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Climate change represents an urgent and growing threat to our planet.

As carbon dioxide levels

con9nue to rise due to human ac9vi9es such as the use of fossil fuels and deforesta9on, its
impacts are becoming increasingly clear. Rising Earth's average temperature will melt polar ice
caps, raise sea levels and trigger extreme weather events such as stronger hurricanes and
prolonged droughts. These changes have devasta9ng consequences for biodiversity, food
security and human health. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions and the adop9on of clean
energy sources are important steps to address this global challenge. Furthermore, climate
change mi9ga9on plays a key role in protec9ng and restoring ecosystems. It is important that
governments, businesses and ci9zens work together to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees
Celsius, in line with the Paris Agreement. Working together is our best hope for comba9ng
climate change and ensuring a sustainable future for future genera9ons.

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