WCSRM - Jones Lang LaSalle

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WCSRM Individual assignment Nguyen Anh Thu

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Industry: Real Estate
Products: Real estate services
Revenue: US $ 2,697.59 million (2008)
Operating income: US $ 151.46 million (2008)
ones Lang LaSalle was Iormed by the 1999 merger oI LaSalle Partners Incorporated and
ones Lang Wootton. ones Lang LaSalle (NYSE:LL) is a Iinancial and proIessional services Iirm
specializing in real estate. Global headquarters are located in Chicago (with an operational remit
covering the Americas regional market), with sub-headquarters located in London (operating in the
Europe, the Middle East and AIrica regional market) and Singapore (operating in the Asia PaciIic
regional market). The Iirm oIIers integrated services delivered by expert teams worldwide to clients
seeking increased value by owning, occupying or investing in real estate. The Iirm has about 36,200
employees including proIessional and support staII, with approximately 180 corporate oIIices
worldwide and operates in more than 750 cities in 60 countries. Global revenue in 2008 was $2.7
billion and the Iirm has a global portIolio oI more than 1 billion square Ieet under management
ones Lang LaSalle's mainstream businesses include investor & occupier services (IOS)
such as agency leasing, investment sales & acquisitions, corporate capital markets, real estate
investment banking, property management, Iacility management, energy management, project
development, valuation, research and consulting. Aside Irom the commercial real estate industry,
the company also serves the residential and government sectors.
LaSalle Investment Management, the company`s investment management business, is one
oI the world`s largest and most diverse in real estate with more than USD 41 billion oI assets under
management. Its real estate investment products include direct investments through separate
accounts and commingled Iunds, as well as indirect investments in publicly traded real estate
investment trusts (REITs) and other real estate securities.
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In simple terms, governance can be explained as 'a process oI decision making and the
process by which decisions are implemented. The Iirm has been granted increased autonomy in
their capacity to raise revenues and implement their own policies with a clear Iocus on improving
their economic position.

These Iinancial pressures have oIten caused a reduction oI central government subsidies
and Iinancial transIers to the local level. As a consequence, the Iirm has Iound themselves
increasingly in competition to Iind new resources to compensate Ior the reduction oI top-down
government transIers. But the competition is not only on a Iinancial level. For example in a world
oI more mobile resources, LL has Iound themselves competing with each other in order to retain
and attract the best people required to drive growth in the so-called 'knowledge economy. Local
authorities in many parts oI the world have had to Iace social problems linked to high
unemployment as well as Iinding viable ways oI regenerating vast areas oI brown Iield land
abandoned by industry. Moreover the increased pace oI economic change has made competitive
advantage less sustainable.
In such a competitive environment, organization authorities and other local public
institutions are charged with enhancing the competitive position oI the city-region. The idea oI
governance is, in many ways, a response to these emerging pressures that are explicitly or implicitly
leading localities to compete economically against near neighbors as well as with Iaraway city-
regions in their 'global league
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The LL Governance Survey assesses the quality oI management based on Iive key
measures relating to: physical integrity, autonomy, stability, eIIiciency and eIIectiveness, as well as
two measures relating to the eIIiciency and eIIectiveness oI city marketing. And Ior each measure
they set out three questions: an 'Opinion Question, 'Factual Evaluation and a 'Real Estate
Factual Evaluation. Base on those iI they want to ensure a high degree oI consistency, their
regional coordinators ran data veriIication checks on the survey responses. Moreover, with
Governance Survey LL CEO can manage operations in all their cities in the same time. Then they
can Iind out successIul cities and make it become representative Ior other cities. It will help them
develop completely their business.
Beside LL recognized employees is the most important part oI them. So that they were
dedicated to making sure that their employees receive ample recognition Ior their contributions to
the Iirm. The company oIIers several in-house honors, including the ones Lang LaSalle Club and
the Da Vinci Award that honor employee creativity and commitment. Any staII member can
nominate another Ior a Very Impressive PerIormance award, which acknowledges individual
exemplary work perIormance or contribution to the company`s spirit and culture. More than 500
VIP awards are given every year, with each recipient earning a giIt card. They provide quality work
environment Ior their employees that make their business more expand and develop.

