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UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE 7A 1D eZ ALS ELL ed Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Long time, no see! Dave: Hi Maria. I was in the neighborhood, so | thought I'd drop by. Maria: Come on _ in. [Thanks.] Take a seat. Would you like anything to drink? I have Sprite or orange juice. Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been? Maria: Oh, not bad. And TRON NGONNGU https://vevew.facebook.com/tron.n Maria: 0, chao Dave. Lau roi khéng gap! Dave: Chao Maria. Toi & trong khu phé nay, nén téi nghi minh sé ghé qua day. Maria: Vao di. [Cam on.] Ngdi xuéng day nao. Ban mu6n uéng gi khéng? Téi c6 Sprite hoac nuéc cam. Dave: Sprite cing duoc. Uh, ban dao nay thé nao? Maria: 0, khong té lam. Con ban? UNIT I: COLLEGE LIFE al Dave: Oh, I'm doing okay, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven't had time to relax. Maria: By the way, what's your major anyway? Dave: Hotel management. Maria: Well, what do you want to do once you graduate? Dave: Uh... I haven't decided for sure, but I think I'd like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this area. How about you? ISTENING& TRANSLATING aay) Oi TRON NGONNGT ttps://wvew.facebook.com/tron.m Dave: 6, tdi 6n, nhung trong hoc that sw rat ban rén thoi gian nay, va tdi chwa cé théi gian nghi ngoi. Maria: Ma nhan tién day, chuyén nganh cia ban la gi? Dave: Quan ly khach san. Maria: Ban muén lam gi khi t6t nghiép? Dave: Uh ... Téi chua quyét dinh chic chan, nhung téi nghi minh muén lam viéc cho mét khach san hoac mét dai lf du lich trong khu vue nay. Con ban thi sao? UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE AH Maria: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but I realized I might have a hard time finding a job using the language, so I changed majors to science. [Oh]. With the right computer skills, landing a jobin the computer shouldn't be as difficult. industry Dave: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school? ENING& TRANSLATING TRON NGONNGU https://www.facebook.com/tron.n Maria: Khi méi bat dau hoc dai hoc, téi muén hoc chuyén nganh tiéng Phap, nhung t6i nhan ra minh cé thé gap khé khan khi tim mét céng viéc voi ngén ngtr nay, vi vay toi da déi sang nganh khoa hoc may tinh. VGi cdc ky nang phi hop, cé mot cong viéc trong nganh nay thi cé 1é khéng khé khan dén vay. Dave: Vay, ban cé lam viéc ban thoi gian dé tu hé tro ban than lic di hoc khéng? UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE Maria: Well, fortunately for me, I received a four-year academic scholarship [Wow] that pays for all of my tuition and books. Dave: Wow. That's great. Maria: Yeah. How about you? Are you working your way through school? Dave: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near Campus. Maria: Oh. What do you do there? TRON NGONNGU ttps://www.facebook.com/tron.n PART 1: LISTENING& TRANSLATING. Maria: A, cing may man cho tdi la, t6i da nhan duoc mét hoc béng dai hoc 4 nam, chi tra cho tat ca hoc phi va sdéch vo cia ban than. Dave: Wow. Diéu dé that tuyét. Maria: Vang. Con ban thi sao? Ban c6é dang vira hoc, viva lam kiém tién khéng? Dave: Um, téi lam viéc ba lan mt tuan tai mét nha hang gan truéng. Maria: 0. Ban lim gi 6 46? UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE Dave: I'm a cook. Maria: How do you like your job? Dave: It's okay. The other workers are friendly, and the pay isn't bad. ENING& TRANSLATING TRON NGONNGT — Dave: Tdi la mét dau bép. Maria: Ban thich cong viéc cia ban nhu thé nao? Dave: N6é 6n. Nhitng ban cing lam khadc rat than thién va lwong thi khéng dén néi té. UNIT Il: COLLEGE LIFE Seal Peete ART 2: QUICK GRAMMAR NOTE > I'm doing okay Khi bat gap cau nay trong cdc cudéc héi thoai, moi ngwoi tranh dich cau nay thanh ‘téi DANG LAM 6n’. Hiéu don gian, no cing tuong tu ‘I am fine’ (téi 6n, toi khde) > I might have a hard time finding a job using the language HAVE A HARD TIME/ DIFFICULT TIME DOING SOMETHING: gap kho khan lam viéc gi do o I'm having a hard time writing. o I'm