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My Brother’s Love

A Taboo M/M Romance

Chara Croft
My Brother’s Love Copyright © 2019 by Chara Croft, Smashwords Edition All rights
reserved. No part of this story may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means without written permission of the copyright holder, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied within critical reviews and articles.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products
of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as
real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations
is entirely coincidental.

The author has asserted her rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988
(as amended) to be identified as the author of this book. The author can be reached at

This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. It contains sex acts between
consenting adults, and all characters represented within are eighteen years of age or
older. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

For Courtney Bassett

Merry Fucking Christmas!

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

About the Author

I had my eyes closed as usual while Kayla sucked me off, my hands tangled in her hair
while I desperately pretended that after an entire year together, I wasn’t still wishing
every sexual encounter was with someone else. The longer we were together, the more I
had to work at it to seem interested whenever she pulled my cock out, and when my
phone rang with the rarely heard ringtone I’d reserved for my mother, I pulled Kayla off
my half-hard dick with a guilty sense of relief.

She looked up with wide eyes, wiping her mouth.

“You’re actually going to answer that, Jonah? Now?”

“Have to,” I lied, even though I was pretty sure she knew that I generally followed a
strict straight-to-voicemail policy whenever my parents rang. “It’s almost Christmas.”

“But you’re not even going home for winter break,”

she said, her cock-swollen lips thinning into an angry line.

“And I still don’t understand why you won’t come home with me. We’ve been together
for a year now! My parents want to meet you.”

“Can’t,” I said, not bothering to explain why. But God help me, there was no way in hell I
ever wanted to meet her parents. My own had always been more of the neglect-and-let-
the-nanny-deal-with-it school of parenting, but from everything Kayla had said, her
family was close… which

meant that if I ever made the mistake of letting her introduce me to them as her
boyfriend, they’d no doubt see right through me.

“Really? Then I’m sorry, but I think we should break up,” Kayla said, dropping her
bombshell in a hard voice as I swiped to answer my mother’s call.

Well, fuck. She was right, of course—we really should

—but where would that leave me? I held up a finger to ask her to hold the thought,
knowing for sure that I was the world’s biggest asshole.

“Hello, Mother,” I said, tucking away my softening dick and standing up to step around
Kayla. She glared up at me, but I ignored her anger, too distracted by the way my heart
was already hammering with anxiety over possible reasons for the unexpected phone

My parents weren’t the type to get sentimental or contact me simply because it was the
holiday season, and I knew we didn’t have anything logistical to discuss since, just like
the year before, I’d come up with a plausible lie to avoid going home for Christmas.

This time, my excuse was a holiday internship that didn’t exist. It was exactly the kind of
thing my father was always offering to secure for me with one of his many business
connections, and I’d only managed to avoid providing my parents with the nonexistent
details by insisting that I wanted to test the waters in the business world on my own
merits. That had won me some parental respect that I couldn’t give two shits about—not
coming from them—but it also meant that they weren’t expecting to see me over winter

break and had absolutely no reason whatsoever to be reaching out to me now. At least,
none that I could stomach thinking about.

But if something had happened to my brother, I’d know, right? Just because I’d been
avoiding him, it didn’t mean we weren’t still… well, not “close” anymore, of course

—that was too dangerous—but still connected.

“Is Caleb—I mean, is everyone okay?” I asked, clenching the phone so tightly in my hand
that I heard the case crack.

A long-suffering sigh sounded on the other end of the line. “No, your father and I are not
okay, Jonah,” Mother said.

“Your brother has been incredibly difficult lately—”

“What happened?” I interrupted, ignoring the sound of Kayla rustling around the room
behind me.

“Nothing happened,” Mother said in a tight voice.

“But his attitude has been wearing on us. It’s really more than I can take, especially
during the holidays. We’ve decided to go to Aspen for Christmas to try to decompress.”

I blinked, torn between wanting to press her on what exactly was wrong with Caleb’s
“attitude” and trying to figure out why she was telling me this. My brother wasn’t even
remotely athletic and he hated being cold, so I wasn’t sure how a skiing holiday was
supposed to help him “decompress.”

Then again, our parents had never been the type to actually pay attention to their sons,
so it shouldn’t have surprised me that they’d be clueless about how to help him.

I could help him.

I clamped down hard on that thought before it could get away from me. Caleb was three
years younger than me, and from the moment he’d come home from the hospital, he’d
been mine. Our nannies used to think it was cute how I’d coddled and taken care of him.
I’d fallen head over heels for the adorable little bugger the minute he’d blinked those
big baby blues up at me and cooed, and from day one, I hadn’t wanted to let him out of
my sight. We’d been inseparable right up until I’d left home for college—something that
had about killed me to do, even though I knew it was weird to feel like leaving your baby
brother was ripping a piece of your heart out. And college life had been great, but I’d
still spent most of it counting down the days until I could go home and see him again.

I’d lived for those breaks every year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break, summer…
hating how much of Caleb’s life I was missing but relieved that nothing seemed to
change between us each time I made it home. Every time, he’d stayed glued to my side
while I was there. And every time, it had been hell to leave him again once I had to
return to school.

Not that I’d actually known what hell was, of course.

Not until I’d left that last time knowing I wouldn’t… couldn’t see him again.

I swallowed hard, reminding myself to stay strong.

He’d just turned eighteen when I’d gone home for Thanksgiving the year before, finally
in his senior year of high school. Now, he was the same age I’d been when I’d headed off
to college and left him the first time. I’d managed to delay doing that by a full year with
the excuse that I wanted to take a gap year to get some real-world experience working
for my

father before getting my degree, but eventually, as much as it had killed me to leave
Caleb, I’d had to go.

And if only I’d been stronger the last time I’d seen him, he’d be here with me now,
starting his own college career.

“Are you seriously going to ignore what I just said?”

Kayla hissed from behind me, smacking my shoulder as Mother started to rattle off
something about their itinerary in my ear.
I turned back to face Kayla with a familiar feeling of guilt. She really did deserve better.
I pulled the phone away from my ear and covered the speaker for a second.

“Sorry, babe. And you’re right, we should. I just need a minute to make sure my baby
brother is—”

“Are you serious?” she snapped, cutting me off. “I’m right? That’s all you have to say
after a year together? I say we should break up, and you say I’m right?”

I shrugged one shoulder, not sure how to respond. I guess she wanted me to fight for
her, but I was pretty sure that would make me an even bigger asshole than I already was
for having dated her in the first place when I really wanted someone else.

“Jonah, are you listening to me?” Mother asked sharply, her voice clearly audible from
the phone’s tiny speaker. “We need to book the flights.”

I put it back up to my ear, mouthing “sorry” to Kayla.

I meant it, too.

“Yes, Mother,” I said as Kayla narrowed her eyes at me. “Aspen for Christmas. I heard. I
hope the three of you have a good time.”

I really hoped she hadn’t been asking me to join them.

I loved skiing and ached to see Caleb again, but I was going to keep right on doing the
right thing, no matter how many pieces of my heart it ripped out. Of course, without
Kayla around to distract me, that was going to be even harder than usual, but—

“You weren’t listening at all,” Mother said, sounding exasperated. “Of course Caleb’s
not coming to Aspen. Your father and I need some space from him. That’s the whole
point. All his moping is absolutely ruining the holidays for us.”

Moping? Caleb was sad? That’s what had my parents running away? I thought they’d
meant he’d gotten into some kind of trouble, but hearing this was almost worse.

“Jesus, you’re a real prick, Jonah,” Kayla said, snatching up her purse and storming
toward the door. “Don’t call me.”

I nodded, earning some harsher profanity as she slammed the door behind her, but she’d
already lost my attention.

“What do you mean Caleb’s not going to Aspen?” I asked my mother, anger surging
inside me. My baby brother needed something, and instead of giving it to him, they were
running away. “You’re seriously going to leave him all alone at Christmas?”

I squeezed my eyes closed, breathing deeply to avoid some profanity of my own. I wasn’t
naive enough to think that family holidays had suddenly become all warm and cozy since
I’d stopped showing up for them, but even if my parents had no doubt mostly ignored
Caleb like they always had, actually leaving him was fucking cold.

Of course, it’s exactly what I’d done, but that was different.

“Of course we can’t leave him alone,” Mother said, clearly impatient. With a put-upon
sigh, she added an exasperated-sounding, “Your father and I agree that allowing him the
same gap year we gave you was a mistake. Caleb barely makes an effort at your father’s
office, and here at home he’s been nothing but moody and distant. Frankly, we just don’t
trust him at the house on his own. Who knows what he might get up to.”

They didn’t trust him? Thought he was moody and distant? Oh, that was rich. I literally
couldn’t imagine how they’d even noticed, not unless they’d completely changed their
parenting style in the last year. Still, the mention of Caleb’s gap year ripped my heart
out all over again. He’d been so excited to come join me here at our parents’ alma
mater, biding his time until he could hurry up and graduate high school so we could be
together again at college. He’d been planning on pledging my frat so we could even live
together again, at least during what would have been his freshman and my senior year.

This year.

I pushed the thought aside to avoid getting sucked down into emotions that couldn’t go
anywhere, grinding my teeth together and reshaping all those useless feelings into a
seething outrage at the bullshit my mother was spewing instead. She was seriously
worried about what Caleb would

“get up to” if she left him alone? Did she even know him at all? He’d always been a good
kid. The best. And of course he wasn’t doing well at Father’s office. He wasn’t even
remotely suited for it. He needed—


I shut that thought down hard and fast, too. Letting myself go there wouldn’t do either
of us any good. And honestly, it just hurt too damn much.

“But since we already gave the staff time off,” Mother was droning on, “you’re going to
have to be the one to take care of him, Jonah. Your father and I have discussed it, and
you’ll need to decline the internship you’ve lined up. With our connections, we’ll make
sure you have other opportunities in the future, but right now, the family’s needs take

I clenched my jaw. The family’s needs? What about Caleb’s needs?

Then I caught on to what she was actually saying.

“Wait, what?” I asked, my heart starting to pound.

“Are you saying that you want me to… to come home?”

See Caleb again?

Spend weeks with him?

Alone? Without even the staff?

“Yes,” Mother said, a hard edge creeping into her voice. “And I’m sorry, son, but this
isn’t a choice. In order for your father and I to keep funding your education, we’re going
to need you to come back and watch over your brother while we’re gone.”

I froze in shock. Was she seriously threatening to cut me off if I didn’t go home and keep
Caleb company over winter break? Tasking me with keeping my brother out of trouble?
Of taking care of him, the way I always used to?

It should have pissed me off. I wanted it to. But God help me, a hot surge of elation
rushed through me instead, making me almost giddy. I’d been good. I’d stayed away. I’d
cut off our relationship even though it had felt like cutting off a limb—because I always
took care of him, and that had been the only way I’d known how to do it. How to protect
him from me. But now my parents were forcing my hand, and the idea of finally seeing
my baby brother again woke something up in me that made me feel alive for the first
time all year.

Mother sighed on the other end of the phone. “I really am sorry to spring this on you,
Jonah,” she said, almost managing to sound like she meant it. “But we just don’t know
what to do with him. You’re the only one who ever did, and he’s been… well, he’s been
different lately. Frankly, it’s been too long since you’ve been home. It’s like he’s lost
without you around to guide him. You were always so good with him.”

I swallowed hard, a lifetime of memories assaulting me.

Teach me how, Jonah.

I want to be good for you.

Are you proud of me?

“I’ll be there,” I promised, my voice thick. “I’ll take care of him. I’ll… I’ll give him
whatever he needs.”

And God help us both if he still needed me the way he did before… because I didn’t
think I’d have the strength to walk away a second time.

“Fuck,” I blurted, my heart shooting up into my throat at the sound of a knock on my
bedroom door. The household staff had all been given time off for Christmas, so it had to
be one of my parents.

Other than the occasional run-in at my new “day job”

at Dad’s company, which I hated, for the record, I usually only saw them during the sit-
down dinners they insisted on having at precisely six o’clock on the evenings they
weren’t out at some event or other, and they never actually sought me out.

Why on Earth one or the other of them would be coming up here to my room I had no

I put my laptop screen to sleep without bothering to type “BRB” in the chat window I
had open. The guy I’d been chatting with was hot, but if he ghosted on me while I was
away from the keyboard I was pretty sure I’d have no trouble finding another one who
looked like—

I bit my lip hard enough to taste blood, blinking away the hot prick of tears behind my
eyelids with a determined effort as I pushed away from my desk and went to the door,
cutting off the direction my thoughts had tried to go. The direction they always went. I’d
just turned nineteen—“not a kid anymore” as my father liked to throw in my face
sometimes—and it was long past time for me to stop being such a baby about the things
I was never going to have and start settling for what was available. Which, based on the

attention my online profile got, was plenty. Unlike some people, the guys online actually
seemed to want me, and one way or another, I was determined to hook up with one of
them over the holiday and finally lose the V-card I’d been holding onto for far too long.

And maybe, hopefully, doing that would be enough to make me stop pining for… for
anyone else.

“Caleb?” My father’s voice sounded through the door, followed by another brisk knock.
“We need a word with you, son.”

My phone vibrated in my back pocket—no doubt another message from the guy I’d just
been chatting with, since I had the app installed on both devices—but I ignored it as I
opened the door to my father.

“Yeah?” I asked, leaning against the doorjamb to block his way. Not that he’d probably
care even if he noticed that the other door was open, too, but I still felt guilty and a little
embarrassed about how often I went into Jonah’s room. It didn’t matter that Jonah was
gone, he’d still made it clear he didn’t want me there anymore.

It was the only piece of him I still had, though.

Our house was ridiculously large—so big that I sometimes felt lost in it—but the part
that felt like my actual home was right here. Jonah and I had always had these adjoining
bedrooms. There was a shared bathroom in between with doors on each side to connect
us, but most nights growing up, we’d ended up sharing.

