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last updated 04/07/2021

Toyota Mastercard* M Free Mastercard Cashback Visa Rewards Plus Visa Titanium Mastercard Femme Signature Visa Travel Platinum Visa Platinum Mastercard World Mastercard

Toyota Mastercard M Free Mastercard Cashback Visa Rewards Plus Visa Titanium Mastercard Femme Signature Visa Travel Platinum Visa Platinum Mastercard World Mastercard

*CHOOSE YOUR Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature

METROBANK CARD You will receive the card/s you are qualified for based on the assessment of your application. *Preferred dealer for Toyota Mastercard: ______________________________________________
Your new Metrobank credit card comes with an ON Virtual Mastercard which you can use for online purchases.
For your security, this virtual card will have a separate credit limit from your other Metrobank credit card and is solely for online transactions.

Card Company Card Number Credit Limit Member Since
Last Name Given Name Middle Name



MM DD YYYY GENDER Male Female Single Widowed Co-Habitee

*NATIONALITY Filipino Others:______ Married Separated
Unit/ House No. Street, Subdivision / Village / Barangay, City/Province
*HOME ADDRESS Zip Code: ________

HOME OWNERSHIP Owned Rented Mortgaged Living with parents Length of stay: _____
area code prefix(i.e. 8,7, etc) landline number EDUCATION High School Some College Vocational College Post Graduate
*SOURCE OF FUNDS Private Employment Government Employee Investment Self-Employed Retired others:__________
Unit/ House No. Street, Subdivision / Village / Barangay, City/Province
*BUSINESS ADDRESS Zip Code: ________


Local: ____________________
area code prefix(i.e. 8,7, etc) landline number Best time to call: ____________ INCOME
Years with present employer YEARS WORKING STATUS Probationary Contractual
Are you related to a Metrobank employee? If yes, name of employee: ___________________________________
Relationship: Spouse Parent / In-law Child Others: ______ Rank: Non-officer Jr. Officer Sr. Officer

YES! I want to enroll in Automatic Debit Arrangement (ADA) Minimum amount due Total amount due
Please debit my Peso current / savings account number:_________________________________at Metrobank Branch ____________________
ENROLLMENT Branch officer signature and name _______________________________________ All the information indicated in this application form has been verified and noted by the Branch Officer.
Yes No Home Is this a condo?
Account No.:__________________________________________________________ Business Yes No


Metrobank Depositor? Yes No Date opened: _________ EMPLOYEE NAME COMPLETE EMPLOYEE ID NO.:

Average 3 months latest net payroll credit per month of >Php 19,000/ month BRANCH NAME BRANCH CODE
(Php ________________________) This certifies that the above identified prospective customer is an existing customer of Metrobank and that the required customer identification process, which includes face-to-face contact and gathering of minimum
information and identification documents, was duly conducted in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Act and its implementing rules and regulations, relevant rules and regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng
Total Relationship Balance Pilipinas and Anti-Money Laundering Council and the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Program of Metrobank This further certifies that copies of identification documents are in the custody of
Metrobank and may be provided upon request by relevant regulatory agencies. Access to the identification documents shall be subject to retention limitations specified under relevant laws and regulations.
At least 4 months, TRB of > Php 50,000 or $1,040

