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Name: Antoan Nedev Class: ______________________________

Gold Advanced Unit 4 test

Section 1: Vocabulary

1 Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

(1) _____ one’s dreams can be a difficult path, which few people ever manage to do. The
lucky ones are usually those who realise that (2) _____ perfection is almost impossible and
are therefore happy with near perfection. We all hope that during our lifetimes we will
have the chance to (3) _____ our full potential but this is a rare occurrence, as the realities
of life overtake us. The best we can hope for is to (4) _____ some of that potential as much
as we can. Over the past few years, pushing oneself to the limits has been (5) _____ in
popularity but it can be fraught with danger and disappointment. Businesses are always
talking about corporate targets, which are often not matched with individual goals. In order
to (6) _____ an advantage over their competitors, companies often (7) _____ advantage of
their employees’ skills without rewarding them or (8) _____ thanks for their hard work.
This demotivates staff and ultimately leads to poor company performance. It’s easier for
smaller companies than large ones to (9) _____ every opportunity which comes their way
and individuals need to do the same. Successful people are those who do not give up when
they (10) _____ setbacks. They also (11) _____ their intuition more than others and, by
doing so, are able to take control of their destinies.

1 A Encountering B Working C Gaining D Following

2 A achieving B exceeding C meeting D winning
3 A have B get C realise D trust
4 A gain B grab C develop D make
5 A increasing B realising C exceeding D extending
6 A take B make C win D gain
7 A have B take C get D gain
8 A announcing B expressing C experiencing D enjoying
9 A seize B gain C overcome D get
10 A achieve B encounter C realise D pursue
11 A rely B fulfil C grasp D trust
/ 11

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Section 2: Grammar

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

Emily always said that she (1) couldn’t have become/mustn’t have become/couldn’t
become a successful musician without the help of her parents and an enormous amount
of determination. As a child, she (2) needn’t/couldn’t/didn’t have to play outside because
she had a disease which affected her bones and her parents were worried about her
having accidents. It (3) could/must/should have been a difficult time for the small child
who was not allowed to play with other children. As a result, she (4) had to/needed/
should spend a lot of time with her parents, who both played the piano and the guitar
very well, and they taught her to play their instruments and to sing. It (5) could be/
must have been/should have been a natural progression for her to take up either the guitar
or the piano but all she wanted to play was the flute, so she begged her parents to buy her
one, which they did after much argument. As soon as she picked up the instrument, she
(6) could play/could have played/must play it and they realised that she had a natural gift.

At first Emily refused to take lessons from an expert but her parents realised that she was
extremely talented and (7) needed/should/must to have expert help to develop her gift.
They found her an amazing teacher who, after teaching her for a few months, announced
that Emily (8) had to/must/could win a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music if she
wanted to. It meant Emily having lessons every day for the following six months and
practising for several hours every day, which she found hard. She had enjoyed playing
for her own amusement but this was another matter. She also preferred to play more
modern music on her instrument rather than the classical pieces required for her audition.
She (9) must/could/should have given up then – but she didn’t. She wanted to prove to
herself that she could pass the audition. Apart from the prescribed pieces she had to
learn, she was allowed to play one other piece of her own choice. She chose a piece she
had written herself. The academy panel were extremely impressed by her playing and
composing skills and she was awarded a place.


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3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three
and six words, including the word given.

1 My parents didn’t allow me to go to the university I wanted.

My parents prevented me from going to the university I wanted.

2 He didn’t want to go running that evening but he made himself.

He forced himself to run that evening.

3 Why don’t you get professional help?

Have you considered professional help?

4 It’s impossible to succeed without training hard.

You can’t avoid training hard if you want to succeed.

5 I wish I had worked harder at school.

I regret I didn’t work harder at school.

TOTAL: /25

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