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Level K

A White Heron
Vocabulary and Spelling Lists
Pages 132–135
1. glimmered: (v.) to shine faintly
2. plodding: (adj.) slow-moving and unexciting
3. consolation: (n.) comfort received by someone
4. pranks: (n.) practical jokes
5. birch: (n.) a type of tree that has a thin, peeling bark
6. browse: (v.) to feed on leaves
7. torment: (n.) a cause of suffering
8. lingering: (v.) to stay in one place longer than necessary
9. loitered: (v.) to stand or wait around without a purpose
10. manufacturing: (n.) the business of producing goods in large numbers
11. wistful: (adj.) nostalgic
12. brook: (n.) a small stream
13. pasture: (n.) land covered with grass for grazing
14. waded: (v.) to walk with effort through water
15. chase: (v.) to pursue in order to catch someone or something
16. discreetly: (adv.) in a careful manner so as not to attract attention
17. gallantly: (adv.) in a brave and heroic manner
18. gunning: (v.) to shoot
19. trial: (n.) someone or something that tests a person’s patience
20. tucked away: (v.) to hide in a safe place
21. awed: (adj.) filled with wonder
22. gravity: (n.) extreme importance
23. lumpy: (adj.) covered with bumps
24. bade: (v.) to utter a greeting
25. fare: (v.) to travel
26. primitive: (adj.) very basic and unsophisticated
27. dreary: (adj.) depressingly dull
28. squalor: (n.) very bad and dirty conditions
29. thrift: (n.) using money carefully
30. quaint: (adj.) pleasantly unusual
31. tame: (v.) to reduce from a wild to a domestic state
32. scanted: (v.) to provide in insufficient amounts

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Pages 136–140
1. hitch: (v.) to connect or get along
2. demure: (adj.) reserved and shy
3. preserved: (adj.) kept in good condition
4. snared: (v.) to trap an animal
5. hoptoad: (n.) a type of toad
6. queer: (adj.) strange; odd
7. marshes: (n.) lands that remain wet in all seasons
8. migrating: (v.) to move from one region to another
9. hindered: (v.) to obstruct; to stop from doing something
10. spectators: (n.) watchers of an event
11. hovered: (v.) to linger closely
12. troubled: (adj.) worried or anxious
13. bough: (n.) a main branch of a tree
14. waned: (v.) to decrease; to disappear
15. premonition: (n.) a feeling that something is going to happen
16. traversed: (v.) to cross from one place to another
17. elusive: (adj.) difficult to catch or capture
18. felled: (v.) to cut down (a tree)
19. sturdy: (adj.) strong and solid
20. wistfully: (adv.) with a feeling of longing
21. fancied: (adj.) imagined to be true or real
22. drowsy: (adj.) tired and almost asleep
23. jarred: (v.) to damage
24. mount: (v.) to climb
25. tingling: (adj.) that causes a slight prickling sensation; itchy
26. dew: (n.) tiny drops of water on cool surfaces
27. fluttered off: (v.) to fly rapidly
28. pettishly: (adv.) in an angry and impatient way about unimportant matters
29. chafed: (v.) to become sore from rubbing
30. enterprise: (n.) bold pursuit
31. mainmast: (n.) the chief structure of a ship
32. ponderous: (adj.) slow and clumsy because of weight and size
33. wending: (v.) to move in a specific direction
34. thrushes: (n.) songbirds
35. steeples: (n.) church towers
36. pageant: (n.) a glamorous event
37. giddy: (adj.) causing dizziness
38. perched: (v.) to rest on something
39. vexed: (adj.) frustrated and annoyed
40. wavers: (v.) to move in a quivering way
41. perilous: (adj.) full of danger
42. frock: (n.) a woman’s dress
43. smeared: (v.) to cover with stains
44. rebukes: (v.) to express disapproval

