Class 7 Holiday Homework

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Public School

Dear Parent
The long awaited summer holidays are again ready to welcome the
children with their warm showers. To ensure children have constructive
holidays, meaningful and interesting holiday homework has been
planned that will keep the children active, observant, and connected
with their school learning. They will engage themselves meaningfully.
The child must be encouraged to do these assignments happily.

General Instructions for students:-

1. Ensure timely submission of the given assignment after the school
reopens. Remember, well presented holiday homework fetches you
2. Revise all the topics that have been taught by your subject teachers.
3. Try to do your holiday homework yourself.
4. Use a separate notebook for each subject.
5. Holiday homework should be done neatly.
6. Revise all the work done in the class.
7. The holiday homework will be evaluated for Internal Assessment.

Subject Page Number

English ……………………………………..… 04-11

Hindi ……………………………………..… 12-18

Maths ………………………………………… 19-21

Science ………………………………..……… 22-24

Social Studies………………………………..……… 25-32

Sanskrit ………………………………..……… 33-36

Computer ………………………………..……… 37-39

 UNIT 1 (SECTION-1,2,3 )  TENSE
Let's be Creative, Innovative and Appreciative.
Objective : To find out the real facts , to achieve new thoughts and to
improve understanding.
 Imagine a dream house and try to sketch your imagination. Mention the
things given below:
1. Using material noun state the material that is used to make a house
2. Using proper noun mention the names of the family members who will live in
the house and also mention the name which you would like to keep on the name
3. Using common noun mention the things that you will keep in your house.
4. Using abstract noun mention what all you want in the family.
Q1. Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
Trees are for birds.
Trees are for children.
Trees are to make tree houses in.
Trees are to swing swings on.
Trees are for the wind to blow through.
Trees are to hide behind in ‘Hide and Seek.’
Trees are to have tea parties under.

Trees are for kites to get caught in.
Trees are to make cool shade in summer.
Trees are to make no shade in winter.
Trees are for apples to grow on, and pears;
Trees are to chop down and call, “TIMBER-R-R!”
Trees make mothers say,
“What a lovely picture to paint!”
Trees make fathers say,
“What a lot of leaves to rake this fall!”
(i) How are trees useful for children? Name two activities.
(ii) What is the reaction of father for trees?
(iii) Name the fruits that trees bear.
(iv) What happens when the winds blow?
(v) What is timber and how is it used?

Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
The koala is an endangered species. An endangered species is a certain kind of
animal that does not have enough members of its kind to survive. Animals that are
not protected may become extinct, or completely die out. The koala is partly to
blame for its own condition as an endangered creature. When you were younger,
were you a picky eater? Hopefully you listened to what your elders taught you and
ate your dinner. Koalas live in tall eucalyptus trees, also known as gum trees. Since
there are over 600 varieties of eucalyptus trees, the koala should have no trouble
finding food. However, koalas are even pickier than you ever were about what they
eat. Out of the 600 varieties, they will only eat the leaves of about 120 kinds of
eucalyptus trees. They would rather starve than eat the other kinds. Now that’s
stubborn! The biggest problem right now is that the brush land where many koalas
live in Australia is being cut down to make room for cities.

(i) What does it mean when an animal is extinct?

(ii) What is another name for gum tree?
(iii) Why do you think the koalas are so picky?
(iv) Which is the biggest problem faced by koalas now?
(v) Find out the synonyms for the following words from the paragraph:
(a) Extremely fussy
(b) Threatened with a danger
(c) Survive

Q1. You are Shruti/Shaurya, the President of the Readers' Club of G.D Goenka
Public School, Dehradun. Children's Book Trust is organising a Book Fair in your
school to promote the habit of reading among students. Draft a notice in about 50
words inviting the students to visit the fair.

Q1. Fill in the blanks with abstract nouns formed from the words in brackets.
(i) Books give us a lot of _______.(know)
(ii) The police was shocked by the _________ of the attack. (ferocious)
(iii) I'll try to do my job to the best of my ___________.(able)
(iv) Sports are a better way of killing_____ as compared to the television. (bore)
(v) He is a man of great _________. (strong)
(vi) Treat animals with ________. (kind)
Q2. Circle the nouns in the following sentences and write their types.
(i) Napoleon was a great commander.
(ii) Bread and butter is our necessity.
(iii) Time and tide wait for none.
(iv) Little Jack sat in a corner.
(v) Iron is a very useful metal.
(vi) Tanuj bought a bouquet of roses for his mother.
(vii) Frank has recently launched a line of bags made of jute.
(viii) Radhika drinks milk every morning.
Q3. Read the following sentences and identify the type of pronoun.
(i) The trophy is ours now.
(ii) Here are your books. Put them in your bag.
(iii) I myself disagree on this issue.
(iv) Has anyone seen my pencil?
(v) Which novel are you looking for?
(vi) Shylock, whomever Antonio owed two thousand Ducats asked for a pound
of flesh.
(vii) This is a walking stick and that is a hockey stick.
(viii) Either of you may answer the questions asked by me.
(ix) Did you look at the options? There are several.
(x) Each one of you will be awarded with bravery award.
Q4. Fill in the gaps with appropriate Pronouns:
(i) She will invite him in ____ birthday party.
(ii) ____ are looking for the better and brighter opportunity of life.
(iii) ______ of the two athletes is a footballer.
(iv) Did you know that Labrador is ______?
(v) Kristy, ______ is a teacher, also works as a social worker.
(vi) ______ flower in the bunch do you like?

