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C1-C2 session 11
crime and punishment
Do you consider any of these crimes to be serious?
Vocab and discussion
1. Have you ever caught anybody red-handed doing something wrong?
2. Can you think of a famous person who has been in the dock recently? Why? What is the public opinion? Do you think
public opinion can influence the jury's or the judge's decision when they return a verdict? Do you think the media plays a
crucial role?
3. Can you think of anybody who has been subpoenaed to appear as a witness in court? What did this witness have to
give evidence about?
4. Do you think there are criminals who instead of doing time should do some kind of community service? Can you give
some examples? Do you think judges are too lenient?
5. Can you think of an instance of a phishing scam? How was it run?
6. What would you do to combat corruption?
7. Are there any crimes where you live that the police should crack down on?
8. Have you or anyone you know ever reported an incident to the police? What happened?
9. What scam has been uncovered recently?
10. What can companies do to avoid liability?

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