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Name: Evangelos Boukis

Task Number: 01

Date: Thursday 9 February 2023, Partly cloudy sky

Vessel’s position: Gulf of Suez

Loaded passage from Murmansk Russia to China for order.

Confirming officer: 2nd Officer Kasapakis Ioannis

After a brief familiarization tour of the bridge the 2nd officer showed me how to use the
ecdis, radar, GPS as well as the AIS. After completion of the familiarization and some
short talks regarding my knowledge the afternoon 4-8 duty finish so we went to the
messroom to take our dinner.
Task Number: 02

Date: Saturday 11 February 2023, Overcast sky

Vessel’s position: Red Sea

Loaded passage from Murmansk Russia to China for order.

Confirming officer: Chief Officer Romete Florin

At 10:30 together with the Chief Officer we conducted a safety tour around the ship
locating the position of all liferafts, lifeboats and all safety equipment. At 11:30 we
completed the safety tour and we moved on into locating the emergency generator, fire
pumps and the machinery equipment in engine room, there was no more time left so we
went for lunch. At 13:00 we moved on into locating the EPIRB, SART and the portable
radios that are supposed to be taken in case of abandoning the ship. Later he made a
short briefing to me regarding the medical and first aid equipment, where to find them as
well as what it is inside them. At 14:45 the familiarization regarding all safety equipment
was done.
Task Number:03

Date: Friday 17 February 2023, clear sky

Vessel’s position: Gulf of Aden

Loaded passage from Murmansk Russia to China for order.

Confirming officer: Chief Officer Romete Florin

After coffee break at 10:30 Chief Officer made a short briefing and demonstration to me
regarding the waste disposal and pollution prevention procedures. He showed me the
Garbage locker that we have onboard as well as how to correctly segregate the
garbage (plastic, food waste, cigarette butts). A short introduction to the MARPOL
requirements was done as well as when and where it is applicable to throw food waste
into the ocean.
Task Number: 04

Date: Saturday 25 February 2023, clear sky

Vessel’s position: Malacca straight

Loaded passage from Murmansk Russia to China for order.

Confirming officer: 2nd Officer Kasapakis Ioannis

At 08:40 together with the 2nd we went and checked all the breathing apparatus of the
firemen outfits. Some were found with less pressure than appropriate so we gathered
them all and started refilling them. When the appropriate pressure of all the BA was
reached we gathered them and placed them back to their position to be ready in case of
emergency. At 10:45 we checked also the oxygen bottles located in both lifeboats which
make sure to supply oxygen in the cabin in order to escape from a hazardous
atmosphere. They were found to be at a good level so no refilling was needed.
Task Number: 05

Date: Monday 27 February 2023, Overcast sky and raining

Vessel’s position: Singapore

Loaded passage from Murmansk Russia to China for order.

Confirming officer: 2nd Officer Kasapakis Ioannis

At 9:00 the Vessel was approaching the anchoring position at Singapore anchorage so
together with the help of 2nd Officer I completed my first anchoring checklist. After the
completion of anchoring checklist the 2nd bunker barge came alongside and we started
receiving bunkering.
Task Number: 06

Date: Thursday 02 March 2023, clear sky

Vessel’s position: Close to Vietnam

Loaded passage from Murmansk Russia to China for order.

Confirming officer: 3rd officer Mayang Vincent

During the 8-12 watch together with the 3rd officer I made some filing to one egc
message that we received as well as to some navigational warnings that we received
through NAVTEX. After successfully completing the filing he made me a thoroughly
familiarization to all the GMDSS equipment that it is located on the bridge.
Task number: 07

Date: Friday 10 March 2023, Overcast sky and fog

Vessel’s position: Yantai anchorage China

Loaded passage from Murmansk Russia to China Yantai

Confirming officer: 2nd officer Kasapakis Ioannis

During the 4-8 morning watch we finally arrived at Yantai anchorage. After requesting
permission from Yantai VTS to drop anchor we finally dropped anchor at 05:40 LT and
give end of sea passage to the engine room. The anchor watch continued with nothing
unusual and as there was no time for anything else we proceeded to the normal duties
that we do every day.
Task number: 08

Date: Sunday 19 March 2023, Overcast sky

Vessel’s position: Yantai Port, China

Loaded passage from Murmansk Russia to China Yantai

Confirming officer: Chief Officer Romete Florin

During the morning hours of 19 March I completed the first mooring in Yantai Port. After
the completion of mooring together with the superivision of Chief Officer I prepared
some checklists and the vessel to discharge its cargo. When the documents were
signed and everything was checked and in good working condition we started
discharging the cargo to Yantai terminal. After we started discharging the cargo I went
to rest and they called me when we started stripping the cargo tanks as well as the cow
Task number: 09