Q5. Go through the sentences and change their tenses as directed.

(i) They were eating Dutch lunch in the canteen. (Past perfect continuous tense)
(ii) Tom presents a crystal clear explanation. (Simple Past tense , negative)
(iii) Miss Blair starts her work on firm footing. (Present Continuous Tense)
(iv) We are looking for the floating light of India like King Vikramaditya. (Future
Perfect Tense)
(v) Richard builds a house of cards to cheat us. (Present Perfect Tense)
(vi) He writes an article with a pen dipped in red ink. (Simple future tense)

Q6. Choose an appropriate option from the following sentences:

(i) Identify the tense used in the sentence. “Riya has purchased a new laptop.”
A) Present perfect tense B) Simple Past tense
C) Past perfect tense D) Simple Present tense
(ii) Identify the tense used in the sentence. “When shall our application be
A) Future perfect tense B) Simple Present tense
C) Past perfect tense D)Simple future tense
(iii) I __________ working all afternoon and have just finished the assignment.
A) have been B)had been
C) shall be D) am
(iv) Rohan __________ the movie before he read the review.
A) watches B)have watched
C) had watched D)was watching
(v) By the next month, we shall __________ the project.
A)has completed B)completing
C)completed D)have completed

(vi) Every boy and girl __________ in the class today.
A) are present B) is present
C) have present D)had present
(vii) He __________ daily for a year now.
A) exercises B) was exercising
C) has been exercising D)have been exercising

Q7. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
(i) the healthiest fruit / with a long/ papaya is/ list of properties.
(ii) essential part/ form an / the sculpture and painting/ temple /architecture/
of the.
(iii) to increase safety/ is making/ on the / efforts / roads / traffic police
(iv) He/ of / laughter / peals / burst / into
(v) and/ an organised /discipline/punctuality, / helps us / lifestyle/ maintain
(vi) Best thing/ Goa/ carnival festival/ is/ the/ about
(vii) place/ the/ full of/ water/ greenery/ and/ is
(viii) Population/ second largest/ in/ it is/ an/ agriculture/based/ economy/ the
(ix) Four/ add/ drops/ of/ blue/ liquid/ water/ to the.

Q8. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Write the incorrect word and correct word:
When a person lead a disciplined life, they set (a) _______ _______
an easy path from success. (b) _______ _______
They will develop an approaches to happiness (c) _______ _______
and a beautifully future ahead. Being disciplined (d) _______ _______
is the practice of having a scheduled daily routines(e) _______ _______
which help an individual to be punctual and hard-working. (f) ____ _______

Q9. The sentences given below have omitted words. Insert the required word to
complete the omission exercises.

Before Omitted After

Due global warming, polar ice caps ____ ____ _____
are melting and a result, the sea level ____ ____ _____
is rising. Islands be submerged. ____ ____ _____
The ozone layer becoming thinner day by day, ____ ____ _____
resulting in the entering harmful rays in ____ ____ _____
the atmosphere, causes skin diseases. ____ ____ _____

SECTION-D (Literature)
Q1. Write the word meanings of following words.
(i) perished
(ii) yanked
(iii) glared
(iv) league
(v) reel’d at
(vi) inquisitive
Chapter-1 Brave Hearts
Q1. Answer the following questions.
(i) What was the incident that inspired Jawahar Lal Nehru to institute the
National Award for children who perform acts of exceptional valour?
(ii) Who was awarded with the Bharat Award and Why?
(iii) Name the council who looks after the selection process of the awardees. Also
name the five categories of the bravery awards.
(iv) Describe the bravery act of Guddiben Kalubhai Mashar.
(v) What was the age of Dungar Singh when he was awarded with the National
Bravery Award?

Q2. Reference to context.

a) “ We didn’t think about the consequences we just jumped straight in.”
(i) Who are the speaker in above mentioned lines?
(ii) Where did they jump in and why?
(iii) Who was the President and Prime Minister when they were awarded?

b) “All I knew was that I could not see my brother getting hurt.”
(i) Name the speaker.
(ii) What happened to his brother?
(iii) Name the place where the incident took place?

Chapter 2. A Story of Courage.

Q1. Answer the following questions.

(i) Describe the things Harjit noted in first two days of his stay in Paris which were
different from cities in India.
(ii) What was the reason behind Harjit’s family to leave India and come to Paris?
(iii) How did Harjit become friend with Pierre?
(iv) How did Harjit realize that he had brought the wrong bag from the airport?
(v) What was the incident that gave the feelings of anxiety and tension to Harjit
regarding his turban?

