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Thought for the Day

It is not the mountain we conquer,

but ourselves.
– Sir Edmund Hillary
Two Classes for Lists of Integers
• IntegerVector
– based on an array
– efficient access
– may run out of memory, or waste memory
• IntegerList
– based on a linked list of nodes
– efficient, flexible memory use
– may have inefficient access
• Can be used interchangeably by clients
– identical methods
Generic Data Structures
• We have now seen two list classes
– Both for lists of integers

• What about lists of other types?

– We could reimplement either of the integer list

OR: Use polymorphism or generics in Java:

Generic Data Structures
Generic Data Structures
Using Polymorphism
• Consider either of the integer list classes
– We will use the linked-list implementation
• Very few places where it is important that
we are dealing with integers only:
– data member in the ListNode class
– parameters for add, position and set
– return type for get

Replace these with Object

The ObjectList Class
• Convert the IntegerList class to a
generic ADT using polymorphism

• Class Diagram

first, numElements
add, get, set, position,
remove, length, toString
Inner Class and Data Members
public class ObjectList
{ private class ListNode
{ public Object data;
public ListNode next;
} // class ListNode

private ListNode first; // Pointer to the

// first ListNode
private int numElements; // Number of
// elements
. . .
} // class ObjectList
The add Method

public void add (Object item, int position)

// Place the new item in an ObjectList
{ ...
} // add
The get and set Methods
public Object get (int index)
// Access an ObjectList
{ ...
} // get

public void set (int index, Object item)

// Access an ObjectList
{ ...
} // set
The position Method
public int position (Object item)
// Find item in an ObjectList
{ ListNode curr = first; Cannot use !=
int k;
for (k = 0;
curr != null && !;
k++, curr =
; // Search for item in ObjectList
if (curr == null) // item was not found
return -1;
return k;
} // position
The toString Method
public String toString ()
{ StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("[");
for (ListNode curr = first;
curr != null;
curr =
{ s.append(;
if ( != null)
s.append(", ");
return s.toString();
} // toString
Using the ObjectList Class
• A list of integers!
ObjectList iList = new ObjectList();
Using the ObjectList Class
public class Student
{ . . .
} // class Student
ObjectList classList = new ObjectList();
classList.add(new Student());
Need to Take Care When Using
Student st;
st = classList.get(5);
// Retrieve sixth student
Won’t work!

get returns an Object: must use a type cast

Student st;
st = (Student)classList.get(5);
// Retrieve sixth student
Mixed Lists
ObjectList mixed = new ObjectList();
mixed.add(3); // Integer
mixed.add(new Student());
mixed.add(new Date());
mixed.add(new Random());
mixed.add(”Hello”); // String
Need to take even more care with get!
Student st;
Object obj = mixed.get(k); // Get k’th object
if (obj instanceof Student) // Check type
st = (Student)obj; // Type cast will work
4.4.2. Java Generics
• Allow us to simplify the type-casts, etc.
required when using polymorphism

• Provide extra safety

– Extensive compile-time checking

• Effectively, introduce a “type parameter”

– “List of objects of type T”
public class MyClass<T>
{ . . .
} // class MyClass

• Inside MyClass we can use T as a type

– variables
– parameters
– return types
– etc.
The GenericList Class
• Start with ObjectList
– Introduce type parameter
– Replace Object with type parameter

public class GenericList<T>

{ private class ListNode
{ public T data;
public ListNode next;
} // inner class ListNode
. . .
} // class GenericList
The add Method

public void add (T item, int position)

// Place the new item in a GenericList
{ ...
} // add
The get and set Methods
public T get (int index)
// Access an element in a GenericList
{ ...
} // get

public void set (int index, T item)

// Access an element in a GenericList
{ ...
} // set
The position Method

public int position (T item)

// Find item in a GenericList
{ . . .
} // position
Using Generic Classes
• Must specify the actual type to be used
GenericList<Student> classList =
new GenericList<Student>();
. . .
• Compiler checks that only Student
objects are placed in classList
• Compiler can also infer type on the right
GenericList<Student> classList =
new GenericList<>();

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