Fa22 BCS 147 (CN3)

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Assignment No: 3.

Computer Networks.
Submitted By:
Muhammad Bilal Ghaffar.
Registration No.:
Submitted To:
Sir Usman Nasir.


Table of Contents
A Review of Software Defined Netwroks.................................................................................................2
2.Important Concepts of Software Defined Networking:............................................................................2
2.1.Centralization of Network Control:....................................................................................................2
2.2.Separation of Control and Data Planes:.............................................................................................3
2.3.Programming Ability:.........................................................................................................................3
3.Advantages of SDN:..................................................................................................................................3
3.1.Network Management:.....................................................................................................................3
3.2.Low Operating Expenses:...................................................................................................................4
4.Challenges involved with SDN:.................................................................................................................4
4.1.Integration Issues:.............................................................................................................................4
4.2.Security Concerns:.............................................................................................................................5
5.Applications of SDN:.................................................................................................................................5
5.1.Internet of Things:.............................................................................................................................5
5.3.Data Farms:.......................................................................................................................................5
6.Future Directions:.....................................................................................................................................5

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A Review of Software Defined Netwroks
Software Defined Networking or SDN for short is an
innovative method that is used for the network management approach by
separating the data plane from the control plane. With this separation in the
network management there is increased flexibility which helps in more
flexibility of network and adaptability to the changes in the required
environment. Software Defined Networking is becoming for and more
popular with each passing day as it is efficient in cost management,
simplifies the network management operations as well as has impact on
improving the overall performance of the network.

2.Important Concepts of Software Defined Networking:

Some of the key
concepts involved in the SDN are given as follows:
2.1.Centralization of Network Control:
In SDN, the control plane is
centralized. This helps in improving the overall decisions making process
as the central plane has the global view of all the involved networks. Due to
this enhancement, the modifications can be made very easily from a single
access point rather than manually configuring each device separately
which ultimately helps in network management.

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2.2.Separation of Control and Data Planes:
Many network devices like switches
and routers used to have the data plane and control plane in the same
device but in SDN this traditional approach has been revolutionized.
Instead of these two planes being in the same device, the control plane is
evolved into software-based controller and is used to control the entire
network. The control plane acts as a central commanding operator and
communicates with the data plane for execution.
2.3.Programming Ability:
One of the most important features of the SDN is
that it has programmability. This modification helps the operators to write
chunks of code to set up dynamic configuration of the network. This
enables the networks to have automation and requires much less manual
labor and rapid response to any changes.

3.Advantages of SDN:
The advantages of SDN are given below:
3.1.Network Management:
SDN makes the management of the network a lot
easier as there is the concept of centralization involved in it. Since there is
a central command and there is little to no manual configuration, this
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significantly reduce the chances of errors. Therefor making it a lot easier to
manage the network.
3.2.Low Operating Expenses:
Since a lot of automation is involved in software
defined networking, this has direct impact on lowering the operational cost
of the networks. The specialized hardware is also significantly reduced
which further helps in making the operation cost effective. Therefore, it is
safe to say that SDN is very cost effective.
In SDN, there is a smaller number of hardware devices and
more integration of software facilitated configuration. This helps in greatly
increasing the scalability of the network without major overhauls. The large-
scale operations can be easily managed with dynamic systems as
compared to conventional methods.
There is an enhancement in the performance of SDN
integrated networks as compared to the traditional networks because SDN
has easy large-scale management of networks along with more flexibility to
adopt to the changes and resolve the errors.

4.Challenges involved with SDN:

As all the things have some ups and downs
in the implementation and no many operations are smooth the same goes
for Software Defined Networking. Some of the common challenges faced
by SDN are as follows:
4.1.Integration Issues:
SDN is a new technology, so there are a lot of issues
related to the integration of SDN in the new networks as majority of these
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networks are not either compatible with SDN requirements or if they are
compatible there is no guarantee that they will function perfectly without
prior testing and direct implementation.
4.2.Security Concerns:
Although SDN has very secured network but there are
new concerns as there is only one central control plane. So that plane is
more vulnerable to the attacks as well as failures. So there need to be a
great amount of stress to implement correct and strong security system for

5.Applications of SDN:
The applications of SDN are given below:
5.1.Internet of Things:
The amount of data traffic in IoT devices in increasing
day by day as their increase is also increasing significantly. These devices
are complex, so SDN can be helpful for dynamic adjustment of the
networks associated with these devices.
The enterprises can make a great use of SDN for the
management of their operations with minimal capital investment as SDN is
very adaptable to changes and errors. It can serve as a reliable
performance and security operator for these enterprise networks.
5.3.Data Farms:
The data centers have complex working environment, so
SDN is best suited for them as it can help in dynamic operations without
much manual labor thus helping in better management of these complex

6.Future Directions:
SDN has the potential to be one of the most evolved and
fast-growing initiative. The integration of SDN can see vast increase if
significant changes are to be made in the security and integration with
artificial intelligence is considered.

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SDN is a major change in the administration of the networks.
With required changes it can not only provide better performance but it can
also make our networks secure. As the technology evolves, so will the
SDN. SDN might play a vital role in the future of computer networking.

(n.d.). Retrieved from

Singh, Sumit Badotra and Japinder. (2017). A Review Paper on Software Defined Networks. International
Journal of Adanced Research in Computer Science, 25.

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