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Question No.

In your own personal understanding, what is Information Technology? Give some
examples on how Information Technology affects your lives? Cite at least five
examples of applications of Information Technology in your lives? Explain your
answer concisely.
Information Technology
 is in charge of so much of our daily activities, including our personnel,
corporate operations, and personal access to information.

 Ways Technology Impacts Our Lives:

 Improved Communication
 Decreased Privacy
 Accessible Shopping
 Better Information Access
 Virtual Social Lives
 Flexible Working
 Smarter Health Tracking

 Information technology is important in our lives because it helps to deal with

every day's dynamic things. Technology offers various tools to boost
development and to exchange information.
 Telephone and radio equipment.
 Video conferencing equipment.
 Personal computer
 Performance management software for managing goal setting and performance review.
 Content management software for blogging and collaboration.
Question No. 2
What is software? Why software is very important in the computer system? Give the different
types of software and its applications?

 a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific
Why software is very important in the computer system?
 It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer.
Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a
Different types of software
 System software
 Operating system
 Device Drivers
 Firmware
 Program Language Translators
 Utility

Question No. 3
Being a student, what are the challenges you encounter in your technology
particularly in your studies and personal life?
 There are benefits and drawbacks to technology, which is one of the
difficulties I face in my studies and personal life. The benefits of technology
are that it allows you to learn, communicate, and make your life easier. The
drawbacks are that if you spend too much time using it, you won't have time
for your family or yourself.
Question No. 4
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using Information Technology in our lives. Give
your personal opinion on its advantages and its disadvantages.

Information technology is a huge advantage to businesses by allowing organizations to be more
efficient and to maximize productivity. It allows for faster communication, protection of
company records and electronic storage. Every work environment is now dependent on
computers and information technology. Other advantages of information technology include:
 Protecting and Storing Information
 Automated Processes
 Communication
 Remote Access or Telecommuting
Information technology has changed the world around us. Communication is done much faster
and global trade is becoming a simplified process. Although the benefits of information
technology make it seem ideal, there are also some disadvantages of information tech that are
listed below.
 Expense of Implementation and Maintenance
 Elimination of jobs
 Breaches in Security

Question No. 5
In these times of pandemic what are technology, software applications do your think can be
useful in your studies? Give at least three examples and provide detailed explanations.
- Many families have had to adapt to a new reality as a result of company and school
closures brought on by the pandemic. Children have made the shift to online learning
and an increasingly digital social life, while parents have transformed bedrooms and
living rooms into home offices. In the meantime, many parents have loosened rules
about technology so their kids can continue to be entertained, involved, and
connected. Technology's accessibility has been a double-edged sword during the
 Remote learning- Computers, tablets, and smartphones have allowed students to
remain connected to the classroom, albeit virtually. Many students have
appreciated the less structured nature of remote learning and ability to work at
their own pace and on their own terms. Distance learning has also been a blessing
for students with social anxiety.
 Staying connected. In the age of social distancing, devices and other forms of
technology have been a social lifeline for many, especially children. Young
people have relied on screens to stay safely connected with grandparents and
other family members and chat with friends while playing video games online.
Studies have shown that using social media and messaging platforms to stay in
touch with loved ones improves mental and emotional health, particularly in times
of crisis.
 Too much screen time. Screens already occupied a significant chunk of young
people’s lives before the pandemic — and even more so during it. Qustodio
reports that children spent an average of 97 minutes a day on YouTube in the
early days of the pandemic, twice as much as in 2019. Too much screen time
poses several potential negative consequences, including vision impairment,
sleeplessness, anxiety, and even addiction to the device itself.


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