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Power System Protection Day 4

Siemens AG, EM DG PTI NC

Transmission Network Planning

Power System Protection

© Siemens AG 2016

§ Power system protection

§ Introduction
§ Main components
§ Protection concept
§ Protection functions
§ Equipment protection

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Power System Protection Day 4
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Protection system definition

System protection is the art and science of detecting problems with power system
components and isolating these components.

Problems on the power system include:

§ Short circuits
§ Abnormal conditions
§ Equipment failures

NERC defines the protection system as:

Protective relays, associated communication systems, voltage sensing devices,
station batteries and DC control circuitry.

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Protection system definition

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Protection system purpose

The main purpose of a protection system is to:

§ Protect the public

§ Improve system stability
§ Minimize damage to equipment
§ Protect against overloads

The main components include mainly:

§ Generators
§ Transformers
§ Lines
§ Buses

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Protection system purpose

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Protection system purpose

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Desired attributes definition

System operate properly
Security: Don’t trip when you shouldn’t
Dependability: Trip when you should
Trip the minimal amount of system equipment to clear the fault or abnormal
operating condition to ensure post-fault proper operation
Usually the faster the better in terms of minimizing equipment damage and
maintaining system integrity. Damage is usually proportional to time
Don’t complicate the system for operators
Keep in mind system cost (relays, breakers, communication,…)

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Power System Protection Day 4
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Desired attributes definition

Selection of protective relays requires compromises:

§ Maximum and Reliable protection at optimum cost
§ High sensitivity to fault conditions and insensitivity to maximum load currents
§ High-speed fault detection and clearance
§ Selectivity in isolating the faulty area with tripping minimum equipment
§ Ability to function correctly under all expected operation conditions
§ Cost of protective equipment should be balanced against risks involved
§ Primary objectives is to have faulted zone’s primary protection operate first,
but if there are protective relays failures, some form of backup protection is

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Main components
General overview

Main Protection Backup Protection

Instrument Transformers

Power System Devices and


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Main components
General overview

Circuit breaker Instrument transformers

(current and voltage)
600 A

Connections 3 100 V
kV 3

Z< S

Battery Protection Communication

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Main components

Protective relays monitor the current and/or voltage of the power system to detect
problems with the power system. Currents and voltages to relays are supplied via
CT’s and PT’s.

Current Transformer (CT)

A device which transforms the current on the power system from large primary
values to safe secondary values. The secondary current will be proportional (as per
the ratio) to the primary current.

Potential Transformer (PT)

A device which transforms the voltage on the power system from primary values to
safe secondary values, in a ratio proportional to the primary value.

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Main components
Relay functions

ANSI Device function numbers C37.2

(Selection of most important functions)

51, 51N Time delayed phase and earth overcurrent protection

50, 50N Instantaneous phase and earth overcurrent protection
21, 21N Phase and earth fault distance protection
87 Differential Protection
87N Earth differential protection (Restricted E/F protection)
27 Undervoltage protection
59 Overvoltage protection
79 Automatic reclosing
81 Frequency protection
49 Overload protection
46 Unbalanced load protection
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Protection concept
General overview

Main protection: Distance Protection Distance Protection

Distance protection

Differential protection
Differential Protection Differential Protection

Backup Protection:

Overcurrent protection
Differential Protection

Overload protection

Distance protection
Overcurrent Protection

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Protection concept
Fault criteria

§ Overcurrent I>
§ Earth-current I E>
§ Undervoltage U<
§ Underimpedance Z<
§ Overvoltage U>
§ Leakage (Differential) current DI
§ Over- and Under-frequency
§ Current unbalance (negative sequence current I2>)

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Protection concept
Zone definition

1. Generator or Generator-Transformer Units

2. Transformers
3. Buses
4. Lines (transmission and distribution)
5. Utilization equipment (motors, static loads, etc.)

Bus zone Bus zone Bus zone

Unit Generator-Tx zone Line zone
Transformer zone Motor zone
Transformer zone

Generator XFMR Bus Line Bus XFMR Bus Motor

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Protection concept


Protection Protection
Backup zones


Protection Protection Protection Protection

Local protection

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Protection concept
Calculations Used by Protection Coordination

Calculation of important load flow scenarios

voltage profile (voltage drop, U/I-fault detection)
minimum and maximum short-circuit currents
transient stability (max. fault duration)

Minimum SC-currents (two- and one-phase) and maximum load currents

(minimum load impedances) determine the pick-up values

Maximum SC-currents determine the maximum permissible fault duration

which depends on the maximum permissible SC-current of mains

Decision for possibility of current or time grading

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Protection concept
Time-scale for protection system

, 75 0, 10 0 0 , 125 01
, 50 0, 17 5 0, 200 0, 22 5


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Protection functions
Over-current protection
Overcurrent-time protection

t2 Definite-time
IN I> I >> I



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Protection functions
Over-current protection

Tripping characteristics of a two-step definite-time protection (DMTL)

t [sec]


Tripping area



x IN
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
I> I>>

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Protection functions
Over-current protection

Tripping characteristics of an inverse-time protection (IDMTL)

