Influence of Customized Therapy For Molar Incisor

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Received: 16 July 2019 Accepted: 19 August 2019

DOI: 10.1002/cre2.245


Influence of customized therapy for molar incisor

hypomineralization on children's oral hygiene and quality of life

Jana Fütterer1 | Markus Ebel1 | Katrin Bekes2 | Christian Klode3,4 |

Christian Hirsch5

Leo Löwenzahn Pediatric Dentistry Practice,
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany Abstract
School of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Objective: The aim of this clinical follow-up study was to demonstrate the effects of
Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna,
different therapeutic strategies for hypomineralized teeth on patients' oral health.
Vienna, Austria
Department of Business Analytics and Data The treatment results were characterized by changes in the extent of hypersensitivity
Science, HMKW University of Applied Science, and plaque accumulation, as well as reductions in nutritional restrictions.
Cologne, Germany
Material and Methods: The impacts of therapy, including the use of fluoride varnish,
Faculty of Economics and Management,
Department of Knowledge Management, fissure sealants, fillings, and stainless steel crowns, were evaluated in 78 children
University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
(mean age 8.5 years). We followed recommendations according to the Molar Incisor
School of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric
Dentistry, University of Leipzig, Leipzig,
Hypomineralisation Treatment Need Index for customized treatment. The Quigley
Germany Hein Index, the Schiff Cold Air Sensitivity Scale, Wong–Baker Faces Scale, and die-

tary-limiting parameters were assessed before and after therapy for comparison.
Jana Fütterer, Leo Löwenzahn Pediatric Results: Plaque accumulation and hypersensitivity decreased after completion of
Dentistry Practice, Odenthaler Straße 132,
51465 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany.
therapy. The improvements were greater for individual teeth (Quigley Hein Index for
+49/2202/32628. teeth treated with stainless steel crowns from 4.19 to 2.54) than for those of the
whole dentition (high-severity category from 2.67 to 2.20). Problems with food
intake were minimized via therapy, with the greatest influence observed for patients
who were also in the high-severity category.
Conclusions: Therapy for affected teeth in children has positive effects on oral health
and quality of life.

hypersensitivity, MIH, MIH treatment, MIH Treatment Need Index, nutritional restrictions,
oral hygiene

1 | I N T RO D UC T I ON affect all deciduous and permanent teeth (Baroni & Marchionni,

2010). A recent meta-analysis of studies determined an average global
Enamel disorders of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) and decid- prevalence of MIH of 14.2% (Dave & Taylor, 2018). Posteruptive
uous molar hypomineralization (DMH) have recently received increas- enamel fractures can occur in affected teeth, which are frequently
ing attention from pediatric dentists worldwide. MIH describes a associated with hypersensitivity and can lead to poorer dental
developmental enamel defect of at least one permanent first molar hygiene, problems with the intake of food (PwIoF), and decreased oral
with or without affected permanent incisors (Weerheijm, Jalevik, & health-related quality of life (Ebel et al., 2018). According to the fifth
Alaluusua, 2001). Since 2017, it has been shown that MIH/DMH can German Oral Health Study (DMS V), the occurrence of MIH/DMH in

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2019 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Clin Exp Dent Res. 2020; 6:33–43. 33


