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Mr Nitin Tanhya Patkar

(Roll. No. 21223)
Under the guidance of
Pro.Dr. pankaj Mehta
( MBA Maeketing)


Shree Ghatkopar Sarvajanik Jivdaya Khatu’s

Aruna Manharlal Shah Institute Of

Management and Research
Approved by AICTE,DIE,Gove. Of Maharashtra & Affiliated to University of Mumbai

(DTE Code: MB3157)


This is to certify that the project work titled “A STUDY ON SOCIAL MEDIA
DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS”, is a Bonafide work of Mr Nitin
Tanhya Patkar carried out in partial fulfillment for the award of Masters of
Management studies under my guidance.

This project work is original and not submitted earlier for the award of any
degree/diploma of this or any other University/Institution.

Name of Guide: Pro.Dr. Pankaj Mehta




I Mr Nitin Tanhya Patkar , a student of Aruna Manharlal Shah Institute Of

Management and Research, hereby declare that this project is done and submitted in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Management
Studies (MMS) by Mumbai University.
I hereby declare that this project report titled “A study on Social Media
Advertising& its impact on consumer buying behavior with special reference to
age & gender as a demographic characteristic.”is my original piece of research
work and not submitted before any degree, diploma or course to any institute or
university. The research work is carried out by me under the guidance and

supervision of Pro.Dr. Pankaj Mehta. The information incorporated in this

project is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Place: ________________



I take this opportunity to thank Prof. Pro.Dr. Pankaj Mehta, Head Of

Department (MMS), Manharlal Shah Institute Of Management and Research, for
permitting me to undertake this study.

I am deeply indebted to my guidefor not only her valuable guidance but also for the
freedom she rendered me for this project work.

Faculty Members, who have extended their kind help, guidance and suggestion
without which it could not have been possible for me to complete this project


Roll No: 1223,

Specialization- Marketing,


A research conducted under a topic “A Study on Social Media Advertising& its Impact on
Consumer Buying Behavior with special reference to Age & Gender as a Demographic
Characteristics.” The research is done to know theuse of Social Media Advertising& its Impact
on Consumer Buying Behavior.

The research is done to know the use of Social Media Advertising& its Impact on Consumer
Buying Behavior and to know about the awareness of the same.

The research design which used in this research is descriptive in nature. The information is
collected through primary & secondary sources which would be through survey articles &

Sr. No. Topic
1 Introduction 7
1.1 Research Objectives 7
1.2 Research Design 7
1.3 Literature Review 8
1.4 Social Media Advertising Tools 8

2 Methodology
2.1 Sampling Design 17
2.2 Data Collection 18
2.3 Data Analysis 19
2.4 Findings 29
2.5 Limitations 31

3 Conclusion
3.1 Summary 31
3.2 Conclusion 31
3.3 Recommendations 32
4 Appendices
4.1 Research Proposal 32
4.2 Annexure 33
4.3 Bibliography 37



Research Objectives are:

1. To investigate if social media advertising influences the buying behavior of consumers.

2. To explore various social media advertising tools.

3. To find out if gender plays a demographic characteristic effect on the use of social media.

4. To find out if age as a demographic characteristic effect the use of social media.


The research is largely descriptive in nature. A descriptive study is used to make descriptions of
the characteristics associated with the subject population: who, what, when, where, and how. The
methods typically used in a descriptive research study could be surveys, panels, observations or
secondary data analysed in a quantitative manner.

This research uses secondary sources in order to the use of Social Media Advt. & its impact on
consumer buying behavior with specific reference to age & gender as a demographic
characteristic.The survey is conducted by the population who all are using the social media.


