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Steps to Write a Thesis Statement

1. Write your Topic related to your field.

2. Ask three questions on the topic.
3. Answer each question in one sentence.

Sample of Strong Thesis Statement

"Increasing access to affordable healthcare is crucial for improving overall public health outcomes, reducing
healthcare disparities, and promoting social equity."

This thesis statement is strong because:

1. Specificity: It focuses on a specific topic - access to affordable healthcare.

2. Debatable: The statement presents an argument that can be debated or analyzed further. For instance, one
could argue about the effectiveness of different approaches to increasing access to healthcare.
3. Scope: It outlines the main points that will be discussed in the paper - improving public health outcomes,
reducing healthcare disparities, and promoting social equity.
4. Clarity: The thesis is clear and concise, providing a clear direction for the rest of the paper.

This thesis statement sets up a clear framework for the essay and provides a roadmap for the arguments that will be
presented in support of the main claim.

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