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5 EXERCISES Write avonfn, 1 on... 6june 7 ww 24 September 13... Friday morning 2 th the evening 8 enon Thursday 14 ~ Saturday night 3 half’past two 9 11.45 15 might 4 Wednesday 10 Christmas Day 16...” the end of the day 8 cenenn 1987 i Christenas 17 cou the weekend 6 cannon September 12 the morning 18 winter Write atvonin, 1 Goodbye! See you .2M... Friday 11 Toften go away ...... the weekend. 2 Whete were you... 28 February? 12. Pim starting my new job ...... 3 July. 3 Tgot up 8 o'clock this morning, 13. We often go to the beach. summer. § ple getting up extly the morning. 14 Georpeintthere tiwag 5 My sister got mattied 15. Julia’s birthday is. Janary. 6 Diane and first met... 1979. 16 Do you work... Sacurdays? 7. Did you go out nu. Tuesday? 17 The company started ....... 1969, & Did you go out... Tuesday evening? 18 Tlike tolookat the saw” night, 0 Pepow often go out... the evening? 19. Til send you the money on deg 10 Let meet... 7.30 tomorrow evening, of the month, Look at Lisa's diary for next weok and complete the sentences, 2 She has to phone Chris 3 She isn’t doing anything special e 4 She’ gota driving lesson 5 She's going to a party = 6 She's meeting Sam co Write sentences with in... 115 17.25 now The train leaves at 17.30. 2 Its Monday today. I'l phone you on Thursday. 3 Today is 14 June. My exam is on 28 June, 4 Its3 o'clock now. Tom will be here at 3.30 1 Lists going to the cinema on Wednesday evering, ‘The, train leaves in five minutes TH My - oc eee ays, ‘Write a¥onvin if necessary. Sometimes there is no preposition. 1 Pm leaving 2M... Friday, 2. Tm leaving =... next Friday. (xo preposition) 3 Lalways feel tired the evening, 4 Will you be at home this evening? 5 We went to France... last summer. 6 Laura was born 1975. 7 Whatare yoii doing 11 Pm going out. Pl be back 12. Idon'toften go out the weekend? 8 Iphone Robert... every Sunday 9 Shall We play tennis... next Sunday? 10 Tean'tgo to the party... Sunday. an hour. nigh. (201) from...to until since for A feom... to [© Wee lived in Canada from 1982 to 1990. © T work from Mondiy to Friday “You can also say from ... until... : AS WYe lied in Canada from 1982 until 1990. Monday Friday B until + she end ofa period dlFriday wadi December wnl3 ovclock andl come ‘back Theyre going away tomorrow. They'll be away untl) Bigay, og They Bong Sy but | wasnt tized. Tread a book until 3 o*clocks © Waithere until T come back, “You can also say till (= until): fe Wait here till T come back. Compare: Friday ae fow long will you be away?” “Until Monday’ © «When are you coming back?” ‘On Monday! | C__since + a time in the past (10 now), “juce Monday since 1968 since 2:30 since arrived We aac since afer the present pif (Rave been / have done acy f@ John sin hospital. He has been in hospital sence Monday. (= from Monday to now) © Mrand Mrs Kelly have been married since 1968. (from 1968 to now) © [thas been taining since T arrived. Monday now Compare: 1B Wie lived in Canada from 1982 to 1990. “We lived in Canada until 1990. © Naw we live in Prance, We came to France in 1990. Now we jved in France since 1990. (= from 1990 until nov?) ‘We use for (not since) + «period oftime (three days / com Yrere ete) 2 John has been in hospital for three days. (nor'sine® three days’) L D for + aperiod of time [for three days for te years forten minutes for along time a a eae S Fovening ay for a fow weeks ee wn fe. I'm going away for the weekend. ‘© They've been matried for ten y‘ Monday — Tuesday vor] presenepeies + Fo/since = IE, set (Lave tved) and pasts (ve) = EE Se ao 12 EXERCISES Read the infarmation about these people and complete the sentences, Use from... to / until / since, 1 (Alex / Canada / 1982-1999) 2 (Alex / Canada / 1990) 3 (Alex / England / 1999 5) 4 (Alice / France / > 1991) 5 (Alice / Switzerland / 1991 >) 6 (Catol /1 hotel / 1990-1993) 7 (Carol /a restaurant / 1993 —) 8 (Getry /a teacher / 1983 — 1989) 9 (Gerry /a salesman / 1989 >) Now write sentences with for. 10 (Alex / Canada) 11 (Alex /England) 12 (Alice / Switzerland) 13 (Carol / a hotel) 14 (Carol / restaurant) 15 (Gerry/ a teaches) 16 (Gerry a salesman) Alex, Carol Gerry Gerry Put in untivsincestor. nor 97 Vm a sdlesman now, Twas a. teacher before. | started work as a. salesman in 1989, worked in a hotel, before. | started: work in the = restaurant in 1993, Alex lived ..in Canada. from, 1982, to 1990, ‘Alex lived in Canada 1990, Alex has lived in England Alice lived in Alice has lived in : Carol worked... Catol has worked Gerry was... Gerry has been lived. in Canada. for eight years Alex has lived in England Alice has Carol worked 1 Mrand Ms Kelly have been married since. 