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Grid Code Requirements Day 2

Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Transmission Network Planning

Grid Code Requirements

© Siemens AG 2016

§ Grid code requirements

§ Introduction
§ Operating tolerance
§ Reactive power / Voltage
§ Frequency regulation
§ Fault-ride-though capability
§ Power quality
§ Egyptian grid code

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC


A grid code is a technical specification which defines the parameters a facility

connected to a public electric network has to meet to ensure safe, secure and
economic proper functioning of the electric system.

The facility can be an electricity generating plant, a consumer, or another


The grid code is specified by an authority responsible for the system integrity and
network operation.

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Rules issued by

Rules issued by
Grid Code

Local and International

Requirements of
system operators

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Transmission system operators – Germany

§ Four different operators

§ Four different grid codes

§ Follow minimum requirements of


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Transmission system operators – UK

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Who is concerned!

§ Operator

§ Producer

§ Consumer

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Who is concerned!

§ Operator
Guarantee operation of the electrical system within defined boundaries and
Defines requirements to be followed by others.

§ Producer
Guarantee delivery of active power and ancillary services as long as the
electrical system is operated within the abovementoined boundaries.

§ Consumer
Guarantee consumption as agreed with the operator as well as not influencing
the electrical system negatively.

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Where, who and what!

§ Point of application

§ Voltage level

§ Type of concerned installation

§ Rating of concerned installation

§ Requirements

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Where, who and what!

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC


Grid codes shall not:

§ be discriminatory (synchronous and non-synchronous)

§ prescribe solution (detailed, restrictive )

Grid codes shall be harmonized

To assure effective compliance monitoring we need:

§ Grid codes with reasonable and clearly defined criteria of compliance

§ Mathematical definition of used quantities directly in GC if the GC does not refer

to the relevant standard or to additional document

§ Standard that will exactly define how to perform measurements, evaluate results
end perform simulations

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General Steady state Dynamic Communicatio Simulation Performance

performance performance n / Control models verification

Identification f, U, P rating f gradients Interface Integration/design Certification

Date in force Q rating Islanding / Plant status System planning Verification


Geograph. area PQ Control of P Meteorological Commissioni

parameters ng

MW size limit Limitation - Type of model Perf. testing


Voltage limit Run-back Simulation envr.

Grounding Cos phi control - Documentation

POC spec. MVAr control - Verification

Sk - instruction U-control

FRT Ik - data



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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
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Operating tolerance

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Operating tolerance

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Reactive power / Voltage regulation

UK grid code

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Reactive power / Voltage regulation

German grid code

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Reactive power / Voltage regulation

ENTSO-E grid code

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Frequency regulation
ENTSO-E grid code

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Frequency regulation
ENTSO-E grid code

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Fault-ride-though capability
German grid code

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Fault-ride-though capability
German grid code

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Fault-ride-though capability
ENTSO-E grid code

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Power Quality

§ Harmonic levels according to local or international standards

§ Voltage fluctuations limits

§ Flicker limits

§ Unbalance limits

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Power Quality
Harmonic limits – UK

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Egyptian grid code


§ Section 01: Data code

Lists and collates all the data to be exchanged

§ Section 02: Connection code

Specifies the minimum technical, design and operational criteria at each Connection Point

§ Section 03: Testing code

Defines the coverage of testing and monitoring to be conducted.

§ Section 04: Protection code

Defines the minimum protection requirements for any equipment connected to the Transmission
System to minimize disruption due to faults.

§ Section 05: Performance code

Ensures the quality of electric power and the operation of the Transmission System in a safe and
efficient manner with a high degree of reliability

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Egyptian grid code


§ Section 06: Planning code

Specifies the planning requirements to be met by the Transmission System Operator

§ Section 07: Operation code

Specifies the responsibilities and obligations of the Transmission System Operator and all Users
related to Grid operation planning

§ Section 08: Metering code

Establishes the requirements for metering the active and reactive energy input to and output from the

§ Section 09: Scheduling and dispatch code

Set the rules and procedures for scheduling and dispatch of Generating Plant under normal and
emergency conditions

§ Section 10: Wind code

Provides the requirements for Wind Generation

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Egyptian grid code

Purpose and scope

§ Purpose
The Egyptian Transmission System Code (ETSC) or "Grid Code" sets out the relationship between
Generating Companies, Distribution Companies and EHV/HV Customers connected to the
Transmission System (collectively referred to as Users), and the Transmission System Operator.
It imposes obligations on all Parties to ensure the safety, efficiency and security of the Transmission
System while ensuring that all Users are treated equally and fairly.

