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Phrasal Verbs

 Set about-Begin
 Set off-to explode
 Set to-start energetically
 Set up-establish oneself
 Set aside-dismiss
 Set on-attack
 Set in-begin
 Set something back-delay
 Set out-begin journey
 Set down-to put into printed or
written form
 Collapse-broke down
 Enter by force-broke into
 Detach, terminate-broken off
 Begin-broke out
 disintegrate-broke up
 demolished-pulled down
 succeed-pulled off
 recover-pull through
 reprimand-pulled up
 save-put aside
 tidy up-pulled away
 write-put down
 suggest-put forward
 claim-put in
 postpone-put off
 pursue-ran after
 flee-ran away
 speak ill of-run down
 meet by change-ran into
 nothing left-ran out
 drive over-ran over
 rehearse-run through

 Piece of cake: Easy
 A hot potato: unpleasant to deal
 Once in a blue moon: very rare
 A bed of roses: easy option
 Raining cats and dogs: raining
very heavily
 Butterflies in my stomach: feel
very nervous
 Devils advocate: one who
presents a counters agreement
 Miss the boat: miss a chance
 Apple of an eye: very precious
 Zip your lip: to stop talking

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