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30th April 2024

Dear Parents and Caregivers

I am pleased to announce the new Mountain Creek SHS Timetable structure for 2025 following feedback from all
Stakeholder Groups and Local Consultative Committee processes. Thank you to the 1500+ survey respondents
from Parents, Students, Teaching Staff, Support Staff and Parents of current Year 5 and 6 students in feeder
schools who provided valuable input into the decision-making process.
The 2025 Timetable will see Senior class times remain the same for Tuesday to Friday. Junior classes will move to
an earlier start and finish times on Tuesday to Friday (8.45am - 2.40pm). On Mondays all year levels will start at
9.00am and finish at 1.10pm. Please see below our 2025 Timetable Structure.

2025 Student Start/Finish

Monday Tuesday to Friday

Session 1 7.45 – 8.55 NO CLASSES Warning Bell 7.25 am

Staff Only

Warning Bell 8.55 am All students arrive Session 1 730 - 8.40 Seniors start 7.30 am
from 8.40 am Juniors Arrive from 8.20 am

Session 2 9.00 - 10.10 All students start Session 2 8.45 - 9.55 Juniors start 8.45 am
at 9.00 am

First Break 10.10 - 10.45 All students First Break 9.55 - 10.30 All students
35min 35min

Session 3 10.45 - 11.55 All students Session 3 10.30 - 11.40 All students

Session 4 12.00 - 1.10 All students Session 4 11.45 - 12.55 All students

Second Break All students Buses depart from Second Break 12.55- 1.30 Seniors Finish 12.55pm
35 min finish at 1.10 1.15 pm 35 min Juniors only break

Session 5 NO CLASSES Session 5 1.30 - 2.40 Juniors Finish 2.40 pm

buses depart from 2.45 pm

These Changes will see the following positive impacts across the school
 Minimised change of routine from Year 6 into 7
 Minimised change of routine from Year 9 into 10
 Minimised the impact on families of Junior students being unsupervised at home before school
 Junior students will not need to leave school early for external sport/training
 Improved wellbeing for all stakeholders
 Ability for staff to collaborate each Monday to enhance student learning, engagement and

These changes are also in line with the Timetable Review Working Group survey results and recommendations listed

Survey Results Summary

Survey Group Like to Stay the same Like to change
Students  Early start for Seniors due to work  Junior and access to afternoon sport/appointments
commitments after school  Junior arriving home late
 Seniors time in afternoon for study  Juniors prefer to finish earlier - family commitments/
Homework/ Sport/etc
Parents  Early start for Seniors  Juniors unsupervised before school
 Juniors late finish
 Having to make multiple trips to different school
start/finish time
 Opportunity for senior students to have  Junior students unsupervised at home
Parents 5&6 part time employment  Change of routine from Yr6
 Canteen less crowded
Staff  Early start for Seniors  Juniors late finish (Session 6)
 Specialist facility access  Improved time for Moderation and Collaboration
 Before / After school tutoring  Faculty night meeting timing (currently 4.00-6.30 pm)
 Before / After school training
The Timetable Review Working Group Recommendations
i. On review of all information gathered and feedback received there is an appetite to make changes to
our current timetable in relation to the Junior student start and finish times.
ii. On review of over 1500 survey responses there was a strong preference to make changes for 2024.
However, consultation with school bus companies and considerations regarding finalisation of a new
timetable and staff Award considerations it is recommended that the Local Consultative Committee
(LCC) process is completed during 2023/2024 for an implementation date of the start of the 2025
school year.
iii. A 5-session timetable with 3 overlapping sessions is the preferred structural change that allows the
Senior students to have their scheduled classes as close as possible to the current timetable and Junior
students to start and finish earlier. LCC consultation to ensure Award conditions are compliant in the
finalisation of a new timetable structure.
iv. Structural changes to the timetable to allow for designated staff collaboration time should also be
considered to enhance student engagement and outcomes.
Consideration have been made to mitigate any adverse effects of the timetable changes. During 2025 we will
undertake an assessment evaluation of these changes to ensure we have maximized benefits to all stakeholders.
Ongoing review and opportunities for feedback on changes will be captured through review process during 2025.

Yours Sincerely

Brian Parr

Brian Parr
Executive Principal

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