1968, 2 Las tired this morning, I stayed in bed 3 We waited for Sue 4 ‘Hoave you just arrived?" 7 Ym tired. t'm going to lie down 8 Dont open the door of the train 9 This ismy house. I've lived here 10 Jack has gone away. He'll be away 11 Next week I'm going to Paris 12 usually finish work at 5.30, but sometimes I work. 13 ‘How long have you known Ann?” 14 Wherehave you been? I've been waiting for you 10 o'clock. halfan hour but she didn’t come, “No, I've been here 2 [How long did you stay atthe party lastnight?” & David and Tate good friends, We have known each ouhey half past seven! midnight! ten years. a few minutes, the train stops. was seven years old Wednesday. three days ‘we were at school together’ bventy minutes [203] cng 93 :04) before the film during the film ‘after the film © Everybody is nervous before exams. © went to sleep during the film, © We were tired after our visit to the museum, while after Ta 2 before we played while we were playing after we played © Don't forget to close the window before you go out, © Loften go to slecp while I'm watching television, © They went home after they did the shopping. during, while and for We use during + noun (during the film). We use while + verb (while I'm watching): © We didn't speak during the meal. bu @We didn’ speak while we were eating. (not ‘daring we were eating!) ‘Use for (not ‘during’) + a period of time (three days / two hours / a year et) © We played tennis for two hours. (wo! ‘during two hours’) © Tlived in London for a year. (not ‘during a year’) You can use before/after + -ing (before going / after cating, ec) © [always have breakfast before going to work. (= before I go to work) © After doing the shopping, they went home, (= after they did) Do not say ‘before to go" ‘after to do" et. Before cating the apple, I washed it carefully. (not ‘before to eat’) © Istarted work after reading the newspaper, (not ‘after to read’) pscconsinuous (Easing) > foe => EDD preposions + ing > before/attor/while/when > ERSRTE a 33 MM EXERGISES “68 Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes. theconcert theexam they went to Australia the course Junch you are waiting the end the night 1 Bverybody was nervous before, the exam 5S aittilly work four hours in the morning, and another two how po —_— 3 The film was very boring, We left... — 4 Ann went to evening classes to learn German, She learne sion =e 5 6 ‘My auntand untle lived in London = : A: Somebody broke a window .... ee Did you hear anything? B: No. I was asleep all the time, 2 Mould youlike tosi¢down a 8 ‘Are you going home... . nn ? "No, we'te going to a restaurant? Putin during/white/tor, 1 We didn’t speak whit ~~ We were cating, 2 We didn’t speak during . the meal, 3 George phoned enn omn YOU Were Out 4 Tstayedin Rome. five days. 5 C Pily wrote alot fetter he was om holiday, © The students looked very bored wwe the lesson. 7 Ufell out Sf bed nan I was asleep 8 Yesterdey evening I watched TV... three hours. 9 Tdon' usually watch TV the day, 10 Do.you ever watch TV ~-- you are having dinner? Complete the sentences. Use -ing (doing ct.) 1 “After doing. the shopping, they went home. 2 Lf sick after +s #00 much chocolate 3 I'm going to ask you a question. Think carefully before . it. 4. Lele anfial when I got up this morning, I felt better after a shower. 5 After —-~vomwe my Work, [eft the office and went home, 6 Befo to a foreign country it’ a good idea to learn a few words ofthe language. ‘Wile sentences with before + -ing and aftr + -ing 1 They did the shopping, Then they went home. ‘Aer dang the Shopng Gaen bond hee 2 John leeschool. Then he worked ina bookshop for two year, John workea : 9 Bread fw pages of my book. Then I went to seep Before 4 We walled for thtee hours, We were very decd After 5 Lets have a cup of coffee. Then we'll go out Lets [205] A in ina room ima garden in a shop ina town inacar jin the city centre in the water in France © “Where's David? “Tn the kitchen. / Tn the garden. / Tn London? § What's in dat box / in that bag / in that cupboard? @ Angela works in a shop / ina bank / in a factory. © [had aswim in the river / in the sea. Milan isin the north of Italy. © Live in a town but [ want to live in the country atthe busstop at the door at the traffic lights at her desk © There's somebody at the bus stop / at the door. © The car is waiting at the traffic lights. @ Julia is working at her desk. at the top /at the bottom / at the end (of ‘© Write your name at the top of the page © My house is at the end of the street. at the bottom (of the page) c ~ S - 4 ye sonal i : nal cei ou . t fon the floor ee on the ceiling ee \ 2a SSS There ae some books on the shelf and some pictures on the wal. © ‘There area lot of apples on those trees Don'tsit on the grass. It's wet © There is astamp on the envelope. ‘ho on a horse / on a bicycle / on a motor-bike: {© Who is that man on the motor-bike? 36) invat/on (hces2) => QIGEEE) the top / the bottom ces BE aV/on/in (md) => EEL v2 EXERCISES ‘a Look the pictures and answer the questions, Use in/afon+ the words in brackets C) a a —_ Al taj] (che window) * (the ceiling) (he table) (the table) 1 Where is he? "In the kitchen, 7 Where are they standing? 2 Where are the shoes? - 8 Where is she swimming? 3. Where is the pen? 9 Where is he standing? e . 4 Whereis the clock? 10 Whereis the spider? e : 5 Where is the bus? é 11 Where is he sitting? — 6 Where are the horses? - 12. Where is she sitting? Putin ivaton, 1 Dont sit on. the grass. It's wer 2 What have you got... your bag? } hook! There’ a man... the roof, What’ he doing? 4 Thete ate a lot of fish... his river, 5 Our house is number 45 ~ the number is the door. § ith cinema near here?” “Yes, turn left the talc lights? 7 Lusually do my shopping... the city cents 8 My sister ives... Brussels, 9 There'.a small park... the top of the hill {0 Uthink [heard the doorbell. There's somebody... the door. 11 Monich is a large ety... the south of Germany. 12. There are a few shops the end ofthe street 13 ts difficult to carry alot ofthings.....a bieycle. 14 Looked at the list of names. My name was the bottom of the ls. 15 ‘Thereis a mirror... the wall the living room. [207] EE in bed “Wheres Kate?’ ‘She's in bed! in hospital / in prison @ David’ father is ill. Hie’ in hospital, ina street # [ive in a small street ncar the station. in the sky ¢@ [like to look at the stars in the shy at night in the world ‘e What’ the largest city in the world? ina riewspaper / ina book ‘e Tread about the accident in. the newspaper jn photograph / in a picture” © Youlook: sad in this photograph. imacar/ina taxi @ Did you come here in your car? in the middle (of...) © -@ There’ a big tee in the middle of the garden ‘athome ‘@ Will you be at home this evening? at work / at school o ‘Where's Kate?” ‘She's at work? at university / at college @ Helen is studying law at university. sr ehe sation / atthe aicport Do you want mc to mest 700 at the station? Jane's (house) / at my sister's (Rouse) / ab the docions/ At the hairdresser’ ee Sere were you yesterday?” “At my sister's! fe [saw Tomat the doctor's. ‘ata concert / ata party / ata football match ete ‘@ There weren't many people at the party. oo asda (Offmn iis posible to use in or at for buildings (hotels, esiarants etc): a epitiyed ata nice hotel. or We stayed ina nice hors ona bus ‘on the first floor om the way from A toB {oma bus / ona train / ona plane / on a ship @ Did you come here on the bus? ‘on the ground floor / on the first loor et 100k ee ice is om the fist floor. (no ‘in the fist floor) on the way (to ...) / on the way home er imet Ann on the way to work / on the way home. |] inva (gees) MRED w/in/at= EERE onthe etvsighe => GET ra EXERCISES 700 Look at the plctures and answer the questions, Use inftfon «the ‘words in brackets (..), (work) (taxi) 1 Where is she? tn hospital, 7 Where is Brian? . 2 Where ace they? 8 Whereis the restaurant? 3. Whereis he? 9 Where is she? 4 Where are they? ~wwnmnone 10 Where are they? 5. Where are the stars? = 11 Where ate they? 6 Where are they? 12 Where are they? Put in infaton, 1 Helen is studying law university 2 There was a big able... che middle ofthe room, 3 Whatis the longest river... the world? § pute there many people... the concert hast night? 5. Will you be... home tomorrow afternoon? § Who isthae man this photograph? Do you know him? 7, Where are your children? Are they... school? & Georgeis comingby tin. 'm going to meet him .... the station. 8 entitis hospital. He's going to have an operation ears 10 How many pages are there this book? 7a (Ate you hungry after yourjourney?” “No, I had a meal the train! 