12-year-old children in Germany is higher than that of caries among MIH/DMH in affected children. The Ethics Committee of the Univer-
this population (Bekes & Hirsch, 2013). It has been shown that eight sity of Leipzig, Germany (AZ: 187/17-ek), authorized this project. The
out of ten 12-year-old children are free of tooth decay (81.3%), but patients' legal representatives were informed in oral and written form,
the same group has a 28.7% (Lygidakis et al., 2010; Weerheijm et al., and they consented to participate in this study according to the Dec-
2003) prevalence of MIH. This trend emphasizes the extraordinary laration of Helsinki guidelines.
importance and attention among pediatric dentistry worldwide and
explains the variety of research in this field.
2.2 | Setting
Ebel et al. (2018) verified severity-related consequences for the
oral hygiene and quality of life of MIH-/DMH-affected children. The This investigation was based on a sample of consecutive patients
quantity and extent of structural disorders of affected teeth were cor- experiencing hypomineralized teeth, who were recruited from the Leo
related with increased consequences and restrictions: with the Löwenzahn pediatric dentistry practice in Bergisch Gladbach, Ger-
increasing destruction of teeth accompanied by increased hypersensi- many, between January and December 2017. The children were diag-
tivity, as determined by the Schiff Cold Air Sensitivity Scale (SCASS) nosed on the basis of clinical examination under artificial light and
and Wong–Baker Faces Scale (WBFS), plaque accumulation (Quigley within the same dental unit as described in Ebel et al. (2018). Follow-
Hein Index [QHI]) significantly increased. In addition, the risk of die- ing an initial examination period of patients from January to Decem-
tary restrictions, characterized by pain during eating and drinking, as ber 2017 conducted by the lead dentists (J. F. and M. E.), the patients
well as pain during domestic and professional dental care, increased were treated with MIH severity-dependent therapy based on the
with the disease severity and had a negative impact on the children's criteria of the MIH-TNI (Jälevik, 2010; Steffen et al., 2017). Therapy
development and susceptibility to caries (Jälevik & Klingberg, 2002; was implemented for an average of 3 months after the initial examina-
Petrou et al., 2014). tion, ranging from 2 to 401 days. Patients were followed up after ther-
Although studies and scientific research on MIH/DMH promote apy by JF, on average, after 3 months (varying from 7 to 488 days) in
awareness among pediatric dentists, no standardized treatment cur- August 2017 to November 2018. The same parameters as in the initial
rently exists. A major issue challenging the assortment of optimal examination were collected.
treatment modalities is the diversity of the disorder, with its different
severity levels, including its various side effects, and the broad spec-
2.3 | Participants
trum of available therapeutic approaches.
The MIH Treatment Need Index (MIH-TNI), introduced by Steffen In total, 78 consecutive patients suffering from at least one
et al. (2017), presents recommendations for decision making when hypomineralized tooth were selected among the patient pool. The
planning individual treatment of MIH-affected teeth (Jälevik, 2010; guidelines of the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (Lygidakis
Steffen et al., 2017). The MIH-TNI differentiates affected teeth et al., 2010; Schwendicke et al., 2018; Weerheijm, 2003; Weerheijm
according to the presence of hypersensitivity and the extent of et al., 2003) were applied to diagnose the MIH-positive teeth: (a)
enamel defects. Furthermore, a treatment scheme has been devel- clearly definable opacity and/or buccal surfaces of the crowns, (b)
oped for patients with a low or high risk of developing caries. The white-/yellow-to-brown discolorations, (c) MIH defects of at least 1
TNI's therapeutic recommendations include pure dental prophylaxis mm in diameter, (d) the presence of hypersensitivity, (e) the presence
such as with fluoride varnish and fissure sealant and also restorative of atypical restorations, and (f) the extraction of permanent teeth due
restorations such as fillings, crowns, and extraction. to MIH. Patients who did not collaborate willingly were excluded from
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of cus- the survey. In addition, all patients undergoing orthodontic treatment
tomized therapeutic approaches based on the MIH-TNI on the dis- during the study period were excluded, as orthodontic treatment may
ease-associated parameters investigated by Ebel et al. (2018). The have a negative impact on the ability of a patient to perform proper
study sought to determine whether treatment of the affected teeth oral hygiene.
could lead to improved oral hygiene (QHI) as well as the extent of
hypersensitivity (SCASS and WBFS) and nutritional restrictions
2.4 | Sample size
(PwIoF) that could be reduced as a result of therapy.
G*Power Software ( was used to analyze the
sample size. Within this follow-up study, the difference between sev-
eral premeasurement and postmeasurement (matched) pairs should
be tested according to their statistical significance by applying either
2.1 | Study design and ethics
analysis of variance (ANOVA) using mean differences or Wilcoxon test
In this follow-up study with repeated measures, the values for differ- using rank differences. We took the standard default thresholds
ent therapeutic approaches (fluoride varnish, fissure sealant, filling (effect size = 0.5) and used 95% confidence intervals due to the com-
with composite, stainless steel crown, and extraction) were analyzed mon error probabilities of 5%. For the model applications, G*Power
according to their impact on oral hygiene, hypersensitivity, and oral suggested a sample size of n = 45 for the ANOVA and n = 47 for the
health-related quality-of-life impairment regarding the severity of Wilcoxon test. Although we did not expect significant differences in

