F3 Geo Assignment

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MAY 2024.

1. a) Give two local winds that are found in Kenya.

b) State three conditions necessary for formation of dew.
2. a) What is an eclipse(2marks)
b) State the three characteristics of the earth’s core
3. a) Define the term longitude
b) The local time of town A 400E is 12noon. What will be the local time of B 300E

4.a) i) Differentiate between orogenic and epeirogenic earth movement.

ii) Describe the origin of continents according to the theory of plate tectonics.
b. i) Apart from an over thrust fold, name three other types of folds.
ii) Using well labeled diagrams, describe how Fold Mountains are formed.
c. Explain two negative effects of folding to human activities.
d. Students from your school intend to carry out a field study of a folded area.
(i)State two preparations you need to do.(2mks)
(ii)State two problems you are likely to encounter.(2mks)

5.(a)(i) Give two examples of non-metallic minerals (2marks)

(ii) Describe the following characteristics of minerals
Hardness (1marks)
Lustre (2marks)
(b)(i) Give two forms of metamorphism (2marks)
(ii)List three examples of metamorphism (3marks)
(c)(i) Describe the formation of plutonic rocks (3marks)
(ii)State two conditions necessary for the growth of coral polyps (2marks)
(d)You are planning to carry out a field study on study on rocks within the local environment
(i)Formulate three objectives of your study (3marks)
(ii)For your field study, you have prepared a work schedule. State two items you would include in the
(iii)Give two methods of data collection you will use while in field (2marks)

6)(a) Give the difference between a Normal and a Reverse fault.

(b) With aid of a well labeled diagram, describe how a fault block is formed.

(c) Explain three negative effects of faulting to human activities.

(d) Explain three reasons why some lakes in the Rift valley are saline.
(e) Explain how a caldera lake is formed.

7) a)Describe three characteristics of the equatorial climate.

(b) Describe the characteristics of the Tropical Desert vegetation that helps
them adopt to the desert climate.
(c) State four uses of the Savanna vegetation.
(d) Explain three factors that influence the vegetation distribution of the

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