15 usouy Petite. My ear broke down...” the way hove 13 “Is Tomhere?” ‘No, he’ his brothers? 1g pont believe everything you see... the newspaper 15 Twralked to work but Icame home... the bee 209) 10} go/come/retarn/ walk (ee) © —— To london —> © We're going to London next week, @ [want to go to Italy. © We-walleed from my house tg:the city contre, © What time do you go to bed? © The bus going to the airport. Sally didn't go to work yesterday. © [went to a party lastnight. “You must come to our house, home ‘@ Did you walk home? ‘go/eome/walk (2) home (without 0") er isp ured. 'm going home. (vot to home’) ‘© Piccadilly Circus is in London. © My brothe: lives in Italy. © ‘like reading in bed. [se fe The bus is at the airport. © Ann wasn't at work yesterday met her at a party. ‘Ann stayed at her brother’s house, o/stay/do something (etc) at home: © I'm staying at home this evening, © ‘Where's Ann?” ‘At home © ‘The main shops are in the city centre, ml arrive and get arrive at other places (arrive at the statio get to (a place) © What time did you get to Paris? get home / arrive home (1a preposition ied when I got home. or L get (to been to SR ive in a country o town (arrive in Italy / arrive in Paks ): i they arrived in England lst week. (not ‘arrive 6° England’). mn / arrive at work et): Aye ort dine did you areive at the hotel? (not ‘arrive to he hotel’) © What time did you get to the hotel? ‘yas tired when I arrived home. ) RE w/o > RES a 2 14 15 EXERCISES Write to ori, 1 Like reading iM. bed. 5 Twas tired, so I stayed ...... bed late, 2 Wee going... Italy next month, & What time do you usually go... bed? 3 Sue is on holiday... Italy at the 7 Does this bus go... the centre? moment, 8 Would you like to live... another 4 must go .... the bank today, country? Wt to or ati necessary. Somatimes tre is no preposition, 1 Paula didn’t go 40. work: ‘yesterday. 2 Wm tired. I'm going... home. (no preposition) 3 Annis not very well. She has gone -..... the doctor, § Wouldyou like to come....a party on Sanday? & ‘IsLiz—...., home?” ‘No, shes gone. weate & There were 20,000 people... the football mach J Why did you 80 nn... home early last might? 5 Aboy jumped into the riverand swam... the other side, 9 There were a lot of people waiting. the bas stop. 10 We hada goodmea..._ a restatwant and thenoe ene Back wonene the hotel Write, ator nif necessary. Sometimes there is no preposition, 3 hitot going out this afternoon, I'm staying 4b. home 3 Mek wing a concert tomorrow evening, 3 Twente New York last year, 4 How long did you stay... New York? 5 Next year we hope to go Canada to visit some friends, & ‘Shall we go...» the cinema this evening? 7 Is therea restaurant... the station? 8 After the accident three people were taken hospital, 9. How often do you go... the dentist? 10 ‘Is Diane here?” ‘No, she’... Anns? 11 My house is the end of the street on the left 1 LyfeRt mu Mary's house but she wan't. home 13 ‘There were no taxis, so we had to walk home. M4 "Whatdid you study... university?” didn't po university! lo to, ator init necessary. Sometimes ther is no preposition, 4, What time do you usually get... work? 4 ‘When did you arrive ....... London? 5 What ine do you usually get”... home? 5 Wharate does the train get... Patis? 9 What time did you arrive. the pany? 6 Wen home very late. Complete these sentences about yoursel. Use toin/at 1 At threeo’clock this morning I was in bed., 2 Yesterday I went . ' 3 At 1 o'dock yesterday morning [ was 4 One day I'd like to go e a 5 Idon'tlke going 6 At9 o'clock yesterday evening I was pu A B D 2 under hehii (prepositions) next to (or beside) / between / in front of / behind Bis between A and C. Disin front of B. Ris behind B. also Aison the left. Cis on the right opposite etc. Ur ‘Ais next to B. or Ais beside B. it. Bisin the middle (of the group)- | Aissittingin by (= nextto / beside) bby the window under under thetble ___underateee __ above and below ‘Tis above the line. (higher than the line) B is below the line, (© lower than the line) uproverhtwough ERIS vy = SEE ‘Ais sitting opposite C. Cis sitting opposite A. Our house is by the sea. (= beside the sea) yho is chat man by the window? ae sv pablie phone here?” "Yes, by the door! © ‘The catis under the table. © ‘The girl is standing under a tree © j'm wearing a jacket under my coat. The pictures are above | front of B. = the shelves. “The shelves are below the pictures. EXERCISES +1 Where arothe people in tho picture? Gomplote the -sontences, 2 Frank is sitting 3 Bima is sitting 4 Emma is sitting 5 Donnais sitting 6 Frank is sitting 7 Alanis standing 8 Alanis standing 9 Barbara is standing Barbara. C= Colin P= Frank 2 Lookat the pictures and complete the sentences 1 Colin is standing behind... Prank. Emma, Barbara, Donna and Frank. Emma, Colin, + Donna. lef, middle, [r ‘3 Wiite sentences about the picture. Use the words in brackets (..). 