Q2. Reference to context.

a)”Don’t worry, son. You wait and see; today you will be fine”
(i) Who is the speaker of the above mentioned lines?
(ii) What happened to his son?
(iii) Name the author.

b. “He missed the constant noise from the Golden Temple”

(i) Who is ‘he’ referred in the above lines?
(ii) What type of noise is mentioned in the above lines?
(iii) Why he was missing the noise?

Chapter-3 The Charge of the Light Brigade

Q1. Answer the following questions

(i) Why does the poet describe the riders as entering into ‘the valley of death’?
(ii) Describe the effect of the gunfire that was directed towards the charging
British cavalry.

(iii) What happened in the valley of death?
(iv) What make the poet to use the word ‘battery smoke’?
(v) What is the meaning of “ jaws of death”?

Q2. Reference to context

a) “When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made?”
(i) Whose glory is mentioned in the above lines and why?
(ii) What was the charge they made?
(iii) What is the meaning of Noble six hundred?

b) “Boldly they rode and well “

(i) Who is ‘they’ referred here?
(ii) Name the weapons used in the poem.
(iii) Name the poem and the poet.

Case Study

1. Gather information about the battle of Balaclava. Also make an interesting

collage of images.( You can use the hints mentioned below)
• When was the battle fought?
•Where was it fought?
•The battle was a part of which massive war?
•Cause of the battle
•What happened in the battle?
•How long did it last?

Note : Prepare well for Unit Test-1

ह द
िं ी
निर्धारित पधठ्यक्रम:-
वसंत : पाठ 1 हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के

पाठ 2 हहमालय की बेहियााँ

पाठ 3 कठपुतली

पाठ 4 हमठाईवाला
व्याकरण : पाठ 1 भाषा, हलहप और व्याकरण

पाठ 2 वणण - हवचार

पाठ 3 संहि

पाठ 4 शब्द हवचार

पाठ 5 पयाणयवाची(1-20)

पाठ 6 हवलोम (1-20)

पाठ 28 मुहावरे (1-10)


क्रक्रयधत्मक कधया
हवज्ञापन लेखन
उद्दे श्य : छात्र हवज्ञापन द्वारा हकसी भी हवषय वस्तु की हवशेषताओं को
समझने में कुशल होंगें ।
 भोजनालय (रे स्टोरें ि) पर एक सहचत्र हवज्ञापन तै यार कीहजए। (A3 SHEET)

पधठ 1 म पिंछी उन्मुक्त गगि के

प्रश्ि 1 निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों के उत्ति दीजिए –

क) पक्षी कहााँ का जल पीना पसंद करते हैं?

ख) पक्षक्षयों के ललए बंधन ककसका है ?

ग) पपंजरे में रहकर पक्षी क्या नह ं कर पाएाँगे ?

घ) पेड़ की ऊाँची चोट पर झूला पक्षी कहााँ दे ख रहे हैं ?

पधठ 2 ह मधिय की बेहियधाँ

प्रश्ि 2 निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों के उत्ति दीजिए

क ) ‘हहमालय की बेहटयााँ’ पाठ में बेतवा नद को ककसकी पियसी के

रूप में चचत्रित ककया गया है ?

ख) लेखक को नहदयााँ कहााँ अठखेललयााँ करती हुई हदखाई पड़ती है ?

ग) समतल मैदान में पहुाँचकर नहदयााँ कैसी हो जाती हैं?

प्रश्ि 3 निम्िलिखित िहदयों के बदिे ु ए रूप लििे-

क ) पवतस्ता ख) पवपाशा

ग ) लसंधु घ बनारस

पधठ 3 (कठपुतिी)
प्रश्ि 4 निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों के उत्ति दीजिए –

क) कठपुतल को ककस बात का दख

ु था ?

ख) कठपुतल धागे तोड़ने का आग्रह क्यों करती है ?

ग) कठपत
ु ल के मन में क्या इच्छा जागी?

घ) कठपुतल कपवता के माध्यम से कपव क्या संदेश दे ना चाहता है ?

पधठ 4 (लमठधईवधिध)
प्रश्ि 5 निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों के उत्ति दीजिए -

क) लमठाईवाला कहानी में ककन-ककन रूपों में आया था ?

ख) चुन्नू और मुन्नू के माता-पपता जी का क्या नाम था?

ग) मुरल वाला बेचने के ललए ककतनी मुरललयााँ लाया था?

घ) लमठाईवाला तीसर बार ककतने मह ने बाद आया और वह ककतने की

ककतनी गोललयााँ दे रहा था?