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Non-government organizations (NGOs):
The NGOs community had powerIully aIIected the evolution oI international development
policy. NGOs had to recognize that the recent past had in many ways been a golden age, when the
opportunities Ior useIul action and the access to signiIicant Iunding had been optimal. NGOs Ielt
strongly that they had to protect their own integrity. This made it important Ior an organization`s
mission and agenda to be clear, with inputs not only Irom their own and donors` views oI
development requirements, but also Irom sources within the country concerned, including its local
organizations. The independence and integrity oI NGOs could also be aIIected by Iunding sources.
For example, LL is the one oI sponsors Ior NGO`s operations such as 'Green Factory one
day. With other organization, together, they shared their views on the importance oI creating
strategies around green manuIacturing, green design, green products, green supply chain, green
buildings and green communities. Moreover, because LL is one oI largest organization in real
estate industry in over the world, so they also have to make good relationship with NGOs like
Housing Association, America's Development Foundation, Global Development Group, etc.
ivil societies:
The challenge oI globalization means corporations, governments and civil society must
work together in new ways to achieve shared goals such as sustainable development and overcome
shared challenges like economic development, environmental degradation, and poverty. This
provides the opportunity Ior organization like LL to beneIit Irom learning about new ways oI
doing things and solving problems. As a result, business, civil society and government are operating
in a new paradigm. Everybody wants what is best Ior sustainable development, but there is much
disagreement about the right thing to do. The rules oI engagement and the accepted roles oI each
sector are changing.

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lients or consumers:
The clients or consumers are the most
important stakeholder with LL.
This combination oI services, skills and
expertise help the Iirm setting apart Irom their
competitor. Their business model is designed to
create value Ior clients, employees and
shareholders. Based on established presence in,
and intimate knowledge oI real estate and
capital markets worldwide, and supported by
investments in thought leadership and
technology, they create value Ior clients by
addressing not only their local, regional and global real estate needs, but also their broader business,
strategic, operating and Iinancial goals. ones Lang LaSalle`s valuation clients including the
region`s top developers, investors, government agencies and Iinanciers who rely on corporation
valuation advice Ior acquisition, development and investment decisions, lending and balance sheet

LL has been using Six Sigma, the quality management system developed by Motorola, since 2003.
This has allowed the Iirm to communicate better with its clients. And their clients also helped them to
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develop Critical PerIormance Indicators (such as asset reliability, corporate risk management, and
community relations management) and Key PerIormance Indicators (e.g., customer satisIaction, optimizing
the workplace, best-in-class operational quality).
LL is the global organization, so that government is the stakeholder who they have to care
about. In diIIerent countries, government has diIIerent policies, thus to make their business success
they have to understand clearly about that country`s government and their policies. They have also
assessed governance ~eIIectiveness or the capacity oI the local government structure to act in a
way that positively aIIects the city where they in. Political leadership and transparency are pre-
requisites oI eIIective organization governance.
Local governments have the most signiIicant coordinating role in the city. They play a
Iundamental role in urban competitiveness by determining the quality oI the microeconomic
environment and contributing to the creation oI a Iavorable location to attract mobile capital, talent
and investment. The other levels oI government (state/regional, central and supranational) have a
less signiIicant direct role on city economies as well as LL operations.
LL expanded their business in 60 countries with more than 36,000 employees working. So
that beside two oI stakeholders above, employees also aIIect to the Iirm. Throughout its recent
growth period, LL has been diligent in meeting the needs oI its people. The Iirm recognizes that
employees should set improvement goals Ior themselves, but that the company has an obligation to
help employees meet those goals by providing training and beneIits. To empower employees to
meet their proIessional goals, LL oIIers more than 100 education and training options. ProIessional
staII members average about 35 hours a year in supplemental training, while engineering and
operations staII log up to 80 hours each per year. This time is spent in an employee-directed
program that combines training manuals, selI-study, and lunchtime webcast training sessions. The
topics Ior these webcasts usually come Irom employee suggestions. Employees` voices are also
heard through the Iirm`s use oI 360-degree reviews, in which managers undergo a yearly
perIormance review that includes conIidential Ieedback Irom their direct reports. That help
company can reply immediately employees` problem and issues.