 Introduction
 Fashion Retail Industry and Social Media
 Consumer Buying Behavior and Social Media
 Five Steps Model to Consumer Buying Behavior

1.4Social Media Advertising Tools:

 Introduction
 Advertising
 Facebook Advertising
 Reviews from Social Influencers
 The Store’s Presence on Social Media
 Algorithm Updates Present “Trending” or “Popular” Posts First
 Brands Creating Discussions Among Followers
 Search Engines on Social Media


1.3.1. Introduction:

Socialmedia advertising is an offshoot of digital marketing, wherein paid ad campaigns are run on
social media platforms to reach target audiences. Marketers and advertisers can promote their brands
and inspire sales through the social channels that users frequently use.

In this online world, it is getting increasingly complicated to get your message noticed, as user
attention is increasingly competitive. Social media advertising is significantly impactful as it allows
you to deliver your message to your ideal customers throughout their purchase journey.

For Example, before the release of a new product, a B2C brand can run a brand awareness campaign
to garner pre-buzz.

1.3.2.Fashion Retail Industry and Social Media

In the past 1 decade alone, social media has managed to quickly revolutionize virtually every industry
in the world, and fashion is certainly no exception.

In the fashion world, social media has brought connectedness, innovation to the industry. Instagram,
For Example, functions as a live magazine- by updating itself-with most current trends.

Now-a-days, becoming fashion icon is very easy! Before the era of social media, even the thought of
becoming a fashion icon was next to impossible. Somebody from the fashion industry had to first see
you and think you were incredible. They would then build you as a brand from scratch. Unless you
had previous experiences or fame, the journey would be from 1 audition to another, deal after deal.
Catwalk after catwalk, projects after projects and then you have chance to become a slightly known

Instagram, TikTok- is an opportunity door for average people to get themselves noticed and get
followers. Retail Agencies over the world & Upcoming Brands are able to easily find self-made
models that match their brand and have large followings to promote their products. Social Media has
allowed users to build their own online fashion communities.

1.3.3Consumer Buying Behavior and Social Media

Millennials are the generation that spends most of their time online. Acc to a survey, 47% of their
purchases are influenced by social media. They are also 1.6 times more likely to use digital
channels to find new products. This puts social media platforms in a prime position for executing
effective digital marketing campaigns.

3main factors influence consumer Behaviour: a)Personal , b)Psychological, and c)Social.

Personal factors deal with an individual’s interests& opinions. Psychological factors are based on
the customer’s perception and attitude. Social Factors are made up of one’s peer groups

Three factors can influence consumer buying behavior: personal, psychological, and social.
Personal factors deal with an individual’s interests and opinions, which are affected by their
demographics. Psychological factors are based on their perceptions and attitudes, including
their ability to comprehend information and how they see their needs. Finally, social factors are
made up of one’s peer groups, socioeconomic classes, and even social media influence.

1.3.4Five Steps Model to Consumer Buying Behavior:

Purchase decisions are impacted on terms of - some being made quickly(without giving much
thought), while others can take weeks or months of research to decide. That’s why, as
marketers, its important to anticipate the decision-making path of the customers.
1. Problem Recognition:
The 1st step of the buying cycle is- when the consumer recognizes a problem which
needs to be solved, or a need which needs to be satisfied.
At this stage, having build brand awareness is important. If you can be the 1st solution a
buyer thinks of- even before he has started to research- your company will have a 1st
mover advantage.
Eg: In India- Ola!

2. Information Search:

The second step in the decision making process is to gather all information available about
potential solutions. A consumer would want to be very thorough in theirsearch and seek out
information regarding features, pricing, ease of use, etc.

While before buyers used to contact companies directly in order to research, today this
information gathering happens through self-education- where marketing comes in.

3. Evaluation of Alternatives:

The 3rd step is the Evaluation Process. Most consumers have a list of criteria that the solution
must meet, therefore s a marketer, you must know what’s a deal-maker, and what’s a deal-
breaker in the eyes of your consumer.

As a marketer, one should speak of customer’s needs and interests! You could segment your
target list and send effective nurture emails. Also you could personalize your website
(includingthe content) in response to your buyer attributes.

