Web Proposal

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The Business Proceeds Outlay and Liquidation System (BPOLS) is a

comprehensive financial management solution developed to facilitate the orderly

closure and liquidation of a business entity. This system ensures that the assets and

liabilities are handled efficiently, creditors are paid, and any remaining proceeds are

distributed to the stakeholders in accordance with legal and contractual obligations. In

the dynamic world of business and finance, managing the outlay of funds and the

process of liquidating assets is a critical aspect of financial management. Whether it’s

for a small business, a large corporation, or an investment portfolio, the ability to

efficiently track, allocate, and liquidate assets can significantly impact the financial

health and sustainability of an entity.

This likely arises from the need of a business to efficiently manage its financial

operations, particularly in scenarios involving liquidation, divestiture, or winding down of

business operations. This aims to streamline these processes, enhance financial

decision-making, and improve overall financial performance.


 Ensure transparency in the process of liquidating a business by providing

stakeholders with easy access to relevant information, documents, and


 Develop maximize recovery of assets for the business and its

stakeholders. This involves in selling off assets such as inventory,

equipment, real estate, and investments to generate cash.

 Develop to minimize losses for the business and its owners as much as


 Develop contingency plans for various scenarios, including financial

distress or liquidation, to protect the interests of stakeholders.

 Develop to protect personal assets from the business’s liabilities. The

legal structure of the business and the nature of the liquidation process

can impact this objective.


1. Clarity and Simplicity: The overall design of the system prioritize clarity and

simplicity. Financial information presented in a way that is easy to

understand, even for individuals who may not have a strong background in

2. Headings and Subheadings: Organize information using clear headings and

subheadings. This helps readers quickly locate specific sections of interests

within a financial report.

3. User of Charts and Graphs: To make financial data more digestible,

consider using charts, graphs, and visual aids.

4. Consistent: Maintain a consistency in the layout and design of financial

reports. This includes using the same font, font size, and formatting

throughout the document.

5. Professional Branding: Consider incorporating company’s branding

elements such as logos, color schemes, and fonts into financial reports. This

helps reinforce company’s identity and makes the reports look more


6. Icons: Use icons sparingly to represent common actions or functions, such

as saving, printing or exporting data. Icons can help reduce clutter and make

the interface more-user friendly.


 User Authentication and Authorization: Ensures that only authorized

personnel access and make changes to the liquidation system to maintain

security and control.

 Integration: Integrate with accounting software, legal databases, and

other relevant systems to streamline data exchange and reporting.

 Expense tracking: Record and monitor ongoing expenses related to the

liquidation process, such as legal fees, employee severance, and utilities.

 Proceeds Distribution: Calculate and facilitate the distribution of

proceeds to creditors, shareholders, and other stakeholders according to

legal requirements and priorities.

 Workflow Automation: Automate routine tasks and processes to

increase efficiency and reduce the risk of human error.

 In this phase, the primary objective is to validate and refine the objectives

set for the development of the PAMS website. This involves a

comprehensive review of the initial objectives and ensuring they align with

the project's goals and stakeholder needs.

 This step involves revisiting the identified target market for the PAMS

website. It's essential to ensure that the selected target audience aligns

with the project's mission and that any necessary adjustments are made

based on further research or feedback.

 Defining clear success criteria is crucial for measuring the effectiveness of

the PAMS website. In this phase, specific key performance indicators

(KPIs) and benchmarks are established to gauge the achievement of

project goals.
 A preliminary site and page hierarchy are developed to outline the overall

structure of the PAMS website. This hierarchy serves as a foundation for

organizing content, navigation, and user flow.

 Design concepts and graphic options are created to visualize the website's

potential visual style and branding. These options are developed based on

design principles, user experience considerations, and the project's


The estimated time for Phase 1 – Orientation and Development of Strategic Concept

can range from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the project, the scope of

research required, and the availability of stakeholders for feedback and evaluation. It's

essential to allocate sufficient time to gather, analyze, and incorporate feedback



 In this phase, feedback and suggestions received during the presentation of

graphic options and strategic concepts in Phase 1 are reviewed and

incorporated into the project.

 With the approved design concepts and revisions, the actual site artwork is

developed. This includes creating visual elements, graphics, icons, and

layout designs that reflect the chosen design direction.

 Once the site artwork is ready, it is presented to stakeholders for final

approval. This presentation includes a detailed walkthrough of the visual

design, user interface, and user experience elements to ensure they meet

the project's objectives and expectations.

The estimated time for Phase 2 can vary widely depending on the complexity of the

design, the size of the development team, and the availability of technical resources.

Typically, Phase 2 can take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks or more, especially if there

are significant design elements or technical integrations involved. It's crucial to allow

ample time for thorough development and testing during this phase to ensure a high-

quality end product.


 any feedback and revisions related to the site artwork, visual elements, and user

interface are incorporated into the project. This step ensures that the design

aligns with the project's goals and stakeholder expectations

 The final illustrations and photography are selected and integrated into the

website. This includes optimizing images for web use and ensuring they align

with the overall design and content strategy.

 An online preview of the website is created to provide stakeholders with a real-

time view of how the site will appear and function. This allows for one last review

before the website goes live.

 Based on the feedback and observations from the online preview, any necessary

revisions to the site's design, functionality, or content are made to address any

issues or concerns.

 The website is installed on the server and undergoes thorough testing to ensure

that all features, functionalities, and security measures are working as intended.

This phase includes both technical and user testing to identify and address any

 Once all revisions and testing are complete, the website is ready to go live. The

specific date for the website launch is determined based on project timelines and

stakeholder readiness.

Phase 3 typically takes 1 to 2 days for final revisions and development, but this timeline

can vary depending on the complexity of the website and the extent of revisions

required based on online previews and testing. It is essential to allocate sufficient time

to ensure that the website is fully ready for a successful launch.

Cost Analysis

Design and Development Php 30,000.00


File Hosting (Online) Php 2,500.00 (for one year)

Domain Name $10.00 and up (free for the first year of existence in the

Estimated Total Cost Php 30,000.00

Note: Other payments include the renewal of the domain name and file hosting for

the succeeding years. Updates will be given free for the first year of operation.


Working Agreement for Estimates

The costs and expenses cited in this proposal are our best estimates given the

information provided. They include meetings, consultation time, design, and production

time, and a reasonable amount of revisions. If addition information is forthcoming,

project specifications change, or the scheduling changes, cost and expense estimates

may also change.

The effect of major, additional services and delays cannot be determined until a final

design direction has been established. If requirements arise for additional work or

scheduling changes not reflected in this estimate, we will provide an updated estimate

when the final design direction has been approved.

In terms of ownership, this proposal is for the development and implementation of one

strategic idea or concept. All preliminary concepts, ideas, approaches, plans, reports,

recommendations, designs, artwork, and electronic files remain the sole property of our

group and maybe used in the future at our discretion.

All materials used in the production of this project including the original artwork and

computer-generated artwork, formats, and electronic code remains the property of our

group. Unless otherwise agreed upon, all original photography and illustration are for

the sole purpose of the Web site and may not be used in other applications.

Copyright to the web site design will be considered transferred and reproduction rights

granted upon receipt of payment in full.

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