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In the name of Allah

If you master these word lists, you need to know

In the name of Allah
only 2 out of 9 in each line of the Holy Qur'an
(based on statistical average using a typical Qur'anic Mushaf
containing 600 pages, with each page having 15 lines).
80% of
1. The words given in this booklet account for 82.6% (64282) of the total
Qur'anic Words words (approx. 77800) of the Holy Qur'an.
2. The words listed in the first six pages occur very frequently. Some of
them occur in combination with each other. They constitute a
(Classified word lists whopping 41.5% (32263) of the total words.
3. The number next to the noun (pages 7-14) or the verb (pages 15-33)
for easy memorization) shows the number of times that noun or the verb (in its various forms)
has occurred in the Holy Qur'an.
4. For each verb, the past tense, the imperfect tense, the imperative, the
Compiled by active participle and the verbal noun are provided. It is assumed that
based on this information, you can reproduce the whole verb table.
Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem Sample tables are provided at the end of this booklet.
(azeez1961@hotmail.com) 5. For each word, the most common meanings are given. Some words
may have other meanings too, depending upon their context.
For more details, please visit the website However, the number of such words is very small.
www.understandquran.com Abbreviations
mg masc. gender fg fem. gender br.pl broken plural
sg singular dl dual pl plural
sb somebody st something ss somebody or something

In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful shows the percent of the total Qur'anic words that you have learnt so
far, if you have memorized the meanings the words till that page.
PREFACE 4. In almost every case, the words are arranged alphabetically to make
All praise be to Allah, and may peace and blessings of Allah be upon his the search easy.
Prophet, Muhammad. Allah says very explicitly in His Book, " (This is) a 5. The word forms related to dual number and feminine gender are used
Book (the Qur'an) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that sparingly in the Holy Qur'an. Therefore, these forms may be given
they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may less emphasis in the beginning stages.
remember [38:29]." If we don't understand the Book, how can we ponder 6. A star (*) is placed next to selected verbs. All the verbal forms of such
on its verses! The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad, pbuh, said, "The best verbs are provided in detail in a separate booklet, "Some Important
among you are those who have learnt the Qur'an and teach it (to others)" Verbs Used in the Holy Qur'an."
[Bukhari]. 7. For almost every verb type, samples of the ‫  وف‬forms (active
voice) are provided in the first line those of the ‫ ل‬forms (passive
This booklet is prepared to give at least some help in fulfilling the above-
voice) in the last.
mentioned objectives. Please keep the following points in mind (in
addition to those listed on the back cover) while studying this booklet: 8. Just like in any language, some verbs and nouns of action are always
followed by a preposition. For example, believe in: ‫ب‬ ِ  َ َ  .
1. When there are more than one distinctly different meanings of a word,
a semicolon is placed between the two meanings. For similar However, in some cases, a change in preposition may change the
meanings, a comma is placed between the meanings. For example: meanings too. for example, get; get in; get at; get by, get off, get on,
etc. A list of some important verbs along with changing prepositions
(eye; spring  ) and (above, up  ). is provided on page no. 34.
2. If the last letter of a word given in this booklet does not have a vowel Acknowledgements
Many people have contributed in the compilation of this booklet. I have
sign ( ٌ ٍ ً ُ ِ َ ), it indicates that any vowel sign can come on it
received significant help on different aspects of this work from my wife,
depending upon the context in which that word is used. if ‫ل‬ ْ ‫ ا‬occurs Tabinda Tahseen, and from my colleagues, Dr. M.A. Mohiuddin, Mr. M.
before the word, then Tanween ( ٌ ٍ ً ) is not used. Na'eemuddin, and Mr. M. AbdulBari. May Allah reward them all.
3. At the bottom left of the page, total is provided for the number of times Important References
the words of that page have occurred in the Qur'an. The bottom right .‫ن‬,- -&
 .‫ح‬%&‫ا‬%‫* )(' ا‬+ .‫ د‬:‫( !   ظ ا ن ا
 ودر ت
.4!-‫*ا‬-5 ‫اد‬67 *+ :
‫ظ ا ن ا‬1 ‫ س‬3‫( ا ا‬٢) .١٩٩٠ .‫ن‬,-
This, that...! No, No!!! Whose? Who?
this mg ¡ŠÀÿ  (There is) no god þóʛ¢Šó his mg ý he mg ÿ 
that mg îÊó¡¿ except Allah …¡¢Móʛ their mg öÿ  them mg öÿ 
this fg ÊýÊÀÿ  never, certainly not ¢MôïŠ  your mg í you mg ªû—Š
that fg î’ôÊ« not for future úóŠ your mg öŒï you all mg ö¬û—Š
these mg/fg Ê”¢Šóš ÿ not for past öóŠ my meÊû  I mg/fg ¢û—Š
those mg/fg Êî
 Ê óŒ¡ not ¢÷ us mg/fg ¢û we mg/fg ú¸û
he who mg ÊÀóM¡ not fg ªÈ óŠ Æ óŠ her fg ¢ÿ she fg Êÿ
she who fg ʬMó¡ yes, indeed Šô¥ their fg  úÿ  they fg  úÿ 
those who mg úÊÀMó¡ not, other than Â㊠ your fg Êí you fg ʪû—Š
these for br.pl ÊýÊÀÿbesides; less than Šù½ their for br.pl ¢ÿ they for br.pl Êÿ
those for î’ôÊ«except; unless; if not
br.pl ¢Móʛ their dl ¢øÿ  those two dl ¢øÿ 
those who for br.pl ʬMó¡yes
öà û your dl ¢øŒï you two dl ¢ø¬ûŠ—
Words (from first  pages):  Percent (first  pages) : . Words (from first  pages):  Percent (first  pages) : .


Where? Questions!? Miscellaneous When?,

above, up éçŠ  what?, that which ¢÷ endowed with;
owner of
mg Ê¿¡Š¿Œ¿ before Šò¦ëŠ 
under ª¸« who?, the one who ú÷  endowed with;
owner of
fg ©¡Š¿ after ¾à¥
in front of  ¾ ú¥¾ —Šú¥ when?, the time when
 U÷ people of; owners of Êó Œ—’¡Œó Œ— time, period; at the time of [Ê·
back, after æ’ô»  where? ú—Š people of; relatives òÿ— when for past  ’¿Ê›
in front of õ¢÷—Š how? æ ïŠ  family, relatives, people ñ• when for future ¡Š¿Ê›
behind ”¡Á  how many? öïŠ  lo!; do not?, will not? ¢Šó—Š then öŒ¯
right; oath pl ù¢ø—Š úÊø which?  —Š what an excellent
öàÊû then, thus, therefore å
left pl òʟ¢øË ñ¢øÊË wherefrom?, why?  û—Š what an evil ...
ƒ Ê¥ nay, -- rather, but, however ’ò¥
between ú¥ Is? Am? Are? Do? Have? òÿŠ— evil is that which ¢øÈ
 ’ Ê¥ near, with ’ù¾ 󊝾󊝾üÊß
around ñ·  what? ¡Š¿¢÷ something similar ò’°Ê÷ nothing --- but ¢Móʛ«’ùʛ
wherever Œ® ·  why? ¡Š¿¢øÊóöÊó similitude pl ñ¢Š°÷ —Š òŠ°÷  nothing --- but ¢Móʛ«¢÷
wherever ¢øü — if not; why not ¢ŠóóŠ than the one who;
from those who
ú ÷ úÊ÷ ú øÊ÷ that..not; so as not to ¢Šó’ù—Š ¢MóŠ—
Words (from first  pages):  Percent (first  pages) : . Words (from first  pages):  Percent (first  pages) : .