4. Purchase:

This is gotta be a fun step! Once your consumer has made up the mind, she no longer has a
problem…rather a solution! Time to celebrate!

Eg: The customer has made up mind to travel through Ola Ride.

5. Post Purchase:

The intelligent marketers know that the process doesn’t end at the purchase step- its only the
beginning of customer’s value for your company. Now the new goal for the company is to create
long term relationships with the customer to ensure you get the most value out of them. And
similarly they get the most value out of your products.

1.4.Social Media Advertising:


Social media advertising also known as “social media targeting”, are advertisements shown to
users on social media platforms. In many a time situation, when target market aligns with the
user demographics of a social platform, social advertising can provide huge increase in
conversion ratioand sales with lower cost of acquisition.


Advertising is a marketing communication that helps promote or sell a product, service or an

idea. Sponsors of advertising are typically the business wanting to promote their products or
services or at least have their product’s/service’s image carved in the customer’s mind.

Advertising is communicated through various mass media- a) Traditional Media, b) New Media.

a) Traditional Media : such as newspaper, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising or

direct mail.

b) New Media: such as search results, blogs, social media, websites or text messages.

1.4.3Facebook Advertising:

Facebook Ads are paid messages from businesses that are created in their voice which helps the
people who matter the most. Advertisers create campaigns that have specific goals. They create
ads within those campaigns to help them reach their favorable audience.

In current business condition, Facebook promoting is a successful source to reach out to focused
clients. Facebook publicizing gives the chance to develop your image and connects with clients
in a huge informal community!

1.4.4Reviews from Social Influencers:

Reviews tend to leave a good impact when they come from known public or respectable people.
They have the power to increase ‘Brand Awareness’, bring your website more traffic, ie more
visitors, & also improve engagement. Therefore this becomes a win-win situation for everyone

1.4.5The Store’s Presence on Social Media:

Even as you shop online, the details of presence of physical stores gives satisfaction to
customers. The address, or phone number, the branches in different areas, all play a great
influencing role.

1.4.6Algorithm Updates Present “Trending” or “Popular” Posts First:

A few changes is to be seen in recent times in the online life from a couple of years. On both
Facebook and Instagram, posts that get more commitment than others will be visible first in
“search tool”.

Posts with more remarks, offers, and likes are supported as they are recognized as “desirable
posts”. This can impact buy choices.

1.4.7Brands Creating Discussions Among Followers:

Brandsnow-a-days also put up CSR or rather you can call it “emotional engaging theme ads! Eg:

Ariel has a hashtag #ShareTheLoad statement with this ongoing coronavirus pandemic wherein,

u help your spouse with the household work. Few brands create a challenge to keep the

discussions going amongst its followers.

1.4.8Search Engines on Social Media:

Social Media SEO refers to how the activities on social media can boost your website’s traffic.
It’s a topic that never gets old. This engine not only makes your SEO activities effective but also

Research Methodology is a set of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,
process, and to analyse information about a topic.

Methodology is a methodology which is worried about different systems and techniques, utilized
for information accumulation and social affair of information while doing the exploration work.
Generally, inquire about system was extensively characterized into two noteworthy viewpoints
which are subjective perspectives and quantitative viewpoints.


The research design adopted is for the study to cover the various facts. A descriptive design was
decided to implement as per the demand of this current research.


Target Sample is the population those who are buying or purchasing product by seen
advertisement on social media.


SAMPLING METHOD:The sampling technique adopted isSIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING.

SAMPLE SIZE: Sample size for this research will be 100 people.


 Gender- Male and female.

 Age- above 20 years.
 Type of customers- the population those who are buying or purchasing product by seen
advertisement on social media.


The information which we have assembled for this exploration is from both the sources
essential- Primary & Secondary.