प्रश्ि 6 क्रकसिे क्रकससे क ध -

क) 'अब इस बार पैसे न लाँ ग
ू ा |'
ख) ' इन्हें तोड दो;मुझे मेरे पााँव पर छोड़ दो |'

प्रश्ि 7 शब्दधर्ा लििें –

कठपुतल , मन के छं द, सोथनी, दअ
ु न्नी


पधठ 1 भधषध, लिपप औि व्यधकिण

प्रश्ि 8 निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों के उत्ति दीजिए -

क) पवद्वधिों औि लशक्षधपवदों द्वधिध स्वीकृत भधषध रूप क्यध क िधती ै?

ि) अमधिक रूप के मधिक रूप लििें

(i) चाहहये (ii) जाएंगे (iii) नयी

पधठ – 2 वणा- पवचधि

प्रश्ि 9 निम्िलिखित वणों के उच्चधिण स्र्धि बतधइए

1. ' ल ' वर्ण का उच्चारर् स्थान--------------- होगा l

2. ‘व' वर्ण का उच्चारर् स्थान------ होगा ।

3. ‘मʼ वर्ण का उच्चारर् स्थान ---------- होगा l

प्रश्ि 10 निम्िलिखित शब्दों के वणा पवच्छे द कीजिए

क) ककताब (ख) कमणशील (ग) िकाश

प्रश्ि 11 निम्िलिखित वणों के मेि से शब्द बिधइए

क) क् +अ+म ्+अ+र्+आ

ख) अ+ल ्+अ+म ्+आ+र्+ई

ग) स ्+उ+न ्+द्+अ+र्+अ

पधठ 3 सिंधर्
प्रश्ि 12. निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों के उत्ति दीजिए-
क) पवसगा सिंधर् क्रकसे क ते ैं ?
ि) सिंधर्-पवच्छे द कीजिए -
1. संपर्
ू ण 2. उद्धार
3. नमस्ते 4. ननश्चय
ग) सिंधर् कीजिए -
1. सत ्+जन 2.वाक् + गीश
3. दुःु + कर 4. नन:+रस

पधठ 4 शब्द पवचधि

प्रश्ि 13. निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों के उत्ति दीजिए-

क) शब्द और पद में क्या अंतर है ?

ख) उत्पत्त्त के आधार पर शब्दों का वगीकरर् ककतने भागों में ककया गया है

नाम ललखें ?

ग) संकर शब्द ककसे कहते हैं?

घ) ियोग के आधार पर शब्दों को ककतने भागों में बााँटा गया है नाम ललखें I

पधठ 5 पयधायवधची
प्रश्ि 14 निम्िलिखित शब्दों के तीि-तीि पयधायवधची शब्द लििें -

क) कोयल ख) गंगा ग) अंधकार घ) गुरु

पधठ 6 पविोम

प्रश्ि 15 निम्ि शब्दों के पविोम शब्द लििें -

क) उत्थान__________________

ख) उदय____________________

ग) अनज
ु ____________________

घ) आय______________________

पधठ 28 मु धविे (1-10)

प्रश्ि 16 हदए गए मु धविों के अर्ा लिखिए-

क) हाथ मलना

ख) लकीर का फकीर

ग) हाथ बटााँना

प्रश्ि17. सिंवधद िेिि –

उद्देश्य : छधत्र वधतधािधप व सिंवधद िेिि में अच्छी शब्दधविी कध प्रयोग

कििे में सक्षम ोंगे।
पवषय - यधतधयधत के नियमों के पधिि के सिंबिंर् में पपतध औि पुत्र में सिंवधद I

अर्ाबोर् प्रश्ि
मुरल वाला एकदम अिनतभ हो उठा। बोला -" आपको क्या पता बाबू जी

कक इनकी असल लागत क्या है ! यह तो ग्राहकों का दस्तरू होता है कक

ु ानदार चाहे हानन उठाकर चीज़ क्यों न बेचे , पर ग्राहक यह समझते

हैं - दक
ू ानदार मझ
ु े लट
ू रहा है । आप भला काहे को पवश्वास करें गे? लेककन

सच पनू छए तो बाबू जी, असल दाम दो ह पैसा है । आप कह ं से दो पैसे

में ये मुरल नह ं पा सकते। मैंने तो पूर एक हज़ार बनवाई थीं, तब मुझे

इस भाव पड़ी है ।"

1 उपरोक्त गद्यांश में ग्राहक कौन है ?

2 ग्राहक मरु ललयााँ ककसके ललए खर द रहा था ?

3 मुरल वाला अिनतभ ( उदास ) क्यों हो उठा था ?

मूल्यपरक िश्न
1 जब कोई दक
ु ानदार आपको सामान का मूल्य वास्तव से अचधक बताए

तो आप उचचत मूल्य के ललए क्या तकण िस्तुत करें गे ?

Note : सिंपूणा पधठ्यक्रम यधद किें l

 Chapter 1 (Integers)
 Chapter 2 (Fractions and decimals)

Objective : Students will be able to apply the knowledge of operation
of integers.
 To take a ride on a giant wheel, one needs to score 100 points. Do
the operations in the path and make the score of 100 to enter the
Make a chart on A4 size sheet. Colour the path through which you will
get the answer.

