Prueba Diagnostica Ingles

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LISTENING: Read each sentence and choose the right option.
Listen the audio and answer questions
https://6a63fca904fd268f15f7- 11. Jessi is married to Jean. He's her ____
d5770ffdd579eb31eaa89faeffc55fe7.ssl.cf1.rackcdn. a. Uncle b. Husband
com/LE_listening_A1_The_first_English_class.mp3 c. Wife d. Parent

1. What days is the class? 12. Mandy is over there. She's ____ a blue T-shirt
a. Monday and Tuesday and jeans
b. Monday and Wednesday a. Having b. doing
c. Monday and Thursday c. wearing d. fixing

2. What is the teacher's name? 13. Saul doesn't have a car so he often uses public
a. Lindsay Black ____
b. Lindsey Black a. Taxi b. bus
c. Linsey Black c. transportation d. ship

3. What room is the class in? 14. I love this watch! It's ____.
a. Room 13 b. Room 30 c. Room 33 a. Cheap b. small
c. beauty d. ugly
4. How long is the class?
a. One hour 15. He fixes vehicles. He is a ______________.
b. One hour and a half a. Pilot b. hairdresser
c. Two and a half hours c. mechanic d. firefighter

5. When is the teacher's office hour? READING

a. On Monday and Wednesday Check the text and answer the questions.
b. Room 7B
c. Friday at 18:00 Tom is a very active person, and he often goes out to the
country to ride his bike on weekends. He sometimes goes
GRAMMAR with his friends, but he usually rides alone. Unfortunately,
Complete the sentences with the right option Tom has an accident almost every time he goes, so when
his friends see him at school on Monday morning, he often
6. This is Bart and his brother, Dan. ____ my has a pain in his back or in his leg or something similar.
friends Then he plays soccer twice a week with his friends. He
a. We’re b. I´m loves all kinds of sports.
c. You´re d. They´re
This weekend Tom is not out in the country, and he
7. A: _____ are the books can't go out and ride his bike because he's in bed.
B: On the floor He's got a headache, a sore throat, and he's feeling
a. What b. Where very tired. His mother says he's got the flu and she
c. When d. Who says he can't play soccer this week either. Tom
never misses a game of soccer and he's not happy!
8. A: ____ is the Hotel?
B: It's 45 years old. 16. How do they describe Tom?
a. How much years b. How many years a. Tom is a very active person
c. What years d. How old b. Tom is a very angry person.
c. Tom is a very busy person
9. A: ____'s your name? d. Tom is a very patient person
B: Peggy.
a. How b. Who
c. What d. Where WRITING
17. Choose one of the topics and then, write a text
10. He _____ writing a letter. about 50 words.
a. Are b. am a. My favorite animal.
c. is d. not b. My daily routine


8° - 9°
Complete the sentences with the right option. like too much work, you can also purchase jarred
1. Is Ms. Simpson singing? sauce from the store. Many jarred sauces taste
a. No, she is not singing. She is talking. almost as good as the kind you make at home.
b. Yes, she is sleeping Now that you have your crust and your sauce, you
c. No, she doesn´t like reading the newspaper. need to add the cheese. Cheese comes from milk,
d. Yes, she can swim which comes from cows. Do you have a cow in your
backyard? Do you know how to milk the cow? Do you
2. It’s a nice day. The sun _______(shine) today know how to turn that milk into cheese? If not, you
a. is shining b. shines might want to buy cheese from the grocery store
instead of making it yourself.
3. Your sister is locking the door, but you need to When you have the crust, sauce, and cheese ready,
go back in. you can add other toppings. Some people like to put
a. Don’t open the window. b. Don’t lock the meat on their pizza, while other people like to add
door. vegetables. Some people even like to add pineapple!
c. Be quiet d. Please, come in The best part of making a pizza at home is that you
can customize it by adding your own favorite
4. What languages can he speak? ingredients.
a. He is really good.
b. He can play the piano well.
c. He is an English teacher 11. The author's main purpose in writing this
d. He speaks Japanese and Spanish. passage is to
a. describe the history of pizza
5. ______________ cars on the street. b. teach a healthier way to make pizza
a. There aren’t any c. outline steps to make a basic pizza at home
b. There isn’t any. d. provide tips about how to make your pizza
especially delicious
Choose the appropriate answer. Match each word
with Its definition. 12. As used in paragraph 1, which word means
Ex: Strict: makes people follow a lot of rules the opposite of complicated?
a. difficult b. simple
6. spends a lot of time a. popular c. easy d. manageable
7. isn't comfortable meeting b. shy 13. As used in paragraph 3, which is the best
people. synonym for purchase?
8. doesn't worry much. c. competitive a. forget b. buy c. ask d. cook