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As part oI corporate commitment to create real value in a world that is constantly changing,
they are determined to be a good corporate citizen in every corner oI their global community. The
corporate hold themselves accountable Ior the social, environmental and economic impact oI their
operations. They design their policies and business practices to reIlect the highest standards oI
corporate governance, transparency and ethics. The Iirm supports all aspects oI the corporate social
responsibility agenda. They have the skills and opportunity to help minimize the signiIicant impacts
that real estate has on the environment. Their goal is to be the unquestioned leader in the real estate
industry in environmental sustainability and energy management. They always try to be good
citizens wherever they live and work. They are committed to being the real estate industry leader in
environmental sustainability and energy management, both Ior their clients and themselves. They
also Iocus on creating and maintaining a rewarding and welcoming workplace Ior corporate people
around the world. They strive to attract and retain the most talented individuals, encouraging and
enabling them to succeed.
They have Code oI Business Ethics and Vendor Code oI Conduct that are Iollowed by their
own employees and everyone who does business on behalI oI the Iirm. Their Code oI Business
Ethics helps people better understand the duties and responsibilities associated with conducting
business on behalI oI ones Lang LaSalle. The Code contains sections that address the corporate
responsibilities to clients, business partners, shareholders, and the communities and governments in
the countries in which they do business. Members oI their Board oI Directors Iully support and
mandate compliance with the Code.

LL is one oI The World`s most ethical companies. ones Lang LaSalle has been named
among the leaders in corporate ethics Ior having a superior employee and leadership culture that
promotes ethical business practices. LL is committed to a corporate culture that embraces and
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promotes strong principles oI business and proIessional ethics at every level. Ethical practices are
inherent in their values, mission and strategy, and guides all oI their interactions with clients,
customers, vendors and employees. LL Board oI Directors and senior management take these
responsibilities seriously, both Ior themselves and the rest oI the organization.

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ommon Share Market Prices
ones Lang LaSalle`s common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
under the ticker symbol LL.
Following are the high and low sales prices oI our common stock Ior 2004 and 2003:
2003 High Low
4Q $ 21.50 $ 18.00
3Q $ 18.91 $ 15.75
2Q $ 17.43 $ 13.52
1Q $ 16.01 $ 12.90

2004 High Low
4Q $ 37.97 $ 30.54
3Q $ 33.25 $ 26.61
2Q $ 27.20 $ 22.65
1Q $ 25.98 $ 20.46

LL ONES LANG LASALLE 25/08/09 00:00


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While the global economic crisis has impacted negatively on many property services and
Iinancial services Iirms, ones Lang LaSalle has witnessed a particularly dramatic reduction in
reported proIit during this period in comparison to their competitors. Full Iinancial year results
published in February 2009, showed a sharp decline oI 68 percent
Wide scale layoIIs announced in late 2008 aIIecting nearly a quarter oI all permanent
employees had a minimal impact on the Iirm's continued losses. Measures taken by LL included a
number oI cost-cutting initiatives: a commission only based model Ior its Americas leasing business;
salary Ireezes Ior all businesses; salary cuts in some Asian countries; and unpaid extended leave
periods Ior the hotels division. Further layoIIs were made in 2009, notably in LaSalle Investment
Management, the Group's most proIitable subsidiary.
In spite oI the cost cutting by massive layoIIs the company continued to post its sixth
quarterly net loss in uly 2009. The company said it plans to continue cutting costs in the hope oI
saving $125 million a year (the equivalent oI over 3,000 median salary jobs)

LL has a website: http://www.joneslanglasalle.com. Through the website, consumers can
know all inIormation that they need about LL. Such as: their location where they have oIIices,
their history, their services that they provide to customer and stakeholders. And then customer can
direct connect and give request to LL through their hotline or email.
Beside, LL also appear in other real estate websites, newspapers like proIessional real
estate adviser or suppliers. And consumer also Iinds out more about LL by many Stock Exchanges.

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O http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/onesLangLaSalle
O http://www.Iindata.co.nz/Markets/StockQuote/NYSE/LL.htm
O http://www.ditchley.co.uk/page/340/ngos.htm

ones Lang LaSalle Website:
O http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/shareholders/annualreview/2004/companyinIormation.html
O http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/Pages/CorporateSocialResponsibility.aspx
O http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/Pages/CorporateSocialResponsibility.aspx
O http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/Pages/EthicsEverywhere.aspx

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