having a hard time understanding you. o I'm having a hard time answering your question. o [hada difficult time downloading songs to my iPod. o I might have a difficult time agreeing to the terms. ms On TRON NCON NCU httpa:/ /urvew:facebook.com/tron.n¢ A\ : QUICK GRAMMAR NOTE o I might have a hard time finding a job using the UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE language. > But I realized I might have a hard time finding a job using the language, so I changed majors to computer science. MENH DE QUAN HE RUT GON: 1. Rut gon ménh dé quan hé bang cach ding V-ing Néu d6ng tir trong MDQH @ thé cht d6ng, ta ding cum hién tai phan tt (Ving) thay cho ménh dé dé. o The man who is standing there is my brother > The man standing there is my brother a On TRON NCON NC hitps://wwewfacebook.com/tron.ng UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE TWAS Oli = o Doyou know the boy who broke the windows last night? > Do you know the boy breaking the windows last night? o But I realized I might have a hard time finding a job which uses the language, so I changed majors to computer science > But I realized I might have a hard time finding a job using the language, so I changed majors to computer science 2. Rut gon bang cach ding V-ed Néu d6ng tir trong MDQH 6 thé bi dong ta dung cum qua khw phan (V-ed) tt thay cho MD dé o The books which were written by Nam Cao are interesting > The books written by Nam Cao are interesting. EY TRON NOON NOT https://voow.facebook.com/tron.ng UNIT 1: COLLEGE LIFE AR’ : QUI AMMAR NOTE o The students who were punished by teacher are lazy — The students punished by teacher are lazy. > With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn't be as difficult. Chui y mét cach ding khac ctia ‘SHOULD’ trong cau trén: “Should is also used to say that you expect something is true or will happen” o Anna has been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass. (Anna d@ hoc hanh rdt chéim chi. Chdc la cé dy sé thi dau théi) o With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn't be as difficult (Voi cdc ky nang Tie ny UNIT Il: COLLEGE LIFE TRON NGON NT PART 2: QUICK GRAMMAR NOTE phu hop, cé mét céng viéc trong nganh ki nghé céng nghiép tin hoc thi c6 lé khéng kho khan dén vay.) > The other workers are friendly THE OTHER/THE OTHERS/ OTHERS o There are 2 chairs, one is red, the other is blue. o I have three close friends. Two of whom are teachers. The other is an engineer. o I have three close friends, one of them is a lawyer, the the others are teacher. o Some students like sport, others don’t. > Vay luc nao dung the other, ltic nao ding the others, va lic nao thi dung others? UNIT 1: COLLEGE LIFE TRON NOON NOT https://voow.facebook.com/tron.ng PART 2: QUICK GRAMMAR NOTE a. THE OTHER= cai con lai trong 2 cai. o There are 2 chairs, one is red, the other is blue. (c6 2 chiéc ghé, mét cai mau dé, cai cn lai mau xanh) o The insurance office was on the other side of the street. b. THE OTHERS = nhirng cai con lai, nhirng nguwoi con lai. o I have three close friends, one of them is a lawyer, the the others are teacher. (téi cé 3 ngwoi ban than, mét lam luat su, 2 ngwéi con Jai lam gido vién) o When | returned home | found my wife talking to our neighbor. The others had gone (khi t6i vé nha, toi thay vo minh dang ndi chuyén véi nguwoi hang x6m cta ching téi, nhiyng ngwéi con lai da vé rdi) o There are 20 students, one is fat, the others are thin (cé 20 hoc sinh, mét hoc sinh map, nhitng hoc sinh con lai gay) ur On TRON NCON NOT hitps://urvewfacebook.com/tron.ng UNIT 1: COLLEGE LIFE ART 2: QUI AMMAR NOTE Ching ta cing cé thé ndi: o I have three close friends, one of them is a lawyer, the the other friends are teacher. o When I returned home I found my wife talking to our neighbor. The other guests had gone o There are 20 students, one is fat, the other students are thin o I work three times a week at a restaurant near campus (...) The other workers are friendly (t6 lam viéc 3 lan m6t tudin tai mét nha hang gan khuén vién truong. Nhitng nhan vién con lai thi