(Php ________________________) Branch Officer's Signature Over Printed Name Date

I would like to avail of a Metrobank credit card and I hereby authorize my employer to provide / confirm with Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company ["Metrobank"] my information necessary to facilitate my credit card application. In the event of approval of my application for a Metrobank credit card, I hereby agree to be
governed by the TERMS AND CONDITIONS found on governing the issuance and use of the Metrobank credit card (made an integral part of this undertaking) which will be issued to me and which I will receive, as evidenced by my signature herein, and/or the signature
of my representative. My use of the Metrobank credit card shall constitute proof that I have read and fully understood the TERMS AND CONDITIONS enclosed and delivered with the credit card and that I consent to be bound by such. I further agree to hold Metrobank free and harmless from any and all liabilities that I
will incur with the use of my Metrobank credit card. I further hold myself liable for all obligations and liabilities that I will incur with the use of my Metrobank credit card.
I/We hold myself/ourselves liable for all obligations and liabilities incurred with the use of the Metrobank credit card/s issued to me/us. I/We warrant, that I/we shall be jointly and severally liable for the same obligations and that I/we hereby commit myself/ourselves to the following declarations: 1) I/We certify that the
foregoing facts are true and correct; (2) I affirm and confirm my authority and express consent given to my Primary in sharing of my personal data to Metrobank for the processing and issuance of this credit card.; (3) I/We authorize and consent METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY [Metrobank], its affiliates,
subsidiaries, third-party service providers, assigns, to process, transfer, share, disclose and communicate any and all of my/our personal data as defined under the R.A. 10173 (The “Data Privacy Act of 2012”) and its implementing Rules and Regulations, information relating to the credit card accounts, or any of the Card
Member’s or Supplementary credit card Member's basic credit data and any and all information concerning himself, his properties or investments with Metrobank, to any of the offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and representatives of Metrobank and third parties selected by any of them, including other
financial institutions, for purposes of credit verification, collection and credit review and scoring, statistical and risk analysis and to government entities tasked to provide consumer credit reporting or reference schemes, anti-money laundering monitoring, purposes including but not limited to The National Privacy
Commission, CIC or Credit Information Corporation pursuant to R.A. 9510 (the “Credit Information Act of 2008”), Republic Act (R.A.) 9160, as amended by R.A. 9194 (the Anti-Money Laundering Act), R.A. 8484 (the Access Device Act of 1998), and their respective Implementing Rules and Regulations; (4) I/We authorize
and consent Metrobank to share my address and mobile number to Metrobank’s third party delivery courier, strictly following Metrobank’s Privacy Policy, for the purpose of card delivery.(5) I/We authorize and consent Metrobank to acquire my/our personal data and any information from Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company
(Metrobank) and Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank) and any of its subsidiaries and affiliates to facilitate the approval of my credit card application as well as credit card transactions, e.g., cash advance, increase in credit limit, etc., initiated upon my/our own initiative and in the event of default arising from non-payment of
credit card obligations with Metrobank; (6) In compliance with the Customer Identification requirements of BSP Circular 950 Subsection 4806Q.2 (d) , I, the Principal Cardholder, attest that I have satisfied the Face-to-Face contact requirement for my Supplementary Cardholder/s on behalf of Metrobank, and to having seen
the original ID of the same. (7) I/We understand that should my/our application be denied, Metrobank has no obligation on its part to furnish the reason for such rejection except when the denial is based on credit data from CIC used in the evaluation of my/our application; (8) I/We authorize Metrobank, its authorized
representative/s and/or agent/s to verify and investigate these facts from whatever source it may deem appropriate; (9) I/We agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS governing the issuance of a Metrobank credit card.
Conformity to Terms & Conditions of Metrobank: (1) by signing on the application form or delivery acknowledgment receipt; (2) by signing at the signature portion of the credit cards shall constitute the Card Member’s express consent and shall constitute a waiver of claims and exempt Metrobank, any of the offices, branches,
subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and representatives, and/or Metrobank Group from liability under any and all bank deposit secrecy laws, including but not limited to, R.A. 1405 or The Law on Secrecy of Bank Deposits, R.A. 6426 or The Foreign Currency Deposit Act and R.A. 8791 or The General Banking Law, as well as
R.A. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and other confidentiality laws enforced or which may hereinafter enforced.
I confirm that:
• I agree to the Undertaking and Declaration in this application form
• I agree to the Terms and conditions, and Fees and charges found in
• I accept/understand that I will be receiving my Statement of Accounts (SOA) via email address and will no longer receive paper SOAs.Please send my statements to: Personal Email Business Email
If no option is chosen, your statement will be sent to your personal email.