Prepositions + Žôã Prepositions Prefix for verb, Inna

has (with ò¿Žã );
with what; because ¢øÊ¥ with, in, from, Ê£ ö ô

surely (with É­ŽÀã )

òàç ¾ëŠ  verily, truly Mùʛ
about what ¢ øß  about úß  will (for near future) òàç Å that Mù—Š
in what ¢øÊç in Êç will (for future) òàç å Ç  as if Mù˜ŠïŠ 
as, just as ¢øïŠ  as, like í will surely ùM òàçŠñ but, however ú Êðó  úÊðó
for what; for that which ¢øÊó for ŠñÊñ indeed òàç ¾ìŠ óŠ perhaps, may be Mòà óŠ
out of what ¢ øÊ÷ from úÊ÷ indeed, surely Šñ that ’ù—Š
as to, as for ¢ ÷—Š towards Šóʛ let sb do (imperative)
Â÷—Š ’ñÊñ if ’ùʛ
if; either / or ¢ ÷ʛ by (of oath) © the ’ñ¡ alone ¢ ʛ
that ¢ø û—Š until  ¬·  or? õ¡Š possibly Èß 
verily; is but ¢ø ûʛ on Šôß  or ¡Š when ¢ øóŠ
as if ¢ø û˜ŠïŠ  with Þ÷  some of Òॠif óŠ
whenever ¢øMôŒï and; by (of oath)  everyone; all NòŒï O! ¢ —Š¢¢
Words (from first  pages):  Percent (first  pages) : . Words (from first  pages):  Percent (first  pages) : .


Some attributes (of Allah and others ) Noun of SuperiorityòÊԒè«öÇ¡ Some attributes
ever aware
Zʦ»  first fg ŠóŒ— ñ —Š  most severe ¾Ë —Š  severe; strong ¾ʾË 

Lord; Sustainer £Á  last fg §ÂÊ»• ÂÊ»•  higher, superior ŠôߗŠ  high, exalted Êôß 

Compassionate úø·Á  [ other fg » Œ— »•@ 

more informed
öŠôߗŠ  knower öÊôß 

peace õ¢ŠôÇ  trustworthy [Ê÷—Š  nearer £’뗊  near ¤ÊÂëŠ 

one who listens ÞÊøÇ  one who sees clearly ZÊÐ¥  bigger ¦’ï—ÈŠ  big fg §ZÊ¦ïŠ ZÊ¦ïŠ 

grateful ÁŒðË  far ¾Êॠ more; most Š°’ï—Š  plenty; much fg §ZÊ°ïŠ ZÊ°Šï 

mighty ÄÊÄß  most forgiving £¡ «  better úÈ·—Š  quick; swift; fast ÞÊÂÇ 

most forgiving ÁŒè㊠ protector ÚÊè· 

more entitled; more
ê· —Š  merciful öÊ·Á 

All-powerful ÂÊ¾ëŠ  wise öÊð· 

nearer; more likely;
lower; less
û½—Š  supreme öÊÜß 

warner ÂÊÀû  forbearing öÊô·  more unjust öŠô’Û—Š  little fg ¨ŠôÊôëŠ òÊôëŠ 

strong helper ZÊÐû  praiseworthy ¾Êø·  better guided ¾ÿ—Š 

noble; honorable;

one who takes care of

a thing for another
warm (friend);
boiling water
öÊø·  nearer, closer; woe Šó Š—  subtle æÊØóŠ 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far:  Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .

Prophets and Allah s Signs Last day,

Messenger pl òÇÁ ñÇÁ  sign pl ©¢• ¨• 
£¢¸Ï —Š ¤Ê·¢Ï  forever; ever ¡¾¥—Š 

Prophet ʦû  evidence pl ©¢ü¥ ¨ü¥  end ¨¦Êë¢ß  reward pl Á³Œ— ³—Š 

Prophets ”¢ʦû —Š[ʦûù ʦû Qur'an; reading,

ù•Œë  torment £¡ŠÀß  term ò³—Š 

öÊÿ¡Â¥Ê›µûõ½•  cattle õ¢àû— 

chastisement (as a
result of sin)
£¢ŠìÊß  the Hereafter §ÂÊ»–’ó¡ 

颸Çʛ òÊߢøÇʛÕŒó  mountain pl ñ¢¦Ê³ ò¦³  Resurrection ¨÷¢Êë  painful öÊó—Š 

æÇ  òʟ¡ÂÇʛ £Œìà  sea; large river c¸ ¥  meeting ”¢ŠìÊó  reward £¡¯Š 

¶Êó¢Ï ¤à ˽ÿ  sun ÆøË  fixed  øÈ÷  hellfire öʸ³ 

ö  ÷ ú ¥¡ÈÊßÇ÷  moon ÂøëŠ  fire Á¢û  reward ”¡Ä³ 

Satan (pl [Ê×¢Ë ù¢ŠØË

  night òóŠ  river pl Á¢ û—Š  û  garden pl  ©¢ ü³ ¨ ü³ 

Pharaoh ùß ÂÊç  day Á¢ û  woe unto ò  the Hell ö ü ³ 

People of Hud (pbuh) ½¢ß  earth cÑÁ—Š  day pl õ¢ —Š õ  reckoning £¢ÈÊ· 

People of Salih (pbuh) ½øŠ¯  sky (pl ©¡¢øÇ ”¢ø Ç

  that day ÇÀÊ ÷  
hour (day of

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .


