Accuracy and Precision

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Accuracy & Precision
Accuracy and precision are both ways to measure results. Measurements require tools that provide
scientists with a quantity. The problem here is that the result of every measurement by any measuring
instrument contains some uncertainty. This uncertainty is referred to as an error. Accuracy and precision
are two important factors to consider while taking measurements. Both these terms reflect how close a
measurement is to a known or accepted value

“Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the true or accepted value of the quantity being
measured. It indicates the degree of correctness of a measurement.”

Calculating Accuracy:
Accuracy is often expressed as a percentage or in absolute terms using the percent error formula:
Percent Error=∣Measured Value−True Value∣ True Value×100%
 Measured Value is the value obtained from measurement.
 True Value is the accepted or true value of the quantity being measured.

There are few types of accuracy:

1. Absolute Accuracy: The closeness of a single measurement to the true value without
considering other measurements.

2. Relative Accuracy: A comparison of the accuracy of one measurement to another, often in

different conditions or using different instruments.

3. Instrument Accuracy: The ability of a measuring instrument to provide measurements close to

the true value of the quantity being measured.

4. Systematic Accuracy: The accuracy of a measurement system as a whole, considering all

components and processes involved.

5. Random Accuracy: The variability or scatter in repeated measurements of the same quantity,
representing the consistency or repeatability of measurements.

Factors Affecting Accuracy:

Several factors can influence the accuracy of measurements:

1. Instrument Calibration: The accuracy of measuring instruments must be regularly verified and
calibrated to ensure that they provide accurate readings.
2. Systematic Errors: These are consistent errors that occur due to flaws in the measurement
system, such as instrumental bias or calibration errors.
3. Environmental Conditions: Factors like temperature, humidity, and pressure can affect the
accuracy of measurements, especially in sensitive instruments.
4. Human Error: Mistakes made by operators, such as incorrect reading of scales or improper
technique, can introduce inaccuracies into measurements.

“Precision is a measure of how consistent or repeatable measurements are when the same quantity is
measured multiple times under the same conditions.”

Factors Affecting Precision:

Several factors can influence the precision of measurements:

1. Instrument Quality: The precision of measurement instruments plays a significant role in

determining the overall precision of measurements. Instruments with higher resolution and
sensitivity tend to yield more precise results.

2. Experimental Design: Factors such as sample size, measurement techniques, and experimental
procedures can impact precision. Well-designed experiments with proper controls and
standardized protocols often lead to more precise measurements.

3. Environmental Conditions: External factors such as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric

pressure can affect the precision of measurements, especially in sensitive instruments or

4. Human Error: Variability in human performance, such as differences in operator technique,

observation skills, and judgment, can introduce uncertainty and reduce precision in

Measuring Precision:
Precision is commonly assessed using statistical measures such as standard deviation, variance, or
coefficient of variation. These measures quantify the dispersion or spread of a set of measurements
around the mean or central value. A smaller standard deviation or variance indicates higher precision,
whereas a larger value suggests greater variability or scatter among measurements.

 If the weather temperature reads 28 °C outside and it is 28 °C outside, then the measurement is
said to be accurate. If the thermometer continuously registers the same temperature for several
days, the measurement is also precise.

 If you take the measurement of the mass of a body of 20 kg and you get 17.4,17,17.3 and 17.1,
your weighing scale is precise but not very accurate. If your scale gives you values of 19.8, 20.5,
21.0, and 19.6, it is more accurate than the first balance but not very precise.

Difference between Accuracy and Precision

In the previous few sections having discussed what each term means, let us now look at their

Accuracy Precision

Accuracy refers to the level of agreement between the Precision implies the level of variation that lies
actual measurement and the absolute measurement. in the values of several measurements of the
same factor.

Represents how closely the results agree with the standard Represents how closely results agree with one
value. another.

Single-factor or measurement are needed. Multiple measurements or factors are needed

to comment about precision.

It is possible for a measurement to be accurate on occasion Results can be precise without being accurate.
as a fluke. For a measurement to be consistently accurate, it Alternatively, the results can be precise and
should also be precise. accurate.

Accuracy is the degree of closeness between a measurement and its true value. Precision is the degree
to which repeated measurements under the same conditions show the same results.



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