Q1. The difference of an integer a and (-6) is 4.Find the value of a.
Q2. In a class test containing 20 questions, 4 marks are given for every correct
Answer and (-1) is deducted for incorrect answer. Heena attempts all
questions and 15 of her answers are correct. What is her total score?
Q3. An elevator descends into a mine shaft at the rate of 6m/min. If the descent
starts from 20m above the ground level, how long will it take to reach -370m?
Q4. Solve using distributive property:
30 × (-53) + 30 × 3
Q5. The highest point measured above sea level is to summit of Mt. Everest,
which is 8848 m above sea level and the lowest point is challenger deep at the
bottom of Marine trench which is 10911 m below sea level. What is the
vertical distance between these two points?
Q6. 8 people equally share a bill of Rs.108.80. How much should each pay?
Q7. Describe two methods to compare 13/17 and 0.82. Which do you think is
easier and why?
Q8. Measurement made in science lab must be accurate as possible. Ravi
measured the length of an iron rod and said it was 13.34 long. Kamla said
19.25 cm and Mohan said 19.27 cm. The correct length was 19.33 cm. How
much error was made by each of the boys?
Q9. A floor is 4.5 m long and 3.6 m wide. A 6 cm square tile cost rupees 23.25.
What will be the cost to cover the floor with these tiles?
Q10. In a school 5 out of every 7 children participated in SAVE WILDLIFE
campaign organised by the school authority. What fraction of the student
participated in the campaign? Find what kind of decimal expansion it is.

Case Study : Rational Numbers
Ram Sharan donated two third of his monthly income to an NGO, working for the
education of the girls ,spent 1/5 th of his salary on purchasing food items for
consumption of his family. He contributed one by fifteenth of his salary in meeting
out other expenses he is left with rupees 9000 please answer the following
questions by selecting the correct options
1.What is Ram Sharan's salary?
a) Rs.45,000
2. How much amount did he donate to NGO for education of girls?
3. How much amount did he spend on purchasing food items?
4. How much amount did you spend in meeting out to other expenses?

Note : Prepare well for Unit Test-1

 CHAPTER 1 Nutrition in Plants
 CHAPTER 5 Acids, Bases and Salts
Objective: To Study the Neutralisation Reaction.
Material Required: Vinegar, soap solution, turmeric solution
Learning Outcome: Students will be able to perform and observe the
neutralisation reaction.
i. Take half a spoon of turmeric powder and make a solution by
adding water to it.
ii. Take three bowls and label them as A, B,C.

iii. Add turmeric solution in bowl A, vinegar in bowl B and soap solution
in bowl C.
iv. Add small amount of solution from bowl C to bowl A, until the
colour of turmeric solution changes to red.
v. Add small amount of solution from bowl B to bowl A(having
contents of bowl A and C), until the colour of turmeric solution
changes back to yellow.
Write your observation and conclusion of this neutralisation reaction
in your worksheet notebook.

1. The lamina of the leaf of a plant P is modified into a hollow tube. The leaf apex
forms a kind of lid which can open or close the mouth of hollow tube. When an
organism Q falls in the hollow tube, the lid closes automatically killing the
organism. The walls of hollow tube secrete digestive juices which digest the
complex substances R present in the body of the organism to form simpler
substances S. These simpler substances are then absorbed by the walls of the
hollow tube and used by the plant P.
(a) What could the plant P be?
(b) Name the organism Q.
(c) What could the complex substances R be?
(d) Name the simpler substances S.
(e) What is the general name of plants like P?
2. A farmer grows tomatoes in a green house. He keeps bright light on in the green
house at night. What will be its effect on the growth of tomatoes?
3. Wild animals like tiger, wolf, lion and leopard do not eat plants. Does this mean
that they can survive without plants? Can you provide a suitable explanation?
4. A goat eats away all the leaves of a small plant (balsam). However, in a few days,
new leaves could be seen sprouting in the plant again. How did the plant survive
without leaves?
5. A shopkeeper has a few bottles of soft drinks in his restaurant which are not
labelled. One customer wants acidic drink, another wants basic drink and the
third one wants neutral drink. How will the shopkeeper decide which drink is to
be served to whom?
6. Explain why, if we touch the test-tube immediately after carrying out the
neutralisation reaction of an acid and a base in it, it is found to be somewhat hot.
7. When Magnesium is burnt in air, a powdery substance X is formed. X on
dissolving in water forms Y. What are X and Y? What is action of Y on Litmus
Paper? What conclusion do you get about the nature of Y from its action on
Litmus Paper?
8. A white shirt has a yellow stain of curry. When soap is rubbed on this shirt during
washing, the yellow stain turns red. On rinsing the shirt with plenty of water, the
red stain turns yellow again.
(a) Name the natural indicator present in curry stain.
(b) What is the nature of soap (acidic or basic) as shown by the indicator present
in curry stain?
(c) Name a synthetic indicator which will give pink colour with soap solution.