rat than thién) Nghia la: THE OTHERS = THE OTHER + DANH TU’ so NHIEU Tuyét d6i khéng: o I have three close friends, one of them is a lawyer, the the others friends are teacher. UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE TRON NGON NG https://uwwfacebook.com/tron.ng TWAS a Oli = o When I returned home I found my wife talking to our neighbor. Fhe-ethers-guests had gone o There are 20 students, one is fat, the-ethers-students are thin c. OTHERS = nhirng cai khac, nhitng ngudi khac o Some students like sport, others don’t (mét vai hoc sinh thich thé thao, nhirng ban khac lai khéng thich) CHU Y! The other/the others c6 mao tir xc dinh ‘the’, vi vay chung ta chi ding ching khi muGn noi vé mét cht thé da xac dinh. Nguoc lai, others thi khéng! o There are 2 chairs, one is red, the other is blue (cai con lai mau xanh 1a cdi da nhac dén 6 ‘2 chairs’- da xdc dinh) o I have 3 close friends, one of them is a lawyer, the the others are teacher (hai ngwdi con lai lam gido vién - 142 ngwdi da nhac dén 6 ‘3 close friends’ - da xac dinh) On UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE TRON NGON NG ART 2: QUICK GRAMMAR NOTE o There are 20 students, one is fat, the others are thin (nhitng hoc sinh con lai gay - chinh la nhieng ban dugc nhac dén trong ‘20 students’ - da xac dinh) o Some students like sport, others don’t (nhing ban khac thi khéng thfch thé thao- 1a néi chung chung, khéng biét nhitng ban khac la ban nao) UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE TRON NOON https:/ /umw.facobook.com/tron.n ) AE ER VOCABULARY Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Lau réi « Long time, no see! khéng gap! Dave: Hi Maria. Téi 6 trong = Iwas in the neighborhoc khu phé nay, so I thought I'd ghé qua. « drop by Maria: Vao di. [Thanks.] Ngoi = Come on in xu6ng day nao. = Take a seat Ban muén uéng gi khéng? | * Would you like anything have Sprite or orange juice. to drink? Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, Dao nay ban ban thé nao? = How have you been? i o TRON NGONNGU @ P IPER VOCABULARY UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE Maria: 0h, khéng té lam. And = not bad you? Dave: Oh, t6i 6n ca, but school = I'm doing okay has been really ban rén these = hectic days, and téi chwa c6 théi gian = [haven't had time to nghi ngoi. relax. Maria: Nhan tién day, what's = By the way your chuyén nghanh anyway? = major Dave: Quan li khach san = hotel management. Maria: Well, what do you want to do khi ban tét nghiép? = once you graduate Dave: Uh... | chwa quyét dinh = haven't decided for sur chac chan, UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE ee : SUPER VOCABUI but I think téi muén 1am viéc cho mét khach san hodc mét dai ly du lich in this area. How about you? Maria: Well, when | first started college, 1 wanted to chuyén vé French, but I realized I might cé khé khan khi tim mét céng viéc using the language, so I changed majors to computer science. [Oh]. With the right skills, c6 m6t céng viécin the computer industry shouldn't be as difficult. I'd like to work for a hotel or travel agency. major in have a hard time finding a job land(ing) a job UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE tre © PART 3: SUPER VOCABULARY Dave: So, do you have a part- time job to ty hé tro ban than = support yourself through school? Maria: Well, may man cho téi = fortunately for me la, I received a four-year academic scholarship [Wow] that chi tra cho tat ca hoc phi = pay(s) for all of m va sach vé cia minh. tuition and books. Dave: Wow. That's great. Maria: Yeah. How about you? Are youworking your way through school? Dave: Yeah. I work 3 lan 1 tuan = three times a week at a restaurant gan khuén vién = near campus. TRON NGONNGU hhttrs://unwnw.facebook.com/tron.n © PART 3: SUPER VOCABULARY Maria: Oh. What do you do there? Dave: I'm mét dau bép. = acook UNIT 11: COLLEGE LIFE Maria: How do you like your job? Dave: It's okay. The other workers are friendly, and lwong = the pay isn't bad. khéng dén néi té.

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