Deen, Faith, Deeds, Blessings,

matter; affair pl Á÷—Š Â÷—Š  one fg ¾· ʛ ¾·—Š 
actions, deeds,
pl ñ¢øߗŠ  favors pl ”¢Šó• 

piety; fear; protection ’ì«  god; deity pl ¨ Êó• þóʛ  good
pl ©¢üÈ
 · ¨üÈ
 ·  authority; warrant ù¢ŠØ’ôÇ 
truth, true; right ê · 
associate pl ”¢ŠïÂ Ë îÊÂË  evil, bad pl ©¢Š Ç ¨Š Ç  grace òÔ çŠ 

[ falsehood òÊ×¢¥(  witness §½¢ Ë  good, better »  water ”¢÷ 

wisdom ¨ø’ðÊ·  throne ÉÂß  evil, bad, worse Â Ë  dominion, reign î’ô÷ 

praise ¾ø·  unseen, hidden ¾ ß  sin ö’¯Ê›  favor ¨øàÊû 

religion; law;
úʽ  unseen ¤㊠ sin pl £ûŒ¿ ¤û¿Š  all [Êàø ³—Šùàø ³—Š 

poor-due, charity §¢Šïà  book pl ¤¬Œï £¢¬Êï  sin µ¢ü³  permission ù’¿Ê› 

pl ”¡¾ Ë ¾Ê Ë  word ¨øÊôïŠ  unlawful õ¡· 
punishment; power;

prayer §¢ŠôÏ
  angel pl ¨Šðʟ¢Šô÷ îŠô÷  name pl ”¢øÇ —Š öÇÊ¡  all, everybody ÞÊø³ 

same; equal; level;

clear, self-
[ʦ÷  covenant, treaty 颊°Ê÷ 
speech ®ʽ¢·—Š ®ʾ·
fair ”¡Ç 

light Áû  one fg §¾Ê·¡ ¾Ê·¡  good pl ©¢¦׊ ¨¦Š×  party, group êÊŠç 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .

Relatives, Self (body parts ) World, People,

mother pl ©¢ ÷—Œ õŒ—  face pl ý³ þ³   house pl ©¥ ª¥  community pl ö÷Œ— ¨ ÷Œ— 

father (pl ”¢¥• ʪ ¥—Š£Š—  eye; spring pl úß —Š úß  abode pl Á¢ʽ Á¡½  people õëŠ 

husband pl ±¡Ã —Š ±Ã  sights pl Á¢Ð ¥—Š  world ¢û½  man ù¢ÈûÊ¡ 

man pl ñ¢³ÊÁ ò³Á  mouths pl ý¡ ’ç —  way pl ò¦Ç òʦÇ  men, people Å¢û 

woman pl ”¢ÈÊû §Š— ÷Ê¡ 

pl ¨üÊÈ ’ó—Š ù¢È Êó  path Õ¡ÂÊÏ  male pl ÁŒïŒ¿ ÂŠï ¿

child pl ½¢Šó —Š ¾Šó  heart pl £ŒôŒë ¤’ôëŠ 

world pl [ÊøóŠ¢ß öŠó¢ß  female pl ­¢ûʛ Š°ûŒ— 

father dl ú¾ Êó¡ ¾Êó¡  breast pl Á¾Ï Á¾Ï   trial; persecution ¨ü¬Êç  slave pl ½¢¦Êß ¾¦ß 

c¨ Á Œ¿  hand pl ʾ—Š ¾  town pl Œë ¨ÂëŠ  enemy pl ”¡¾ß —Š ¾ß 
son ú¥Ê¡  foot pl ò³Á —Š ˆò ³ÊÁ  wealth pl ñ¡÷ —Š ñ¢÷  disbelievers pl Á¢MèŒï 

sons pl. ”¢ü¥—Š[Êü¥ùü¥  soul pl ƌèû—Š ƒèû  provision; enjoyment Ý¢¬÷  criminal õÊ´÷ 

brother Ê»Š—¢»Š—»Š— ¹—  soul, spirit µÁ  mosque (pl ¾Ê³¢È÷ ¾Ê´È÷  chiefs, leaders ˜Šô÷ 

brothers pl ù¡» ʛ  power, strength § Œë  place; abode ¨û¢Šð÷ ù¢Šð÷ 

protecting friend;
”¢Êó—Š Êó 

Total words (of this page ):  Percent so far : . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .

õ¢ô˜øÔôóô¢ô˜ôÓ©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ õ®õ¼øèôóô®ô¼ôç©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ
to do òàÊç òÊߢŠç ’òà ’çÊ¡ Œòà ’è òŠ à çŠ  òàÊç òÊߢŠç ’òà ’猡 Œòà ’è òŠ à çŠ
to open, to give
¶¬çŠ ¶Ê«¢Šç ¶¬’çÊ¡ ¶
 ¬’è ¶¬çŠ 
to help;
to deliver ÂÐû ÂÊÏ¢û ÂÐûŒ¡ ÂÐü ÂÐ

to raise;
to resurrect
®à¥ ®Êߢ¥ ’®à ¥Ê¡ ®
Œ à ¦ ®
Š à ¥  to reach áŒô¥ âÊó¢¥ ’âŒô¥Œ¡ ŒâŒô¦ ⊠ôŠ ¥ 

to make, to
place, to set up
òà³ òÊߢ³ ’òà ³Ê¡ òŒ à ´ Šòà ³  to leave í« íÊÁ¢« í«Œ¡ í¬ í  « 

to gather,
to collect
Þø³ ÞÊ÷¢³ Þø ³Ê¡ Þ ø ´ Þ ø ³ 
to gather;
to bring together ÂÌ· ÂÊË¢· ÂÌ·Œ¡ Â̸   Ì

to go £¢ÿÊ¿ ¤Êÿ¡Š¿ ¤ÿ ’¿Ê¡ ¤

 ÿ ’À ¤
 ÿ ¿Š  to judge; to rule ö’ð· öÊ öŒð·Œ¡ öŒð¸  ö ðŠ · 

to raise ޒçÁ ÞÊç¡Á ÞçŠ ÁÊ¡ Þ çŠ Â Þ çŠ Á  to come out ±» ±ÊÁ¢» ±Â»Œ¡ ±Â¼ ±
 Â » 

to enchant, to
¸ÊÇ ÂÊ·¢Ç ¸
 ÇÊ¡ Â ¸
 È Â ¸
 Ç  to live forever ½Œô» ¾Êó¢» ¾Œô»Œ¡ ¾Œô¼ ¾ ôŠ » 

to act righteously ¨¸ôŠ Ð÷ ¶Êó¢Ï ¶ôŠ ÏÊ¡ ¶

 ôŠ Ð ¶
 ôŠ Ï
to create out of
nothing ê’ô» êÊó¢» êŒô»Œ¡ êŒô¼ ê ôŠ » 

to curse úàóŠ úÊߢŠó úà ’óÊ¡ ú à ’ô ú à óŠ  to enter ñ»½ òÊ»¡½ ’ò»½Œ¡ Œò»¾ òŠ » ½ 

to profit ޒèû ÞÊç¢û ÞèŠ ûÊ¡ Þ èŠ ü Þ èŠ û  to remember ’ïÊ¿ ÂÊ¿ ŒŒ¡ Œï’À ÂïŠ ¿Š 

passive voice ¿Ž`ˆ ÝîõÌøÔôã õÞôÌøÔõó ôÞöÌõÓ to provide éÃÊÁ éÊáÁ éÃÁŒ¡ éàé
 Ã Á 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .


õ®õ¼øèôóô®ô¼ôç©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ õö®øÀôóôô®ô¿©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ
to prostrate ½´Ç ¾Ê³¢Ç ¾´nj¡ ¾´È ¾ ´
 Ç  òàÊç òÊߢŠç ’òÊà’çÊ¡ ŒòÊà’è òŠ à çŠ
to perceive ÁàË ÂÊߢË Âàˌ¡ ÂàÌ Â à Ë  to strike  £ÊÁ¢Ó £ÊÂÓÊ¡ £
£ÂÓ  ÊÂÔ  £ÂÓ 

to be grateful ’ðË ÂÊï¢Ë Œðˌ¡ ŒðÌ Â ðŠ Ë  to carry; to bear òø· òÊ÷¢· ’òÊø·Ê¡ òŒ Êø¸  òŠ ø · 

to be true;
to say the truth é¾ÊÏ éʽ¢Ï é¾ό¡ é¾Ð é
 ¾ Ï
to bear with
patience  ÂÊ¥¢Ï ÂʦÏÊ¡
Â¦Ï Â ʦÐ   ¦Ï

to worship;
to serve §½¢¦Êß ¾Ê¥¢ß ¾¦ߌ¡ ¾¦à ¾¦ß  to wrong ö’ôی öÊó¢ŠÛ öÊô’ÛÊ¡ ö Êô’Ü öôŠ ۊ 

to transgress êÈÊç êÊÇ¢Šç êȒ猡 êȒè ê È

 çŠ  to recognize ¨ŠçÊÂà÷ åÊÁ¢ß åÊÂßÊ¡  ÊÂà å
å  Â ß 

to kill; to slay ò¬ëŠ òÊ«¢Šë ’ò¬’댡 Œò¬’ì òŠ ¬ëŠ 

to understand;
to comprehend ò’ìß òÊë¢ß ’òÊìßÊ¡ òŒ Êìà òŠ ìŠ ß 

to sit; to remain
behind ½àëŒ ¾ÊߢŠë ¾à’댡 ¾à’ì ¾ à ëŠ 
to forgive;
to cover §ÂÊèä÷ ÂÊ碊ã ÂÊè’ãÊ¡  Êèä Â èŠ ãŠ 

to prescribe;
¨¥¢¬Êï ¤Ê«¢Šï ¤¬’ ¤¬’ð ¤
to decree; to §Á¾ëŒ Á¾ëŠ Áʽ¢Šë Áʾ’ëÊ¡ Á ʾ’ì Á ¾ ëŠ 
to write have power; ..
to disbelieve;
to be ungrateful ’èïŒ ÂÊ碊ï Œè’ Œè’ð ÂèŠ ïŠ  to lie £ÊÀïŠ £Ê¿¢Šï £ÊÀ’ïÊ¡ £
 ÊÀ’ð £
 ÀŠ ïŠ 

to plot ’ð÷ ÂÊï¢÷ Œð÷Œ¡ Œðø  ðŠ ÷  to earn  ÊȒð ¤

¤ÈïŠ ¤ÊÇ¢Šï ¤ÊȒïÊ¡ ¤  È

to look; to wait ŠÜû ÂÊÛ¢û ŒÜûŒ¡ ŒÜü  ܊ û  to possess î’ôÊ÷ îÊó¢÷ î Êô÷Ê¡  Êôø î
î  ôŠ ÷ 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .

õÊôäø´ôóôÊöäô³©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ The last two letters of the

root are same ÒôˎôÀõã©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ
òàÊç òÊߢŠç ’òà ’çÊ¡ Œòà ’è òŠ ÊàçŠ NòŠèMòŒç  òç̊ ñ¢Šç òŒô’猡òÊô’çÊ¡ òN ÊèNòèŠ  MòçŠ
to hear ¨ߢøÇ ÞÊ÷¢Ç Þø ÇÊ¡ Þ ø È ÞÊøÇ 
to live;
to greet
§¢· · ·Ê¡ ¢¸  · 

to be grieved ùÄ· ùÊâ· ’ùÄ ·Ê¡ ùŒ Ä ¸  ùŠ ÊÄ· 

to give back;
to return
½ Á ½ ¡Á ½½ Á¡Œ ½   ½Á 

to think;
to consider
¤È· ¤ÊÇ¢· ¤  · Ê¡ ¤ È
 È  ¸  ¤
to turn away;
to hinder
¾ Ï
 ½ ¢Ï ½¾ Ï ¡Œ ¾ Ð

to guard;
to protect
ڒèÊ· ÚÊ碷 ’ÚèŠ ·Ê¡ Ú
Œ èŠ ¸  Ú
Š Êè·  to hurt; to harm  Ó
 Á ¢Ó ÁÂ Ó ¡Œ  Ô

to lose ÂÈ» ÂÊÇ¢» ÂÈ

 »Ê¡  È
 ¼ Â ÊÈ» 
to go astray;
to err; to waste
 ñ ¢Ó ’òÊôÓ Ê¡ òN ÊÔ  MòÓ

to have mercy on
¨ø·Á öÊ·¡Á ö· ÁÊ¡ ö · Â ö Ê·Á 
to think;
to believe
ú ۊ ù ¢ŠÛ úü’Û¡Œ ú ܌   úۊ 

to bear witness;
to be present
½ Ë ¾Êÿ¢Ë ¾ ËÊ¡ ¾  Ì ¾ Ê Ë  to count ¾ ß ½ ¢ß ½¾ ß¡Œ ¾ à  ¾ß 

to know ö’ôÊß öÊó¢ß öôŠ ßÊ¡ ö ôŠ à öÊôß  to beguile ÁÂ㌠Á ¢Šã ÁÊ’ãÊ¡  Êä Â㊠

to work; to do òøß òÊ÷¢ß ’òø ßÊ¡ òŒ ø à ŠòÊøß 

to spread out;
to stretch
¾ ÷ ½ ¢÷ ½¾ ÷¡Œ ¾ ø  ¾÷ 

to dislike;
to detest
ýÂïŒ ýÊÁ¢Šï ý ’ï Ê¡ ý  ’ð ý ÊÂïŠ  to touch Æ
 ÷ Å
 ¢÷ Æ È
 ÷Ê¡ Æ
ø  Æ ÷ 

to watch; to see ÂÐ¥ ÂÊÏ¢¥  ХŒ¡ ÂЦ Â Ð¥  to love; to wish ½  ½ ¡ ½½ Ê¡ ½  ½ 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page ):  Percent so far : 