gender (see Ebel et al., 2018), we drew a larger sample to establish a children were queried in greater detail regarding whether they experi-
nearly equal gender ratio. This follow-up study included data from 78 enced problems or pain with chewing solid food or with eating and
patients (37 girls and 41 boys). drinking hot, cold, or spicy items. In terms of validation, one negative
association was sufficient to characterize the patient as a restricted
2.5 | Variables
The patients' data summarizing the severity of the MIH/DMH,
The QHI was defined as the quantitative outcome variable. The according to Mathu-Muju and Wright (2006), and the number of
SCASS and WBFS were defined as intermediating quantitative vari- affected teeth were classified into three severity categories. The
ables, which may work as dependent or independent variables (see patients were rated according to their MIH/DMH severity (Ebel et al.,
Ebel et al., 2018). The tooth-related MIH groups (I–III), patient-related 2018): Mildly affected teeth were scored as 0 “risk points” as they did
severity (low-severity category [LSC], medium-severity category not affect the QHI (Quigley & Hein, 1962) and, therefore, the caries
[MSC], and high-severity category [HSC]), and treatment groups (fluo- risk (TDR); moderately affected teeth were rated with 2 points; and
ride varnish, sealant, filling, SSC, and extraction) served as predictors. severely affected teeth received 3 points. The sum of risk points per
In addition, we used additional exogenous variables, including gender, person was calculated to determine the personal severity score, which
social status groups, and age, and two binary control variables: PwIoF combines the evaluated number and decay of affected teeth. Thereaf-
and tooth decay risk (TDR). ter, the patients were classified within an LSC if they had a score of 0,
within the MSC with a score of 2–4 points, or within the HSC with a
score of >4 points.
2.6 | Measurements
The MIH-TNI, as described by Steffen et al. (2017), was used to
Oral hygiene was measured in terms of plaque distribution, as several compare the impacts of different treatments. Patients with no hypo-
studies support the use of the QHI (Quigley & Hein, 1962) mineralization were classified as MIH-TNI 0; MIH-affected patients
to determine overall dental health and caries risk (Menghini, Steiner, & without hypersensitivity or enamel defects were classified as MIH-
Imfeld, 2008; Newman, 1986; Walsh, 2006). Caries risk TNI 1; patients with MIH and without hypersensitivity but with
was classified according to the recommendations of the Deutsche enamel defect were classified as MIH-TNI 2; patients with MIH and
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Jugendzahnpflege e.V (DAJ; 1993) using the hypersensitivity but without enamel defect were classified as MIH-
dmft/DMFT index (the single-value sum of the decayed D(d), missing TNI 3; and MIH-affected patients with both hypersensitivity and
M(m), and filled F (f)(teeth). To access plaque accumulation, the obser- enamel defects were classified as MIH-TNI 4. A suitable therapy was
vations after applying a plaque revelator were scaled into five classes chosen on the basis of each patient's MIH-TNI status (Jälevik, 2010;
(PlaqSearch, TePe®, Tepe D-A-CH GmbH, Hamburg, Germany): 0: no Steffen et al., 2017).
plaque; 1: isolated plaque islands; 2: a contiguous plaque line up to 1
mm thick at the gingival margin; 3: plaque expansion in the cervical
2.7 | Bias
tooth thirds; 4: plaque expansion to the middle third; and 5: plaque
expansion to the coronal third. The SCASS and WBFS values depend on the personal sensation of
Furthermore, the SCASS (Schiff, Dotson, Cohen, De WV, & Volpe, pain and can change with age or the examiner's proceedings. The QHI
1994) and the WBFS20 were used to determine the sensitivity of could be biased by the children's general teeth-cleaning habits, such
teeth to an air stimulus and to test personal pain experience. For stan- as additional brushing of teeth before the appointment and by the
dardized data collection, the SCASS was categorized according to the choice and application of the plaque-disclosing agent. To prevent dif-
patient's reaction when applying a dental unit air syringe (pressure: 60 ferences, the QHI was assessed with the same agent in every patient.
± 5 psi, temperature: 20 ± 2 C, and application: 1–2 s at a distance of The PwIoF could be affected by the children's general eating habits,
1 cm from the tooth). The grading was 0 (no response), 1 (response including personal preferences for or against solid and spicy food. In
but no removal request), 2 (removal request and patient movement terms of classifying therapy success, note that every child has a differ-
away from the airflow), or 3 (removal request, leaning away from the ent personal pain tolerance and that an adaption of nutrition caused
stimulus and a feeling of pain). In addition to the examination of all by persistent hypersensitivity is within the realm of possibility.
MIH-affected teeth, every unaffected tooth from the same dental In this context, the possible occurrence of material application
group (e.g., all first molars) was also evaluated. During the same proce- errors due to incorrect storage, use past the expiration date, or inac-
dure, the WBFS score was found as a measurement for the subjective curate usage and noncompliance with the manufacturer's rec-
experience of pain. The patients were asked to match their intensity ommended polymerization times could influence the therapeutic
perception to a display showing a scale reaching from a smiling (score success. Further, young patients' personal behavior and compliance
0) to a crying (score 10) face (Wong & Baker, 1988). with therapy can interfere with the dentist's ranking (QHI, SCASS,
The study participants and their legal guardians were interviewed WBFS, and PwIoF) and treatment methods (e.g., children who are
regarding MIH-/DMH-dependent PwIoF. The Child Perception Ques- being restless, fidgety, or extremely anxious can hinder the draining of
tionnaire (Bekes, John, Schaller, & Hirsch, 2011) served as the basis the operating environment and complicate the treatment options and
for documenting the patients' overall nutritional restrictions. The assessment of the indices and scores). Another limitation of the

treatment can be inadequate levels of anesthesia, which my lead to TABLE 1 Summary of sample data (n = 78 patients)
difficulties in treatment due to the sensitivity of damaged teeth. In the
% (n)
case of an incomplete excavation, the restorative margins may not lie
within the healthy tooth structure, which could cause painful side
Male 52.6 (41)
effects and, therefore, possible bias.
Female 47.4 (37)
2.8 | Statistical methods  8.5 years

In our follow-up study, we examined the improvements to our quanti- Range 3–15 years
tative measures with respect to different tooth groups (MIH) and Severity categories
patient groups (e.g., MSC) and various treatments. Progress was indi- LSC 30.8 (24)
cated by improved mean values of our measurements (using ANOVA) MSC 33.3 (26)
or by improved Z values (using the Wilcoxon test). The significance of HSC 35.9 (28)
the hypothesis using ANOVA was accepted if (a) the two confidence dmft/DMFT
intervals did not overlap, (b) the mean of group A was not located
Mean dmft (3–5 years) 0.64 (11)
within the confidence interval of group B, and (c) the p value was less
Mean dmft/DMFT (6–9 years) 2.83 (48)
than 5%. For subsequent Wilcoxon tests, significance for p values
Mean DMFT (10–15 years) 1.11 (19)
lower than 5% was accepted.
After acquiring information through examination or questioning,
High 21.8 (17)
the data were dictated to a dental assistant, who transferred them to
a database via an input mask (Microsoft Access 2016). The mask was Normal 78.2 (61)

used to build the platform for a lower error rate and allowed straight- Social status

forward verification of the accuracy and completeness of the data. High 25.6 (20)
The survey results were transferred to and analyzed in Microsoft Normal 74.4 (58)
Excel 2016 in tabular form. The diagrams and graphics listed in this Abbreviations: HSC, high-severity category; LSC, low-severity category;
work were created with the same program. MSC, medium-severity category; TDR, tooth decay risk.

