defect or excess of absolute pressure over the barometric or atmospheric pressure.
Vacuum Pressure- is the defect or excess of atmospheric or barometric pressure over the absolute pressure.
Barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure, sometimes called barometric pressure.
Absolute Temperature is the temperature measured from absolute zero.
Absolute zero Temperature is the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases.
Absolute temperature will be denoted by T.
The law of Conservation of Mass states that mass is indestructible.
Energy is the capacity for an action or for doing work.
Mass-Energy Relation - In physics, Albert Einstein states in his theory of relativity that “mass can be converted into energy and energy into mass”
Mass-speed relation - Albert Einstein also states that when a body starts to move there is gain in mass m. There is an effect of speed to the mass of the moving
Gravitational Potential Energy of a body is its energy due to its position or elevation.
Kinetic Energy - The energy or stored capacity for performing work possessed by a moving body, by virtue of its momentum.
Internal Energy- is energy stored within a body or substance by virtue of the activity and configuration of its molecules and of the vibration of atoms within the
Heat- is the energy in transit (on the move) from one body or system to another solely because of a temperature difference between the bodies or systems.
Q is positive when heat is added to the body or system, Q is negative when heat is rejected by the body or system.
Flow Work or flow energy is work done in pushing a fluid across a boundary, usually into or out of a system.
Enthalpy is a composite property applicable to all fluids.
Work is the product of the displacement of the body and the component of the force in the direction of the displacement. Work is energy in transition, that is, it
exists only when force is moving through a distance.
A closed system is one in which mass does not cross its boundaries.
An open system is one in which mass crosses its boundaries.
Expansion Work (a-b) - Work is done by pressure force of gas on face of piston. Expansion work is positive.
Compression Work (b-a) - Work is done by piston on gas. Compression Work is negative.
Work done “BY” the system is positive (outflow of energy), Work done “ON” the system is negative (inflow of energy)
Characteristics of steady flow system 1. There is neither accumulation nor diminution of mass within the system. 2. There is neither accumulation nor diminution of
energy within the system 3. The state of the working substance at any point in the system remains constant.
Conservation of Energy The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed.
First Law of Thermodynamics If energy can neither be created nor destroyed, then it can be transformed from one form to another.
An Ideal gas is ideal only in the sense that it conforms to the simple perfect gas laws.
Boyle’s law (T=C) If the temperature of a given quantity is held constant, the volume of gas varies inversely with the absolute pressure during a change of state.
Charle’s Law (P=C) if the pressure on a particular quantity is held constant, then, with any change of state, the volume will vary directly as the absolute
temperature. (V=C) If the Volume of a particular quantity of gas is held constant, then, with any change of state, the pressure will vary directly as the absolute
The specific heat of a substance is defined as the quantity of heat required to change the temperature of unit through one degree.
Internal Energy of an Ideal Gaw (U)- Joule’s law states that “ the change of internal energy of an ideal gas is a function of only the temperature change”
Entropy is that property of a substance which remains constant if no heat enters or leaves the substance, while it does work or alters its volume, but which
increases or diminishes should small amount of heat enter or leave.
Constant Volume Process (V=C). An Isometric or Isochoric process is a reversible constant volume process. A constant volume process may be reversible or
irreversible. In this process, the working substance is contained in a rigid vessel. The curve for an Isometric process is called isomer or isochore
Constant Pressure (P=C) An Isobaric or isopiestic process is an internally reversible process of a substance during which the pressure remains constant. In this
process, the boundary of the system is Inflexible as in a Vac process. The curve for an isobaric process is called isobar.
An Isothermal process is an internally reversible constant temperature process of a substance. The curve for an isothermal process is called isotherm.
Isentropic Process (S=c) is a reversible adiabatic process. Adiabatic simply means no heat. A reversible adiabatic is one constant entropy.
A Polytopic Process (PV^n = c) is an internally reversible process during which pV^n =c and p2V2^n = p1V1^n where n is any constant.

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