ON Virtual M Free Toyota Rewards Plus Titanium Cashback Femme Travel Platinum Platinum World
CARD TYPE Mastercard Mastercard Mastercard Visa Mastercard Visa Signature Visa Visa Mastercard Mastercard

Annual Fee Principal / Supplementary P500 Perpetually

P2,500/P1,250 P2,500/P1,500 P2,500/P1,500 P3,500/P1,750 P5,000/P2,500 P5,000/P2,500 P5,000/P2,500 P6,000/P3,000
Waived on 1st Year Waived on 1st Year Waived on 1st Year Waived on 1st Year Waived on 1st Year FREE for life on the 1st Supplementary FREE for life on the 1st Supplementary FREE for life on the 1st Supplementary FREE for life on 2 Supplementary Cards

Retail Monthly Interest Rate/

Finance Charge 2.00% Monthly Interest Rate
Cash Advance Monthly Interest Rate Not Applicable 2.00% Monthly Interest Rate to be computed from the date when cash advance was availed
Cash Advance Fee Not Applicable P200 per transaction regardless of the cash advance amount
Minimum Amount Due P850 or 3% of Outstanding Balance, whichever is higher
Late Payment Fee P1,000 or Unpaid Minimum Amount Due (MAD), whichever is lower
Overlimit Fee P750 per occurrence
Refund Fee 1% of the refund amount or P100, whichever is higher, for every refund request
Account Maintenance Fee P200 or an amount equivalent to the credit balance, whichever is lower, will be charged monthly to accounts with overpayments that are closed or active accounts that have no activity for the past 12 months until the credit balance is zeroed out.
Installment Pre-Termination Fee P550 or 5% of the remaining principal balance, whichever is higher
Gaming Fee 5% of the amount transacted
Card Replacement Fee Not Applicable P400 for every card replacement
Statement Reprinting Fee P100 per request for printing and delivery of monthly statement Not applicable
Bank Certification Fee P100 per copy and delivery of bank certificate Not applicable
Returned Check Fee P1,500 for every returned check
Installment Processing Fee Not Applicable P350 will be charged for every approved Cash2Go or Balance Transfer transaction or P500 will be charged for every approved Balance Conversion transaction
Foreign Exchange Transactions All charges, advances or amounts in currencies other than Philippine Peso (Php) shall be converted to Php. Transactions in US Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, Singapore Dollar, Australian Dollar, British Pound,
Canadian Dollar, Chinese Yuan, Swiss Francs, and Danish Kroner shall be converted using the foreign exhange selling rate of Metrobank on transaction posting date. Transactions denominated in currencies other than the
aforementioned shall be converted using Mastercard/Visa's currency conversion rate at the time of posting. All converted transactions shall be charged Mastercard/Visa's assessment fee plus 2.5% processing fee, the rate of
which may be adjusted from time to time. The assessment fee shall likewise apply to transactions involving foreign currencies converted to Php at point of sale, whether executed in the Philippines, abroad, or online. Service
fees may also be charged to cover costs incurred to discharge the amount(s) due to Mastercard/Visa and/or the acquiring bank and/or foreign merchant affiliates.
You may apply for up to 4 Supplementary Cardholders and assign spending limits to each. The Principal cardholder and supplementary card applicants are required to submit a photocopy of a valid
government-issued ID and complete the fields marked(*). The spending limit given to the Supplementary Cardholder is part of the Principal’s credit limit. If the spending limit indicated is greater than the
approved credit limit, the spending limit to be given to the Supplementary Cardholder will be the same as the approved credit limit, up to a maximum of Php100,000.
Note: Supplementary Cardholder must be 14 to 80 years old.
Last Name Given Name Middle Name


Unit/ House No. Street, Subdivision / Village / Barangay, City/Province
*HOME ADDRESS Zip Code: ________




*HOME PHONE NO. *ASSIGNED SPENDING LIMIT 100% OF Principal Credit Limit Other: ________________________________

*SOURCE OF FUNDS Private Employment Government Employee Investment Self-Employed Retired others:__________


BALANCE TRANSFER YES! I would like to transfer my balance from my other credit card(s) to my Metrobank credit card(s) Balance Transfer Amount Php
at a monthly add-on rate of 1% if approved.
Credit Card Account Number Card Issuer Preferred Term & Effective Annual Interest Rate:
12 months 18 months 24 months
(21.457%) (21.643%) (21.571%)
36 months 48 months 60 months
(21.200%) (20.754%) (20.310%)