Group II (30.1%), and 48 teeth as Severity Group III (21.9%;

3 | RESULTS Appendix A). The MIH-TNI (Jälevik, 2010; Steffen et al., 2017) was
used as a guideline to choose comparable therapeutic approaches for
3.1 | Participants patients suffering from different consequences of the hypo-
In total, 78 children were included in the study, and the patients' gen- mineralization (Table 2). Most of the teeth (n = 107) were in the TNI 1
ders were nearly equally distributed, with 37 female and 41 male class, excluding hypersensitivity and posteruptive enamel break-
patients. The mean age of the examined children was 8.5 years, rang- downs. Additionally, 52 of the TNI 1 teeth received only fluoride var-
ing from 3 to 15 years of age, again with no significant difference con- nish as prophylaxis, another 50 teeth had fissure sealants, and five
cerning gender. Additionally, 15% (n = 12) of the patients were non- teeth were filled. The two teeth graded TNI 2 were restored with fill-
Caucasian; 25.6% of the children (n = 20) could be assigned to a high ings. The TNI 3 group consisted of 30 teeth, among which 19 received
social status, meaning that at least one parent had an academic fissure sealants, six were treated with fillings, and five had fluoride
degree; 61 children (78.2%) showed a normal dental caries risk; and applied in varnish form. TNI 4 teeth suffering from hypersensitivity
17 (21.8%) children were classified as high TDR. The mean dmft/ and enamel breakdown were mainly restored with fillings (n = 48) or
DMFT was highest in the group of 6- to 9-year-old patients (2.83). stainless steel crowns (n = 26).
Furthermore, 24 children (30.8%) could be assigned to the LSC, 26
T A B L E 2 Differentiation of customized therapy (tooth related)
(33.3%) to the MSC, and 28 (35.9%) to the HSC, reaching an almost based on the Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation Treatment Need Index
equal sample size in the individual groups (Table 1). (Steffen et al., 2017)


3.2 | Main results Total 107 2 30 80
Fluoride varnish 52 0 5 4
A total of 1,831 teeth were included in the study, comprising 865
Fissure sealant 50 0 19 1
(47.2%) deciduous and 966 (52.8%) permanent teeth. Among them,
Filling 5 2 6 48
219 (12%) teeth were MIH positive, of which 9.1% (n = 20) were
SSC 0 0 0 26
deciduous and 90.9% (n = 199) were permanent. The differentiation
Extraction 0 0 0 1
of MIH teeth according to their severity showed that 105 teeth could
be classified as MIH Severity Group I (48%), 66 teeth as Severity Abbreviations: SSC, stainless steel crown; TNI, Treatment Need Index.

Table 3 shows the therapeutic approaches according to the sever- compared with a QHI from 4.19 to 2.54 in teeth prepared with stain-
ity classification of the 219 MIH teeth. Thereby, the MIH severity less steel crowns. Furthermore, the QHI was significantly decreased
group was positively correlated with the chosen therapy strategy (chi- after therapy in all MIH severity categories. The validation of the
squared test: p = .00) defined by the TNI (Jälevik, 2010; Steffen et al., SCASS (Table 5) resulted in statistically consistent values before and
2017). The majority of teeth treated with fluoride varnish within a after treatment if the teeth were treated with fluoride varnish (from
prophylaxis session (n = 61) were classified as MIH class I teeth 0.34 to 0.25) or fissure sealants (0.66 to 0.64). Teeth that were pro-
(86.9%). Among the obtained teeth, 70 were treated with fissure seal- vided with fillings (SCASS from 1.87 to 1.56) or steel crowns (2.50 to
ants, whereas fillings were applied to 61 teeth, most of which were 1.77) showed significantly decreased hypersensitivity. Similar results
classified as MIH I or II. The 26 teeth that needed a stainless steel were obtained using the WBFS to assess the hypersensitivity (Table 6).
crown could be assigned to MIH Class III in most cases (80.8%). In In teeth treated with fluoride varnish and sealants, the WBFS
addition, one tooth within the MIH III category was not worth decreased but showed no statistical significance, whereas teeth pro-
retaining and had to be removed. As a consequence, this tooth was vided with fillings (WBFS 5.34 to 2.51) or crowns (WBFS 6.81 to
excluded from further evaluation, leaving a group size of 218 MIH- 2.46) showed clear improvements. In addition, MIH II teeth also
positive teeth. showed a decreased WBFS (4.38 to 2.18). Determination of the
Deeper analysis included 218 MIH-positive teeth, which were dif- SCASS and WBFS scores before and after treatment revealed the big-
ferentiated by the allocated therapeutic approach and by the MIH gest improvements in terms of hypersensitivity in the MIH III category
severity before and after the treatment (Tables 4–6). Table 4 presents (SCASS 2.32 to 1.70 and WBFS 6.60 to 3.11).
a significantly decreased QHI in all categories after treatment, with Table 7 provides an overview of the QHI changes per person
the exception of the prophylaxis (fluoride varnish). The more severe before and after the application of each therapeutic approach. Chil-
the MIH is, the better the QHI range after completion of the treat- dren in the LSCs did not benefit from the medical care (LSC: from
ment, decreasing from QHI 2.56 to 2.11 in teeth treated with sealants, 1.12 to 1.16), whereas the mean plaque accumulation of patients

TABLE 3 Differentiation of customized therapy (tooth related) for MIH-affected teeth (Mathu-Muju & Wright, 2006, n = 219 teeth)


n % n % n % n %
Total 219 100.0 105 48.0 66 30.1 48 21.9
Fluoride varnish 61 27.8 53 86.9 8 13.1 0 0.0
Fissure sealant 70 32.0 49 70.0 21 30.0 0 0.0
Filling 61 27.8 3 4.9 32 52.5 26 42.6
SSC 26 11.9 0 0.0 5 19.2 21 80.8
Extraction 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 100.0

Abbreviations: MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization; SSC, stainless steel crown.