When I was little, I’d had horrible nightmares whenever I’d tried to sleep alone, but
Jonah had always been able to chase them away, and even though I hadn’t had them in
years, I’d worried that they might come back when he left for college. They hadn’t, but if
I’d been smarter, I would have known that I should have been scared of something else
entirely. Scared of him realizing I was too much work, too clingy, too needy… scared of
how foolish I’d been to have thought we’d always be together.

That he’d always be there for me, the way he used to promise.
That he’d be everything for me.

“Your mother and I need you to come downstairs,”

Father said, looking uncomfortable. “We’ve decided to change our schedule for the
holiday, and we’d like to discuss your behavior before we leave.”

“Leave?” I asked, my brow crinkling. “Do you have an event to go to tonight?”

Father sighed, his hand clamping down on my shoulder as he shook his head. “I told
your mother we should have brought you up to speed last week, but she preferred to
leave any fallout to your brother to deal with. I apologize that it’s so last minute.”

I had no idea what he was talking about, but the fact that he’d mentioned my brother
sucked all the air out of my lungs and left me gasping. “Jonah? What, um, what does he
have to… to do with your plans? Is he coming home?”


Oh, God… PLEASE.

I held my breath as I waited for Father to answer, trying and failing not to get my hopes
up when they’d most likely be dashed. Jonah hadn’t come home at all for the last year,
and even though I’d been the one who’d begged my parents for a gap year because I
couldn’t face him at college knowing he didn’t want to be around me anymore, I’d still
missed him every single day he’d been gone.

I sent up a silent prayer.

I’d be so good if he came back.

I’d leave him alone.

I wouldn’t ask anything of him. Just seeing him again would be enough.

My father glanced at his watch, starting to look impatient. “Yes, Caleb,” he said
brusquely, his answer making my heart soar and my stomach cramp, both at the same

“Your brother should be here any minute, and the car bringing him from the airport will
take your mother and I. We’re going to Aspen and will be back after the New Year. Until
then, Jonah has promised to look out for you. I know you’re technically an adult, but
until we see signs that you’re ready to be a responsible one, your mother and I aren’t
comfortable leaving you alone here at the house. He’s in charge, do you understand?”

“Yes, Father,” I whispered, blindsided by the news.

Actually, I didn’t understand—why would Jonah agree to this when he’d made it
perfectly clear he didn’t want

anything to do with me anymore?—but I wasn’t going to argue.

Maybe I should have chafed at Father’s implication that I needed a keeper at my age,
but the truth was, I did—as long as my keeper was Jonah. Even my parents, who often
acted like they forgot I was around, had noticed how lost I was without him.

Nothing felt right without Jonah there to take charge the way he always had when I was
younger. He’d always been there to tell me what to do and teach me how to do it. I’d
trusted him implicitly and loved him unconditionally… so much so that I hadn’t hesitated
for a second to ask him for what I needed the last time he’d been home.

I squashed the sick feeling in my stomach at the memory. That had been a mistake.

“Come on, then,” Father said, gesturing for me to accompany him downstairs. “Your
mother wants to say goodbye to you.”

I swallowed hard as I followed him. I wouldn’t make any mistakes with Jonah this time; I
just wasn’t strong enough to deal with losing him again. I’d keep my distance no matter
how much I was already longing to throw myself into his arms.

I’d show him I could be independent.

That I didn’t need him anymore.

That I… that I had options. Other people to take care of me so that he didn’t have to,
like the guy I’d left hanging on chat a few minutes ago.

And maybe, if I could pull it off, Jonah wouldn’t cut me out of his life this time when he
left after Christmas.

Maybe I could still have some small piece of him. It wouldn’t be enough, it wouldn’t be
what I really wanted, but I’d take anything I could get over having nothing at all.

The closer the car got to my parents’ home, the harder it was for me to tamp down the
memories. Home meant Caleb, but I couldn’t even pretend that it was any of the
thousands of memories of our childhood I was thinking of; it was last year, just after he’d
turned eighteen.

“Fuck it,” I muttered, slapping the button to raise the privacy barrier between me and
the driver when we were about twenty minutes away from the house. I pressed the heel
of my hand against my dick, stifling a groan even though supposedly that privacy barrier
made it unnecessary. The driver may not have been able to hear me, but I still knew that
thinking of my brother this way— remembering—was wrong on every level.

Wrong, but necessary… at least, that’s what I told myself. Maybe if I gave in and got it
out of the way now, I’d be able to be strong when I actually saw him again.

It was all the justification I needed. I unzipped and pulled my cock out, already harder
than I’d been the last time Kayla had had me in her mouth. And yeah, I know it wasn’t
coincidence that I’d chosen a girlfriend with Caleb’s coloring.

A girl with a slight, boyish figure. A girl whose name was close enough to his that no one
could tell the difference, least of all me, when I shouted it out while I came.

But this? This was the first time I’d let myself actually remember what had happened.

Urgency overrode the guilt and shame I’d been living with for the last year, and I spit
into my hand and wrapped it around my cock, tipping my head back against the seat as I
closed my eyes and finally— finally—gave myself permission to relive my last visit home.

Caleb and I had been inseparable as always from the minute I’d walked back in the door,
and the night before I’d headed back to school, he’d clambered into my bed the way he
always did, wrapping himself around me and squeezing tight, like he couldn’t bear to let
me go again.

I’d known exactly how he’d felt.

“I’m going to miss you,” he’d whispered as a hot, wet heat spread on my bare shoulder.

He sniffled, and my heart clenched. My baby was crying, and I couldn’t make it better.

I had to leave. That’s what people did, right? Grow up, go to college, get on with adult
life. It hadn’t gotten any easier every time I did it, but at least he’d be joining me the
following year.

I kissed the top of his head, squeezing him tight. “I miss you every day I’m there,

I’d made friends, I enjoyed my frat brothers, I liked my classes, I’d been having fun…
but damn, it was true. I missed my baby brother like air. I knew we were closer than
most brothers, and whether that was because of the cold environment we’d grown up in
or just because that’s how we

were, I didn’t care. All I knew was that this was when everything felt right in my world.

When we were together.

When I got to hold him.

When he clung to me like a second skin and I knew—

just knew—that nothing would ever tear us apart.

“You really miss me?” Caleb asked, peeking up at me with those big, wet eyes that
tugged at my heart.

“Of course I do.” I’d told him so countless times, but I had no problem doing it again. I’d
always give him what he needed if I could.

He smiled, just a little one. “I figured… I mean, you’ve met so many other people, right?
Do you… do you have a girlfriend there yet?”

He hadn’t asked me that one before, although I’d been razzed about my perpetually
single status a bit by some of my friends. And sure, I’d hooked up a few times, but I had
yet to meet a girl who held my interest.

“Not yet,” I told Caleb, sliding my hand up the sweet curve of his spine so I could rub his
back the way he liked. His skin was warm and smooth, like silk. Still just as soft as when
he’d been a baby. “How about you, kitten?” I teased, figuring that he would have told me
already if he did. “Do you have a girlfriend yet?”

At eighteen, I was surprised it hadn’t already happened. I honestly didn’t see how the
girls he went to school with could resist him. How anyone could. He was beautiful.

Caleb blushed, a dark stain on his fair cheeks in the moonlight. God, he really was
adorable. “I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I had one,” he said, shaking his head.

I grinned. “I’m sure you’d figure it out.”

Caleb bit his lip, a look of uncertainty flashing across his face. “I don’t think so,” he
whispered, suddenly dodging my eyes. He pressed closer to my side, throwing a leg over
me as he mumbled something else against my chest.

“What was that, baby boy?” I asked, tipping his chin up so he had to look at me again.
We had the lights off—it was way past the time I should have been asleep given how
early my flight was the next day—but the moon was bright enough that I could still see
him pretty clearly.

“I said… I’m not sure I want one.” His voice was shaky, and so quiet that I still wouldn’t
have been able to make out the words if he hadn’t had every bit of my attention.

I squeezed him, kissing his forehead and oddly relieved at the thought that he wasn’t
eager to move forward with that part of his life yet.

“Maybe not yet,” I said, smiling in the dark. “But one of these days, you’ll—”

“No,” he interrupted, surprising me with the force of the word. He half sat up, propping
himself on his elbows against my chest. “I mean… Jonah, I think I might, um, I might
want a b-b-boyfriend instead?”

I froze as he stuttered over the word, his voice rising until he was almost breathless.

“What?” I growled, a surge of something hot and ugly ripping through me.


Holy shit, what was wrong with me? I had no problem with the idea of two guys hooking
up in theory, but the idea of another man with his hands on my brother?

Oh, hell no.

I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to get a fucking grip as Caleb trembled against me.
What the fuck was wrong with me? This was my brother… and while that last word
should have been the important one, it was the “mine” part that I was consumed with.

“I’m pretty sure I don’t like girls like that,” he whispered, the fear in his voice snapping
me out of it. “Are you… are you mad?”
“No,” I said, which wasn’t really a lie, since I wasn’t mad at him.

How could I be? He was perfect.

He was also biting his lip again, obviously not sure whether to believe me or not, and I
pulled him down against me so I could kiss his cheek, squeezing him tight and making
myself say what he needed to hear.

“Of course I’m not mad, kitten. Just… just surprised.

Do you—” I had to stop and clear my throat, because oh fucking Christ, I wanted to kill
the faceless guy if he existed,

“—do you have a boyfriend already?”

Caleb shook his head, that pretty blush darkening his cheeks again. “No,” he said, which
calmed down my inner caveman enough that I could return to petting his back instead
of trying to squeeze him right into my body. “And I… I still wouldn’t know what to do
with one if I did.”

I cleared my throat again. “Well, I’m sure it’s… not that different,” I said, even though at
the moment, I didn’t feel sure of anything at all.

And maybe this time I was lying to him, because how could it not be different? I couldn’t
say any of the girls I’d hooked up with had totally rocked my world, but it had always
been… fine. I mean, fooling around like that always felt good, right? And my dick
definitely liked the attention. But the idea of being with a guy? No, not just a guy, but
with Caleb? Yeah, that was different in all sorts of ways that were suddenly making me
feel angry and possessive and… and hot.

God, so hot that I should want to push both him and the blankets right off me, but
instead, I just wanted to—

Jesus. No. I shut my brain right down before it could finish that thought, sucking in a
breath as I clutched him against me so hard that he squeaked.

“Sorry, kitten,” I muttered, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck but not relaxing
my hold at all. I couldn’t.

Instead, I breathed him in, willing my cock not to get hard as he squirmed against me
like he wanted to get even closer.

“I’m nervous about it,” he said, his breath fluttering over my skin. “What if I… if I’m
with a guy someday, and…

and I do it all wrong?”

I groaned, not sure which “it” he was referring to, but hating the fact that whatever it
was, he would be doing it with another man. For some reason, that felt threatening on a
whole different level than the idea of sharing him with a girl.

Although even with that… if I was being honest, I liked that he’d never shown any
interest in anyone before. Liked that he hadn’t asked me about sex or come home with
crushes on cute girls during high school. And fucking Christ, definitely not any crushes
on cute boys.

Jesus, what was wrong with me?

Maybe it was just because it had always been the two of us. Caleb had always looked to
me for everything, and I… I liked it that way.

I liked being the one he needed.

I liked being so wrapped up in each other that it almost felt like the outside world didn’t

Caleb and I had both gone to bed wearing just boxer shorts and nothing else, like we
always did, and when he’d cuddled up to me, I hadn’t given it a second thought. Now,
though? The thin layers between us felt like too much and too little, both at the same
time. A throbbing excitement began spreading through my body, the kind that made my
cock start to want the type of attention that I was determined not to give it. The type I
couldn’t give it, because this was my brother.

“Don’t be nervous, baby,” I gritted out, forcing myself to be what he needed. His big
brother. The one who helped him. Guided him. Taught him how the world worked and
then made sure he was okay when he went out in it. I tipped his chin up, making him
look at me again. “I’m sure whatever

you… you do when you find—” the future boyfriend that I already hate, “—um, find
someone will, uh, just come naturally.”

Caleb bit his lip again, his eyes darting down to my mouth before jerking up to meet my
gaze again.

Oh fucking Christ. I was going to lose the battle with my cock, wasn’t I?

“Maybe you could… you could teach me, Jonah?” he asked breathlessly. “Show me what
boys like?”

“What do you mean, kitten?” I asked, blood pounding in my ears as my cock started to
fill despite my best intentions.

It knew what Caleb meant, even as I tried to tell myself that maybe I was

Caleb leaned in, pressing his lips against mine clumsily.

Liquid heat shot through me.

“Teach me?” he repeated, breathing the words against my lips as he wrapped his hands
around the back of my neck and kissed me again. “Show me what feels good?”

“I always want to make you feel good, baby boy,” I said before I could stop myself.

He smiled, squirming in my arms again until he’d wiggled himself all the way on top of
me, and my cock flexed so hard it almost made my stomach cramp.

I hissed out a slow breath, trying to get ahold of myself.

“Caleb,” I groaned, my hands moving down to his ass and pressing him tightly against
my throbbing shaft even though I’d fully meant to push him off me. “We… we can’t.

You’re my brother. I’m supposed to take care of you.”

“Yes,” he breathed out, rocking against me. “Please.”

Oh, fuck me. He was hard, too.

“Please take care of me, Jonah,” he begged, his warm breath washing over me as he
started to pant. “I… I need you.

I don’t… don’t know how to… what to—”

I slipped one hand inside his boxers, palming his ass, and tangled the other one in his
hair, shutting him up by crushing our mouths together.

I’d kissed him a million times, innocently…

tenderly… but never like this.

“This is wrong, kitten,” I muttered, ripping my mouth away from his and licking my way
down his neck. Unlike me when I’d been eighteen, he still didn’t need to shave. His skin
was warm and smooth and fucking delicious.