First letter of Second letter of
the root is í or ñ . ݎôœöã©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ the root is í or ñ . ÑôîøŸôƒ©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ
Œòß ŠòÊß òß òÊß¡ ’òÊߝ’òß ŒòÊàŒòà  òŠ ß  Œñ¢ŠèŠòÊç ñŠç òʟ¢Šç ’òçŒ ŒñŒè ñŠ ¢Šç
to leave behind Á’¿ ÁÊ¿¡ Á¿Š ÁÀŠ  Á ¿Š   to repent ¨¥« ¤ÊŸ¢« ¤« £¬ £

to put; to set ÞÓ ÞÊÓ¡ ÞÓ

  Þ Ó
   to taste é¿Š êʟ¡Š¿ 錿 éŒÀ é

to befall ÝŒë ÞÊë¡ ÞëŠ ÞìŠ  Þ ëŠ  

to succeed;
to gain victory
ÃçŒ Äʟ¢Šç Čç ÃŒè à ¢Šç 

to grant ¤ÿ ¤Êÿ¡ ¤ÿ ¤

 ÿ   to say ñëŠ òʟ¢Šë ’òŒë ŒñŒì Šñ¢Šë 

to find ½³ ¾Ê³¡ ¾Ê³ ¾ Ê´ ¾³  

to stand up;
to raise
õ¢Êë öʟ¢Šë öŒë õŒì õ ¢Šë 

to inherit ¨Š¯¡Á ­ÊÁ¡ ’­ÊÁ ­

Œ Ê ­
Š ÊÁ  to be ùïŠ úʟ¢Šï úŒï ŒùŒð Šù¢Šï 

to bear a load ÁÃÊ ÁÊá ÁÊà Á ÊÄ Á à   to die ©÷ ªÊŸ¢÷ ª÷ ©ø ©

to describe;
to ascribe
æÏ æÊÏ¡ æÊÏ æ
 ÊÐ æ
   to be afraid å» æʟ¢» æÊ» å
 ¢¼ å

to promise ¾ß ¾Êß¡ ¾Êß ¾ Êà ¾ß  

to become nigh;
to be close to
½ïŠ ¾ÊŸ¢Šï ¾Êï ½ ¢Šð ½ ¢Šï 

to protect;
to save
¨¢ŠëÊ é¡ Êé Êì Šë  to plot against ¾ïŠ ¾ÊŸ¢Šï ¾Êï ¾ Êð ½ ¢Šï 

to embrace;
to comprehend
  Ê¡ Þ Ç  Þ ÊÇ  to increase §½¢Êà ¾ÊŸ¡à ½Êà ¾ ÊÄ ½¡à 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .
Last letter of Anyone of the letters of
the root is í or ñ . ºö׎ôç©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ the root is hamza . ¯îõäøìôã©I®ô õãò›ü›ÞÌöÓ
to recite §¢ŠôÊ« Çñ¢« Œò«Œ¡ Œô¬ ¢Šô«  to ask ñ¡šÇ òʟ¢Ç ’ò Ç Œñ˜ŠÈ  ñŠ ˜ŠÇ 

to call; to pray ”¢ß½ ÇÝ ¡½ Ý ½Œ¡ ß¾ ¢ß½  to read; to recite §È”¡ÂÊë ÊÁ¢Šë ’— ’ëÊ¡ —ŒÂ ’ì —ŠÂ ëŠ 

to forgo ’èß Çå¢ß æ ߌ¡ Œèà ¢Šèß  to take; to catch À» —Š ÀÊ» • ’À» ÀŒ » ’˜ ÀŠ » —Š 

to want, to seek ä¥ Çᢥ Êâ¥Ê¡ Êä¦ ä¥  to eat ò’ï—Š òÊï• ’òïŒ òŒ ïŒ ’˜ òŠ ïŠ —Š 

to flow ù¢Â ³ ÇÁ¢³ ʳʡ Ê´  ³  to command Â÷—Š ÂÊ÷• Â÷  ÷ ’˜ Â÷ —Š 

to reward ”¡ij Çâ³ Êijʡ ÊÄ´  ij 

to be safe; to feel
safe; to trust ú÷—Š úÊ÷• úø ’Ÿ¡ ú ÷ ˜Š ú Ê÷—Š 

to decree;
to fulfil
”¢Ô ëŠ ÇÑ¢Šë ÊҒëÊ¡ ÊÔ ’ì Ô ëŠ  to refuse ”¢¥Ê¡ Ç£ • ¤
 ’ŸÊ¡ ¥’˜ ¥—Š 

to suffice ¨¢ŠèÊï Ç墊ï Êæ ’ïÊ¡ Êè’ð ŠèïŠ  to see  ’—Á ǔ¡Á Á  Š—Á 

to guide;
to direct
¾ÿ ǽ¢ÿ ʾÿÊ¡ ʾ  ¾ÿ  to come ù¢«Ê¡ Ç© • ʪ ’ŸÊ¡ Ê«’˜ «—Š 

to fear ¨ ÊÌ» ÇÉ ¢» Ê

 »Ê¡ ̼  ÊÌ»  to will, to wish ¨Š ÊÌ ÷ ǔ¢Ë ’˜Ë ɔ¢Ì  Ȕ¢Ë 

to be satisfied,
to be content
 ÁÊ¡ Ó Â ÊÓ Á  to be evil ”Ç Ê¢Ç šÇ ɔÈ  Ȕ¢Ç 

to forget ù¢ÈÊû ÇÅ¢û Æ

 ûÊ¡ Èü ÊÈû  to come ”Ê´ ÷ ǔ¢³ ’žÊ³ ɔÊ´  Ȕ¢³ 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page ):  Percent so far :  .

Extra ÷ on nd letter of ôÞôÌôÓ
(Third person, sing., masc.)
¾È v |= þÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
¯òàÊç Extra ÷ on nd letter of ôÞôÌôÓ .
Extra alif in ôÞôÌôÓ .
¾È u
 S=|Ⱦv |= þÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
òÊà’è« òàèŠ ÷ òàçŠ Œòà èŠ  òŠ à çŠ to declare;
to apprise
¨Š Ê¦ü« ’ž¦ü÷ ̒ž¦û žŒ ¦ü ˜Š ¦û 

to change òʾ¦« ñ¾¦÷ ’ñ¾ ¥ ñŒ ¾ ¦ ñŠ ¾¥  to send down òÊÄü« ñÄü÷ ’ñÄ û ñŒ Ä ü ñŠ Äû 

to give good news ÂÊ̦« Â̦÷ ÂÌ

 ¥ Â Ì
 ¦  ̥ 
to deliver;
to rescue
¨Ê´ü« ´ü÷ ²
 û ´ü  ´û 

to make clear úʦ« ú¦÷ ú¥ ú¦ ú ¥  to turn ¨Êó « Oó ÷ Oñ Oó  Mó 

to adorn / make
st to seem fair
[ÊÄ« úÄ ÷ úà úÄ  ú à  passive voice ¿Ž`ˆ
ÞIÌôÔõã õ ÌI ôÔõó
Þ ô ÌK õÓ
to glorify;
to praise
¶ʦÈ« ¶¦È
 ÷ ¶¦Ç ¶
  ¶ ¦Ç  ¨Šôß ¢Šè÷ òÊߢŠè÷ ’òÊߢŠç ŒòÊߢŠè òŠ ß ¢Šç
to bring under
Zʼ È« ¼È
 ÷ ¼ Ç
 ¼ È
  Â ¼ Ç 
to struggle;
to strive
§¾ÿ ¢´÷ ¾Êÿ¢´÷ ¾Êÿ¢³ ¾ Êÿ¢´ ¾ÿ ¢³ 