TABLE 4 Test for significant differences between the mean Quigley Hein Index before and after therapy (tooth related), including 95% CIs

ANOVA Wilcoxon

Before After
Therapy 218 Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI Difference p value
Fluoride varnish 61 2.15 [1.91, 2.39] 2.05 [1.81, 2.29] 0.10 .40
Fissure sealant 70 2.56 [2.33, 2.78] 2.11 [1.89, 2.34] 0.45 .00
Filling 61 3.52 [3.28, 3.77] 2.23 [1.99, 2.47] 1.29 .00
SSC 26 4.19 [3.82, 4.56] 2.54 [2.17, 2.91] 1.65 .00

Before After
218 Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI Difference p value
MIH I 105 2.13 [1.96, 2.31] 1.94 [1.76, 2.12] 0.19 .03
MIH II 66 3.35 [3.13, 3.57] 2.30 [2.08, 2.53] 1.05 .00
MIH III 47 4.02 [3.76, 4.28] 2.53 [2.26, 2.80] 1.49 .00

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CI, confidence interval; MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization; SSC, stainless steel crown.
Mathu-Muju and Wright (2006).

TABLE 5 Test for significant differences between the mean Schiff Cold Air Sensitivity Scale before and after therapy (tooth related), including
95% CIs

ANOVA Wilcoxon

Before After
Therapy 218 Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI Difference p value
Fluoride varnish 61 0.34 [0.16, 0.53] 0.25 [0.04, 0.45] 0.09 .01
Fissure sealant 70 0.66 [0.48, 0.83] 0.64 [0.45, 0.84] 0.02 .74
Filling 61 1.87 [1.68, 2.05] 1.56 [1.35, 1.77] 0.31 .03
SSC 26 2.50 [2.22, 2.78] 1.77 [1.45, 2.09] 0.73 .01

Before After
MIHa 218 Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI Difference p value
MIH I 105 0.29 [0.16, 0.41] 0.25 [0.10, 0.40] 0.04 .32
MIH II 66 1.62 [1.46, 1.78] 1.44 [1.25, 1.63] 0.18 .14
MIH III 47 2.32 [2.13, 2.51] 1.70 [1.48, 1.92] 0.62 .00

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CI, confidence interval; MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization; SSC, stainless steel crown.
Mathu-Muju and Wright (2006).

TABLE 6 Test for significant differences between the mean Wong–Baker Faces Scale before and after therapy (tooth related), including 95%

ANOVA Wilcoxon

Before After
Therapy 218 Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI Difference p value
Fluoride varnish 61 1.16 [0.67, 1.66] 1.07 [0.57, 1.56] 0.09 .13
Fissure sealant 70 1.63 [1.16, 2.09] 1.24 [0.78, 1.71] 0.39 .02
Filling 61 5.34 [4.85, 5.84] 2.51 [2.01, 3.01] 2.83 .00
SSC 26 6.81 [6.05, 7.57] 2.46 [1.70, 3.22] 4.35 .00

Before After
218 Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI Difference p value
MIH I 105 0.85 [0.51, 1.19] 0.75 [0.40, 1.11] 0.10 .16
MIH II 66 4.38 [3.95, 4.81] 2.18 [1.74, 2.63] 2.20 .00
MIH III 47 6.60 [6.09, 7.10] 3.11 [2.58, 3.63] 3.49 .00

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CI, confidence interval; MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization; SSC, stainless steel crown.
Mathu-Muju and Wright (2006).

TABLE 7 Comparison of mean Quigley Hein Index (patient related) before and after therapy concerning severity categories (Ebel et al., 2018)

ANOVA Wilcoxon

Before After
Severity category 78 Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI Difference p value
Low 24 1.12 [0.86, 1.37] 1.16 [0.89, 1.44] −0.04 .81
Medium 26 2.15 [1.90, 2.39] 1.96 [1.70, 2.23] 0.19 .04
High 28 2.67 [2.43, 2.91] 2.20 [1.94, 2.45] 0.47 .00

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CI, confidence interval.

classified within the MSC or HSC showed improvements (MSC: from mean QHI of greater or less than 0.5 indicated a declined or improved
2.15 to 1.96; HSC: from 2.67 to 2.20). Therefore, the reduction of condition, and 75% of the children in the LSC showed constant plaque
QHI in the HSC group was statistically significant. A change in the accumulation before and after care. Although a similar constant