“How… how can it be w-w-wrong?” he stuttered, moaning so prettily when I started

sucking on the flutter of his pulse that I almost came right then and there. “It’s… it’s us,

I agreed. Nothing about being with him like this felt wrong. In fact, nothing had ever felt
so right.


I forced myself to pull my mouth away from him and still my roaming hands, then drew
in a shuddering breath.

“You’re my brother, kitten,” I said again, trying desperately to convince myself that it
mattered. “We… we can’t.”

He blinked down at me, and even in the dim light, I could see his eyes getting shiny with
tears. “We can’t?” he asked, sounding broken. “But… Jonah… don’t you love me?”

Shit. I couldn’t make my baby cry. I couldn’t stand it.

“Of course I love you,” I said, wrapping him tight in my arms and rolling him underneath
me. I was careful to keep some of my weight off him as I brushed the wetness off his
cheeks with my thumbs and then leaned down to kiss the rest of it away.

And no matter how hard my cock still was, I’d honestly meant to keep it chaste.



Caleb didn’t let me.

“Please, Jonah?” he whispered, tilting his head so that my lips missed his cheek and took
his mouth instead, the way we both wanted.

I told myself to pull away, but he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight,
arching up against me with a moan that was my undoing. I groaned and gave in, my
willpower shattered as I licked my way inside his mouth and found heaven. It was
nothing like making out with the girls I’d been with in the past. It was better. Hotter.
Both sweet and erotic, brand new and intimately familiar, even though I’d honestly
never thought of touching him this way before.

Jesus, though, I could already tell I was never going to be able to stop thinking about it,
not after this. It was everything that had ever been missing when I’d hooked up with a
girl. It was Caleb.

I pushed the thought and all its frightening implications away and focused on what was
important: making my baby feel good. Kissing him until he was begging me again.
Pushing our boxers out of the way and thrusting against his pretty little cock until he
was shaking. Wrapping my hand around both of us and letting him fuck into my tight
grip as I egged him on, told him how good he was doing, promised him things I
shouldn’t and greedily took everything I wanted.

“Jonah,” he gasped, his body going tense as he cried out and finally spilled over my
hand, thrusting against me erratically as I held him down, as I squeezed his cock and
smiled down at him, as I did my damnedest to make sure he got every single drop of
pleasure he could from it.
“That’s it, kitten,” I rasped, throbbing against his pulsing dick as he shuddered
underneath me.

He moaned so prettily I almost couldn’t stand it.

I’d done this.

I’d made my baby feel this good.

“You’re so fucking beautiful like this, baby,” I gritted out, my balls so tight as I watched
him come undone that I was almost in pain. And then, “Oh, fuck, Caleb.”

His hot cum lubricated my cock, and when he clutched me tight and gasped out my
name again, his dick jerking with

one last release, my own orgasm slammed through me so hard and fast that I saw stars.

Caleb had been mine since the day he was born, but this was what we were meant for.
Nothing had ever felt as perfect in my entire life, and even though I’d come to my
senses the next morning and made myself leave without waking him, a full year away
hadn’t done a single damn thing to make me stop wanting that perfection again.

Wanting him, the way brothers were never meant to.

I thrust up into my fist as the car my parents had sent to meet me at the airport pulled
into our driveway, covering the head of my cock with my other hand to catch my cum as
I came with a hoarse shout.

It was going to have to be enough. I was going to have to be strong this time and keep
my hands off my baby boy…

and right up until I walked in the door and saw him again, I actually fooled myself into
thinking I’d be able to.

I fiddled with my phone as I waited for Jonah to arrive, partly to avoid the awkwardness
of standing around with my parents after we’d already said our goodbyes, and partly
because I needed a distraction from freaking the fuck out.

I’d been right about the hot guy blowing up my chat after I’d walked away. We’d been
flirting online for a few days, but with my brother coming home, I knew I had to stop
being such a baby and move things along faster if I wanted to have any hope at all of not
being too needy around Jonah.

As if I needed any further proof that I was an idiot, the way my stomach cramped when I
read Hot Guy’s latest message was it. I should be happy he wanted me. I wasn’t made to
be alone. I really wasn’t good at it and didn’t like it at all… but oh God, no matter how
horny I sometimes got, it just hurt something inside me to think of being with anyone
but Jonah.

I didn’t care that he was my brother.

I didn’t care what anyone else would think of it.

And I was never, ever going to stop wanting him to be my one and only in every single
way, the way he always used to be in all the other ways, before I’d gone and ruined

I sighed, used to the aching, lonely feeling inside that thoughts of Jonah always brought
up by now. I wasn’t sure if I would feel better or worse once he was actually here, but I
still wanted to see him with a kind of desperation that would probably only push him
away all over again if I let it show once he arrived.

“Is that a message from your brother, Caleb?” my mother asked, sounding impatient as
she nodded toward the phone in my hand, then let her glance bounce between her
watch and the still-empty driveway. “He really should be here by now.”

“No,” I said, shaking my head and amazed, even though I shouldn’t be, that she’d even
asked me that. She seemed to have no clue about just how completely Jonah had cut me
out of his life over the past year.

I blinked rapidly to fight off the tears as Mother turned away to stare out at the
driveway again, then looked back down at my phone to re-read Hot Guy’s last message.

HOT GUY: So you’ve really never bottomed before?

I bit my lip, a rush of nerves hitting me at the blunt question. Then I sucked it up and
reminded myself that I wanted this—or at least, I should want it—and tapped out an
honest reply.

CALEB: I’ve never done much of anything.

Just the one night I’d had with my brother.

Hot Guy sent me back a dirty emoji that made me cringe and wonder how on earth I was
supposed to reply. It also made me wish for things I didn’t have anymore, like someone
to hold me tight and take charge of things. I was so tired of feeling like I didn’t know
what to do. Of worrying so much. Of feeling adrift. And this guy did look an awful lot like
Jonah… so maybe once we got together, he’d start acting like him, too? That’s what I
needed, so even though I wasn’t entirely sure I really wanted to go through with it, I
quickly sent—

CALEB: Is that a problem?

HOT GUY: Not for me. I’m more than happy to

break in that sweet little ass of yours. You want to do this


I swallowed hard, but tapped out a reply before I could chicken out.

CALEB: Ok. Where?

The sound of the front door opening startled me so badly that I dropped the phone as
soon as I hit send. I looked up and froze, forgetting all about my phone… and everything
else. Just like that, after an entire, endless year where I would have given anything to
see him, Jonah was suddenly here. His hair was shaggier and he was wearing a coat I’d
never seen

before. He looked like he’d packed on a little more muscle than the last time I’d seen
him. But he was still my big brother.

My everything. And he was home.

“Kitten,” he said, his voice sounding all gravelly and low, the way it always was when he
first woke up in the morning, and his eyes burning into me like he couldn’t bear to look
away any more than I could.

My parents said something to him. Maybe he said something back. I couldn’t be sure
because I was drowning. I heard a rushing sound in my ears and my knees turned to
water, and suddenly I couldn’t breathe.

“Jonah,” I gasped, putting a hand out to steady myself as my parents left in a flurry of
luggage and goodbyes—but Jonah was still standing too far away, and without him by my
side there was nothing to hold on to, just like there hadn’t been ever since he’d left.

Oh, God.

I couldn’t do this.

I wanted him so much, and he’d already told me it was all wrong.

I wasn’t like other people. I didn’t care that he was my brother. I wasn’t made to stand
on my own and I’d never wanted to.

Jonah had always taken care of me, and there’d been a time when I’d trusted that he
always would. That he wanted to.

But I knew better now, and when I started to wobble and he lurched toward me like he
might catch me, I did the only thing I could to keep from breaking down completely.

I turned and bolted for my room.

I’d have to figure out where Hot Guy wanted to meet and then pray that once I got
there, he’d be able to fill the void that losing my brother had left inside me once and for

Maybe if that happened, I’d be able to be the kind of brother Jonah wanted.

One who didn’t need him so much.

One who didn’t want him that way.

One who Jonah would want to keep.

My heart snapped in half when Caleb ran away from me, but before I’d taken more than
two steps after him, a buzzing sounded from the floor. I glanced down out of reflex and
would have ignored it if it hadn’t been for the words that caught my eye.

It was definitely Caleb’s phone.

I’m more than happy to break in that sweet little ass

of yours. You want to do this tonight?

I froze in shock as I skimmed the whole conversation.

And then—

Oh, hell no.

I saw red. I didn’t even remember taking the stairs or bursting into Caleb’s bedroom, I
only knew that one minute I was watching him make plans to give himself to someone
who wasn’t me—someone who wouldn’t appreciate him, care about him, take care of
him—and the next minute I’d thrown his laptop across the room and had him bent over
my knee, pants yanked down to his thighs and his ass laid bare to my hand.

“Jonah,” he gasped, twisting on my lap. “What—


“What the fucking hell, Caleb?” I shouted, the sound of my palm smacking the “sweet
little ass” that some other man wanted to use tonight going off like a gunshot in the
empty house. Red bloomed across Caleb’s pale skin as he jerked against me, arms and
legs flailing for purchase. “You are not… giving yourself… to anyone… but me.”

I wrapped an arm around his waist and held him tight against my lap, punctuating every
word with another hard smack. My baby brother wasn’t going anywhere tonight, least of
all to hook up with some piece of shit who didn’t deserve him, and even though I
shouldn’t be saying what I was—even though I’d spent an entire fucking year convincing
myself I couldn’t—I was too scared of what he’d been planning on doing tonight to
censor myself. All I had was the truth.

Caleb sobbed, somehow managing to curl into me even as he struggled to avoid my

palm. “But, Jonah, I was…

I’m just… I’m—”

“Mine,” I growled, spanking him even harder. I’d do anything to avoid hurting him, but
sometimes taking care of him meant making sure he didn’t hurt himself, either.

“I’m sorry,” Caleb gasped out, the words turning into a high-pitched squeal as I laid into
him, spanking him over and over again until my hand started to throb… until his wild
thrashing and little cries gave way to something quieter… until I could finally take a
breath without wanting to track down the motherfucker who’d been planning on
“breaking in” what he should have treasured, if Caleb had actually given it to him, and
breaking the worthless piece of shit in two.

“I’m sorry,” Caleb repeated, over and over, like he was saying it on autopilot.

I was the one who was sorry, though. I’d left him alone when I should have been
stronger. I’d run away when he’d needed me.

“I’m sorry,” Caleb whispered again, melting against me.

I’d spanked him before. Not often, and only when he’d needed it, but I recognized his
tells. His body still jerked with every smack, but his breathing had started to calm down.
He’d stopped fighting it and given in. He’d accepted that I knew what was best for him
and that I was willing to do whatever I needed to take care of him, and it was time to

But Jesus. I almost couldn’t.

A shudder rippled through me as I let my hand come to rest on the curve of his ass. Heat
radiated off his skin in waves, and I smoothed my palm over the bouncy, reddened flesh
and down his slim thighs, breathing deep as I tried to get a grip.

This wasn’t how I’d meant for our reunion to go. I hadn’t had a plan at all other than
keeping my hands off him once I got here, but the thought of what he’d intended to do
tonight had made me crazy. And worse—infinitely worse—

now that I had him half-naked and draped over me in a boneless, needy sprawl, I wanted
nothing more than to keep right on taking care of him.

To love him the way he deserved.

To comfort him after he’d scared the shit out of me.

To claim him, exactly the way I’d just spent the last year telling myself I couldn’t.

I rolled him over and gathered him up in my arms, holding him close as I got to my feet.
He’d filled out a bit since the last time I’d held him, but he still curled against me the
way he always had, fitting perfectly in my arms like he had from day one. The way he
always would, no matter how big he got.

“Jonah,” he whispered, blinking up at me with those big, wet eyes.

His face was blotchy and his nose sounded stuffy and his bangs were sticking to his
sweaty forehead, and he looked beautiful.

“I missed you so much,” he said, the words breaking in the middle on a little sob that
broke my heart and mended it, both at the same time. He wrapped his arms around me
as I carried him through the bathroom that separated our bedrooms, waiting until I’d
laid him out on my bed to ask,

“Did you… did you really mean it?”

I knew what he was asking, and God help me, I did.

Caleb was still mine.

Always mine.

I was done fighting it.

“Yes, kitten,” I said, leaning down and brushing my lips over his.

I drank in the little shudder that rippled through him, then loosened his arms from
around my neck so I could grab a

warm washcloth and some soothing lotion from the bathroom.

“No one will understand,” I told him, wiping the tears off his face with the washcloth
and then easing him out of the rest of his clothes and turning him over onto his stomach.

He was perfect.

He was everything I wanted.

He took my breath away.

I warmed the lotion in my hands and then smoothed it into his reddened flesh, my cock
twitching when the touch made his breath quicken. He subtly pushed his ass back
against my hands as I rubbed the pain away, silently begging for more.

“The way I love you, it’s not just brotherly, baby boy,”

I admitted, my voice sounding thick and slow as my hands moved over him.

“I love you that way, too,” Caleb whispered, his voice muffled against a pillow. “I love
you every way, Jonah.”

“Thank God,” I whispered sincerely, not sure how I could have handled it if things had
changed for him.

I was outright kneading his ass now, past soothing and just enjoying, and my hands
tightened possessively on his reddened flesh as it hit me. I could have lost him. Maybe I
should have, given how completely I’d failed to be here for him this last year.

Caleb sucked in a sharp breath, squirming under my tight grip, but the sound turned
into a delicious moan the minute I went back to massaging his heated skin. He was

going to be feeling that spanking all night, and I wanted him to. I wanted him to
remember he was mine—not just in his head and his heart, but viscerally, in every cell of
his body.


I would have to go back to school in a few weeks, and I couldn’t stand the thought of
him picking up with what I’d interrupted tonight when I left. It would honestly kill me.

“Who was the man you were planning to meet?” I asked, jaw clenching hard as I waited
for the answer, even though Caleb had already confirmed that he was still mine.