Date: Thursday 13 April 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Red sea

Unloaded passage from Yantai China to Novorossiysk Russia

Confirming officer: Bonis Nikolaos

During the 4-8 morning watch 2nd officer assist me to complete my first gyro error by
using sun. Of course at first it was difficult for me to calculate but with his help I
completed it. Below follows one picture that shows all the calculations that I used for the
gyro error.
Task number: 10

Date: Wednesday 19 April 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position Suez Canal

Unloaded passage from Yantai China to Novorossiysk Russia

Confirming officer: Bonis Nikolaos

During the morning hours of 19 April we were passing the Suez canal. With the
assistance of 2nd officer Bonis Nikolaos I was plotting our position to the ecdis every 10
minutes as per company policy with the method of LOP. After being on the bridge for 6
hours captain send me to rest and I came back when we were exiting the canal. I was
told to escort the pilot and then proceed back to the bridge to assist the officer of the
Task number: 11

Date: Saturday 06 May 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Aegean Sea

Loaded passage from Novorossiysk, Russia to India for orders

Confirming officer: 2nd officer Bonis Nikolaos

During the morning hours of 06 May 2023 I proceeded to do the monthly check on all
portable fire extinguishers that we have onboard the ship. I checked foam, dry powder,
Co2 as well as the wet chemical ones that we have onboard the ship. After doing the
monthly routine 2nd officer checked that I had correctly checked them and the labels of
the fire extinguishers were correctly completed. Below I attach one picture of the dry
powder fire extinguisher that it is located on the bridge.
Task number: 12

Date: Monday 10 May 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Red Sea

Loaded passage from Novorossiysk, Russia to India for orders

Confirming officer: Chief officer Romete Florin

During the 8-12 duty I was told by the chief mate to proceed and paint all the hydrants
that needed maintenance on deck. After with the assistance of one AB showing me how
to correctly paint the hydrants I proceeded alone and paint them all. Ofcourse because
we have many hydrants onboard it took me about two days to paint all of them. Below I
will attach picture of one of the many hydrants that I paint.
Task number: 13

Date: Monday 22 May 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Indian Ocean

Loaded passage from Novorossiysk, Russia to Chennai, India

Confirming officer: Tr. Chief officer Farmakidis Alexios

After being told by the chief mate that its time to replace some stencil about the fire
isolation valve that are on deck together with the assistance of Tr. Chief officer I
proceeded on deck to do the stencil. At first he saw me how to correctly do them and
then I proceeded alone to complete them all step by step. Ofcourse as there are about
12 stencil I did not complete them in one day, below I attach one picture of the work that
I did.
Task number: 14

Date: Thursday 25 May 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: At port Chennai, India

Confirming Officer: chief officer Romete Florin

During the 4-8 afternoon watch I was in CCR together with the chief officer who
explained me how the stripping educator works and how we perform the cow operation
onboard. After explaining to me the basics we proceeded to perform COW. When we
were done I proceeded on deck with Pumpman and Trainee chief officer to check that
all the tanks are stripped well and have no cargo remaining onboard. Below I attach one
picture from CCR during the COW operation.
Task number: 15

Date: Monday 05 June 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Arabian Sea

Unloaded passage from Chennai, India to Suez for orders

Confirming officer: 2nd officer Bonis Nikolaos

The 2nd officer was told by Chief officer to go and paint the base of all lifebuoys red color
and replace some of them that had damage, so together with the 2nd officer I painted
some of them and replaced 6 of them that were in bad condition. Ofcourse the new
lifebuoys needed also stencil which I did with the supervision of 2nd officer. Below I
attach one picture of the work that was done.
Task number: 16

Date: 17 June 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Istanbul Anchorage, Turkey

Unloaded passage from Chennai, India to Novorossiysk, Russia

Confirming officer: Chief officer Farmakidis Alexios

Together with the supervision of chief officer and pumpman we went to measure the O 2
and the mercaptans inside the cargo tanks. We did this measure for number 1p number
3s and number 6p. Chief officer measured the number 1p and then I measured the rest
of the tanks together with his supervision. There was no time to do anything else as
later on we had to pass Istanbul straight so we went to take our lunch.
Task number: 17

Date: 19 June 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Black sea

Unloaded passage from Chennai, India to Novorossiysk, Russia

Confirming officer: 2nd officer Bonis Nikolaos

After assisting chief officer with some documents at about 10:30 I went together with
the 2nd officer to recharge one Breathing Apparatus that had pressure than required.
The whole procedure took about 30 minutes so we completed the refilling at about
11:00. Below I attach a photo from the breathing apparatus being refilled. After refilling
the BA I put it back to place and then I assisted 2nd officer into completing some pre
arrivals for Novorossiysk.
Task number: 18