pattern was assessed for patients from the MSC (73.1%), half of the QHI (73.1%) or PwIoF (73.1%). The 28 patients from the HSC
patients in the HSC showed improvement after therapy (Appendix F). benefited the most from the specialized treatment, characterized by
Table 8 characterizes the MSC and HSC according to their prob- an improved QHI (50%) and PwIoF (67.9%).
lems with food intake before and after specialized treatment. In both
groups, therapy resulted in a significant decrease in PwIoF. Before
treatment, 12 patients from the MSC and 21 patients from the HSC
suffered from general PwIoF, compared with seven MSC patients and
The present study demonstrates significant correlations between
14 HSC patients after medical care. Differentiation of the problems
the severity of MIH, the therapeutic approach applied, the presence
shows significant improvement for children in the HSC and for
of hypersensitivity, and changes in food intake. MIH and DMH show
patients who felt restricted in terms of chewing hot or cold (p = .09)
several side effects, such as the exposure of dentin due to enamel
or spicy food (p = .02) but not for children who had problems with
breakdown, which might lead to increased hypersensitivity and
eating solid food. Primarily in the MSC, therapy reduced problems
decreased oral hygiene. Furthermore, this results in a higher risk of
with eating hot or cold food from 46.2% to 26.9%.
developing dentin caries. Moreover, patients can suffer from
Patients in the LSC did not have any problems with food intake
problems during eating or drinking of hot, cold, spicy, or particularly
(Appendix E). Although PwIoF status did not change in 73.1% of chil-
solid food (Ebel et al., 2018). Specialized medical care is essential for
dren from the MSC, participants grouped in the HSC benefited from
improving MIH-affected patients' situations. Therefore, dentists
therapy in 67.9% of the cases.
worldwide are challenged by the differentiation of the MIH-affected
Additionally, the number of teeth was grouped by therapeutic suc-
area and must prevent further breakdown and secondary caries as
cess in terms of decreasing QHI, SCASS, and WBFS scores (Appendi-
ces B–D). The specific treatment ranged from prophylaxis to the well as choose the optimal therapeutic approach, material, and time

insertion of stainless steel crowns. Teeth restored with crowns point for children's treatment (Kohlboeck, Heitmueller, Neumann,

showed a predominant improvement in all scales (QHI: 80.8%, SCASS: et al., 2013; Krishnan & Ramesh, 2014; Mathu-Muju & Wright, 2006;

61.5%, and WBFS: 88.5% of teeth), whereas the percentage of teeth Newman, 1986; Walsh, 2006). As the etiology of MIH presently

with fillings mainly showed improvements in a lower QHI (80.3%) and remains unclear (Silva, Scurrah, Craig, Manton, & Kilpatrick, 2016;

in a lower WBFS (78.7%). The teeth that were treated with milder Taylor, 2017), only early diagnosis and treatment at the start of denti-
therapy (fluoride varnish and fissure sealants) mostly maintained their tion can ensure the best possible therapy. Unfavorably, clinicians'
scores on the QHI, SCASS, and WBFS, including a range from 47.1% seem to have a broad disparity of opinions on the best treatment
to 90.2% of teeth with constant values. Teeth ranked as MIH I options for MIH-affected teeth (Kopperud, Pedersen, & Espelid,
showed mainly constant values of QHI (54.3%), SCASS (83.8%), and 2017). The best option for these children is to prevent posteruptive
WBFS (89.5%) before and after treatment, whereas teeth placed in risks, including by monitoring for cariogenic nutrition, balanced fluo-
MIH Classes II and III were mostly characterized by improved values. ride levels, and pH values in the oral region, together with sufficient
Patients with MIH III teeth benefited the most from the treatment: oral hygiene and regular monitoring by a dentist. The high incidence
83% of the MIH III teeth showed less plaque accumulation (QHI), of MIH-affected patients can be explained by the location and special-
48.9% had a lower SCASS score, and 80.9% had a lower rating on the ization of the practice. It is the only specialized pediatric practice in a
WBFS. Children grouped into the LSC mainly stayed at the same level densely populated area of North Rhine-Westphalia, with a total
in terms of plaque accumulation (QHI: 75%) and PwIoF (100%). The recruitment area of 100,000 inhabitants that treats children requiring
same trend was prominent among the children grouped into the MSC. general anesthesia or major rehabilitation. Taking the patient pool as
Most of the patients showed neither an improvement nor a decline in an advantage for this study, the severity categories were based on

TABLE 8 Ratios for different severity categories (patient related) concerning PwIoF before and after therapy



33.3 (26) 35.9 (28)

Before After Before After

Total n = 78 % (n) % (n) p value % (n) % (n) p value
PwIoF “yes” 46.2 (12) 26.9 (7) 0.00 75.0 (21) 50.0 (14) .01
PwIoF hot or cold food “yes” 46.2 (12) 26.9 (7) 0.03 75.0 (21) 39.3 (11) .09
PwIoF solid food “yes” 11.5 (3) 3.9 (1) 0.05 57.1 (16) 10.7 (3) .20
PwIoF spicy food “yes” 11.5 (3) 2.6 (2) 0.16 39.3 (11) 0.0 (0) .02

Note. There were no PwIoF in the low-severity category.

Abbreviations: HSC, high-severity category; MSC, medium-severity category; PwIoF, problems with the intake of food.