“No one,” Caleb said. “Really, Jonah. Just… just no one.”

“Good answer.”

I believed him. Caleb had never been able to lie convincingly. The man didn’t mean
anything to him, and now it was on me to make sure it stayed that way.

“Open up for me, baby,” I said, palming his thighs and spreading them apart, and the
way my sweet kitten moaned, rocking his hips against the bed? I’d bet anything he was

Knowing that made my own cock start to swell, and I worked more of the lotion into
Caleb’s hot skin… slipped a hand down to massage his taint… used my thumbs to spread
his crease wide and then pressed them against his pretty pink puckered little hole, over
and over, until I earned a needy gasp of pure want that sent me from a semi to rock
hard, faster than I could blink.

I groaned, aching to be inside him.

How many times had I fucked Kayla the way I wanted to take Caleb right now? With her,
it had always been lights off and calling out my brother’s name as I pounded into her
from behind. As I’d tried my damndest to enjoy the tight, hot hole she’d allowed me
access to; the one that I could almost imagine did it for me, but that was still never
enough because it wasn’t his.

It didn’t matter now. There would never be anyone else for me. There was only him.

“There’s… there’s only you, Jonah,” Caleb panted as if he’d read my mind, turning to
look back at me over his shoulder with an expression on his face that almost made my
heart stop.

He really was mine. He always had been, and I’d been a fool to ever doubt that taking
him the way we both craved was right. Nothing between us could ever be wrong.


“Love you, kitten,” I said, laying myself out on top of him and instantly feeling better
once he was tucked safely underneath me.

Caleb bit his lip, his eyes filling with tears as he nodded. “I love you, too. I only went
online because I thought you didn’t want me, Jonah, but if you do—”

“Always,” I promised, gutted at the thought of what I might have lost just because…
because I’d lost sight of what really mattered. Because I’d almost let the world tell me
what was right and wrong instead of just taking care of my baby and his needs like I
should have.

I rolled to the side, turning him over and pulling him close so I could cuddle him against

“I’m sorry I left you, kitten,” I said, my throat tight as I molded his body against mine.
“But it’s never going to happen again, okay?”

“Promise?” he asked in a small voice, peeking up at me through his lashes and killing
me all over again because he thought he had to ask.

There was a time he never would have doubted that I’d be there for him.

Now it was my job to make sure he never did again.

I cupped his face, staring into his eyes and baring my soul. “I promise. You’re it for me.
You always have been.

Nothing else matters, Caleb. Nothing. From here on out, it’s going to be you and me,

“You and me, forever,” he repeated, his smile spreading like sunshine across his face.

And when my sweet baby brother tugged me close to kiss him, his sunshine spread
throughout every part of me, too.

My heart had been broken for so long that I almost didn’t know what to do with myself
now that my brother had finally made it whole again… but the best part was knowing
that I didn’t have to know.

Jonah had come back for me, and now I could leave everything in his hands.

He loved me the way I’d always dreamed he would.

He’d promised me forever.

I wrapped myself around him, tunneling my fingers through his hair to keep him close
and losing all track of time as he kissed me and kissed me and kissed me. I already felt
like I was floating—still sort of high from that fuzzy, dreamy head space I’d ended up in
when he’d spanked me—and it felt so good to have him take charge of me again that I
didn’t ever want to come down.

That first time, last year, I’d asked Jonah to teach me what to do. How to please him.
What he liked. But this time I was afraid to ask. Afraid to jinx it. Instead, I just closed my
eyes and let my brother’s lips and his body and those big, strong hands that I’d missed
so bad tell me everything I needed to know.

Like how much he liked it when I sucked on his tongue once he put it in my mouth.

Or how his dick—hot and hard and throbbing between us like a promise even though it
was still trapped in his jeans

—swelled even larger every time I moaned for him.

Or how good it felt to grind my dick against the firm ridge of his… how good it all felt,
especially hearing him growl my name like he really, truly needed me this way, too.

And all the other sweet, dirty things that started coming out of Jonah’s mouth? I told
myself not to be greedy, but oh God, I wanted him to say those things to me always.

I didn’t know what I’d been thinking when I’d thought hooking up with a stranger would
do. I didn’t want anyone else, not ever. The things Jonah was saying would only sound
right coming from him. They may not have been brotherly, but I honestly couldn’t
imagine how it could get any better than having my own brother—the one person who’d
always made me feel safe and cared for and who I trusted with everything—

be in charge of this, too.

“Slow down, kitten,” he panted as I gasped underneath him, thrusting up against him
until the friction from his jeans practically rubbed my cock raw.

“I… I can’t,” I said, since it was God’s honest truth.

I needed him.

Jonah laughed, rolling me onto my back and pinning my wrists over my head. I tried to
keep humping against him anyway, but he just shook his head and straddled me to keep
me still, looking down at me with all the love I’d missed so bad while he’d been gone.

“Wait, baby boy,” he said, using the voice that I knew meant I’d better do what he said.

I’d always loved doing what my brother said—it gave me a warm glow inside when I
knew he was proud of me—but this time, I wasn’t sure if I could be good. My skin felt
too hot and my balls were too tight. My whole body felt swollen and tense, full of a
sizzling heat that the word “horny” didn’t do justice to. And my cock—oh my God—it was
desperate in a way I’d never felt before. Desperate for him.
Waiting, slowing down, holding still… I just couldn’t.

“Please,” I whimpered. “Jonah, I need… need…”

I shook my head back and forth in frustration as I tried and failed to make my mouth
work right. I needed all of it. I may never have done anything beyond what Jonah had
shown me the night my neediness had driven him away, but I’d seen plenty online. I
knew what that guy from the internet had wanted from me. I knew lots of things… and I
wanted Jonah to do all of them, all at once, right now.

“Shhhh,” he said, smiling down at me without letting me up. “I’ve got you, Caleb.”

Heat jolted my cock at the promise, making it jerk like it was trying to leap toward him
as he held me down against the mattress. Oh, God. I never wanted him to let me go. I
wanted those big hands wrapped around my wrists and holding me steady always. And
as frustrated as my cock might feel, I loved knowing that he wasn’t going to listen to me.
That he was going to make me wait. That, just like always, he knew what I needed
better than I did and would make sure I got it, no matter what I said or how I tested

I could beg him to let me come, but it wouldn’t do any more good than when I used to
beg him to let me have dessert before dinner. And I could tell just by the way he was
looking at me that no matter how much I struggled against his hold, Jonah wouldn’t let
me up, not until he decided it was time.

It made something inside me relax, and my eyes welled up with tears. I’d missed feeling
safe and secure like this so bad. I’d missed knowing he was always there for me.

That he really did have me. That he’d stop me from doing dumb things—like he had
earlier when he’d spanked me—and that he’d teach me how to do better ones.

That he’d tell me what to do.

That he’d show me how to do it right.

That he’d take charge of everything, the way a big brother should… even this, which
other people would say he shouldn’t. And other people would say he shouldn’t—that we
shouldn’t—but other people were wrong. I knew it, because being with Jonah was the
only thing that had ever felt right.

“Oh, baby,” Jonah whispered, transferring both my wrists to one of his hands so he could
wipe away my tears with the other. “Don’t cry.”

“I’m not,” I sniffled, which wasn’t exactly true.

“I’m… I’m happy.”

Which was true.

“That’s all I want, kitten,” he said, and the way he smiled made my heart glow. Then his
eyes moved over me in a way that made everything else glow, too. That made me hot

and bothered and sure that there was no way I was going to be able to make myself stay
still like he wanted me to.

I bit my lip to hold in another whimper, and Jonah laughed.

“What is it, baby?” he asked, obviously reading me like a book even though I’d been
trying so hard to be patient and just wait, like he’d said. “Did you want something from

His lips quirked up on one side—a teasing little half smile that I’d never seen from him
before—and I sucked in a sharp breath. I loved him. He wasn’t just my big brother,
though. Looking at me like that? He was sexy.
And yes, I wanted something from him desperately.

I’d meant to be grateful for whatever attention he wanted to give me, to let him call the
shots, but what I’d been thinking about lately… well, I hadn’t meant to ask him for it,
but my mouth ran away from me before I could stop it.

“Please, Jonah,” I begged, my whole body trembling with the effort to be good and not
wiggle against him. “Please fuck me. I’ll be so good for you. I promise I will.”

His pupils blew wide, eyes going hot, and I snapped my mouth closed, trembling. Given
how wrong everything had gone between us the last time when I’d pushed him, the fact
that I’d just slipped and asked for this terrified me.

I held my breath.

Jonah didn’t say anything.

Then… he still didn’t say anything.

A part of me wanted to freak out. If he left me again like he had before, it felt like I
might actually die for real this time, but as his silence dragged on and on and on, I clung
to the reassurance of those promises he’d just made me. I focused on the way he held
me down so tightly, even now. I clenched my butt, just a little, to remind myself that it
still stung and burned and ached from the spanking he’d given me.

Because he loved me.

Because he didn’t want me to be with anyone else, not any more than I did.

Because Jonah wanted me.

I could see it in his eyes and his flushed skin and the way the pulse beat hard and fast at
the base of his throat. Jonah wanted me the way I’d wanted him since… well, basically
since forever.

From before I’d even realized what I was feeling, or that brothers weren’t supposed to
feel that way about each other.

From the first time I’d figured out what my dick was actually for.

Jonah wanted me the way I’d wanted him from the moment I’d first realized that for as
much as I loved my big brother, there was a whole other level of love we could share.

A hotter one.

A deeper one.

One I wanted him and only him to teach me about.

“Please,” I whispered again, trembling inside as I waited to see if what I’d asked was too
much. If it was pushing too far. If it was too… too unbrotherly.

If I’d pushed Jonah away again.

But he didn’t leave. Instead, he groaned—low and deep in a way that made my insides
shivery—and when he whispered “fuck, Caleb” and his hand tightened around my wrists
abruptly, so hard that I was sure there would be marks later, I knew he wanted
everything I did.

“Please fuck me,” I begged again, the request making my cock throb with excitement
now that my fear was gone.

Jonah squeezed my wrists even tighter, and I whimpered… but he didn’t let go and I was
glad. I wanted there to be marks. I was more than just Jonah’s baby brother; he owned
me—body, heart, and soul—and even if other people would think it was wrong, a part of
me thrilled at the idea that his claim on me might show like that.

“Please,” I begged, squirming despite my best intentions to hold still for him and do
what he said. I meant to be good, I just wasn’t always that strong. It’s why I’d always
needed him to be strong for the both of us. “Please do it, Jonah.”

“Jesus, Caleb,” he finally growled, right before he swooped down and kissed me again.
Kissed me hard. His tongue fucked into my mouth like he knew he owned it, and my
whole body strained to get closer to him as I opened up and let him take my mouth the
way I was still hoping he’d take the rest of me.

God, please let him take me that way. I needed it so bad.

I was pretty sure that getting fucked would hurt no matter how much the guys in porn
acted like they liked it—

especially tonight, since I was still all kinds of sore and tender down there from how
hard he’d laid into me—but I wanted Jonah to do it anyway. I would always be happy to
hurt for him when I knew it meant he loved me. It was exactly why the ache from the
spanking he’d given me felt so good—why it always felt good when he used a firm hand
with me, even when it didn’t.

He still held my arms over my head, wrists pinned to the bed with one of his big hands,
but his other hand slid underneath me and cupped my aching butt, waking up the burn
and making me gasp into his mouth as he pulled me more tightly against him. His jeans
rasped against my skin and my wet, leaking cock pulsed against his erection. My cock
wanted to be touched and stroked and… and… oh God, just anything… anything so I
could come—but as Jonah kept thrusting his tongue into my mouth, devouring me and
claiming me all at once, I ignored it completely. My cock may have been desperate, but
it was my hole that ached to be filled.

All I could think about was how much I wanted my brother to fuck me.

I wanted it even if it hurt.

I wanted it more than I wanted to come.

I wanted Jonah to be as close as he could get to me.

I wanted him inside me. To be a part of me. To bury himself deep and touch me the way
no one else ever had and

the way I hoped no one else ever would.

Jonah suddenly ripped his mouth off mine with a low groan, his eyes darkening as his
pupils blew wide. “I’m definitely fucking you, kitten,” he promised as if he’d read my
mind, his voice filled with so much heat that it made my toes curl. “But not tonight.”

“Not… tonight?” I gasped out the question, struggling to sit up because… what?

Jonah pushed me back down.

“No, baby,” he said, his eyes raking over my body like a physical touch as he held me in
place. “Not tonight.”

A shudder of pure want went through me at that look, and my cock jerked between us.

“Why not… not tonight?” I managed, feeling breathless and hot.

Jonah smiled, but his voice sounded strained. “We’ve got no lube, and I’m not fucking
you without it,” he said. “Not this first time. I’m not going to hurt you.”

I shook my head, struggling to get my wrists free of his grip so I could pull him toward
me and convince him it was okay. “But Jonah, I don’t care if— mmph.”

He covered my mouth with one hand, still keeping my wrists secured with the other. I
tried to turn my head away so I could shake his hand off, but he gripped my jaw tight,
holding me in place.

I wanted to tell him that I didn’t care if it hurt.

That he could do anything.

That I wanted him to.

“I care,” Jonah said. “And don’t forget who’s in charge here, kitten. I know what you
need and I will give it to you. I always will. I’m not leaving again, Caleb. I promise.”

I stopped struggling against his hand, my eyes going wide. His words, his promise, sent
a thrill of excitement through me. I needed to hear it. I needed him to tell me, over and
over in every way possible, that I wasn’t going to lose him again.

“Do you understand?”

I nodded, the hand Jonah was still shushing me with bobbing along with my head as he
kept my mouth sealed tightly closed.