to pronounce ss
to be true
êʾЫ é¾Ð
 ÷ é¾Ï
  to fight ¨Šô«¢Šì÷ òÊ«¢Šì÷ ’òÊ«¢Šë òŒ Ê«¢Šì Šò«¢Šë 

to punish;
to torment
¤ÊÀà« £OÀà ÷ £ OÀß £ OÀà  £
to call out;
to cry unto
”¡¾Êû§¡½¢ü÷ ǽ¢ü÷ ʽ¢û ʽ¢ü ½¢û 

to teach öÊôà« öOôà ÷ öOôß öOôà  öMôß  to play hypocricy ¨ŠìçŠ ¢ü÷ êÊç¢ü÷ êÊç¢û ê Êç¢ü ê çŠ ¢û 

to send forward öʾ’ì« õ¾ìŠ ÷ õ¾ëŠ õ¾ìŠ  õ ¾ëŠ  to migrate §³ ¢ ÷ Âʳ¢ ÷ Âʳ¢ÿ  ʳ¢   ³ ¢ÿ 

to accuse ss of
¤ÊÀ’ð« £OÀðŠ ÷ £ OÀïŠ £ OÀðŠ  £MÀïŠ  passive voice ¿Ž`ˆ ÞôˎôÔõã õÞôˎôÔõó ôÞöËîõÓ
Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .
Extra ÷ on nd letter of ôÞôÌôÓ
(Third person, sing., masc.)
¾È v |E ÈJþÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
¯òàÊç Extra Hamza before ôÞôÌôÓ
(Third person, sing., masc.)
¾È v |E ÈJþÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
ñ¢à’çʛ òÊà’è÷ ’òÊà’ç—Š ŒòÊà’è Šòà’犗 to turn away;
to backslide
 ÊÂà Ñ
 Â ߗŠ 

to see; to watch Á¢Ð¥Ê› ÂÊЦ÷ ÂÊÐ¥—Š  ÊЦ   Ð

 ¥ —Š  to drown é¡’ãʛ éÊÂä÷ éÊ’㗊 é
 ÊÂä é
 Â ’ã—Š 

to do good;
to do excellently
ù¢È·Ê› úÊȸ÷ úÊÈ·—Š ú Êȸ
  ú È
 · —Š 
to spread
½¢Ȓçʛ ¾ÊȒè÷ ¾ÊȒ痊 ¾ ÊȒè ¾ È

to bring forth ±¡Â»Ê› ±Ê¼÷ ±Ê»—Š ±

  ±Â »—Š  to be successful µ¢Šô’çʛ ¶Êô’è÷ ¶Êô’ç—Š ¶
 Êô’è ¶
 ôŠ ’ç—Š 

to make ss enter ñ¢»½Ê› òÊ»¾÷ ’òÊ»½—Š òŒ Ê»¾  òŠ » ½ —Š 

to make st grow;
to cause to grow
©¢Ê¦ûʛ ªÊ¦ü÷ ªÊ¦û—Š ª
 ʦü ª

to send back;
to take back
Ý¢³Áʛ ÞʳÂ÷ ÞʳÁ—Š Þ ʳ  Þ ³ Á —Š  to warn Á¡ŠÀûʛ ÁÊÀü÷ ÁÊÀû—Š Á ÊÀü Á ÀŠ û—Š 

to send ñ¢ÇÁʛ òÊÇÂ÷ ’òÊÇÁ—Š òŒ ÊÇ  òŠ Ç Á —Š 

to send down;
to reveal
ñ¡Äûʛ ñÊÄü÷ ’ñÊÄû—Š ñŒ ÊÄü ŠñÄ û—Š 

to exceed; to be
å¡ÂÇʛ åÊÂÈ ÷ åÊÂÇ¡Š å
 Â Ç —Š 
to produce/ create;
to make st grow
”¢Ìûʛ žÊÌü÷ ’žÊÌû—Š žŒ ÊÌü ˜ŠÌ

to submit;
to surrender
õ¢ŠôÇʛ öÊôÈ÷ öÊôǗŠ ö ÊôÈ
  ö ôŠ Ç —Š 
to favor;
to bestow grace
õ¢àûʛ öÊàü÷ öÊàû—Š ö Êàü ö à û—Š 

to ascribe a
í¡ÂËʛ íÊÂÌ÷ íÊÂ˗Š í ÊÂÌ
  í ˗Š  to spend 颊èûʛ êÊèü÷ êÊèû—Š ê Êèü ê èŠ û—Š 

to become µ¢¦Ïʛ ¶Ê¦Ð÷ ¶Ê¦ϗŠ ¶

to not recognize;
to deny
Á¢Šðûʛ ÂÊðü÷ ÂÊðû—Š  Êðü  ðŠ û—Š 

to become good;
to make good
µ¢ŠôÏʛ ¶ÊôÐ÷ ¶ÊôϗŠ ¶
 ôŠ Ï
 —Š  to destroy í¢Šôÿʛ îÊô ÷ îÊôÿ—Š î
 Êô  î
 ôŠ ÿ—Š 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .

Extra Hamza before ôÞôÌôÓ
(Third person, sing., masc.)
¾È v |E ÈJþÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
¯òàÊç Extra Hamza before ôÞôÌôÓ
(Third person, sing., masc.)
¾È v |E ÈJþÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
to complete õ¢ø«Ê› ö ʬ÷ öÊø«—Š ö ʬ ö«—Š  to give life ”¢·Ê› Ǹ÷ Ê·—Š ʸ  ¢·—Š 

to love £¢¦·Ê› ¤
 ʸ ÷ ¤Ê¦·—Š ¤
ʸ  ¤·—Š  to conceal ”¢Šè»Ê› Çæ¼÷ Êæ»—Š Êè¼ Šè»—Š 

to make lawful;
to cause to dwell
ñ¢Šô·Ê› ò ʸ÷ ’òÊô·—Š Nòʸ Mò· —Š  to show §Ȕ¡Áʛ ÇÂ÷ ÊÁ—Š Ê Á—Š 

to conceal; to
speak secretly
Á¡ÂÇʛ  ÊÈ÷ ÁÊÂǗŠ  ÊÈ ÂÇ —Š  to enrich ”¢ü’ãʛ Çúä÷ Êú’ã—Š Êüä ü’ã—Š 

to leave in error;
to send astray
ñ¢ŠôÓʛ ò ÊÔ÷ ’òÊôӗŠ NòÊÔ MòÓ
to throw; to cast;
to place
”¢Šìóʛ Çêô÷ Êê’ó—Š Êìô Šì’ó—Š 

to prepare; to
make st ready
½¡¾ßʛ ¾ Êà÷ ½Ê¾ߗŠ ¾ Êà ¾ß —Š 
to rescue; to
save; to deliver
”¢´ûʛ Dzü÷ ʲû—Š Ê´ü ´û—Š 