equal participant numbers, including patients suffering from the application for severe cases. The pain that these children experienced
highest MIH score. could mainly be reduced by applying crowns.
The MIH-TNI provides standardized guidelines for choosing treat- Recommendations for extraction and optimized teeth position
ment options according to MIH status, as the index was designed for were obtained from Jälevik and Möller, who suggested extraction if
this purpose (Jälevik, 2010; Steffen et al., 2017). This study evaluated the pulpitis was irreversibly damaged, the defect was too subgingival,
the recommended treatment options according to the improvements or treatment was not possible under inhalation anesthesia (Jälevik,
after therapy. 2010; Steffen et al., 2017). In this study, only one of 219 teeth
In mild cases, fluoride varnish was the treatment of choice and fulfilled these criteria and had to be removed.
resulted in enamel strengthening, which can contribute to the preven- Note that pain perception and restrictions are most likely to adapt
tion of caries. All patients treated with this approach were rec- as the children age, as this study lasted for 1 year. The estimation of
ommended for therapy of the MIH-affected teeth. However, some felt pain (WBFS) and the reaction to an air stimulus (SCASS) are not
parents or legal guardians rejected a specific therapy for MIH teeth, free of personal bias, especially if the children experienced several
especially in cases without hypersensitivity or general pain or if the treatment sessions including drilling or anesthesia and became accus-
recommended therapy would have included anesthesia. These chil- tomed to the procedure.
dren with teeth ranked in the TNI 3 (n = 5) and 4 (n = 4) groups were This study focused on the comparability between different
monitored and treated with prophylaxis. The analysis of plaque accu- severely damaged teeth and patient suffering. Therefore, participants
mulation and hypersensitivity before and after treatment (OHI: 2.15 were nearly equally distributed into the three severity categories, from
to 2.05, SCASS: 0.34 to 0.25, and WBFS: 1.16 to 1.07) confirmed the LSC to HSC. Patients grouped into the LSC and MSC included only a
absence of suffering. few mild to moderate cases of MIH teeth per patient, with a relatively
Sealants were used to reduce plaque accumulation on fissures and small impact on overall oral hygiene. Consequently, patients from the
to improve sensitivity within exposed areas through adhesive mount- LSC and MSC groups did not show great changes in the QHI score,
ing. Defect-oriented restorations for maintaining tooth vitality were whereas children from the HSC were characterized by severe cases of
performed in cases of exposed dentin and/or the development of car- MIH teeth or had several damaged teeth. In comparison, these severely
ies. Around one third of the teeth in the MIH I group and two thirds hypomineralized teeth had a greater impact on overall oral hygiene.
of the teeth in the MIH II group were treated with sealants. All param- Therefore, these HSC patients showed the greatest improvement after
eters decreased after treatment. Hypersensitivity was higher in this therapy, with a mean QHI score decrease from 2.67 to 2.20.

particular group, as represented in the upper values of the SCASS and A similar picture can be seen in terms of nutritional restrictions.

WBFS, compared with teeth to which fluoride varnish was applied. Patients from the LSC were not but children from the MSC and HSC

The higher plaque accumulation in this group could also be explained were challenged with PwIoF. Thus, the HSC showed the best

by the increased hypersensitivity and the observation that fissure improvements following the application of specific therapeutic

sealants often need to be restored, which further promotes lasting approaches. Treatment could decrease the hypersensitivity of the

sensitivity. teeth and thermal stimuli, and spiciness and chewing became less

The teeth treated with fillings were mainly grouped into MIH II (n = painful for the children.

32) and III (n = 26), with an MIH-TNI of 4 (n = 48). The high QHI scores The results of this study unveiled how patients suffering
heavily from MIH-affected teeth in terms of plaque accumulation,
before treatment support the classification because the tooth surfaces
hypersensitivity, and nutritional restrictions benefited the most from
were generally rough but improved with treatment (3.52 to 2.23). The
specific therapeutic approaches. The improvements in the severe
recommended treatment showed large improvements in this group, as
cases further support the use of the Treatment Need Index (Jälevik,
the subjective feeling of pain (WBFS 5.34 to 2.51) and the SCASS score
2010; Steffen et al., 2017) as a guideline for therapy. A more standard-
(1.87 to 1.56) both significantly decreased. Nevertheless, fillings often
ized strategy by which to treat MIH could provide significant benefits
result in posttreatment side effects, such as prolonged feelings of pain
to all children suffering from this enamel disorder and offer support to
or sensitivity due to drilling. These effects can be the reason for an
dentists worldwide in terms of choosing a form of therapy (Kopperud
extended recovery time, which can result in a longer postoperative
et al., 2017). Although this study could benefit many children, severely
time period (e.g., 6 months) until the follow-up examination.
damaged teeth are not completely symptom free after the treatment
Stainless steel crowns were used if more than two thirds of the
of choice and must be monitored over the long term. This finding
tooth surface was damaged, if the patient's hypersensitivity would not
shows, once more, that children suffering from MIH require additional
allow for the application of a filling, or if the filling did not produce
care and persistent therapy from qualified dentists.
any improvement in the patient's status. Mainly MIH III teeth classi-
fied as TNI 4 were provided with crowns. The application of the crown
immediately evened out rough and porous surfaces, explaining the 5 | C O N CL U S I O N
striking decrease in the QHI score from 4.19 to 2.54 in this study. Fur-
thermore, the SCASS (2.5 to 1.77) and WBFS (6.81 to 2.46) scores This study confirms the hypothesis that patients benefit from therapy
showed significant decreases, supporting this choice of crown for MIH-damaged teeth and that treatment can reduce