His eyes burned into me. “I’ve resisted as long as I could,” he said, his fingers stroking
my jaw. “But once I fuck you, when I finally get inside that ass, kitten, make no mistake

—I’m going to use it hard. It’s going to belong to me and only me. I’m going to fuck you
so deep that you’ll still feel my cock even after we’re done. I’m going to fuck you so
often that you’ll feel like something’s missing whenever I’m not inside you. The rest of
the world will think it’s wrong, but I’m going to keep right on fucking you every single
day, to remind you of just how right it really is between us.”

I whimpered, nodding desperately.

Jonah smiled. “I’m going to show you that I’m the one you were made for,” he promised.
“The only one. That you’ve always been mine and always will be mine, and if that’s not
what you want when you ask me to fuck you, Caleb, then

you’d better tell me now, because once we start, I’m not going to stop. Not ever. Do you

I nodded again, my head jerking up and down so fast that his hand loosened from my

“Please,” I gasped, wanting everything he said so bad that I could taste it. “Yes, Jonah.
That’s… that’s what I want.

Please do it. Please. Take me right now. I don’t care if it hurts.

I don’t care if we have… if we have any lube.” The words tumbled out of me in a hot
rush, all the time I’d spent thinking I’d lost my brother forever forcing them out so fast I
could barely breathe. “I have lotion? Or… or shampoo? That’s slippery, right? Or maybe
we can just use— mmph.”

He shut me up with a kiss this time. A gentle one where I felt his smile curve against my

It made my heart flutter.

“I said no, baby boy,” Jonah said firmly when he pulled away. “But don’t worry, I’m still
going to make you feel good tonight. I’ve been dreaming of your ass for too long not to
get a taste now that we both agree who it belongs to.
Turn over.”

I shivered, not sure what he meant since he’d said no to fucking but beyond happy to do
anything he wanted. The minute his grip loosened on my wrists I flipped over onto my
belly for him, shivering even harder when he lifted my hands to the slats in his
headboard and fitted them there.

“Cold, kitten?”

I shook my head.

“Don’t move.”

I nodded this time, pushing my face into his pillow and breathing deep. It didn’t smell
like him—it had been too long since he’d been home—instead, it smelled like me.

I’d slept more nights than I could count in Jonah’s bed since he’d gone away to college.
I’d come on his sheets over and over, and not even the knowing frowns from our
disapproving housekeeper had been able to break me of the habit. For the last year
especially it had been the only way I’d had to be close to him, and now Jonah’s pillow
smelled of all my hopeless longing for him.

I smiled, my face buried in the pillow to hide it. Not hopeless anymore.

“So pretty,” Jonah murmured, his hands skimming over my back… my hip… my still-
aching ass, all the way down my thighs. “You always were, baby.”

“You really think so?” I asked, shamelessly fishing to hear it again as I twisted around to
look at him over my shoulder.

He smacked my butt, not hard enough to hurt but just enough to sting. Enough to wake
up the heat from the spanking he’d given me earlier… a heat that shot straight into my
dick, making me gasp.

“You know I do,” he said, laughter in his voice.

“Don’t act spoiled.”

I grinned, hiding the expression in the pillow again and subtly raising my butt up toward
him in a silent plea for…

for anything. For everything. For him.

I guess I wasn’t as subtle as I’d hoped, because he smacked me again, making my cock
jerk against the bed. It felt so good that I humped myself against his silky bedspread
without thinking, panting into the pillow as I tightened my grip on his headboard and
got lost in it for a second.

“Told you to be still, Caleb,” Jonah said, big hands clutching my hips and holding me

“I… I can’t,” I panted, since it was true. “Jonah, help me.”

He tugged my hips back toward him, pulling me up to my knees, but when I tried to
come up on all fours he pressed my chest back down to the bed, guiding my hands back
up to the headboard with a stern “no” that made my cock leak with excitement. The
position made me feel vulnerable and exposed… and totally turned on. Utterly safe.
Because it was Jonah. My big brother.

He knocked my knees apart and moved in so close behind me that I could feel the heat
from his body crowding against me, and I sucked in a breath, my heart thundering in my
chest as I crammed my face even deeper into his pillow and positively quivered,
listening desperately for the sound of his zipper coming down.
Had he changed his mind?

Was he going to fuck me after all?

Would he forget about lube and pull out his cock and finally push it inside me, the way
I’d been dreaming of?

“So pretty,” he repeated, his voice sounding all throaty and low. And then I felt those big
hands on my butt again,

spreading me open, and—

“Oh God,” I gasped, my entire body going taut with shock. “Omigod, Jonah!”

Shock and fire. Pure, electric sex. Bone-melting heat that liquified me into a puddle of
gasping, begging want.

Jonah hadn’t pulled his cock out. Instead, he was tonguing me. There. Right in my tight
little hole.

The sloppy, wet heat of his mouth pressed against me and I started making
embarrassing sounds that I couldn’t have stopped if I’d tried. It didn’t feel like anything
I’d ever done before and it lit me up from the inside out, making me feel crazy and
desperate and like I had to come or I would really, literally, not even joking, die.

It was dirty and wicked and delicious and so hot I felt like I was going to explode. It was
overwhelming. Too much and not enough. It was the most erotic thing that had ever
happened to me, and as Jonah licked me—over and over without letting up—it felt like a
spring was coiling inside me, tighter and tighter and tighter; so tight that I teetered on
the edge of snapping.

Then he bit me and I screamed, my balls pulling up so hard and fast it made me dizzy.

“That’s right, baby brother,” Jonah muttered with his lips still pressed against my skin.
He turned his cheek and pressed it against me, his breath fluttering against my needy
little hole and the rough scrape of his stubbled jaw dragging across my spank-tender
flesh and shooting fire right through me. “Scream for me, Caleb,” he said. “Say my
name. I want to

hear it when you come. Want to make sure you know who you’re coming for.”

It was for him. Always him.

He spread me open even wider and plunged his tongue all the way inside me, and I did
exactly what he wanted, shouting his name as my whole body started to shake.

“Jonah. Oh please, omigod. Please Jonah. I need you… I need you… I need—

His tongue was still inside me, fucking in and out of my little hole, but all of a sudden he
pushed a finger in, too.

It burned.

It made me crave things… things I’d already wanted, but that now, with that delicious
burn lighting me up from the inside out, things I needed.

Well, not things. Just one thing—

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” I begged, my mouth on autopilot as I rocked back against
him. “Omigod Jonah, please do it. Please. Please.”

I didn’t know what I was saying, only that he kept pushing his tongue into me, in and
out, and that finger, and then another finger, finally touching a spot inside that made me
shout and shake and feel like I was going to shatter to pieces, and I couldn’t hold on…I
couldn’t… I couldn’t…

“Come for me, kitten,” Jonah growled, driving both fingers in deep again, right against
that spot.

I came.

I hadn’t even touched my dick and neither had he, but the orgasm slammed through me
hot and fast on his command, coming not so much from my dick and balls, but from a
place deep inside me that I hadn’t even known existed.

I gasped out Jonah’s name as I came, thick ropes of cum pumping out of me like they
would never stop. Hitting my stomach. My chest. Splattering the pillow and my chin and
the bedspread and still coming.

“Oh my God,” I whispered, my ass feeling hot and raw and my limbs like they’d melted
and couldn’t hold me. I was warm all over, inside and out. Liquified. I collapsed onto the
bed, my voice muffled by the pillow again as I tried to catch my breath. “Oh my… oh my

Jonah shoved my thighs apart, the rough rasp of denim rubbing against my overly
sensitized skin as he wedged himself between them, groaning my name. And then,
finally, I heard the sound of his zipper—yanked down so fast it sounded like he’d ripped
it right off.

I tried to open my eyes, but my body wouldn’t obey me. My brother had wrecked me.

It had been amazing.

“Caleb,” Jonah gritted out, the slick, rhythmic sound of him jerking his cock filling the
room. “My baby… my kitten… so pretty… you’re mine.”

“Yes,” I whispered, my cock trying valiantly to come back to life as I listened to him
working himself faster and faster behind me. “Always yours, Jonah. Always.”

He groaned, gripping my ass roughly and spreading me wide again. Then he gave a
hoarse shout and heat splattered over my still-wet hole, his cum drenching me as he
grunted out his release. It dripped down my crack and pooled behind my balls, and
Jonah rubbed it between my cheeks…

over my hole… pushed some of it inside me and then held his finger there like he
wanted it to stay.

“Mine,” he whispered again, leaning down to press a kiss into the ticklish spot at the
back of my neck. Then he collapsed onto the bed next to me, rolling me into him and
pulling me in tight, my back molded against his chest.

I snuggled back against him, sticky all over. Warm and naked and deliciously dirty.
Happy, for the first time in so long. And when Jonah whispered that he loved me, an
entire year’s worth of heartache disappeared, gone completely as if it had never existed.

I was whole again. I finally had my big brother back.

The one who’d always been there for me. The one who I knew now for sure always
would be… because he’d promised, and I knew he meant it because I could hear it in his
voice. I could feel it in those arms he had me wrapped so securely in; had proof that it
was real in the impossibly sweet things he whispered in my ear as I drifted off to sleep.

I really was his now, in every possible way. Nothing could tear us apart ever again.


Waking up with my brother in my bed had been a serious test of my willpower. He’d
been half draped over me, snuggled so tightly against me that it was like he was trying
to meld us into one person, and the only way I’d been able to resist rolling him under me
and fucking him the way he’d begged me to the night before had been to hustle us both
out of bed before I could give in to temptation.

I was serious about not fucking him without lube, though. I’d take care of him if it killed
me… which, at the moment, I was feeling like it just might. Death by blue balls.

I stifled a groan and willed myself to ignore my cock, hugging Caleb against my side as
we stood in line at a coffee shop that had opened since the last time I’d been home and
doing my best not to breathe in the familiar baby-brother scent that was like an
aphrodisiac to me now.

Oh, hell, who was I kidding? I sucked in his scent like it was oxygen. I’d missed him like
air, and the relief of finally giving in to this pull between us, of making him mine, was so
great that I almost felt giddy with it.

“Why aren’t we still in bed, Jonah?” Caleb asked, blinking up at me blearily and
snuggling even closer. He was not a morning person, and it was fucking adorable.

“It’s ten in the morning, kitten,” I said, kissing his cheek—okay, the corner of his lips—
even though I wanted to

do so much more. “We need caffeine.”

His cheeks went pink when my lips touched him, but not with embarrassment. The way
his breath hitched and the arm he had wrapped around my waist tightened, I knew
exactly what the color meant.

He was going to be the death of me.

“We have coffee at the house,” he said, his tongue darting out to lick the spot I’d just
kissed. “Can’t we… um…

we could just go back and—”

I pressed a finger over his mouth to shush him.

“Caffeine,” I said. “Then shopping. Then home.”

“Shopping? Like… Christmas shopping?”

The line shuffled forward and I pulled him along with me, not willing to let go now that
I’d finally given myself permission to hold him like this. Not, honestly, that it was all that
different from how we’d always been. I’d always been physically affectionate with my
brother—people had used to comment on it, call it cute how close we were and how I
always looked out for him, how I took care of him—but just knowing that there was more
between us now made wrapping my arm around him feel different.

The barista handed the customer in front of us their coffee and I leaned down to whisper
in Caleb’s ear. “Depends what you want for Christmas, baby. We’re shopping for lube.

Then home. Then I give you what you asked for last night.

Will that do for your Christmas list?”

Caleb made a sexy little squeaking sound and nodded furiously, and the barista in front
of us laughed.
“Sounds like a Merry Christmas to me,” the barista said with a sly wink.

Caleb’s eyes darted anxiously between me and the barista. I hadn’t even noticed the
customer ahead of us walking away, and I guess my whisper hadn’t been nearly as quiet
as I’d meant for it to be.

The barista grinned. “Would you two like some coffee to help fuel your… shopping?”

He waggled his eyebrows at us suggestively, and Caleb clutched me even tighter. He

was trembling, and for a split second, I worried that I’d really fucked up. It was one
thing to assure my brother that letting ourselves love each other this way was okay, but
it was another to actually go out in the world and come face to face with people who
wouldn’t understand. There was no way in hell that I was giving Caleb up, but I hadn’t
exactly figured out how to protect him from the shit storm that we’d have to face if other
people caught on.

I would protect him, though. Now that I’d finally gotten out of my own way, I wasn’t
going to let anyone come between us.

“Let me guess, you want to order something sweet and creamy for your boyfriend,
right?” the barista asked, turning all his attention to me—probably because it was
obvious that Caleb was too flustered to speak. The barista winked again.

“He looks like a white chocolate peppermint mocha to me.”

“Boyfriend?” Caleb repeated, melting against my side as a wide smile spread across his

The protective caveman in me backed the fuck down, replaced by a warm satisfaction
that I probably shouldn’t get addicted to. The barista didn’t realize we were brothers.
My mind started to race with all sorts of possibilities. It wasn’t like I’d actually thought
this whole thing through before. Hell, I’d been determined not to touch him… right up
until I’d realized that someone else would if I didn’t.

That wasn’t going to happen. Not ever.

But could it really be this easy around people who didn’t know us? Honestly, Caleb and I
didn’t look all that much alike—his slight build and sky blue eyes took after our mother,
whereas I’d gotten our father’s height, build, and dark coloring—but I couldn’t honestly
expect to pull off

“boyfriends,” could I? Especially not here in our hometown.

I huffed out a breath as the barista raised an eyebrow, waiting on our order. It was too
much heavy thinking with my dick so hard and the rest of me still uncaffeinated, but
fuck if I didn’t like the permission that the “boyfriend” mistake gave me to act
unbrotherly toward Caleb in public.

“Is that what you want, kitten?” I asked, nodding toward the waiting barista and unable
to resist teasing him a little. “You want me to get you something… creamy?”

Caleb’s breath hitched as he nodded, his eyes wide.

I grinned, thankful that my winter coat covered my swelling cock.

“One white chocolate peppermint mocha, coming up,”

the barista said cheerfully.