Sources for Primary Data are:
Different strategies for gathering essential information are:
 Collection Method- Survey.
 Collection Instrument- Questionnaire
 Contact Method- Email/ Text

Sources for Secondary Data are:
 Newspaper articles.
 Internet.
 Magazine.
 Social Media Applications
 Online Articles



Age group of Samples Gender Grand Total

Female Male
20 to 30 years 20 30 50
30 to 40 years 18 12 30
40 to 50 years 6 4 10
50 to 60 years 6 4 10
- - -

60 & Above
Grand Total 50 50 100

1. Gender division Graph:

Finding No.1: Classification in terms of percentage is as follows: 60%

Female, 40% males.

2. Age Group Graph:

3. In which of the following social network sites you have an account?

 Facebook
 LinkedIn
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 Twitter

Table No.3: Account on social network sites

Particulars Value
Facebook 100
LinkedIn 70
Instagram 90
Snapchat 70
Twitter 30

Finding No.3: Almost everybody has an account on FB, twitter having least

Graph no.3:Account on social network sites

Finding No.3: -It revealed that from the given data, most of the population have an account on
Facebook and Instagram with 100 and 90 values. 70%population have an account on LinkedIn and
Snapchat. 30 population have an account on Twitter.

4. Approximately how many minutes on that day do you spent on Social

 1 Hour
 2 – 3 Hours
 4 – 6 Hours
 More than 7 Hour

Table No.4:Time spent on social media

Particulars Value %
1 Hour 10 10
2 – 3 Hours 30 30
4 – 6 Hours 60 60
More than 7 Hours - -

Graph no.4: Time spent on social media

Finding No.4: -It revealed from the given data that60% population spent their 4-6 hours’ time
on the social media a day whereas 30% population spend 2-3hours a day, and 10% population
spent their social media time for 1 hour.

5. Have you purchased any product by social media advertising?

 Yes
 No
 May be

Table No.5:Purchasing product by social media advertising

Particulars Value %
Yes 70 70
No 10 10
May be 20 20

Graph no.5:Purchasing product by social media advertising

Finding No.5: -It is revealed from the given data that 70% population are influenced by the
advertising done by social media and also have purchased the products. The 10% are the ones
who haven’t purchased any product by watching social media advertising and 20 population are
not sure whether they have purchased anything or not via the influence of social media.

6. How long have you been purchasing social media advertised products?
 1 - 3 Month
 3 - 6 Month
 6 - 9 Month
 9 - 12 Month
 12 - 15 Month
 15 - 18 Month

Table No.6:Purchasing social media advertised products

Particulars %
1 - 3 Month 10
3 - 6 Month 20
6 - 9 Month 20
9 - 12 Month 30
12 - 15 Month 10
15 - 18 Month 10

Graph no.6:Purchasing social media advertised products

Interpretation:-It is revealed from the given data the 30% population are purchasing social
media advertised products. Whereas, 20% purchase frequency is in 3 - 9 Months. The frequency is
10% in 1-3 Months, and more 12 Months.

7. Do you think product specification advertisement which is shown on social

media impact on buying behaviour of cstomers?
 Yes
 No

Table No.7:Product specification advertisement on social media impact its

Particulars Value %
Yes 90 90
No 10 10

Graph no.7:Product specification on social media impact on CBB

Interpretation: -It is revealed from the given data that 90% populationbelieves that product
specification on social media does impact on customer buying behaviour whereas 10% have
disagreed with the same. Hence itproves that specifications should be properly mention on the all
social media sites to increase the sales.

8. The product content should be present which consumers expect to see from a
brand on social media?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

Table No.8:Necessityof product content on social media

Particulars Value %
Strongly Agree 80 80

Agree 10 10

Neutral 10 10

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

Graph no.8:Necessity of product content on social media

Interpretation: -It is revealed from the given data that80% population think that product
content is very important on social media to attract the customer, whereas 10% population are
disagreed and neutral with the opinion. The survey also shows that no one has disagreed with
product content importance for social media.