9. always wants to be d. studious 14. According to the author, which of the following
"number one". ingredients do you need to have ready before you
10. everyone likes him or her. e. easygoing can add the toppings?
READING a. crust only
Read the text and answer the questions. b. crust and sauce only
Many people like to eat pizza, but not everyone c. sauce and cheese only
knows how to make it. Making the perfect pizza can d. crust, sauce, and cheese
be complicated, but there are lots of ways for you to
make a more basic version at home. WRITING
When you make pizza, you must begin with the crust. 15. Choose one of the topics and then, write a text
The crust can be hard to make. If you want to make about 50 words
the crust yourself, you will have to make dough using a. My favorite place in the city.
flour, water, and yeast. You will have to knead the b. My Daily Routine
dough with your hands. If you do not have enough
time to do this, you can use a prepared crust that you ……………………………………………………
buy from the store.
After you have chosen your crust, you must then add ……………………………………………………
the sauce. Making your own sauce from scratch can
take a long time. You have to buy tomatoes, peel ……………………………………………………
them, and then cook them with spices. If this sounds


10° - 11°
GRAMMAR 3. I _________________ to Oregon twice last
Complete the sentences with the right option year.
a. have been
1. ____ you ____ the baby’s toys? They’re not in b. has been
the cabinet!” c. went
a. Have/see b. Has/see d. was going
c. Has/seen d. Have/seen
4. … Mahesa been to New Zealand?
1. Have you __________ your homework yet? a. Has
a. Did b. done b. Is
c. have done d. doing
5. They haven’t visited us _____________
a. for
b. since


Read each sentence and choose the right option

6. It is a political unit. An area of land that has its own government, army, etc a. Community
7. A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government. b. Citizen
To express your choice or opinion, especially by officially marking a paper or by
8. c.
raising your hand or speaking in a meeting. Vote
9. Time when people vote in order to choose someone for a political or official job d. Election
A person having a membership in a political community is a citizen enjoying rights
10. e. Country
and exercising obligations (duties, responsibilities.)

Read the text and answer the questions.

Fashion and clothes

Clothing is something we all should wear in order to fit in to society. The act of wearing clothing is a choice
in some indigenous societies while in a more modern culture you could find yourself in trouble with the
police if you choose not to wear clothes. Clothes are easily accessible and can be bought in most high
street shops. Supermarkets are also beginning to sell clothes. Clothes are for keeping people warm or
serving as protection from the strong burning sun. Certain items of clothing can be expensive, especially if
it is made by a well-known brand or is a particular design. While clothing is affordable for most people, the
price usually depends on the quality of the material used to make the item and its brand name. In most
countries clothing is taxed, while food is not. This is probably because
clothing can be considered as a luxury item, especially if it is of very good quality.

The type of clothing that is worn usually depends on the occasion. People that attend a wedding usually
wear formal clothes. Men often wear suits and women wear dresses. Formal and smart clothing is often
worn in times of celebration. People often wear different clothing at work. Some jobs require people to wear
a special uniform which should be worn by all employees. A pilot, doctor or air hostess may be required to
wear a uniform so that all the staff can be easily recognized. Other jobs are less strict and may allow people
to wear casual clothes. Construction workers are usually asked to wear protective clothing, especially when
the site is considered highly dangerous.

People often choose to wear comfortable clothing inside their own home. This choice of clothing may be
very different to the clothing they would normally wear outside. Some people even stay in their bedclothes
all day on the weekend when they plan to relax and not go anywhere. People often wear clothing which
matches their current state of health or their age. Pregnant women are likely to wear baggy clothes, while
youths often wear tighter clothing to show their figure. Younger females often wear high heeled shoes while

elderly people tend to wear more comfortable shoes which will allow them to walk with ease.

According to the article . . .

11. When can items of clothing be expensive?

a. When they are from the supermarket.
b. When they are taxed too much.
c. When it is a well-known brand or design.
d. When they are in the sale.

12. Why does elderly people wear comfortable shoes?

a. Because they like it.
b. Because they are comfortable to walk
c. Because they match with their age
d. To protect their feet.

13. How do some youths usually like to wear their clothes?

a. Baggy
b. Tight
c. Short
d. Long

14. What kind of job requires workers to wear protective clothing

a. Pilots
b. Construction workers
c. Doctors
d. Air hostess

15. Who is more likely to wear baggy clothing?

a. Youths
b. Workers
c. Pregnant ladies
d. Elderly people

Choose one of the following topics and write a paragraph of... (Elige uno de los siguientes
temas y escribe un párrafo de 6 líneas).

a. Use of smart phone and technology.

b. Clothing Preferences


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