“Oh, you meant a drink?” Caleb asked, blinking and still looking a little dazed.

The barista and I both laughed. He really was adorable.

I ordered something for myself, too, then hustled my brother over to a corner table to
wait for the drinks.

“He thought we were boyfriends, Jonah,” Caleb whispered excitedly, positively glowing
as I tucked him into one of the stools and then crowded in next to him. “Omigod, do you
think he knows what we’ve been up to? Is it obvious?”

And then, with a hint of nerves in his voice, “Do you… do you mind?”

“Of course I don’t mind,” I said, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck to hold
him steady. “I told you, Caleb. You’re mine now.”

His cheeks went pink again, and I regretted stopping for coffee before hitting the
drugstore for the lube. Because that look on Caleb’s face? I wanted to be home. I
wanted my brother naked. I wanted to be inside him, and I wanted it now.

“I was always yours,” he said breathlessly, leaning into me. “Is it… is it really going to be

“I’ll make sure it is, baby boy,” I promised as the barista called out that our drinks were

I wasn’t sure how I’d make good on that promise, but I’d find a way. The thrill that had
gone through me when the barista had mistaken us for boyfriends and the way it had
made my brother light up like it already was Christmas meant I had to.

Fuck what the rest of the world said, Caleb was made for me, and I was going to keep


Over the last year, I’d gotten used to worrying about things. Little things, like whether
or not my I’d saved my files right after I’d clocked out for the day at Dad’s office, and
bigger things, like whether my brother would ever forgive me for what had happened
between us the last time he’d been home. Up until I’d driven him away, I hadn’t realized
just how worry-free my life had been. Before, Jonah had always been there to tell me
what to do and make sure I was doing things right, but without him around, all those
worries had kept piling on top of each other, one after another, until they’d become a
crushing weight that made every day feel like a burden to get through.

Now, though, they were gone, and in their place—with Jonah promising me that
somehow, someway, everything I’d ever wanted would work out—I didn’t just feel
lighter, I almost felt like I was flying… especially when we got home from our morning
shopping trip with the promise that he was finally going to fuck me.

“Can we do it right now?” I asked as we walked in the door, shrugging out of my coat
and letting it fall right on the floor, the way Mother hated. “Do you want to do it right

I’m totally ready. I could bend over the… um, the entry table?

Or the couch? That’s not too far away. Or you could—”

Jonah laughed and covered my mouth, but his eyes were all hot and sexy, so I knew he
wanted to hurry up and do

it, too. “Your first time is going to be in a bed, baby boy. My bed.”

“Okay,” I agreed as soon as he let me talk again, feeling breathless and eager and so, so
horny that I almost couldn’t see straight. I pushed his coat open and snuggled inside,
wrapping myself around him. “But I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

It was all the way upstairs, and our house was big.

Jonah laughed again, his hands moving down to cup my ass as one of his hard thighs
wedged between my legs and gave me something to rock my erection against, and just
hearing him happy was almost better than coming.

“You’ll wait if I say so. You’ll do what I tell you, kitten. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes,” I answered. An easy answer, since doing what he said was pretty much all I’d ever
wanted. “But please tell me to get naked, Jonah. Tell me to… to—”

He shushed me with his hand over my mouth again, and I didn’t think, I just reacted,
parting my lips and licking his thick fingers and then, when he groaned and pushed one
into my mouth, sucking on it like I’d done to his tongue the night before.

“Fucking Christ, Caleb,” he gritted out. “I need your mouth.”

It was his. He could take it however he wanted. I’d do anything.

“Mmmph,” I said, trying to let him know all of that all at once, even though I was so
distracted by how much I loved

sucking on him that it was hard to think straight.

My dick flexed as I ground it against him, and when he groaned, I stroked his finger
with my tongue and silently begged him to show me what else he wanted me to do.

Jonah pulled his finger away, dragging his hand down over my chin and wrapping it
gently around my throat. He stroked it possessively as he stared at me.
“So pretty,” he whispered, making me whimper.

Then he pushed me down to my knees, and I almost came then and there.

“Are you… are you going to let me suck you?” I asked, palming my achingly hard cock as
he ripped open his jeans and shoved them down to his thighs.

He was already hard, and his cock slapped up against his stomach the minute it was
freed, leaving a dark, wet smear on his shirt. My mouth started to water, and when he
pulled his shirt up—exposing his hard abs as he held it against his chest and putting his
other hand on the back of my head to guide me closer—I made an embarrassingly needy
sound, nuzzling up against him and breathing in the scent of his sex as I wrapped my
hand around the base of his cock and… and suddenly got hit with an attack of nerves.

“I… I don’t know how, Jonah,” I confessed, looking up at him for guidance. I wanted to
do it right and make him proud, but his cock was a lot bigger than the fingers I’d just
been sucking on, and even though I’d watched some porn, I had no idea how to do it

“That’s okay, kitten,” he said, his voice sounding thick as his grip tightened on the back
of my head. “Just open your mouth and lick the head.”

I did, and the deliciously hot sound he made when I swirled my tongue around him told
me I’d done it right. His taste made my cock throb in my jeans, and I moaned, doing it

“That’s it,” Jonah said, the hand holding his shirt to his chest moving restlessly as he
rubbed it across his nipples.

“Now open wider, baby. Take a little more.”

He pushed into my mouth as he said it, groaning deep as his thick shaft slid across my
tongue, and the feel of it filling me up and forcing my jaw open, the musky flavor and
the way my cheeks had to stretch wide as he kept pushing it in farther and farther, it
was almost too much. It was so hot it was going to make me come in my pants.

I lunged forward, trying to get more.

“Whoa, kitten,” Jonah said, laughter and heat and something sweet in his voice, too.
“Watch the teeth.”

He let go of the back of my head to tug on my chin and force my mouth open wider, and
I rolled my lips over my teeth and tried to nod, looking up at him for approval as I made
myself slow down and ignore my own dick and try to do it better.

Jonah smiled down at me. “Good job, kitten,” he said, rocking his hips back and then
pushing forward again, his cockhead going deep enough this time to hit the back of my
throat. “Now suck.”

I moaned, letting my eyes fall closed and grinding the heel of my hand against my dick
as I did what he told me to.

I loved not having to think. Jonah said suck and I sucked. He told me to open wider and I
did. He moved his hand to the back of my head and pushed me down farther on his cock,
and I breathed deep so I wouldn’t gag and took more of it, then bobbed back up when
he tugged my hair and did it again. And again. And again.

I made Jonah groan again. Over and over. Deep and low like he couldn’t get enough.

I did that.

Everything good swelled up inside me as he told me over and over what a good job I was
doing… how hot my mouth was… how proud he was of me… how much he loved me. My
jaw had started to ache and I could tell by the way his voice was getting choppy that he
was close to coming, but I never wanted it to end, not ever.

“Oh fuck, Caleb,” Jonah finally panted, pulling his hard, wet cock out of my mouth all of
a sudden and making me whimper at the loss. “Your mouth feels too good. You’re going
to make me shoot, baby boy, and I don’t want to do that until I fuck you.”

“Please,” I gasped, my hands scrabbling at my own jeans to free my dick. I’d done a
good job of ignoring it while he’d been feeding me his cock, but I was so hard it hurt and
I had to do something about it. I just had to. The minute I had my zipper down I thrust
up into my fist, but that didn’t stop me from begging my brother for his cock again. “I
want to

taste it when you come, Jonah. I need to suck you more. I need you back in my mouth. I
need— mmph.”

With a low curse, Jonah pushed his cock back into my mouth. He pulled my jaw open
and slid it right over my tongue, shutting me up, and even when tears sprang to my eyes
and I dropped my own dick to clutch his thighs, he didn’t stop, not even when I gagged.

Oh, God. I loved him so hard. My brother always gave me what I needed.

“Take it, baby,” he said. “All of it this time. Open your throat for me.”

The hot, salty taste of his precum flooded my senses as his thick length cut off my
airway, pushing through the resistance at the back of my throat and sliding all the way
home with a wet pop. My face pressed up against his soft pubes as he groaned and
ground against my face, panting out my name.

“Caleb, baby, holy shit,” he muttered, staring down at me like I was… like I was

He’d always looked at me that way, but now it was more, too, and I would do anything,
anything, to make him happy.

“So sexy,” he murmured, eyes locked on mine as his breathing grew ragged and his cock
swelled even larger in my throat.

My eyes started to burn, watering in earnest now, but I never wanted to look away.

“You’re doing… so good,” he muttered. “Fucking amazing, baby boy. So… good.”

My balls pulled up tight at the praise, my whole body got tight, like every cell was
thrumming… vibrating…

balancing right on the edge of the biggest orgasm of my life.

My lungs started to burn and I grabbed my dick again when it started to throb, and
when Jonah finally pulled back with another low curse, I gasped for air and came so
hard I saw stars, spilling over my fist in hot, pulsing waves that positively wrecked me.

Jonah gritted out my name and shoved his cock back down my throat while I was still

“Fuck fuck fuck,” he growled, holding my face against him again, so tight that I wouldn’t
have been able to breathe even if I hadn’t been choking on his cock. “Fuck, kitten.

You’re fucking beautiful like this. Fucking perfect.”

I swallowed, my body getting desperate for air, and with another curse, he swelled so
large in my mouth that it almost broke my jaw. Then his hot cum was pumping down my
throat, practically choking me as I desperately swallowed it down and stroked myself
through my own endless orgasm and felt like the entire world had shrunk down to just
cum and cock and all the best feelings in the world—
My brother’s voice, telling me I’d done it right.

My brother’s thighs, hard and strong where they pressed into me and shaking as he

My brother’s hands, holding me so tightly against him that it should have hurt.

But nothing did.

Nothing could.

This was what I was made for: him, forever.

Then Jonah shuddered one last time, his cock finally starting to soften, and he pulled
back, just a little. My mouth was still stuffed with his cock, but I could breathe again. I
gasped for air, because I needed some, but I still kept my arms around him tight, so he
wouldn’t leave me all the way.

“Caleb,” he said, stroking my hair and sounding wrecked, too. He smiled down at me.
“Baby, you’re—”

I desperately wanted to hear what he’d been about to say, but instead, I heard
something else, and all the good feelings that had filled me up were instantly replaced
by pure, blinding panic.

A piercing screech cut Jonah’s loving words off, followed by a horrified gasp that
sounded a lot like my name and then a whole bunch of other words that made me want
to shrivel up and die.




I started to shake. Jonah’s cock slipped out of my mouth with a wet plop as he
straightened up tall, his hands coming down firm on my shoulders, and I stared up at
him in terror so I didn’t have to turn around and see. His eyes held me for a second,
burning into me like a promise, then they moved away from me to focus on something—
some one—behind me.

It was Mrs. Hawthorne’s voice, our housekeeper for as long as I could remember. I’d
thought our parents had given her the whole holiday season off. I’d thought we were
safe. I’d thought, after the thrill of being called Jonah’s boyfriend at the coffee shop
earlier, that somehow, in some fairytale existence, what we were doing would end up
being okay.

But it wasn’t, was it? Jonah was my brother, not my boyfriend, and I’d been a fool to
think I could really have him be both. The world just didn’t work that way.

Tears leaked out of my eyes as Mrs. H’s voice got louder. Jonah pulled me up to my feet
and tucked me against him, his jaw clenching tight. His arms were my shelter, but even
as I closed my eyes and huddled against him, I couldn’t stop myself from hearing
everything she shouted.

She was freaking the fuck out the way anyone would

—of course they would if they knew the way I really loved my brother—and even though
Jonah was still holding me, I realized with a sinking sense of despair that there might be
something even worse than the last year without him.

Then, he’d left, but he’d come back.

Then, he’d left, but he’d never stopped loving me.

But now, worse than not having him at all would be having had him, had this, believing I
actually could and that it could last and be real and be forever… and then losing him for

I knew Jonah had meant every word of the promises he’d made to me. I’d believed him
when he’d said it would work out. I trusted even now that he really and truly wanted to

take care of me. That he loved me. That this was right—for us, at least. But in the face of
Mrs. Hawthorne’s outrage and disgust, with all her screeching promises to tell our
parents and her nasty threats about how Jonah’s life would be ruined for having ruined
me, I had to face the truth. If I let him keep those promises to me it would cost him
everything. This was bigger than us, bigger than our love, bigger than even Jonah could
fight against.

We’d always be brothers, but the rest? The world didn’t understand, and now that we’d
been caught, there was no way he’d want to keep me now.

And even if he did, if I really loved him, I couldn’t let him… right?

When Mrs. Hawthorne had walked in on Caleb and me, my first and only thought had
been to protect him. He’d been so scared, trembling and shaking in my arms as she’d
ranted, that as soon as I’d gotten over my shock enough to make my mouth work again,
I’d roared at her to get the fuck out. All I’d wanted in that moment was to get her away
from him so I could make sure he was okay, but letting her out of my sight had been a
mistake… and goddamnit, now I’d really fucked things up.

“Can we just keep ignoring it?” Caleb asked, staring at our father’s name on the
incoming call notification of my phone like it was a viper. “Please, Jonah?”

We were alone in the house again, cuddled up on my bed and fully clothed. Not the way
I’d seen this day going.

Once I’d calmed Caleb down enough, I’d chased after Mrs. Hawthorne—she’d
scampered off into the bowels of the house instead of leaving the property completely—
and I’d put the fear of God into her once I’d found her. Our family money hadn’t come
from playing nice in the cutthroat world of business, and even though I had no
intentions of turning out like my parents, let’s just say that I wasn’t my father’s son for
nothing. I’d made some promises to Mrs. Hawthorne about what would happen if she
ever breathed a word about what she’d seen—not threats; promises—and they’d been
harsh enough that I trusted she’d keep quiet.

Of course, that didn’t help a damn bit with the fact that while I’d been taking care of
Caleb, she’d run straight to the house phone and reported what she’d seen to my

The screen of my phone finally went dark and I pinched the bridge of my nose in
frustration, trying to think.

