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HOI 8 Q&A analysis - Previous year topic wise questions

BA (Hons.) History (University of Delhi)

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Unit 1: Caste, Community and Nation

a) Regional, religious and linguistic identities
b) Assertions of gender and caste identity: Sanskritization trends and lower caste
movements, regional vari- ations
Q.1 Evaluate the significant trends in the social and religious reform movements in the
nineteenth century? 2018
Q.2 Discuss how caste and linguistic identities emerged in colonial India?2019

Unit 2: Economy and social classes

a) Economic critique of colonial rule with special reference to Drain of Wealth
Q.1 “Drain of wealth” theory was an essential element of economic nationalism in colonial
India. Discuss 2019,2021
b) Rise of modern industry: emergence of capitalists and the working class
c) Famines and their impact

Unit 3: Early Nationalism

a) Emergence of Indian National Congress (INC)
b) Moderates and Extremists
Q.1 Assess the differences in ideology and strategy between the moderates and extremists
leadership of the early national movement.2018
Q.2 Critically examine the differences in the methods and means adopted by the moderates
and the extremists assessing its impact on India’s freedom struggle.2021
c) Swadeshi and Revolutionary Movements
Q.1 Analyse the reasons leading to the partition of Bengal. Evaluate the different friends
within the Swadeshi movement.2018
Q.2 Discuss the significance and spread of the swadeshi movement (1905-1908) in
Q.3 Discuss the major issues in the swadeshi you think it signified a turning
point in India’s national movement? 2019

Unit 4: Emergence and social base of Gandhian Nationalism

a) Intellectual foundations of Gandhian Nationalism; Early Interventions: Champaran,
Kheda, Ahmed- abad; INC
b) Rowlatt, Khilafat and Non-Cooperation Movements
c) Civil Disobedience Movement
d) Quit India Movement
Q.1 How did Mahatma Gandhi‘s leadership change the leadership and quality of the national
movement?2018,2021(with reference to the one movement he launched)
Q.2 How did the non-cooperation movement and the civil disobedience movement mark a
strategic shift in the progress of the freedom struggle? 2018
Q.3 Assess the Gandhian nationalism with reference to the NCM.2019
Q.4 The CDM is known for the popular participation of different social groups in large
numbers.critically evaluate 2019

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Unit 5: Interfaces: Nationalism and Socio-Political Movements

a) Ambedkar and the Dalit Movement
b) Bhagat Singh and H.S.R.A
c) Singh Sabha and the Akali Movement; Dravidian movements
d) Left movements: peasants and workers’ movements
Q.1 Traces are the important phases in the development and growth of the left in Indian
politics between 1920 and 1947. What were its contributions and failures? 2018
Q.2 In what ways did Dr. BR A,Bedekar raise the concerns of Dalits in the first half of 20th
Q.3 Assess the contribution of Dr. B.R Ambedkar in transforming the hierarchical nature of
Indian society.2021

e) Tribal Movements

Unit 6: Communalism: ideologies and practices

a) Trends in Communalism
b) Partition
Q.1 Analyse the growth of the idea of communalism in Indian politics during 1906-1937.How
far did the colonial policies contribute to its growth?2018
Q.2 Trace the politics of communalism that led to the partition of India. 2019
Q.3 Critically examine the reasons for the partition of India in the context of political
developments during the 1940s. 2018
Q.4 To what extent was the participation of India an outcome of communal politics under the
British rule?2021
Unit 7: Independence and the New State
a) World War II and the Post-War crisis b) Negotiations for Independence
c) Integration of the Princely States
d) The Making of the Constitution

Short notes
● Arya samaj
● Hind Samaj(repeated)
● Poona pact
● SNDP movement
● Dr.BR Ambedkar
● Bal Gangadhar Tilak
● Rowlatt satyagraha

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