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Course Length: 20 days from Monday to Friday

Class Length: 1 hour

- No prerequisites


- Book M1

Evaluation System:

Evaluation is in a progressive way with accumulative scores. Scoring is 0 – 20.

There are 7 evaluations:


Speaking 1 5 2

Reading 9 2

Speaking 2 12 2

Writing 17 2

Project 18 4

FWE 18 4

FOE 19 y 20 4


Procedure to assess speaking:

Speaking objective is ideally held by grouping students from 2 to 5 students, depending

on the size of the class, and evaluate them during the class time. In case of longer
groups, consider having the evaluation as a video or audio Homework, so you can
grade them out of class time. Speaking objective is assessed using the rubrics below.

Rubrics for speaking:

All speaking objectives are assessed using the below rubrics. A total of 2 speaking
objectives are assessed throughout the course. Each speaking objective awards a
maximum of 2 points: 1 point for Communicative Performance plus 1 point for
Language. The teacher is held accountable for choosing among the various
speaking objectives which he or she considers most important to the class.

0 1

Student speaks
Student speaks paused, and
fluently, and intelligibly,
COMMUNICATIVE sometimes incomprehensible, with
with good
PERFORMANCE barely good pronunciation, and
pronunciation, and
errors to transmit the message.
transmits the message.

Student uses grammar

Student was mostly unable to use
and vocabulary
LANGUAGE grammar and vocabulary
appropriate to the
appropriate to the module.

Procedure to assess writing:

Writing objective is evaluated as a homework, so you can grade them out of class
time. Writing objective is assessed using the rubrics below.

Rubrics for Writing:

Writing objective is assessed using the rubrics below. Writing objective awards a
maximum of 2 points: 1 point for Communicative Performance and 1 point for
Language. The teacher should choose a writing objective out of the 3 possible during
the course. This decision is left to the teacher´s discretion depending on the needs of
the class.

0 1

Student’s writing is not Student’s writing is

comprehensible and/or wasn’t comprehensible and was in
in accordance with the task. accordance with the task.

Student was mostly unable to Student uses grammar and

LANGUAGE use grammar and vocabulary vocabulary appropriate to
appropriate to the module. the module.

Procedure to assess reading comprehension:

Reading is assessed in a simple way during classes or out of classes. Teachers create a
quiz which contains 5 questions. The quiz is created based on the reading objectives of the
course. The reading objective awards 2 points. The following are the ranges of points for
questions correctly answered.

5 - 4 correct answers 2 points

3 - 2 correct answers 1 point

1 - 0 correct answers 0 points

Procedure to assess Project:

Project objective is evaluated as a homework, so you can grade them out of class time.
Teachers should provide to students the topics during the first week of class. Emphasizing
that they must record a video of themselves talking about the topic they’ve chosen. Project
objective is assessed using the rubrics below.

Rubrics for Project:

Project objective awards a maximum of 4 points: 1 point for Content, 1 point for
Preparation, 1 point for Communicative Performance and 1 point for Language. The
teacher should choose a project objective assessing the needs of students in the course at
his own discretion. Refer to Appendix 1 for suggested Project topics.

0 1

Project’s content isn’t Project’s content is relevant.

CONTENT relevant. It shows that It shows that student
student didn’t research. researched.

Student shows preparation

Student is disorganized and
PREPARATION and organization. Student
shows no preparation.
uses visual aids.

Student’s writing is not

Student’s writing is
COMMUNICATIVE comprehensible and/or
comprehensible and was in
PERFORMANCE wasn’t in accordance with
accordance with the task.
the task.

Student was mostly unable

Student uses grammar and
to use grammar and
LANGUAGE vocabulary appropriate to
vocabulary appropriate to
the module.
the module.

Procedure to assess Final Written Evaluation:

The FWE objective is evaluated in class, the day of the FWE, students must connect to their
normal class, and the teacher should give the instruction to the students and provide them
the link.
FWE objective is assessed using the rubrics below.
Rubrics for Final Written Evaluation:

The evaluation consists of 40 questions: 10 Vocabulary Questions, 10 Listening Questions

(2 Listening), 5 Reading Questions (1 Reading), 10 Cloze Questions (Grammar Section),
and 5 Identifying correct Sentences or Questions.
The Scale goes as follows:

SCORE (0 – 80) GRADE

61 - 80 4

41 - 60 3

21 - 40 2

10 - 20 1

Procedure to assess Final Oral Evaluation:

FOE objective is evaluated in class during the last 2 days. Teachers should provide to students
the topics 24 to 48 hours before the day of the exam. Emphasizing that they must have their
camera on for the evaluation. FOE objective is assessed using the rubrics below.