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The Autobiography of Chief Black Hawk
Vocabulary and Spelling Lists
Pages: 218–223
1. heinous: (adj.) awful and shocking; evil
2. misdemeanors: (n.) crimes or wrongdoings that are minor
3. commissioner: (n.) an important official chosen as a representative of the
governmental or supreme authority in a specific area
4. treaty: (n.) a formal written agreement between two or more countries or political
5. grossly: (adv.) extremely; greatly
6. conduct: (n.) behavior
7. manners: (n.) ways in which things are done or in which people behave towards
each other
8. fort: (n.) a fortified place or military base designed to protect troops from attack
9. rapids: (n.) fast-flowing and turbulent parts of the course of a river
10. particular: (adj.) very attentive to accuracy; meticulous
11. tributary: (n.) a river or stream that flows into a larger river or lake
12. bluff: (n.) a steep cliff or bank
13. adjoined: (v.) were very near or joined with
14. undisputed: (adj.) not called in question; accepted; undoubted
15. prostrate: (adj.) lying face down on the ground
16. digressing: (v.) moving away temporarily from the main topic one is speaking or
writing about
17. bartering: (v.) trading goods or services in exchange for other goods or services
without using money
18. goods: (n.) items to be bought or sold; possessions
19. kegs: (n.) small barrels used for storing drinks
20. provisions: (n.) essential supplies such as food, drink, or equipment
21. gaudy: (adj.) too bright and unpleasantly decorated
22. flint: (n.) (a piece of) shiny grey or black stone that produces a spark when used
with steel
23. retires: (v.) exits a room or a particular place
24. courting: (adj.) romantic; with the intention of marrying
25. ascertain: (v.) confirm something as certain
26. indiscretion: (n.) an act or behavior that is risky, irresponsible, or likely to offend
27. exploits: (n.) brave or daring acts
28. hoed: (v.) dug up using a hoe (a garden tool with a long handle and
a short blade used for weeding and cultivating)

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29. retaliate: (v.) get revenge; hurt someone who has treated you as badly
30. instigated: (v.) caused to begin; initiated
31. produce: (n.) natural products that are produced through agriculture
32. consent: (v.) agree to do something
33. ripe: (adj.) completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten
34. roasting ears: (n.) ears of young corn suitable for roasting when usually
still in the husk

The Canterville Ghost

Vocabulary and Spelling Lists
List 1
Part I:
Pages 71–75

1. punctilious: (adj.) marked by or concerned about precise accordance with the

details of codes or conventions
2. patriotism: (n.) love for or devotion to one's country
3. fern: (n.) type of plant that has large, delicate leaves and no flowers
4. scudded: (v.) moved or went quickly
5. mossy: (adj.) like or covered with moss (type of green plant that has very small
leaves and no flowers and that grows on rocks, bark, or wet ground)
6. knolls: (n.) small round hills
7. wraps: (n.) articles of clothing that may be wrapped around a
person; especially : an outer garment (such as a coat or shawl)
8. somber: (adj.) dark and gloomy
9. peal: (n.) loud sound or series of sounds
10. tottered: (v.) moved or walked in a slow and unsteady way

Part II
Pages 75–77

11. dogmatic: (adj.) expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are certainly
correct and cannot be doubted
12. permanence: (n.) quality or state of lasting forever or for a long time
13. buckwheat: (n.) plant with dark seeds that are used to make grain and flour
14. drawl: (n.) way of speaking with vowel sounds that are longer than usual
15. alluded: (v.) talked about or hinted at without mentioning directly
16. clank: (n.) sharp brief metallic ringing sound
17. oblong: (adj.) object that is larger in one direction than the other
18. wan: (adj.) dim, faint
19. coils: (n.) series of loops
20. eminent: (adj.) successful, well-known, and respected
21. indignation: (n.) anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean
22. uttering: (v.) sending forth as a sound
23. hollow: (adj.) not having real value or meaning, not sincere
24. groans: (n.) low moaning sounds

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List 2:
Part III
Pages 78–83

1. acute: (adj.) severe, sharp

2. agony: (n.) great physical pain or emotional distress
3. pellets: (n.) small and hard round pieces
4. vaulted: (adj.) built in the form of an arch
5. frilled: (adj.) gathered, pleated, or bias-cut fabric edging used on clothing
6. grudge: (n.) strong feeling of anger toward someone that lasts for a long time
7. foolhardy: (adj.) foolishly adventurous and bold
8. abject: (adj.) very bad or severe
9. clammy: (adj.) unpleasantly wet and cold
10. hissed: (v.) said (something) in a loud or angry whisper
11. moaning: (v.) uttering a long low sound
12. piteous: (adj.) deserving or causing feelings of sympathy or pity
13. specter: (n.) ghost
14. carven: (adj.) ornamented by carving (cutting with care or precision)
15. placard: (n.) large notice or poster for announcing or advertising something
16. grapple: (v.) grasp with the hands, seize and struggle with another
17. chivalry: (n.) system of values such as loyalty and honor that knights in the
Middle Ages were expected to follow