Our parents had been blowing up my phone for the last two hours, but there was no way
I was going to answer them before I had a game plan. First, I’d had to deal with Mrs.

Hawthorne. Next had been making sure Caleb got cleaned up, ate some lunch, and then
calmed down. Now… well, now was now, and I still had no clue how to handle things.

I had to, though. It was my job to take care of my baby brother, now more than ever.

The phone started up again, this time with Mother’s ringtone, and I sighed, tightening
my arm around Caleb as he burrowed against me miserably.

“If we keep ignoring their calls, baby, they’ll just get on a plane and come back,” I told
him, hating that the best thing in my life had been tainted by this intrusion from the
outside world. Hating even more that I hadn’t figured out how to make it right yet.

“Maybe Mrs. H didn’t tell them everything?” he asked hopefully.

I laughed, kissing the top of his head. No chance. Our parents never bothered to get in
touch with us. Calling nonstop for hours? Yeah, they knew. I almost would have
wondered why they cared, though, given how little attention they’d ever paid us, but
then it hit me. They didn’t know that I’d silenced

Mrs. Hawthorne. They were worried about other people finding out and ruining things
for them.

Something eased inside my chest at the realization.

Sure, they might also think we were wrong, immoral, sick, all the things Mrs.
Hawthorne had yelled, but I didn’t care about that. That was bullshit, no matter what
anyone else thought.
Those words just didn’t apply to Caleb and I, not with how much we loved each other.
But even if our parents did think all that about us, I knew them. At the end of the day,
they’d be more concerned with what others thought—with the effect on their own lives if
word ever got out—than any big moral stance on what Caleb and I actually did with
each other.

Mother’s call ended, unanswered, and I pulled Caleb up and kissed his pretty temptation
of a mouth.

“It’s going to be okay, kitten.”

His brows crinkled together. “But—”

I kissed him again, hard. “Trust me.”

“I do,” he said instantly, even though I could still see fifty shades of despair in his eyes.
“But Jonah, you can’t… if they know… what if they stop paying for your school?”

Oh, my sweet boy. Even though he’d taken a gap year, I knew he’d still be expected to
attend the same Ivy League university I’d be graduating from this year—our parents’
alma mater, and on their dime, of course—but as usual, his first worry was for me.

“You’ll get kicked out of the fraternity,” he went on, his voice getting smaller with every
word. “You’ll lose your

internship. You’ll… you’ll be ruined, just like Mrs. H said.

Your whole life will be ruined.”

His big eyes welled up with tears and I brushed them away just as my phone started up
again. Father this time.

“You are my whole life,” I reminded Caleb, ignoring the phone again. “I’m not giving you

I was ready to talk to our parents now that I’d finally worked it through in my head, but
not until my brother was okay again.

He shook his head, and I grabbed his chin and held his head steady to stop the denial.

“Who do you belong to?”

“You,” he said without hesitation. “But—”

“No buts, Caleb. I made a mistake.” Oh, God. Seeing the pain in his eyes just about
killed me. “It wasn’t this, kitten,” I rushed to reassure him, leaning in to press a soft kiss
to his trembling mouth before I went on. “Never this. You’ll never be a mistake. You’re
the best thing that ever happened to me, baby. You always have been.”

His eyes went wide, and I smiled.

“My mistake was running away the first time you kissed me, instead of holding you
close. It was missing out on an entire year of my brother’s life. It was not figuring out
what mattered sooner. I’m not going to let anyone steal any more time from us, do you
understand? I’m going to make this right.

You’re mine, and from now on, we’ll always be together, just like this. Always.”

Caleb bit his lip and nodded, but there was still a hopeless look in his eyes that just
about broke my heart.

“I’m going to talk to Father,” I told him.

Caleb whimpered, trying to burrow even closer even though he was already molded
against my side.

“Do you want to be here while I do, kitten, or would you rather not hear the

“I don’t want to hear it,” he said, squeezing his eyes closed and grabbing onto me like a
lifeline. “But I don’t want to be away from you, either.”

“Okay,” I said, prying him off me just enough that I could sit up straight. I wiped the tear
tracks off his face and then smoothed his hair, pushing his short, sweat-dampened bangs
off his forehead. “Stay with me, then, but let me do the talking.”

Caleb nodded, shaking against me. I took a deep breath and dialed Father’s number. He
answered halfway through the first ring.

“Jonah,” he said, his voice tight and hard as it blasted out of the phone’s small speaker.
“I’ve received a disturbing report from Mrs. Hawthorne.”

“And it would be even more disturbing if that report were to become public knowledge,
wouldn’t it, Father?” I asked, my voice just as hard. “I doubt your board of directors
would appreciate our family’s dirty laundry being made public.”

Caleb flinched, and I squeezed him tight, slapping the mute button on the phone over
the sound of Father’s sharp

intake of breath.

“Dirty laundry?” Caleb whispered, looking up at me.

“Are you… are you ashamed of me?”

“Never,” I said quickly. “Trust me, kitten.”

Father’s sputtering voice came over the speaker again as I unmuted the phone. “Are you
saying that Mrs. Hawthorne was… that she actually saw… Jonah, are you and your


“Yes,” I said, thankful my voice stayed calm when everything inside me wasn’t. “Now let
me tell you what you’re going to do about it.”

“I’ll tell you exactly what I’m going to do about it,”

Father said, his voice rising.

“No,” I snapped, cutting him off. “I’m telling you, Father, because while I did manage to
muzzle Mrs. Hawthorne

—” a huff of approval came through the speaker, “—I can still make this public if you
push me. Very public.”

“Jonah.” It was our mother’s voice. Father must have the call on speakerphone, too.
“How could you do this to us?

We thought better of you, son.”

“How could I do this to you, Mother?” I parroted back, my lip quirking up even though it
wasn’t funny in the slightest. “I haven’t done anything to you or Father.”

Yet. But if they pushed me…

“You know what your mother meant.” Father again.

“How could you do this to your brother, Jonah? It isn’t… it isn’t natural. And Caleb looks
up to you. He’s far too easily

influenced by you, and you’ve taken advantage of that. We’re disappointed in you, son.”

I restrained myself from pointing out which one of their sons made the first move. That
wasn’t their business, and it wasn’t relevant anyway. They didn’t really care about what
I’d “done” to him. Their sudden concern didn’t fool me at all.

I was the one who’d always looked out for Caleb, not them.

“We never should have asked you to come home,”

Mother said.

I snorted back a sharp retort. Asked? That was funny.

The way they’d threatened to cut me off financially when they’d “asked” me to come
home for the holidays and take care of my brother certainly hadn’t left me a lot of room
to say no. It had, however, set a precedent that I was more than happy to follow now. If
there was one thing they’d taught me well, it was that when getting a “yes” mattered,
all you needed was the right leverage.

“Don’t worry, Mother,” I said. “It won’t happen again.”

“What?” Caleb blurted, his head jerking as he looked up at me. “You’re… you’re not
coming home again, Jonah?”

“Caleb?” Father’s voice blasted from the speaker. “Is that you? Listen, son, whatever
your brother’s done to you—”

“Jonah hasn’t done anything,” Caleb blurted, snatching the phone from my hand and
holding it up to his mouth as his face turned red. “Mrs. H got it all wrong, Father.

She… she just… I mean, don’t make… don’t make Jonah stay away again. Please,

“Shhh, kitten,” I whispered when his voice got all choked up, taking the phone back
from him and tucking him against my side again. “I’ve got this.”

“Look how much you’ve upset your brother, Jonah,”

Mother said, sounding more impatient than concerned. “It’s best if you pack up and
head back to school immediately. Even if you’ve already talked to her, we’ll have to
follow up and ensure that Mrs. Hawthorne won’t be spreading these… these lies—”

I smiled. I’d already admitted that what Mrs. H had reported was true, but Mother was
already spinning it… which meant I’d won and they didn’t even know it yet.

“—and we’ll get the rest of staff back on to stay with Caleb until we return from Aspen,”
Mother went on, Father’s voice murmuring in the background as she laid out their plans
to cover up what could embarrass them. “Once you’re back on campus, Jonah, we’ll have

“No,” I interrupted, something in the tone of my voice silencing her. “Here’s what’s
going to happen. I am leaving, but Caleb’s coming with me. We’ll both be gone before
you get back from Aspen, and you can have the firm mail his final paycheck to my

The frat house would forward it to whatever near-campus apartment I found for Caleb
and myself.

Caleb’s eyes went wide and he nodded his head frantically, hope starting to replace the
despair in his eyes.
“In the fall,” I went on, speaking into the phone as I smiled down at my brother, “you’re
going to fund his college

education as planned. You’re also going to contact Mr.

Schuster—” our family attorney, “—and rewrite our trusts to release the funds when
we’re twenty-one instead of twenty-five.”

I was already twenty-two, which would make the money in my trust fund available
immediately. Whatever else my parents did or did not do, that alone would be more than
enough to cover the rest of my education… and a start on whatever Caleb and I decided
to do afterward.

A brittle laugh sounded over the phone. “That’s not going to happen, son.”

“You’ll also name me as trustee for Caleb’s trust fund until he’s of age,” I said, ignoring
their denial. “You’ll use your contacts to open doors for us as needed, and in return, no
one will ever have to know just how close your sons really are.”

I had an idea about how to keep our relationship off other people’s radar, but I didn’t
consider that any of our parents’ business. I’d talk directly to Mr. Schuster about the
details on that one.

Caleb looked up at me with wide, hopeful eyes as our parents sputtered and argued on
the other end of the phone, but as their showy indignation wore down and we started
hashing out the businesslike terms of our agreement, that hope started to turn to

“Is this really going to work?” he whispered, poking at the mute button while Father
droned on about something to do with our trust funds and the image that the family
business had

to maintain. “Are they just going to… to let us be together?

The way we want to? As long as nobody knows?”

“Yes,” I said, because even though I sensed that I wasn’t going to be able to get off the
phone anytime soon, I would make sure it worked out that way, no matter what. I kissed
his nose. “Go start packing, kitten. We’re leaving tonight.”

I’d had other plans for us tonight, but they would wait until I got him home. To our new
home. The one I was going to make for us once I made sure that we were untouchable.

Once I made sure that I used all the lessons I’d learned from the parents who’d
neglected us instead of raising us to do what I’d always been meant to do: take care of
my brother the way he deserved. Love him the way he was meant to be loved.

Give him everything he needed, the way I’d been doing since they first put him in my
arms and the way I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

It’s what I was made for.

He was mine, but I was his, too, and I would move heaven and earth to make sure it
stayed that way.


Jonah and I hadn’t taken much from our parents’

house, but between the little bit we’d packed and the stuff he’d already had in his room
at the frat house he’d been living in, our new apartment already felt more like home
than the house I’d grown up in.

When we’d gotten back to campus, most of Jonah’s friends had been gone—home for the
holidays—but he’d still managed to round up a few people to help us move in.

Everything had fallen into place so much faster than I would have believed possible, and
I still had to pinch myself to believe how much my life had changed for the better.

My vision blurred with happy tears as I stared at the skinny little Christmas tree he’d
set up for me in our new living room, making all the pretty colored lights run together
into a rainbow. I swiped at my eyes, smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. Jonah and I were
more than just brothers now, and while we’d always have to be careful, he’d done
exactly what he’d promised and made sure that we could really and truly be together
the way we wanted.

“Everything okay, kitten?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me from behind as he
came back into the living room after answering the knock that had sounded on the door
a few minutes earlier.

“Everything’s perfect,” I told him, which was a hundred percent true. “Was that Mrs.
Smythe at the door?”

His chin moved against my shoulder as he nodded, and a delicious shiver raced over my
skin when he murmured

“mhmm” against my neck and pressed a kiss just under my ear. “She brought us

Our new neighbor had fussed over us like crazy when we’d moved in, inviting us
repeatedly to join her and her grandchildren for Christmas once she found out that it
would just be the two of us. After all we’d been through, though, I just wanted to be with
Jonah, and he’d agreed.

In fact, with all the fuss of moving, I couldn’t wait to be with Jonah.

Just with Jonah.


I definitely wasn’t going to turn down cookies, though.

I twisted out of his arms, making a beeline for the festive little tin full of sugary
goodness. After all, if the rest of the day went the way I was really hoping it would, I’d
need my energy, right?

A note was attached on top of the cookie tin— Merry Christmas, Jonah and Kit! —and I
forgot all about grabbing a treat as I traced the letters of my new name with a stupid
grin on my face. Jonah had done that, too. My legal name was Kit now, not Caleb, and I’d
enroll in college in the fall under our mother’s maiden name. Eventually, Jonah was
going to have the attorney change it back to our family name for my last

name, but even then, he said we’d buy rings and just let people come to their own
conclusions when they saw us wearing them and realized we had the same last name.

Jonah had set it all up so no one would have any reason to think we were brothers, and
he’d already started introducing me as his boyfriend. It had gotten him a few weird
looks from his friends who’d helped us move into the apartment, but he said they were
just surprised that he was with a guy now when he’d been dating girls before, not that
they suspected anything else about us. One of them had even given him a hard time
about “robbing the cradle”—and that had made me and Jonah laugh so hard that they’d
all given us really weird looks—but overall, no one even blinked an eye at us being
together as a couple.

Of course, part of being a couple, as far as I was concerned, was being intimate.

More intimate, I mean.

Leaving our family home, and all the time it had taken Jonah to sort stuff out with our
parents, and all those phone calls and meetings with the family attorney, and getting
moved into the apartment, and then his insistence that we set things up to have a real
Christmas here, just for the two of us… all that had felt like a whirlwind. It had taken
days, and it had honestly been a little exhausting, and even though it had been
wonderful to be so close to him and finally be able to kiss him the way I wanted and
have his hands on me and all the other frisky things we’d gotten up to despite being so
tired, he still hadn’t fucked me.