Case Study
Take two potted plants of the same kind. Keep one in the dark (or in a black box)for
72 hours and the other in sunlight. Perform iodine test with the leaves of both the
plants. Record the results. Now leave the pot which was earlier kept in the dark,
in the sunlight for 3 – 4 days and perform the iodine test again on its leaves. Record
the observations in a notebook. The leaves other than green also have chlorophyll.
The large amount of red, brown and other pigments mask the green color.
Photosynthesis takes place in these leaves also. You often see slimy, green patches
in ponds or stagnant water bodies. These are generally formed by the growth of
organisms called algae. Algae are green in color because they contain chlorophyll
which gives them the green color. Algae can also preparetheir own food by
Answer the following questions-
Q1. For how many hours does the potted plant needs to be kept in dark.
(a) 42 hours
(b) 65 hours
(c) 2 hours
(d) 72 hours

Q2. Which colour of leaf have the maximum chlorophyll?

(a) Red
(b) Brown
(c) Orange
(d) Green

Q3. ………………….. are the slimy green patches in the pond.

(a) Plant
(b) Bacteria
(c) Algae
(d) Fungi

Note: Prepare well for Unit Test 1

 L1 Introduction - Tracing a changes through a thousand years (History)
 L1 Environment ( Geography)
 L1 On Equality ( Civics)
 L 2 New Kings and Kingdoms (History)


Objective : Students will learn the innovative building techniques and

advanced technologies used like the wax process for building,
sculptures and Importance of temples.

 Collect the pictures of three temples from the Chola period and write
few lines on each of them on A4 size sheet.

Activity -2
Objective: Students will learn how the arrival of Mughal rulers brought
about a great change in the Indian regions and also the major
contributions in the field of literature, art and architecture, cultural and
religious reforms, dynasties and varied rulers, etc. happened during the
medieval period.

 Research on any two medieval rulers of India, paste their pictures

and write about their achievement on A4 size sheet.

Chapter 1 Introduction – Tracing a changes through a thousand years (History)

1 )Define the following

a) Biography b) Archive c) Cartographer
2) Fill in the blanks:-
a) The study of past is called _______________.
b) Islam reached in India in ________________.
c) The holy book of Muslims is ____________.
d) The two groups of Muslims are ___________ and ________.
3) Answer the following: (very short questions)
a) Who were scribes?
b) Who were patrons?
c) Which century is called the beginning of the medieval period? Why?
d) Who was Al- Idrisi?
4) Answer the following questions (Short questions)
a) List some of the technological changes associated with this period.
b) How did Brahmans earn a lot of respect in the society?
c) What do you know about jati panchayat?
d) How did scribes copy the manuscripts? What were the drawbacks of it?
5 ) Answer the following (Long type questions)
a) How do travelogues play an important role as a literary source in history?
b) How do Sunni and Shia Muslims differ?
6 ) Picture based questions

1. What does this picture depict?
2. When was this map drawn?
3. Who has drawn this map?

Chapter 1 Environment (Geography)

1. Define the following

a) Barter system
b) Lithosphere
c) Ecosystem

2. Give geographical terms for the following-

a) All living elements present on the earth are known as …………………
b) All non-living elements present on the earth are known as ………….....
c) The water portion on the Earth is called ………………
d) The land portion on the Earth is called …………
e) The interdependence of natural components of environment form...............

3. Match the following items given in Column A with those in Column B

Column A Column B
I. Land 1.Hydrosphere
II. Water bodies 2.Lithosphere
III. Gases, water vapour, dust 3.Biosphere
IV. Living organisms 4.Atmosphere

Choose the correct answer from the option given below:

a) I-2,II-1,III-4,IV-3. b) I-2,II-3,II-1,IV-4.
C) I-4,II-1,III-3,IV-2 d) I-3,II-2,III-1,IV-4

4. Answer the following questions (very short)

a) Give one example of an ecosystem.
b) What are the various elements of the natural environment? Give examples.
c) Which domain of the earth supports life?

5. Answer the following questions (short type)
a) Mention two uses of water in our daily life.
b) What is Barter System?
c) How has communication become easier and speedy across the world?

6. Answer the following questions (long type)

What is atmosphere? Why is it known as a protective layer?

Chapter 1 Civics (On Equality)

1. Define the following

a) Constitution b) Democracy c) Prejudice

2. Correct the following statement-

a) Constitution means no one is above the law.
b) The Civil Rights Act 1964, banned equality.
c) A government is of the people, by the people and for the people is known
as dictatorship.
d) African-American launched a movement to fight for equal rights in 1955.

3. Answer the following questions (Very short type)

a) Which institution directed the expansion of mid-day meal scheme?
b) When did the Civil Rights Movement begin?
c) Which is the largest religious minority in India?

4. Answer the following questions (Short type)

a) What happens when one group acts as dominant in society?
b) How does the government seek to reduce the economic gap between rich and
c) Write a short note on Universal Adult Franchise.
d) How did Rosa Parks become famous in American political history?
5. Answer the following (Long type questions)
a) Write a short note on equality in Indian democracy?
b) List the two ways in which the government has tried to implement the equality
that is guaranteed in the Constitution.