Rubrics for the Final Oral Evaluation:

The FOE is assessed using the below rubrics. A total of 2 speaking objectives are assessed
throughout the course. Each speaking objective awards a maximum of 4 points: 2 points for
Communicative Performance plus 2 points for Language. The teacher is held
accountable for choosing among the various speaking objectives which he or she considers
most important to the
class. Refer to Appendix 2 for suggested FOE topics.

0 1 2

Student speaks paused, Student speaks paused, Student speaks

and incomprehensible, with and sometimes fluently, and
COMMUNICATIVE barely good pronunciation, incomprehensible, with intelligibly, with good
PERFORMANCE and frequently making barely good pronunciation, pronunciation, and
errors to transmit the and errors to transmit the transmits the
message. message. message.

Student uses
Student was mostly unable Sometimes, student was
grammar and
to use grammar and able to use grammar and
LANGUAGE vocabulary
vocabulary appropriate to vocabulary appropriate to
appropriate to the
the module. the module.

Suggested Course Advance:

Please see Appendix 3.

Appendix 1
Suggested Projects

What follows is a few options for Projects. Teachers can choose one of them or they can
come up with their own ideas.
Suggestion 1: My two favorite famous people
Description (individual):
Students are going to talk about their two favorite famous people.
a. Choose two of your favorite famous people.
b. Research the following about your favorite famous people:
i. Where from? City, country
ii. Favorite famous people
iii. Favorite electronics
iv. Favorite countries/cities
v. Other important information
c. The day of the presentation, start by introducing yourself and then go on to
talk about your favorite famous people.
Language used:
Introduce yourself, describe places using adjectives, identify objects, describe
favorites, etc.

Suggestion 2: My two favorite cities

Description (individual):
Students are going to talk about their two favorite cities.
a. Choose two of your favorite cities.
b. Research the following about your favorite cities:
i. Where are they?
ii. Famous for
iii. Other important information
c. The day of the presentation, start by introducing yourself and then go on to
talk about your favorite cities.
Language used:
Introduce yourself, describe places using adjectives, identify objects, describe
favorites, etc.

Appendix 2
Suggested FOE topics

What follows is a few options for FOE. Teachers can choose one of them or they can
come up with their own ideas.
Suggestion 1: Introduce yourself and talk about your favorites.
Description (individual):
Students are going to talk about their favorites.
Language used:
Introduce yourself, identify objects, describe favorites, etc.
Suggestion 2: Introduce yourself and describe your hometown.
Description (individual):
Students are going to talk about their hometown.
Language used:
Introduce yourself, describe places using adjectives, etc.
Suggestion 3: Introduce yourself and describe your most important objects you have.
Description (individual):
Students are going to talk about their most important objects they have.
Language used:
Introduce yourself, describe objects, identify objects, etc.

Appendix 3


Day Hour Unit Section
1 1 Intro Intro
2 2 Lesson A - 1, 2
3 3 Lesson A - 3, 4
4 4 1 Lesson A - 4, 5
5 5 Lesson B - 1, 2 (S1)
6 6 Lesson B - 3, 4
7 7 Lesson A - 1, 2
8 8 Lesson A - 3, 4
9 9 2 Lesson A - 4, 5 (R)
10 10 Lesson B - 1, 2
11 11 Lesson B - 3, 4
12 12 Lesson A - 1, 2 (S2)
13 13 Lesson A - 2, 3
14 14 Lesson A - 4, 5
3 Lesson A - 5
15 15
Lesson B - 1
16 16 Lesson B - 2, 3
17 17 Lesson B - 4 (W1)
FWE – (Project
18 18
19 19 FOE
20 20 FOE

● This is a suggested teaching schedule. The teacher will determine the

time allotted to each unit depending on students' needs and


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