§ Scope
The Grid Code applies to the Transmission System Operator (TSO) and all the following classes
of User:
(a) Generators.
(b) Distributors.
(c) EHV and HV Customers.

The terms and conditions of this Code also apply to each User of the Transmission
System that requires to make a new connection to the Grid or to modify an existing
connection to the Grid.

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Egyptian grid code

Section 02: Connection code

§ Definition of fault levels

§ Definition of connection point for customer and generators

§ Definition of specific requirements for generators

ü Reactive power capability 0.85 lag to 0.95 lead
ü Voltage limits 0.95 p.u. to 1.05 p.u.
ü Frequency limits 48.5 Hz to 51 Hz
ü Governer and excitation control requirements
? Fault ride-through

§ Definition of specific requirements for customers

ü Current and voltage harmonics
ü Power factor
ü Frequency sensitive relays
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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
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Egyptian grid code

Section 04: Protection code

§ Operator to coordinate settings with Users

§ Definition of lightning and grounding requirements

§ Definition of fault clearance times

are generators also covered by this clause?

§ Definition of protection concept

ü Transmission line
ü Distribution line
ü Transformer
ü Generator

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Egyptian grid code

Section 05: Performance code

§ Operational and planning standards

definition of n-1 requirement at 500 kV and 400 kV
definition of n-2 requirement at lower transmission voltage levels

§ Frequency variations
normal operating range 49.5 Hz to 51 Hz

§ Voltage variations
normal operating range 95% to 105%, 90% to 110% for 1 minute

§ Power quality standard

§ Reliability standard

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
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Egyptian grid code

Section 06: Planning code

§ Definition of recommended studies

ü Load flow studies
ü Short circuit studies
ü Transient stability studies
ü Steady-state stability analysis
ü Voltage collapse analysis
ü Electromagentic transient analysis
ü Reliability analysis

§ Definition of required data

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Egyptian grid code

Section 07: Operation code

§ Grid operating states

ü Normal state
ü Alert state
ü Emergency state
ü Extreme state
ü Restorative state

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
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Egyptian grid code

Section 07: Operation code

§ Normal state
ü Grid gross reserve level is sufficient (greater than the capability of the largest single unit on line)
ü Grid Frequency is within the normal operating limits (49.5 to 50.5 Hz)
ü Grid transmission voltages are within the normal operating limits (±5%)
ü Loading levels in all transmission lines and substation equipment (transformers, switchgear,
etc.) are within normal loading limits (maximum 90% continuous)

§ Alert state
ü The Grid gross reserve is less than the capability of the largest single unit on line
ü Generation deficiency exists
ü Grid transmission voltages exceeds the normal limits (±5%) but within ±10%
ü There is critical continuous loading (above 90% up to 110%) of transmission lines that would
impact the Grid. Transmission line loading could be up to 120% for 30 mins in contingency case.
ü There is critical continuous loading (above 90% up to 105%) of substation transformers that
would impact the Grid. Substation transformers loading could be up to 110% for 30 mins in
contingency case.

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Egyptian grid code

Section 07: Operation code

§ Emergency state
ü The Grid shall be considered to enter the Emergency State when an Outage Contingency
occurs without resulting into cascaded outages and/or system voltage collapse and is operated
with any of the following conditions:
ü Grid transmission voltages exceed ±10%
ü Continuous loading of any transmission line or substation equipment is above 110%

§ Extreme state
ü The Grid shall be considered to enter the Extreme State when corrective measures failed to
maintain system security during the Emergency State and resulted in cascading outages,
islanding, and/or system voltage collapse.

§ Restorative state
ü The Grid shall be considered to be in Restorative State if the transmission lines and substation
equipment are being energized and synchronized to restore the system to Normal State.

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
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Egyptian grid code

Section 10: Wind code

§ Definition of location of grid code application

§ Definition of operating limits

ü Voltage 0.85 p.u. to 1.10 p.u.
ü Frequency 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz

§ Definition of power quality limits

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Egyptian grid code

Section 10: Wind code

§ Definition of reactive power range

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Egyptian grid code

Section 10: Wind code

§ Definition of fault-ride through

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Egyptian grid code

Section 10: Wind code

§ Definition of frequency control

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Grid Code Requirements Day 2
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Thank you for your attention!

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Adham Atallah
Senior Consultant
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Telefon: +49 (9131) 7 28265


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