9. How much do you spent per year for online purchase?
 Less than 5,001 Rs
 5,001 - 10,000 Rs
 10,001 - 15,000 Rs
 15,001- 20,000 Rs
 More than 20,000 Rs

Table No.9: Money spent on online purchase

Particulars Value %
Less than 5,001 Rs 20 20
5,001 - 10,000 Rs 20 20
10,001 - 15,000 Rs 30 30
15,001- 20,000 Rs 20 20
More than 20,000 Rs 10 10

Table No.9:Money spent on online purchase

Interpretation: -It is revealed from the given data the 10,001 to Rs15,000 is money spent by
30% population on online purchasing whereas, 20% population spent less than Rs10,000 on
buying the online product.The 20% & 10% population spent more than Rs15,000 money on
buying the product via online sites.

10. Please select the electronic devices through which you access Social media
 Computer
 Smart Phone
 Tablet Computer
 Laptop
 iPad

Table No.10:Electronic device through accessing the social media

Particulars Value
Computer 30

Smart Phone 60

Tablet Computer 10

Laptop 50

iPad 70

Graph no.10:Electronic device through accessing the social media

Interpretation: -It revealed that from the given data 70 survey population use iPad to access
the social media. 60 population prefer to use the smart phone and 50 survey population use the
Laptop to access the social media. Whereas, 30 are using computers and only 10 use the tablet



Finding No.1: -It revealed that from the given data the Gender wise 60% of users of social
media is female & 40% of population are male users’ social media, hence it is proven that the
more no. of users is using social media is female and impact of advertisement use for that only.

Finding No.2: - It revealed that from the given data the 50% of population are 20-30 years of
age and they are using social media, 30% of population are 30-40 years of age, 10% of
population 40-50 & 50-60 years of age, hence it shows that the 20-30 years of age population are
more using social media as age wise.

Finding No.3: -It revealed that from the given data, most of the population has an account on
Facebook and Instagram with 100 and 90 values. 70 population have an account on LinkedIn and
Snapchat and only 30 population have an account on Twitter.

Finding No.4: -It revealed that from the given data the 60% population spent their 4-6 hours’
time on the social media per day whereas 30% and 10% population spent their social media time
is 2-3 hours and 1 hours respectively.

Finding No.5: -It revealed that from the given data the 70% population are influenced by the
advertising done by social media and also purchased the products. The 10% are not yet purchased
any product by watching social media advertising and 20 population are not sure whether they
have purchased anything or not via social media.

Finding No.6: -It revealed that from the given data the 30% population are purchasing social
media advertised products. Whereas, 20% purchase frequency is in 3 - 9 Months. The frequency is
10% for 1-3 Months, and more 12 Months.

Finding No.7: -It revealed that from the given data the 90% population believe that product
specification on social media does impact on advertising whereas 10% are disagreed with the
same. Hence it proves that specifications should be properly mention on the all social media sites
to increase the sales.

Finding No.8: -It revealed that from the given data the 80% population think that product
content is very important on social media to attract the customer, whereas 10% population are
disagreed and neutral with the opinion. The survey also shows that no one is disagree with product
content importance for social media.

Finding No.9: -It revealed that from the given data the 10,001 to 15,000Rs is money spent by
30% population on online purchasing whereas, 20% population spent less than 10,000Rs on
buying the online product. The 20% & 10% population spent more than 15,000Rs money on
buying the product via online sites.

Finding No.10: -It revealed that from the given data 70 survey population use iPad to access
the social media. 60 population prefer to use the smart phone and 50 survey population use the
Laptop to access the social media. Whereas, 30 are using computers and only 10 use the tablet


No research work is free from certain limitations. These limitations cannot be ignored while
judging the research validity. This project has its own limitations, which are as follows:

 The analysis and interpretations of the study are correct only to the information
provided by the customers.
 Lack of time and unavailability delayed the analysis of data.