6. RTC ( Reference to context)
The Government of India passed the Disabilities Act in 1995. This law states that
persons with disabilities have equal rights, and that the government should make
possible their full participation in society. The government has to provide free
education and integrate children with disabilities into mainstream schools. This
law also states that all public places including buildings, schools, etc., should be
accessible and provided with ramps.
Answer the following questions
a) When was the Disabilities Act passed?
b) Which authority passed this Act?
c) What does it states?

Ch- 2 New Kings and Kingdoms ( History )

Q1.Define the following-

a) Vellanvangi b) Nadu c) Muvendavelan

Q2.Fill in the blanks-

a) Rashtrakutas were subordinate to the ______ of ________.
b) Land given to non-brahmans were known as _______
c) Vetti is a type of _______.
d) _____ was the other name of the great lord of a ‘circle’ or region.
e) ______ invaded the Somnath temple in Gujarat.

Q3. Answer the following (Very short type)

a) Name an important Chauhan ruler.
b) Which ruler performed hiranya-garbha ritual?
c) Which were the new dynasties that emerged after the 7th century in
d) What titles did the new kings adopt?
e) What were prashastis?

Q4. Answer the following (Short type questions)
a) What was Brahmadeya ?
b) Give an account of agriculture of the Cholas.
c) The Cholas were great builders of temples. Do you agree with this statement?
d) Why was Kannauj considered as an important region? Mention the causes of
struggle between different dynasties?
e) Differentiate between ur and sabha.

Q5. Answer the following (long type questions)

a) Describe the lives of ordinary men and women during the Chola Empire.
b) Give an account of the administration of the Chola Empire.
c) Who were samantas? What service did they provide to the existing kings?
d) Write down the main achievements of Rashtrakutas.
Q6. Complete the table-
Important Dynasties of this period-

Name of the Important building or

Important King
dynasty literary work of the dynasty

A) _________ Mihira Bhoja ________

Buddhist University at
B) Palas ________

C) _______ ________ Prithviraj Raso

D) Chauhans _______ _________

Q7.Picture Based Question-
Look at the given picture and answer the following questions.

a) What is depicted in this picture?

b) When and who built this temple?
c) From which dynasty does this temple belongs to?
d) Mention two benefits of this temple.
e) Where is this temple situated?

Q8.Value based question-

a) To worship gods and goddesses pure hearted dedication is demanded. Do you
think this devotion is necessary instead of offering costly gifts to them. Should
devotion be simple or full of pomp and show. Think and answer.

b) In The New Kings And Kingdoms chapter, you learnt that the Chola temples
were the hub of social, economic and cultural activities. Do you think modern
temples also serve similar functions. Elaborate.

Q9.Read the source carefully and answer the given questions-
Kings often rewarded Brahmanas by grants of land. These were recorded on
copper plates.
a)What was the use of copper plates?
b)Which metal was used for making copper plates?
c)How were Brahmans rewarded?
d)Who were Brahmans?

Case Study
This is part of the Tamil section of a land grant given by the Cholas:
We have demarcated the boundaries of the land by making earthen
embankments as well as planting thorny bushes. This is what the land contains:
fruit bearing trees, water, land, gardens and orchard, trees, open spaces, pasture
land, tanks, wells, fish ponds and deep lakes.
He who receives the land can collect taxes from it. He can collect the taxes
imposed by judicial officers as fines, the tax on betel-leaves, as well as on
vehicles. He can build large rooms, with upper stories made on baked bricks, he
can get large and small well dug, he can plant trees, if necessary, he can get
constructed canals for irrigation. He should ensure that water is not wasted, and
that embankments are built.
a) Name the typical features of land.
b) What are the various types of taxes mentioned?
c) Name the sources of irrigation given in the source.
d) What are the different uses of land mentioned in the source?

पधठ्य पुस्तक-
पाठ 1-वाताणलापुः पाठ 2-लङ्लकारुः(िथमुः परु
ु षुः)
पाठ 3-लङ्लकारुः(मध्यमुः पुरुषुः)

धातु रूप– ललख ् (लट् , लट्

ृ , लङ्लकार) पयाणयवाची (1-18)

क्रक्रयधत्मक कधया
उद्देश्य : छधत्र सिंस्कृत में पयधायवधची शब्दों को समझिे व लिििे में सक्षम
 िीचे हदए गए शब्दों के तीि -तीि पयधायवधची शब्द किधत्मक ढिं ग से
(i) वक्ष
ृ : (ii) चिक:
(iii) सरितध (iv) सदििं
(v) पवात:
1. एकपदे ि उत्तित-

क) सुगन्धा कस्य गह
ृ ं गलमष्यनत ?

ख) 'व्यायामेन शर रं बललष्ठं भवनत।' बललष्ठुः नरुः कीदृशुः भवेत ् ?

ग) स्वास््याय हहतकारर ककं भवनत?