hypersensitivity and improve the ability to ensure oral hygiene. Addi- caries prevalence in children. International Journal of Paediatric Den-
tionally, the number of dietary restrictions decreased after therapy. All tistry, 28, 648–657.
Jälevik, B. (2010). Prevalence and diagnosis of molar-incisor-
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hypomineralisation (MIH): A systematic review. European Archives of
rather low throughout the overall dentition. These results imply that Paediatric Dentistry, 11, 59–64.
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behaviour management problems in children with severe enamel
than mildly damaged ones. These results underline the importance of
hypomineralization of their permanent first molars. International Jour-
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J. F., K. B., C. H., and M. E. conceived the study's premise. J. F. per- Kohlboeck, G., Heitmueller, D., Neumann, C., et al. (2013). Is there a rela-
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Investigations, 17, 1329–1338.
wrote the statistical portion of the manuscript. K. B., C. H., C. K., and 0829-7
M. E. interpreted the results and critically reviewed the manuscript. Kopperud, S. E., Pedersen, C. G., & Espelid, I. (2017). Treatment decisions
on Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) by Norwegian dentists—A
questionnaire study. BMC Oral Health, 17, 3.
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n Declined Constant Improved
Martens, L. C., & Hallonsten, A. L. (2003). Judgement criteria for molar
Therapy 218 % (n) % (n) % (n)
incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) in epidemiologic studies: A summary
of the European meeting on MIH held in Athens, 2003. European Jour- Fluoride varnish 61 18.0 (11) 54.1 (33) 27.9 (17)
nal of Paediatric Dentistry, 4, 111–113. Fissure sealant 70 10.0 (7) 47.1 (33) 42.9 (30)
Weerheijm, K. L., Jalevik, B., & Alaluusua, S. (2001). Molar-incisor
Filling 61 4.9 (3) 14.8 (9) 80.3 (49)
hypomineralisation. Caries Research, 35, 390–391.
1159/000047479 SSC 26 11.5 (3) 7.7 (2) 80.8 (21)
Wong, D., & Baker, C. (1988). Pain in children: Comparison of assesment
n Declined Constant Improved
scales. Pediatric Nursing, 14, 9–17.
MIHa 218 % (n) % (n) % (n)
MIH I 105 15.2 (16) 54.3 (57) 30.5 (32)
MIH II 66 7.6 (5) 22.7 (15) 69.7 (46)
How to cite this article: Fütterer J, Ebel M, Bekes K, Klode C,
MIH III 47 6.4 (3) 10.6 (5) 83.0 (39)
Hirsch C. Influence of customized therapy for molar incisor
hypomineralization on children's oral hygiene and quality of Mathu-Muju and Wright (2006).
life. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2020;6:33–43. Note. We defined declined/improved as a deviation greater/lower than
0.5 mean QHI.
Abbreviations: MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization; SSC, stainless steel



WITH MIH (MATHU-MUJU & W RI GHT, 2006, N= 1, 8 31
T EE T H )
(n = 1831 teeth)
% (n)
n Declined Constant Improved
Dentition Therapy 218 % (n) % (n) % (n)
Primary teeth 47.2 (865)
Fluoride varnish 61 0.0 (0) 90.2 (55) 9.8 (6)
Permanent teeth 52.8 (966)
Fissure sealant 70 10.0 (7) 75.7 (53) 14.3 (10)
MIH affected 12.0 (219)
Filling 61 16.4 (10) 47.5 (29) 36.1 (22)
Primary teeth 9.1 (20)
SSC 26 23.1 (6) 15.4 (4) 61.5 (16)
Permanent teeth 90.9 (199)
n Declined Constant Improved
MIH I 48.0 (105) MIHa 218 % (n) % (n) % (n)
MIH II 30.1 (66)
MIH I 105 4.8 (5) 83.8 (88) 11.4 (12)
MIH III 21.9 (48) MIH II 66 16.7 (11) 54.5 (36) 28.8 (19)
Abbreviation: MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization. MIH III 47 14.9 (7) 36.2 (17) 48.9 (23)
Mathu-Muju and Wright (2006).
Note. We defined declined/improved as a deviation greater/lower than 1.
Abbreviations: MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization; SSC, stainless steel




n Declined Constant Improved n Declined Constant Improved

Therapy 218 % (n) % (n) % (n) Severity category 78 % (n) % (n) % (n)
Fluoride varnish 61 1.6 (1) 91.8 (56) 6.6 (4) Low 24 8.3 (2) 75.0 (18) 16.7 (4)
Fissure sealant 70 5.7 (4) 64.3 (45) 30.0 (21) Medium 26 7.7 (2) 73.1 (19) 19.2 (5)
Filling 61 3.3 (2) 18.0 (11) 78.7 (48) High 28 7.1 (2) 42.9 (12) 50.0 (14)
SSC 26 7.7 (2) 3.8 (1) 88.5 (23) Note. We defined declined/improved as a deviation greater/lower than
n Declined Constant Improved 0.5 mean Quigley Hein Index.
MIHa 218 % (n) % (n) % (n)
MIH I 105 1.9 (2) 89.5 (94) 8.6 (9)
MIH II 66 4.6 (3) 21.2 (14) 74.2 (49)
MIH III 47 8.5 (4) 10.6 (5) 80.9 (38)
Mathu-Muju and Wright (2006).
Note. We defined declined/improved as a deviation greater/lower than 1.
Abbreviations: MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization; SSC, stainless steel





Before After Declined Constant Improved

n % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n) % (n)
Total 78 42.3 (33) 26.9 (21) 6.4 (5) 60.3 (47) 33.3 (26)
LSC 24 0.0 (0) 0.0 (0) 0.0 (0) 100.0 (24) 0.0 (0)
MSC 26 46.2 (12) 26.9 (7) 0.0 (0) 73.1 (19) 26.9 (7)
HSC 28 75.0 (21) 50.0 (14) 17.9 (5) 14.3 (4) 67.9 (19)

Abbreviations: HSC, high-severity category; LSC, low-severity category;

MSC, medium-severity category; PwIoF, problems with the intake of food.

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