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Education | UNICEF https://www.unicef.




Harnessing children’s potential through quality education for every child

© UNICEF Mali/2020/Keita

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Education | UNICEF

The challenge

Although education in Mali has been improving over the last decade, more than two
million children aged between 5 to 17 still do not go to school, and over half of Mali’s
young people aged 15 to 24 are not literate. Household poverty, child labour, child
marriage, insecurity and a lack of schools close to children’s homes are all factors
driving the high drop out and out-of-school rate in Mali. Among children that do
attend school, the absence of qualiIed teachers, text books and low-quality school
environment all adversely affect learning outcomes: the vast majority of students in
Ifth grade in Mali are not able to master basic mathematics and reading skills.

Access to and completion of schooling is inequitable, with girls and children from the
poorest families at highest risk of school dropout: only 73.8 per cent of girls are
enrolled in primary basic education, compared with 85.8 per cent of boys. By the time
they reach secondary education, the proportion of girls enrolled is only 15 per cent,
compared with 21 per cent of boys.

The solution

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Education | UNICEF

© UNICEF/UN0430942/Keïta

UNICEF in Mali supports the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of

Vocational Training and the Ministry of Higher Education and ScientiIc Research to
fulIl a vision of lifelong learning. This starts with ensuring children start learning
early in life through positive parenting and pre-primary education. When children are
of school-going age, UNICEF and partners support their access to, and retention in,
school, with the vision of ensuring children receive the skills and qualiIcations they
need to pursue their dreams, start businesses, or get jobs later in life.

UNICEF’s education programme aligns itself with national priorities and puts an
emphasis on the most vulnerable children: those who are currently outside of the
school system, girls, children on the move, children with disabilities and those
affected by conaict or other emergencies.

UNICEF works with partners to provide out-of-school children with non-formal and
informal education, to facilitate school reintegration through accelerated learning
programmes, and direct reintegration, and in the case of conaict-affected children
whose schools are closed, community-based education opportunities. UNICEF also
works hand in hand with the Government of Mali and other partners to support the
improvement of quality education through:

• improving the governance of schools by building the capacity of School

Management Committees;

• teacher training and the establishment of peer-to-peer training among teachers of

the same school, including through innovations and new technology;

• increased access to pedagogical and school materials for school principals, 

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Education | UNICEF

In 2019, UNICEF supported the return to school of more than 200,000 out-of-school
children and more than 30,000 children beneIted from early learning activities.

In order to bring quality education to every child in Mali, UNICEF in Mali works closely
with the Government of Mali, as well as civil society partners, donors and other UN
agencies such as UNESCO and WFP. UNICEF also plays the role of lead coordinating
agency in the cluster system for humanitarian intervention and in the Local Education
Group for development interventions in Mali.


Photo essay

Cycling to school on time

Attending all the lessons and no longer arriving late motivate Moussamadi and her friends
to continue their studies in middle school.

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Education | UNICEF


In Timbuktu, the "Reading Corner" makes school enjoyable.

Mouly, like more than 1800 students from the regions of Timbuktu and Taoudenit, joined
the school thanks to this innovative program.

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Education | UNICEF

Photo essay

Awa, the Handwashing Ambassador

Through play, she learned the importance of washing her hands regularly to prevent the
spread of disease.

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Education | UNICEF


More resilient education with psychosocial support

With training in Psychosocial Support and Mental Health, teachers are better equipped to
support students in digculty.

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Education | UNICEF


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