2. निहदा ष्ि-िकधिे परिवताििं कुरुत-

(क)वयं िसन्नाुः भपवष्यामुः ।(लट्)

(ख)वयं कन्दक
ु े न क्रीडामुः ।(लट्
ृ )

(ग) त्वं ननमणलं जलं पास्यलस ।(लट्)

3. निदे शधिुसधििं वचििं परिवतायत-

(क)सुः भोजनं खाहदष्यनत ।(द्पववचने)

(ख) युवां चचिं पश्यथुः ।(बहुवचने)

(ग) वयं राष्रध्वजं नमामुः ।(एकवचने)

4.पदपरिचयिं दीयतधम ्-

ू शब्द: पवभजक्तिः वचिम ् लििंगम ्

(क) चललष्यलस ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

(ख) भवनत ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

(ग) नमालम ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

5.अर्ं लिित - क्रीडनकानन, िभातवेला, ककमथणम ्, परश्वुः

1. तधलिकधिं पूियत-

(क) ............. .............. अकुवणन ्

(ख) आसीत ् .............. ...........

(ग) ............ अनमताम ् ............

2.रिक्तस्र्धिधनि पूियत-

(क)कन्याुः चरर्कन्दक
ु े न ................।

(ख)नराुः उद्याने ...............।

(ग)राम-लक्ष्मर्ौ वनम ् ................।

3.एकपदे ि उत्तित-

क) लमिाणर् कस्मै उपहारम ् आनयन ्?

(ख) जन्महदवसे के आगच्छन ् ?

(ग)अकुलुः ककम ् अकृन्तत ्?

4. पद परिचयिं लिित-

र्धतिःु िकधििः परु

ु षिः वचिम ्

क) अरचयन ् ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

ख)अगच्छताम ् ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

ग) अपपबत ् ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

5.अर्ं लिित- धनध

ु रण ुः, भ्रातरौ, सायंकाले, अकृन्तत~

1. एकपदे ि उत्तित-

क) लभक्षुकस्य वस्िाणर् कीदृशानन आसन ्?

(ख) दानात ् ककं िाप्यते ?

(ग) तव पवद्यालये कस्याुः िनतयोचगता आसीत ् ?

2. क्रक्रयधपदधनि िङ्िकधिे परिवतायत-




3. तधलिकधिं पिू यत-

(क).............. अवदतम ् ............

(ख) अतरुः .............. ...........

(ग) ............ .............. अभ्रमत

4. पद परिचयिं लिित-
र्धतिःु िकधििः परु
ु षिः वचिम ्

क) अभवुः ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

ख) अकुरुत ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
ग) अगच्छतम ् ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

5. अर्ं लिित-
जीर्ाणनन, लभक्षुकुः, िनतभागी, बभ
ु क्षु क्षतुः

Note : Prepare well for Unit Test-1

 Ch-1 (Number System)
 Ch-2 (Cyber Ethics, Crimes and safety)
Objective : Students will be able to use formulas in Excel.

Result Sheet
R. No. Name English Hindi Math Total
1 Asha 77 89 78

2 Sanya 78 37 58

3 Mohitansh 65 95 65

4 Kareem 95 84 85

5 Sarnek 85 78 78

6 Shyan 84 60 95

1. Enter the data in a excel file.

2. Find the total by using function Sum().
3. Do the required formatting.

A. Answer the questions briefly.
(i) Write the name of any 5 unethical practices.
(ii) Define Patent.
B. Do the following:
(i) 11000011 + 1000001 (ii) (100)10 = (?)2

Case Study
In mid 80’s another federal agency, the NSF created a new high capacity network
called NSFnet, which was more capable than ARPANET. The only drawback of
NSFnet was that it allowed only academic research on its network and not any kind
of private business on it. Now, several private organisations and people started
working to build their own networks, named private networks, which were later
(in 1990’s) connected with ARPANET and NSFnet to form the Internet. The Internet
really became popular in 1990’s after the development of World Wide Web.
Answer the following questions-
(i) What does NSFnet stand for?
(a) National Senior Foundation Network
(b) National Science Framework Network
(c) National Science Foundation Network
(d) National Science Formation Network
(ii) What does ARPANET stand for?
(a) Advanced Research Premium Agency NETwork
(b) Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork
(c) Advanced Review Projects Agency NETwork
(d) Advanced Research Protection Agency NETwork
(iii) What is internet?
(a) A single network
(b) A vast collection of different networks
(c) Interconnection of local area networks
(d) Interconnection of wide area networks

(iv) To join the internet, the computer has to be connected to a __________
(a) Internet architecture board
(b) Internet society
(c) Internet service provider
(d) Different computer

(v) Internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone
network is provided by:
(a) Leased line
(b) Digital subscriber line
(c) Digital signal line
(d) Digital leased line

6. A piece of icon or image on a web page associated with another webpage is

called ______
(a) URL
(b) Hyperlink
(c) Plugin
(d) Extension


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