We even had lube now and everything.

I pouted, tugging the note off the cookie tin and plucking off the lid to peek inside. If he
wasn’t going to give me that, then I really needed a sugar rush.

A low, sexy laugh sounded from behind me, and I turned around to face my brother,
forgetting all about the cookies.

“I know that look,” he said, leaning against the doorjamb with his arms crossed over his
chest. He looked so sinfully sexy that I may have whimpered, and when his eyes flared
with heat and he smiled at me like he knew exactly what I’d been thinking, my knees
went a little weak. “Come here, kitten,” he said, his husky voice sounding a lot like a

“Why?” I asked as I crossed the room, my heart racing in anticipation. “Are you… are
we… Jonah.”

My tongue had gotten all tangled up on the words, but as soon as I was within arm’s
reach, he yanked me against his chest and scooped me up into his arms. He grinned
down at me when I squeaked, carrying me right past our pretty Christmas tree and into
our bedroom.

“Didn’t I tell you that the first time I fucked you, it would be in my bed?”

“It’s my bed, too,” I said, which I’d meant to be funny but which made his eyes go all
soft and lovey instead. And that made my heart flutter in all sorts of unbrotherly, more
than brotherly, only-for-him brotherly ways. “I love you,” I whispered, forgetting about
my dick for a second as a whole lifetime of feelings welled up inside me. “Oh my God,
Jonah, I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, kitten,” he said, laying me down on the bed carefully, like I was
something precious. “And I can’t wait to finally be inside you and show you how deep
that love goes.”

“You didn’t have to wait,” I said, scrambling out of my clothes as he laughed.

I was so, so done waiting.

“I wanted to wait until I could give you everything I’d promised, baby,” he said, pulling
his own shirt off and then starting on his pants. “I wanted to wait until I’d made you a
home. Until I could make it special for you.”

He stepped out of his pants and underwear, cock already hard, and climbed onto the
bed, pushing me down onto my back and hovering above me like he was going to do a

“It’s with you,” I said, breathless and horny and knowing for sure I was the luckiest boy
in the world. “That’s all I need. That will always make it special, Jonah.”

My big brother—always the strong one—blinked fast, and I reached up to brush the
moisture off his cheeks, shocked to see him actually tearing up. He lowered himself to
his elbows—his body heat making my skin tingle even though he wasn’t quite touching
me yet—and captured my hand, turning it over to kiss my palm and then giving me a
deliciously wicked smile.

“I also wanted to wait until you were so horny you couldn’t see straight,” he said.

I groaned. Mission accomplished. He hadn’t let me come in days.

“You’re so mean,” I whined, pouting even though we both knew how much I loved the
way he bossed me around.

He bit my pouty lip, just hard enough to make my dick jerk against my stomach and a
needy whine escape my throat.

“I’m going to make you come so hard you pass out, kitten,” he promised, finally lowering
himself down to pin me against the bed. He rolled his hips against mine, rubbing our
hard cocks together, and for a second I thought I just might pass out, it felt so dang
good. Jonah wasn’t done telling me his plans, but it was really, really hard to
concentrate when he kept rocking against me… when he held me down so firmly, exactly
the way I loved, so I knew he had me completely…

when he whispered his promises against my skin, kissing and licking and sucking as he
branded me with his words.

“And then I’m going to wake you up and let that pretty mouth of yours get me hard

Oh, God. I wanted that so bad. I could almost taste him already. My breath started to
come hard and fast as I arched up against him, trying desperately to get more. To make
it happen. To hurry him up.

Jonah laughed, low and dirty. “And once you’ve gotten me hard, I’m going to flip you
over and fuck you again.

Make you come even harder than the first time, baby. All night long, until our bed is well
and truly broken in.”

“Like… like this?” I asked, feeling breathless. “Can I… omigod, Jonah, can I come like
this? Right now? Please?”

I wanted him to fuck me, I wanted it desperately, but I honestly didn’t know if I could
make it that long, not the way he kept moving against me.

“No,” he said, his hand slipping under me to knead my ass. It shot heat straight to my
dick, and the dirty words he followed it with made my balls tighten up so fast I got dizzy.

“You’re going to come with my cock buried inside you,” my brother promised. “You’re
going to come with my name on your lips and my cum in your ass. You’re going to come
after I finally open up your sweet little hole and make you all the way mine, kitten.
You’re going to come—”

“Jonah,” I shouted, jerking against him as I lost the battle to be good. My dick pulsed
hard and let loose between us, even though I knew he’d wanted me to wait, and hot,
creamy ropes coated our stomachs as I gasped and shot off like a rocket. I writhed
underneath him, breathless and lost in it for an endless little slice of forever, until finally
— finally—I started to go soft and feel all melty and happy with that sweet, fuzzy
afterglow I always got after coming.

I smiled up at him. “Sorry.”

Not that sorry, though. I felt amazing.

I kind of thought Jonah might flip me over and spank me for not waiting like he’d said—
which probably would have had me hard again in two seconds flat—but instead, he was
just looking down at me like I really was his everything.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said, his voice all husky and low in that way that made
me shiver inside. “You always have been. I want to see you come for me like that

every day of your life, kitten. I will always be the one who makes you feel good, okay?”

I nodded, my throat suddenly closing up. He always talked like that. Said we’d be
together like this forever. That he’d always be there for me. Showed me how much he
wanted me, just as much and just as bad as I’d always wanted him.

He made me feel loved.

I had no idea how I’d gotten so lucky, but I knew for sure I would never, ever take it for

“Please fuck me, Jonah,” I said, needing my body to be as close to him as my heart was.
“I need you.”

He was still rock hard, his cock lying heavy and thick against my spent one, but he still
took his time. Always taking care of me. Always making sure to give me what I really
needed, not just what I thought I did.

He cleaned me up and kissed me all over, his hot mouth and dirty tongue making me
crazy as he licked and sucked his way around my body, making every part of me light up
with need, until my dick was leaking again and it took everything I had not to start
begging him to please, please put his cock in me already.

Okay, I did beg, but Jonah just laughed and reminded me who was in charge, and
approximately forever later—when I seriously thought I might be on the verge of dying
from built-up horniness—he finally, finally, turned me over onto my stomach and pressed
a lubed-up finger against my hole.

“Jonah,” I gasped, pushing back against it desperately as the touch lit me up from the
inside out. “Put it in!”

“Be good,” he said, slapping my butt and laughing…

which was just mean, since the light slap sent a hot tingle shooting through me that just
made it that much harder to be good the way he wanted me to.

His finger circled my hole, round and round until I was quivering with want, and I
buried my face in the pillow that smelled like him and chanted please please please into
it, rubbing my hard dick against the bedspread because I just couldn’t help it, not with
him touching me like that.

And okay, maybe because I also knew he liked me to be still when he played with me,
and rubbing myself like that would get him to spank me again—hopefully the sexy kind
that made my dick get even harder, not the “you’ve really been bad” kind.

Although who was I kidding? Any kind of spanking generally ended with me hard and

“You trying to get me to give you a hot bottom before I fuck you, baby brother?” Jonah
asked, pulling me up to my knees. “You want me to have to spank you? To make your
sweet little ass all rosy and pink and sensitive, so every time I slam my cock into you,
you feel it inside and out?”

Oh my God. Jonah really could read my mind.

“Yes,” I panted, looking back at him over my shoulder.


“God, I love you,” he said, laughing. Then he pushed his finger all the way inside me and
I missed whatever else he had to say, because omigod… this was what my ass was made

He went right for that spot that always made everything inside me melt and coil up
tight, both at the same time, and after he’d fucked me with that single finger for too
long and not long enough, until he had me panting and begging and promising all sorts
of dirty things, he lubed up a second one and pushed that in, too.

My eyes rolled back in my head.

“I’m going to come,” I gasped, rocking back to take his fingers harder.

“Not yet,” Jonah said with a stinging slap to my butt.

“You already went off once, baby, but now you need to wait until you take my cock.”

I tried to nod but I was so close I couldn’t concentrate enough to do it; I couldn’t think
of anything except how bad I needed to come again already.

Jonah spanked me again, this time for real, and my eyes shot open—I hadn’t even
realized they’d drifted closed—

and I gasped and clenched down around his fingers as the hard smack reverberated
through my cock and balls. The sharp burst of pain only lasted for a second before
turning into a liquid heat that flowed all the way through me, and it made me melt and
tremble and need him so bad I could have screamed.

My thighs started to shake as I fucked myself back against his fingers. “Jonah. Please…
please… I need you.”

“I know, baby brother,” he muttered, his voice sounding wrecked. “I need you, too. So
fucking bad. Open up for me.”

He pushed his fingers into me again, and this time, there must have been a third,
because it hurt.

“Too big,” I gasped, jerking away.

Trying to, at least. Jonah didn’t let me move.

“You can do it, kitten,” he said, his voice strained the way it got when he needed to
come, too, but still calm and firm. His big brother voice. He grabbed my hip and held me
in place. “Breathe. Be good for me, baby. I know you can take it.”

I nodded, breathing like he said. Breathing through the burn. I’d do anything for him.

His fingers split me open as he pushed them all the way inside me at once, and tears
sprang to my eyes as I gasped and panted and felt on fire, like he’d just spanked me
hard, the un fun way, but on the inside.

It was too much.

Too much.
Too—oh, God. His fingers hit that magical spot inside me again, and all of a sudden my
body figured it out.

Something inside me relaxed and accepted him, and I started babbling all sorts of
promises, the burning stretch still there but also somehow just not important anymore.

Jonah said my name in that same wrecked voice again, fucking me slow with those three
thick fingers, over and over until I felt crazy with it. Every time he hit that spot again,
pure pleasure shot through me, amplified by the burn so it felt like pleasure times a
thousand. And yes, I knew for sure that he’d been right to make me wait until he
stretched me, but I also

knew that I honestly wasn’t going to be able to stand it if he kept going slow.

I needed him to fuck me right fucking now.

“Please fuck me omigod Jonah please please please,” I begged, driving back against his
fingers because I couldn’t help it.

I needed them to go deeper.

I needed it harder.

I needed… needed…

“I need your cock,” I gasped. “I need you inside me. I need you, Jonah, I…”

“You’ve got me, kitten,” he said, his fingers disappearing so fast that the emptiness left
me gasping in shock, but then something else—something thick and hot and hard and oh
God, oh God, he was huge—pushing into me instead. “You’re getting all of me,” Jonah
gritted out.

“Breathe, baby. Bear down.”

I did, and he slid in deeper as he groaned out my name. My old one. My new one.
Brother and boyfriend and everything we were to each other.

“Caleb, Jesus fuck. My Kit. Little kitten. You’re so tight, baby brother. So… fucking…

If I thought those fingers of his had burned, it was nothing compared to taking his cock,
but any pain was totally and completely eclipsed by the surge of total rightness that
flooded me. It really was perfect, just like he’d said. My big brother was finally sheathed
inside me. I was truly his, and as

he kept pushing into me—inch by inch, connecting us at the most primal, intimate level
possible—nothing, nothing, had ever felt as right. I never wanted it to end.

“More,” I begged, pushing back against him. I wanted to feel his whole body pressed
against me. I wanted him balls deep, pinning me down and surrounding me. I wanted
him to own me completely. “More, Jonah.”

He groaned, sliding all the way home and driving me down into the mattress as he

“Oh, God,” I gasped, his heavy weight holding me against the bed as my body throbbed
beneath him. “Please.”

He kissed the back of my neck. Ran a hand down my side. Rolled his hips a fraction of
an inch and nailed my prostate again.

“Love you,” he muttered against my skin when I gasped, his voice sounding almost
drunk on sex. “Jesus, baby.
If I move I’m going to come. Nothing’s ever felt as good as you.”

But then he did move, rocking back and thrusting forward to hit that magical spot again.

And then doing it again, but even harder.

And again.



Pulling me back up to my knees and running his hands down my chest as he finally
started fucking me hard, fucking me like he meant it, fucking me until he kept every

he’d made me about how it would be. Until I shouted his name, spilling over his hand
and marking our new bed with my cum. Until he filled me up with his hot seed, marking
me, too. Claiming me, once and for all and forever. Until my eyes rolled back and my
vision whited out and my body shook so hard that I knew for sure I would have broken
apart completely if he hadn’t been holding onto me so tight.

Until I almost did pass out, just like he’d said I would, or at least it felt that way.

Jonah had fucked me so long and so hard that when he finally cleaned me up and
wrapped me tight in his arms and murmured sweet things to me—exactly like he’d done
almost every night of my life, for as long as I could remember—I was lost in that lovely,
floaty headspace that always felt… perfect.

That felt safe to let myself get lost in, because my brother was there to ground me while
I floated. There to take care of me the way he’d promised me he would since before I’d
even known what promises were. There to teach me new ways to fly and to make sure I
had a home to come back to, because he was my home—my heart’s home. He’d been
that since the day I was born and would be until the day I died.

Jonah was my brother, my protector, my lover, my everything… but best of all, he was
finally my forever, too.

And, no matter what anyone else thought of us, nothing would ever be more perfect
than my brother’s love.

About the Author

Chara Croft writes other love stories under other pen names, but once upon a time
someone suggested she write a particularly dirty and delicious kind of story as a
Christmas gift for a friend. That friend, Courtney Bassett, loved her gift

—a slightly dirtier version of My Brother’s Love that was unfortunately unpublishable

due to the nature of the content (*snicker*)—and urged Chara to share it with others.
After many months of distraction and lots of grumbling about having to rewrite certain
things in order to comply with Smashwords’ admittedly lenient erotic content policies,
Chara did just that, and she sincerely hopes that you, Dear Reader, enjoy these boys,
too. If you did, please consider leaving a review on Smashwords or Goodreads and
signing up for Chara’s newsletter so that she can let you know when she writes
something else taboo or kinky enough to be published under this pen name.

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Document Outline
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
About the Author

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