to make sb taste ¨Šë¡Š¿Ê› êÊÀ÷ éÊ¿—Š ê ÊÀ é

to reveal;
to inspire
”¢yʛ ǵ÷ ʵ —Š Ê· ·—Š 

to intend;
to wish
§½¡Áʛ ¾ÊÂ÷ ½ÊÁ—Š ¾ Ê ½¡Á—Š  to fulfil ”¢Šèʛ Çå÷ Êå —Š Êç Šç—Š 

to befall; to inflict ¨¥¢Ïʛ ¤ÊÐ÷ ¤ÊϗŠ ¤

 ÊÐ £
 ¢ϗŠ  to believe ù¢{ʛ úÊ÷š÷ úÊ÷• ú Ê÷š ú÷ • 

to obey ¨ߢŠ×ʛ ÞÊØ÷ ÞÊחŠ Þ ÊØ Ý

 ¢Š×—Š  to give ”¢¬ʛ Ê«š÷ Ê©• Ê«š «• 

to establish;
to set upright
¨÷¢Šëʛ öÊì÷ öÊ뗊 ö Êì õ ¢Šë—Š 
to give trouble;
to harm; to annoy
”¡ŠÀʛ Ê¿š÷ Ê¿• Ê¿š Š¿• 

to cause
someone to die
¨«¢÷ʛ ªÊø÷ ªÊ÷—Š ª
 Êø ©
 ¢÷—Š  passive voice ¿Ž`ˆ ÞôÌøÔõã õÞôÌøÔõó ôÞöÌøÓõƒ
Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: 
Extra • and ÷ in ôÞôÌôÓ .
Extra • and alif in ôÞôÌôÓ .
¾È u
 S=}Y= È¾v }= Y= þÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
¯òàÊç Extra alif and • in ôÞôÌôÓ .
Extra ‡ and å in ôÞôÌÓô .
¾È v }= ˆE ÊRÈ¾v Y= |E ÊþÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
ò àèŠ « òàèŠ ¬÷ ’òà èŠ « Œòà èŠ ¬ òŠ à èŠ « ñ¢àÊ¬ç’ Ê¡ òÊà¬è’ ÷ ò’ Êà¬ç’ Ê¡ ŒòÊà¬è’  òŠ à ¬ç’ Ê¡
to think over;
to reflect
ÂNðèŠ « ÂOðèŠ ¬÷ ÂMðèŠ « ÂMðèŠ ¬  MðèŠ «  to differ 墊ôʬ»Ê¡ æÊô¬¼ ÷ æÊô¬»Ê¡ æ
 ôŠ ¬» Ê¡ 

to receive admo-
nition; to remember
ÂNïÀŠ « ÂOïÀŠ ¬÷ ÂMïÀŠ « ÂMïÀŠ ¬ ÂMïÀŠ «  to follow Ý¢¦«Ê¡ Þʦ ¬÷ Þ ʦ «Ê¡ Þ ʦ ¬ Þ¦ «Ê¡ 

to put one's trust òNï« òOï ¬÷ ’òMï« ŒòMï ¬ òŠ Mï «  to take; to adopt ¿¢¼«Ê¡ Àʼ ¬÷ ’Àʼ «Ê¡ ÀŒ ʼ ¬ ÀŠ ¼

to become clear ú ¦« ú¦¬÷ ú ¦« ú ¦¬ ú ¦« 

to be on guard;
to protect
”¢Šì«Ê¡ Çê ¬÷ Êê «Ê¡ Êì ¬ Šì «Ê¡ 

to wait & watch

for opportunity
Î ¥Â « Υ ¬÷ Î ¥Â « Î ¥Â ¬ Î
 ¥Â «  to fabricate a lie ”¡Âʬ’çÊ¡ Ǭ’è÷ ʬ’çÊ¡ ʬ’è ¬’çÊ¡ 

to turn away;
to take for friend
Lñ« Lñ¬÷ Mñ« Mó ¬ Mó « 
to find or to follow
the right path
”¡¾Ê¬ÿ Ê¡ Ǿ¬ ÷ ʾ¬ÿ Ê¡ ʾ¬  ¾¬ÿÊ¡ 

to make sb die;
to receive in full
 « å
  ¬÷ å« Mç ¬ Mç «  to seek ”¢äʬ¥ Ê¡ Ç⬦ ÷ Ê⬥ Ê¡ Ê䬦  䬥 Ê¡ 

passive voice ¿Ž`ˆ ÞIÌôÔô˜õã õÞÌI ôÔô˜õó ôÞÌI ôÔõ— passive voice ¿Ž`ˆ ÞôÌô˜øÔõã õÞôÌô˜øÔõó ôÞöÌõ˜øÓõ
’òß ¢Šè« òÊߢŠè¬÷ ’òß ¢Šè« Œòß ¢Šè¬ òŠ ß ¢Šè« ñ¢àÊèûÊ¡ òÊàèŠ ü÷ ’òÊàèŠ ûÊ¡ ŒòÊàèŠ ü òŠ à èŠ ûÊ¡
to be blessed or
íÁ¢¦« íÊÁ¢¦¬÷ íÁ¢¦« íÁ¢¦¬ íÁ¢¦« 
to turn around;
to return
£¢ŠôÊìû Ê¡ ¤ÊôìŠ ü÷ ¤
 ÊôìŠ û Ê¡ ¤
 ÊôìŠ ü  ¤
 ôŠ ìŠ û Ê¡ 

to ask each other ñɔ¢È« ñʔ¢Ȭ÷ ’ñȔ¢È« ŒñȔ¢È¬ ŠñȔ¢È«  to refrain; to end ”¢ ʬû Ê¡ Çþ¬ü ÷ Êþ¬û Ê¡ Ê ¬ü   ¬û Ê¡ 

Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: . Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .

Extra alif and Ý in ôÞôÌôÓ .

