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Exercise :
1.Make 10 sentences using the phrase business tripe

1.I’m going to have a business trip to Jakarta the day after tomorow
2.He has a business trip Newyork next week to meet with clients
3.I have to go abroad on a business trip to Toronto tomorrow
4.I have a business trip to Jinan and also have explers
5.The manager has a business trip to Yaman to participate in a global summit.
6.We have a business trip to Maroko next day to meet my new clients.
7.He had a business trip toIindia last week.
GA8.I’m going to have a business trip to French to attend my designer show.
9.She had a business trip to korea last day because there’s a problem in her
10. They had a business trip to rusia a couple of weeks ago to see the
development of a new company.

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