 Restricted to carry the survey at Mumbai location.

Some of the respondents in spite of the request made were not ready to fill the questionnaire
due to lack of time and interest.


Results show that Facebook promotion has positive impact on customers. It also means according
to the study that Facebook can be utilized for business advancements.

The outcomes demonstrates that Facebook notice can be utilized to impact purchasing conduct of
young buyers. Further, results demonstrate that female has more effect on Facebook promotion
than men. This research inspected the impact of virtual network on purchasing choice. As
indicated by the research, shoppers utilize virtual networks more than physically going out (with
context to makeup, accessories and apparels).Also, Facebook has the favorable position to
accumulate individuals of every social class with an incredible network.


The examination surveyed the impacts of Facebook ad and Facebook condition on purchasing
conduct of youthful buyers and the directing impacts of sex. The investigation utilized poll-based
study to gather information and step insightful relapse for information examination.
The aftereffects of the examination demonstrate that Facebook promotion has positive while
Facebook condition has negative impact on purchasing conduct of youthful customers. Further,
female has directing impact on Facebook ad and no directing impact on Facebook condition.
Furthermore, every one of the factors of the examination are decidedly corresponded with one


Internet based life stages with respect to utilizing paid online networking, publicizing and its
effect on buyer purchasing conduct, it would be without a doubt helpful and fascinating to have a
organization who use and apply web-based social networking.


A research will be conducted under a topic “A study on Social Media Advertising& its impact
on consumer buying behavior with specific reference to age & gender as a demographic
characteristic.” The research will be done to know and how the use of Social Media Advt. & its
impact on consumer buying behavior with specific reference to age & gender as a demographic

The research design which will use in this research is descriptive and exploratory research design
after collection of data & analyzing it found the reasons. The data will be analyzed through
different standard of data analysis. The information is collected through primary & secondary
sources which would be through survey articles & internet.


It is realized that customers separated with respect to their socioeconomics factors like Age,
Gender, pay, instruction level. and so forth which imply that the effect of web-based social
networking publicizing on buyer purchasing conduct could be distinctive also in regards to
fundamental changes on buyers’ qualities.

The general procedure and thought of information gathering pursues a specific technique that
limits cost and increment the productivity by giving legitimate data.As to that some further
inquiries which identified with the overview scientist put it and afterward addressed them like:
Who were the respondent individuals? These were the general population from web-based life
locales: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter and furthermore from the online review site
named "study monkey". How the poll got appropriated? It got disseminated by means of email
and by abandoning it on the online study site, and web-based life stages. How the rounded-out
structures got gotten by the analyst? These were gotten by means of email, online review site,
and 'Drive' utilization of docs-google.


1. Name of respondent: ______________________

2. Gender

 Male
 Female

3. Age

 20-30
 30-40

 40-50
 50-60
 60 & Above

4. In which of the following social network sites you have an account?

 Facebook
 LinkedIn
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 Twitter

5. Approximately how many minutes on that day do you spent on Social


 1 Hour
 2 – 3 Hours
 4 – 6 Hours
 More than 7 Hour

6. Have you purchased any product by social media advertising?

 Yes
 No
 May be

7. How long have you been purchasing social media advertised products?

 1 - 3 Month
 3 - 6 Month
 6 - 9 Month
 9 - 12 Month
 12 - 15 Month
 15 - 18 Month

8. Do you think product specification which shows on social media impact

on advertising ?
 Yes
 No
9. The product content should be present which consumers expect to see
from a brand on social media?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

10. How much do you spent per year for online purchase?

 Less than 5,001 Rs

 5,001 - 10,000 Rs
 10,001 - 15,000 Rs
 15,001- 20,000 Rs
 More than 20,000 Rs

11. Please select the electronic devices through which you access Social
media regularly?

 Computer
 Smart Phone
 Tablet Computer
 Laptop
 iPad


 Websites: -


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