Part IV:
Pages 83–86

18. phantasmic: (adj.) ghostly

19. oriel window: (n.) large bay window of semihexagonal or semisquare plan
projecting from the face of a wall and supported by a bracket
20. conscientious: (adj.) meticulous, careful
21. wainscoting: (n.) wooden panels that cover the lower part of the walls of a room
22. hemmed: (v.) surrounded in a restrictive manner
23. paralytic: (adj.) affected with, characterized by, or causing paralysis (complete
or partial loss of function especially when involving the motion or sensation
in a part of the body)
24. canopy: (n.) cover (as of cloth) fixed or carried above a person of high rank or
a sacred object

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List 3:
Part V:
Pages 86–89

1. hedge: (n.) row of shrubs or small trees that are planted close to each other in
order to form a boundary
2. absurd: (adj.) ridiculously unreasonable
3. petulantly: (adv.) irritably , impatiently
4. abstract: (adj.) relating to or involving general ideas or qualities rather than
specific people, objects, or actions
5. ethics: (n.) set of moral issues or aspects
6. starched: (v.) made (clothing) stiff by using starch. (a white odorless, tasteless
granular that is the chief storage form of carbohydrate in plants, is an
important foodstuff, and is used also in adhesives and sizes, in laundering, and
in pharmacy and medicine)
7. meekly: (adv.) submissively, having or showing a quiet, gentle, and humble
8. nightingale: (n.) small brown European bird that sings a beautiful song
especially at night
9. wrung: (v.) twisted (hands) together as a sign of anguish
10. falter: (v.) stumble
11. dusky: (adj.) somewhat dark
12. goggle: (adj.) staring
13. cavern: (n.) large cave

Part VI
Pages 90–93

14. frantic: (adj.) marked by fast and nervous, disordered, or anxiety-driven

15. scuffle: (n.) short fight that is not very serious
16. scour: (v.) clear (a region) of enemies or outlaws
17. awestruck: (adj.) filled with feelings of fear and wonder
18. casket: (n.) small chest or box for jewelry or other valuable things
19. smothered: (v.) covered thickly, suffocated

Part VII
Pages 93–95

20. hearse: (n.) vehicle for transporting coffins to a funeral

21. tuft: (n.) bunch of soft fluffy threads cut off short and used as ornament
22. leaden: (adj.) lacking spirit or animation
23. scruples: (n.) ethical considerations or principles that inhibit actions
24. rendered: (v.) did (a service) for another
25. pluck: (n.) spirit and determination

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The Listeners
Vocabulary and Spelling Lists
Page: 97

1. ferny: (adj.) overgrown with ferns (green plants with large leaves
and no flowers)
2. smote: (v.) hit with a strong blow
3. leaf-fringed: (adj.) covered with leaves
4. sill: (n.) a shelf below a window, either inside or outside a building
5. perplexed: (adj.) confused; puzzled
6. dwelt: (v.) lived in a place
7. lone: (adj.) isolated; remote
8. thronging: (v.) gathering or crowding together somewhere in very large numbers
9. turf: (n.) grass and the upper layer of soil held together by roots
10. stir: (n.) a slight physical movement
11. surged: (v.) moved suddenly and powerfully
12. plunging: (adj.) falling or dropping suddenly and rapidly
13. hoofs: (n.) the hard part of an animal’s foot, especially a horse

The Whistle
Vocabulary and Spelling Lists
Pages 238–239

1. indolent: (adj.) lazy or lethargic

2. averse: (adj.) having strong feelings of opposition
3. correspondence: (n.) communication by exchanging letters
4. obliges: (v) to obligate or require action
5. charmed: (adj.) very pleased
6. neglect: (n.) carelessness; disregard
7. voluntarily: (adj.) optional; done of one’s own free will
8. bargain: (n.) agreement or contract as a result of negotiation
9. vexation: (n.) irritation
10. chagrin: (n.) humiliation; annoyance
11. impression: (n.) influence or effect
12. tempted: (v.) to have an urge or inclination to do something
13. ambitious: (adj.) having the desire to be powerful, famous, or successful
14. repose: (n.) a state of rest after hard work
15. liberty: (n.) freedom from restraint
16. virtue: (n.) morally good behavior
17. attain: (v.) to achieve or obtain
18. bustles: (n.) noisy or energetic activity
19. esteem: (n.) high regard
20. benevolent: (adj.) well-meaning and kind
21. laudable: (adj.) worthy of praise

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22. pursuit: (n.) the act of following or chasing someone or something
23. contracts: (v.) to bring on oneself
24. brute: (n.) physically cruel or savage
25. conceive: (v.) form an idea; imagine
26. miseries: (n.) a state of great unhappiness
27. auction: (n.) a sale to the highest bidder
28. unalterable: (adj.) not capable of being changed

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