CASH2GO / QUICK CASH YES! I would like to avail of Cash2Go / Quick Cash on my Metrobank credit card at a monthly add-on Preferred Term & Effective Annual Interest Rate:
rate of 1% if approved.
Bank Name Account Number 12 months 18 months 24 months
(21.457%) (21.643%) (21.571%)
36 months 48 months 60 months
Cash2Go / Quick Cash Amount Php (21.200%) (20.754%) (20.310%)

This application for the Installment Facility (Balance Transfer and/or Cash2Go / Quick Cash) is based on my instructions and has no implication on my relationship with any card issuer. Metrobank may approve or reject my request at
its sole discretion.

I understand that this application for the Installment Facility will be declined in the event that my approved credit limit is lower than the applied installment amount. I also understand that should my application be denied, Metrobank has
no obligation on its part to furnish the reason for such rejection.

I understand this application is non-transferable and non-revocable. I also authorize Metrobank to proceed with the Installment Facility processing up to my available credit limit even if my Metrobank credit card has not yet been delivered.
I also understand that if approved, all disbursements will be through a check deposit under my name as the cardholder. By signing below, I agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions governing the use of the credit card and the Terms
and Conditions governing the Installment Facility. I also agree to pay all interests, fees and other charges and any government tax that may be levied thereon.



Secured Credit Card (and Supplementary Cards where applicable): settlement of my/our aforesaid obligations, the same shall be deposited to my/our other
Issuance accounts with the Bank, and if none exists, the Bank shall issue a cashier’s check in my/our
Change in deposit instrument of credit card account name in the amount equivalent to the balance. I/We shall claim the aforesaid cashier’s check
Increase/decrease in credit limit of card number with the Branch where said TD was maintained.

PLEDGED Amount/Account information: I/We, undertake, finally to hold the Bank and its officers and employees free and harmless
from any and all liabilities, claims and demands of whatever kind and nature in connection
_______________________________________________________________________________ with or arising from reliance on these instructions, it being understood that any and all risk
My/Our Peso/Dollar ( ) Savings ( ) Time ( ) Special Account No. (the “Account”): and costs arising from the above instructions shall be my/our sole and exclusive account.

_______________________________________________________________________________ Date Applied (Mo/Date/Yr)

Metrobank Depository Branch (the “Bank”):
Metrobank Branch Name and Code
_______________________________________________________________________________ Joint Account Signatories (co-depositor needs to sign if Account is a Joint And/Or Account):
Pledged Amount (in words):
_______________________________________________________________________________ (Signature over Printed Name) (Signature over Printed Name)

Republic of the Philippines

Php (in
Makati City )
figures):________________________________________________________________________ BEFORE me a Notary Public in and for the City of Makati, this ___________________,
I/We hereby authorize the Bank to hold out the Account and agree not to close it or withdraw the Assignor/s appeared to me and exhibited his/her/their government issued identification
pledged amount from my nominated Account within thirty-five (35) days after cancellation of the documents:
credit card. In case of default in the payment of my/our obligation/s to Metrobank and in accordance Name: Gov’t Issued ID Issued On/Date of Expiry
with the terms of the Agreement granting the use of the credit card, I/we hereby irrevocably authorize
and empower the Bank to debit my/our pledged amount from my nominated Account and remit the known to me to be the persons who signed the foregoing Deed of Assignment and
amount debited to Metrobank for the full/partial settlement of my/our aforesaid obligation/s. I/We acknowledged to me that the same is his/her/their free act and deed.
hereby waive any and all of my/our rights under Section 2 of the R.A. 1405 or “The Law on Secrecy WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the place and date above written.
of Bank Deposits”, R.A. 6426 or “The Foreign Currency Deposit Act, and R.A. 8791 or “The General
Banking Act”. Doc. No.________________;
Page No._______________;
I/We hereby agree, further, that in case the nominated account is a Time Deposit(TD) and there is a Book No._______________;
balance on the nominated account after debit and remittance to Metrobank for the full/partial Series of 2020. NOTARY PUBLIC

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