I Inverse
D Definite
t [sec] M Minimum
2.0 T Time
L Lag

1.5 Characteristic curves:

Tripping area
n British Standard

Normal inverse
t= × TP [ s ]
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
x IN
( I / I P ) 0.02 - 1

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Protection functions
Over-current protection
Normal inverse-time characteristic of the 7SJ6 relay

Normal inverse

t= × TP [s]
( I / I P )0.02 -1

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Protection functions
Over-current protection – Co-ordination example

A 0,4 s 0,1 s
20 MVA B C I>,t I>,t
20 kV 1 MVA
110 kV M
network 0,4 s I>,t
I>,t I>,t M
1700 A 1700 A 0,7 s
1700 A
0,7 s I>, t 0,4 s I>,t 0,1 s I>>,t0
Time I>>,t0 150 A I>,t
5000 A
grading 6000 1,0s
0,1 s
4000 A coordination
IK 1700 A

ref. 20 KV 700 A I>

150 A

Careful coordination of relay settings to achieve selectivity

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Protection functions
Distance protection

Calculation of the impedance with current and voltage at the relay location :
Z = V/I
Grid E ZN D ZL Rf

In case of a fault the measured impedance is proportional to the distance to fault

X Z2, t=0,4 s
Supplementary criterion: time Short Z1, t=0
(for selectivity and reserve protection)
Multilevel distance protection (zones) R

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Protection functions
Distance protection

Localization of faults using impedance measuring

- Fault on the protected line
relay A

~ ~
- Fault outside the protected line
relay A

~ ~


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Protection functions
Distance protection

Undelayed tripping in
Ø instantaneous zone

circuit breaker has failed

Delayed tripping in backup

Ø zone in case of breaker

X t
Ø Descriptions:
R x1 x2 x

Tripping characteristics Grading diagram

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Protection functions
Distance protection

1 2

A fault in this area would A fault in this area would be A fault in this area would
be tripped by side 1 in t1 tripped by both sides in t1 be tripped by side 1 in t2
and side 2 in t2 and by side 2 in t1

Faults up to approximately 70% of the line are tripped in t1

Faults in the remaining 30% of the line are tripped in t2

Remedy: Information transfer between line terminals

Medium: Power line carrier (PLC), pilot wire, radio system, fiber optic

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Protection functions
Differential protection

§ One of the oldest protection principles, applied from the end of the 19th

§ Comparison of in/out-flowing current magnitudes and phase angles based on

§ Kirchhoff law: ∑ I = 0 → error currents: magnetizing or capacitive loading

§ Absolute selective, protection zone is limited by the CT locations → need of

an additional back-up protection function

§ Short trip time → suitable for main protection purpose for transformers,
machines, busbars as well as cables and lines

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Protection functions
Differential protection

Power System
Power System Device
Power System
Device Device

External fault or load condition Internal Fault

§ during internal fault condition the

§ the CTs limiting the protection zone primary fault currents flow to the fault
and the secondary currents will be added
§ during external fault or load condition
no current is flowing through the § the differential relay ΔI> senses the
differential relay ΔI> (stable) added currents and trips

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection

HV infeed Main protection

HV. for example 115 kV
Ø differential protection (87T)
Ø restricted earth fault (87N)
Ø Buchholz (63)

Backup protection

Ø overcurrent protection (50, 51)

Ø unbalance (46)

Overload protection

Ø thermal (49)
Load bus, for example 13,8 kV

Load Load
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Equipment protection
Transformers – Differential protection

Ithr = through current = stabilizing current = Is

IΔ = differential current
relay composite error current

CT error current

mismatch current loading of CT ratio

and transformer tap-changer

transformer magnetizing current

5 10 15 Ithr / In
• error currents caused by CT errors, transformer tap-changer etc. must be
expected, without any possibility of direct correction normally

• for CT error currents a linear and strongly non-linear area (saturation) exists
• the relay characteristic must be adapted to the unavoidable error currents
→ high sensitivity during load and small fault currents
and high stability in case of CT saturation
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Equipment protection
Transformers – Differential protection

Base Point 1

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection
Overhead line

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Equipment protection
2 parallel overhead lines

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Equipment protection
Overhead line – Distance protection

Quadrilateral characteristics, with 4 zones as an MHO zone characteristics, with 6 zone as an example

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Equipment protection
Cable feeder


Ø Farest relay with shortest time

Ø Definite-Time
AR Source Impedance Ratio (SIR)
additional high, no current selectivity

Ø Inverse-Time
SIR medium, current selectivity
Ø Very Inverse-Time
Load SIR small, high current selectivity

1) Auto-reclosure only for OHL

2) Unbalance protection as backup
Load Load

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection

Principle: Kirchhoff´s current law

Line 1 Line 2

I1 I2 I3 I4

Bus Bar

I5 I6 I7 … In

Line n

Normal Operations: åI = 0
Internal Faults: åI ¹ 0

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection

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Equipment protection

§ Overload protection 49
§ Locked rotor protection 51
§ Fault protection 50
§ Ground fault protection 50G
§ Unbalanced current 46
§ Unbalanced voltage 47
§ Stator differential 87
§ Loss of field 55

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Thank you for your attention!

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Adham Atallah
Senior Consultant
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Telefon: +49 (9131) 7 28265


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