 Prepositions that come with the verb &
¾vÊ}ƒE R?W„= Ên¾vÊ|
Extra –³ in ôÞôÌôÓ .
Èòà ’è¬ÇÊ¡Mòà ’çÊ¡þÊç¾ÊÄ÷ ¯
¯òàÊç may change the meanings
went forth; strove Êç£Â Ó
 came «—Š
ñ¢ŠôÊà’çÊ¡ Lòà ’è÷ Mòà ’çÊ¡ òN à ’è Mòà ’çÊ¡
mentioned Êñ£Â Ó
 brought Ê£«Š—
to become black ½¡½ÊÇÊ¡ ½ È÷ ½ ÇÊ¡ ½ È ½ ÇÊ¡  struck upn;
Šôß £Â Ó
 sought ä¥
to become white Ñ¢Ôʥʡ Ò
 ¦÷ ҥʡ Ò
¦ ҥʡ 
gave example  oppressed;
¢†ô°Š÷ £Â Ó Šôßä¥
was unjust
passive voice ¿Ž`ˆ ÞôÌøÔõã JÞôÌøÔõó Þ
I ôÌøÓõ abound ¢Šèß repented Šóʛ£¢«£ ¢«
ñ¢à’èʬÇ Ê¡ òÊà’è¬È
 ÷ ’òÊà’è¬Ç Ê¡ ŒòÊà’è¬È
  òŠ à ’è¬Ç Ê¡ forgave úß ¢Šèß accepted the
to seek ss to
ñ¢´àʬÇÊ¡ òÊ´à¬È÷ ’òÊ´à¬ÇÊ¡ òŒ Ê´à¬È òŠ ´
 à¬ÇÊ¡  decreed; fulfilled ÔëŠ came, arrived Ȕ¢³
to ask forgiveness Á¢ŠèäʬÇÊ¡ ÂÊèä¬È÷ ÂÊèä¬ÇÊ¡  Êèä¬È ÂèŠ ä¬ÇÊ¡  judged ú ¥Ô ëŠ brought Ê£Ȕ¢³
to act arrogantly Á¢¦ð’ ʬÇÊ¡ Âʦ’ð¬È÷ Âʦ𒠬ÇÊ¡  ʦ𒠬È Â ¦𒠬ÇÊ¡  killed Šôß Ô ëŠ went ¤ÿŠ¿
to mock at ”¡Ä ʬÇÊ¡ ÊÄ ¬È÷ ÊÄ ¬ÇÊ¡ 
 ÊÄ ¬È —ŠÄ  ¬ÇÊ¡ 
put; laid down Þ Ó
  took away Ê£¤ÿŠ¿
to accept;
¨¥¢´Ê¬ÇÊ¡ ¤Ê´¬È÷ ¤Ê´¬ÇÊ¡ ¤Ê´¬È £¢´¬ÇÊ¡ 
removed úß ÞÓ
  went away úߤÿŠ¿
to respond turned; caused to
Mó was contented ÊÓÁ
to be able to ¨ߢŠØʬÇÊ¡ ÞÊجÈ÷ ÞÊجÇÊ¡ Þ ÊجÈ Ý
 ¢ŠØ¬ÇÊ¡  turn

to be straight; turned to ŠóʛMó pleased with úßÊÓÁ

¨÷¢ŠìʬÇÊ¡ öÊì¬È÷ öÊì¬ÇÊ¡ ö Êì¬È õ ¢Šì¬ÇÊ¡ 
to act straight turned away from úß Mó stroke £ÂÓ
passive voice ¿Ž`ˆ ÞôÌøÔô˜ø´õã õÞôÌøÔô˜ø´õó ôÞöÌøÔõ˜ø³õ
Total words (of this page):  Percent so far: .

(åÂà÷ )Masculine Gender ÂMï ÀŠ ÷ Masculine Gender ÂMï ŠÀ ÷

Negative  Imperative Â÷—

Imperfect ÝÊÁ ¢Ô ÷ òà Êç Past Tense òàÊç

’òà ’è«¢Šó ’òà ’çÊ¡
Don t do ! Do !
ÊÓ ¢÷ Singular

ŠòàŠç ÿ
He does . He did .
ýÊÉÈ He will do . ¢Šôà ’è «¢Šó Do (you two )! ¢Šôà ’çÊ¡
Œòà ’è
 Don t do ! Dual

¡Œôà è’ «¢Šó ¡Œôà ç’ Ê¡

Don t (you all ) do ! Do (you all )!
¢Šôà Šç
¢ø ÿÊÊÉÈ You do / will do . ù¢Šôà ’è They two did . ¢ø ÿ
ö ÊÿÉÉÈÊ They do .
ùŒôà ’è
They all did .
¡Œôà çŠ ö ÿ
They will do . (it) is being
Œòà ’è
(it) is done .
òŠ ÊàçŒ ñ ´
done .
í  You do .
You will do . Œòà ’è«
You did .
ª’ôàŠç ª
passive voice

Passive participle ñàè÷öÇ¡ Active participle òߢçöÇ¡

¢ø Œï  You do /will do .
Êù ¢Šôà ’è « You two did . ¢ø ¬’ôà Šç ¢ø ¬ûŠ—
ñàè’ ÷ òߢŠç
The one who is Doer .
ö Œï  You all do .
ŠùŒôà ’è«
You all did .
ö¬’ôà Šç ö ¬û—Š
affected .
You all will do . úŠóà ’è ÷ ù¢Šóà ’è ÷ úŠôÊß ¢Šçù¢ŠôÊß ¢Šç Dual

ª’ôà çŠ ¢û—Š [Êóà ’è÷ ùŒóà ’è÷ [ÊôÊߢŠçùŒôÊߢŠç
I do . I did .

I will do . Œòà ’ç—Š Plural

¢û We do .
Œòà ’èû
We did .
¢ü’ôà Šç ú¸ û
We will do . action;
act of doing òàÊç Á¾Ð÷
Noun of action

 Feminine Gender ® ûš ÷
(åÂà ÷ ) Feminine Gender ® ûš ÷ Negative  Imperative Â÷—

Imperfect òàÊç Past òàÊç

Êôà ’è«¢Šó Êôà ’çÊ¡
Don t do! Do!
Tense Tense Singular
Don t do! Do (you two )!
¢ÿ ÊÈÉ She does . She did .
Êÿ ¢Šôà è’ «¢Šó ¢Šôà ç’ Ê¡
She will do . Œòà ’è« ª
 ôŠ à çŠ Dual

ú ’ôà ’è«¢Šó ú ’ôà ’çÊ¡

Don t (you all ) do! Do (you all )!
¢ø ÿ ÊÈÊÉ You do / will do . ù¢Šôàè’ « They two did . ¢¬ŠôàŠç ¢ø ÿ Plural

ú ÿ É ÈÉÊ
ú ’ôà çŠ úÿ
They do . They all did .
They will do . ú ’ôà ’è (it) is being
done . Œòà ’è«
(it) is done .
ªôŠ ÊàçŒ ñ ´
í  You do .
 Êôà ’è«
You did .
ʪ’ôà çŠ Êªû—Š passive voice
You will do .

¢ø Œï  You do /will do .

Êù ¢Šôà è’ « You two did .
¢ø ¬ô’ à çŠ ¢ø ¬û —Š Passive participle ñàè÷öÇ¡ Active participle òߢçöÇ¡

¨Šóà’è÷ ¨ŠôÊߢŠç
The one who is Doer .
ú ïŒ 
ú¬’ôà çŠ ú¬û—Š
You all do . You all did . Singular
You all will do . ú ’ôà ’è« affected .

ú¬Šóàè’ ÷ ù¢¬Šóàè’ ÷ ú¬ŠôߢŠçù¢¬ŠôߢŠç Dual

 I do .
I did .

Êû  I will do . Œòà ’ç—Š ª’ôà çŠ ©¢Šóà’è÷ ©¢ŠôߢŠç Plural

¢û We do .
Œòà ’èû
We did .
¢ü’ôà çŠ ú¸
We will do .
act of doing òàÊç Á¾Ð÷
Noun of action

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