Date: 19 June 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Black sea

Unloaded passage from Chennai, India to Novorossiysk, Russia

Confirming officer: 2nd officer Bonis Nikolaos

After refilling one BA I proceeded to assist the 2nd officer into preparing some pre
arrivals for our next port. I completed a record of security search and then I after giving
the seals to the ABs in order to seal the required doors I filled it to our security folders
located in the ship’s office.There was no time for anything else so we took our lunch and
continued at 13:00.
Task number:19

Date: Tuesday 20 June 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Black sea Novorossiysk oil terminal

Confirming officer: Chief officer Farmakidis Alexios

After assisting chief officer with the mooring operation for SBM I went inside the
accommodation to help with the documents that we had to prepare. At about 02:00 we
started loading and I was doing the watch in the CCR together with chief officer and
second officer. The Loading lasted about 12 hours and I spent most of them in the CCR
assisting the officers.
Task number: 20

Date: Monday 26 June 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Mediterranean Sea

Loaded passage from Novorossiysk, Russia to Cartagena, Spain

Confirming officer: Chief officer Farmakidis Alexios

It was time for the PV Breaker to be inspected and maintained so Chief officer advised
pumpman to open it up and have a thorough look and do any maintenance if needed.
Together with pumpman I proceeded and assisted him to open up the PV Breaker.
Considering all the rust that it had from the inside we considered that it has not been
opened up for a long time. We did some chipping apply primer and after we closed it
and it was like new. The PV Breaker is really important as it is the secondary mean of
releasing pressure or apply vacuum to the cargo tanks in case the PV valves fail. After
finishing with the Breaker I proceeded to take some rest and at 16:00 I went to the
bridge to complete my 16:00 to 20:00 duty together with the 2nd officer. Below I attach
one photo of the PV Breaker.
Task number: 21

Date: Tuesday 27 June 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Mediterranean Sea

Loaded passage from Novorossiysk, Russia to Cartagena, Spain

Confirming officer: 3rd officer Mayand Vincent

In the morning of Tuesday 27 June not many maintenance jobs were done on deck as
later in the afternoon we were going to arrive at Cartagena, Spain and they said we
there was a berthing available so we were supposed to go alongside as soon as we
arrived. Although, plans changed so we proceeded to the anchorage. We arrive at the
anchorage at about 21:00. After confirming with Cartagena VTS the position that we
were supposed to drop anchor I completed the anchoring checklist and put the anchor
watch circle with calculating ship’s length, ship’s beam, total depth of the area and how
many shackles we dropped in the water. After completing the anchoring it was already
about 22:00 so there was not any more time for me to complete any more tasks. Below I
attach one photo of the anchoring checklist that I completed and later on it was
confirmed by the third officer.
Task number: 22

Date: Saturday 29 June 2023, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Cartagena Anchorage

Loaded passage from Novorossiysk, Russia to Cartagena, Spain

Confirming officer: Chief officer Farmakidis Alexios

In the early morning hours of 29 June we were informed by the VTS that our berth is
ready and we have permission to heave up our anchor and proceed alongside to
commence discharging. During the approaching process I was on the bridge taking
position every 10 minutes as per our company policy and because we were under
pilotage. When it was time to commence mooring I went aft together with 2 nd officer and
assisted with the mooring operation. After completing mooring I proceeded inside the
accommodation and specifically in the CCR to assist chief officer and captain with all
the paperwork that had to be signed. When it was time to commence unloading I was
completing time sheets and generally assisting the officers. The unloading of the vessel
lasted about 18 hours as we were using 3 cargo pumps at their maximum capacity.
When it was time to check the tanks I went together with pumpman and cargo surveyor
to check that all the cargo tanks had no remaining cargo onboard with the use of the
sounding rod, after inspecting them and no remaining cargo was found in them captain
together with the chief officer completed all the required documents and we got ready to
leave. During the unmooring operation I proceeded forward with the chief officer to see
for the first time how the mooring is done forward. I have to say that it does not differ
much from the one in the aft.
Task number: 23

Date: Tuesday July 4, Clear sky

Vessel’s position: Alboran Sea

Drifting in Alboran Sea unloaded

Confirming officer: Chief officer Farmakidis Alexios

After Cartagena there were not any loading prospects for us so we proceeded to drift at
Alboran sea awaiting for a voyage. As we had plenty of time chief officer thought that it
was time to maintain the hydraulic line, so me and one AB proceeded to maintain it.
Some ABs were maintaining the line whereas I was maintain the part where the valves
are connected. This task ofcourse could not be completed in one day so it took us about
2 to 3 days to fully completed. Below I attach photos from the before and after.
Task number: 24


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