1 (next to) 2 (inffont of) The 3. (opposite) 4 (next to} 5 (above) 6 (between) 1 The catis under che table, 7 The switch is the window. 2. Thereisa big tee the house. 8 The cupboards the sink. 3 The plane is fying theclouds. 9 There are some shoes the bed 4 She isstanding the piano, 10 The plantis the piano, 5 The cinema is the right, 11 Pauls sitting Fiona. 6 She’ siting the phone, 12 InBritain we drive the lef. ‘The. bank is next to. the. bookshop p13) 14 up over through etc. (prepositions) U to —_ into (in) pt r through past gotivfonce.> ESE iv/on o> BEML allot can away ce > CORE cq. @ Jane i going fo France next week: \ (| 2 We walked from the hotel te the station. N fon U \\ © assem came out of the house and got int a cat. ao © Why age you looking out of the window? th © L took the oli batteries out of the radio, J mn off : © Please take your fect off the table. “| @ Tim going, to hang some picties on the wall IVS + O Be careful! Don't fall off your bicycle. “) ‘he old road goes through the villag a> eee @ Be careful! Don't fall down the stairs. om 7 @ Th plane flew over the yantains, Y I = Some people say it is unlucky to walle under 2 ladder. under “bind Rew into the room through a window: ‘© The bus stop is just round the corner. round ) © [ walked round the town and took some © { was walking along the road with my dog. (0 The dog swam across the river © ‘They walked past me without speaking, © A: Excuse me, how do T get to the hospital? $B: Go along this road, past the cinema, tunder the bridge and the hospital is on the lef. 13 EXERCISES 103 Somebody asks you the way to aplace. You say Excise me, ‘Which way togo. Look atthe pictures and write eres) sentences beginning Go... = 1 The dog swam .#6F058..the river, 6 Suddenly a ear came the corner. 2 Abook fel... the shelf 7 They drove the village. 3 Aplane flew the village, 8 They got a... the train. 4 A-woman got the ca. 9 The Moon travels the Barth 5 A gil rn the road. 10 They got the house a window. Putin a preposition (over/fronvinto etc.) 1 Looked the window and watched the people in the street. 2 My house is very near here. Ie’ just the corner. 3. Do you know how to puta film this camera? 4 How faris it here the airport? 5 We walked the museum for an hour and saw a lot of interesting things. 6 ‘You can put your coat the back of the chair. 7 In tennis, you have to hie the ball the net. 8 Silvia took a key her bag and opened the door. pes] on at by with “about (prepositions) ‘on holiday @ Jane isn't at work this week. She's on holiday. on television © We watched the news on television, on the radio © We listened to the news onthe radio. on the phone © I spoke to Carol on the phone last night. on fire © The house is om fire! Call the fire brigade. gn time (=notlate) © ‘Was the train late?” ‘No, it was on time’ at (the age Of) 21 / at 50 kilometres an hour / at 100 degrees ef: © Lisa got married at 21. (or... at the age of 21.) © ‘The car was travelling’at 50 kilomettes an hour when the accident happened. © Water boils at 100 degrees celsius. by car / by bus / by plane (or by air) / by bike ete: © Do you like travelling by train? @ Jane usually goes to work by bike. but on foot: '@ She goes to work on foot. (= she walks) abook by ... /a painting by ... / a piece of music by ... etc '@ Have you read any books by Charles Dickens? © Who is that painting by? Picasso? (the ite) b by afier the passive (=> Unit 21): (te rie © was biteon by a dog, with/without: © Did you stay ata hotel or with friends? @ Wait for me. Please don't go without me. © Do you like your coffee with or without milk? © Tcut the paper with a pair of scissors, aman with a beard / a woman with glasses et @ Do you know that maa with the beard? eee @ [a liketo havea house with a big garden. a beard swith glasses [ talle/speak/think/hear/know about ‘@ Some people talk about their work all che time. @ [don't know much about cars. a book / a question / a programme (etc) about Did you sce the programme about computers on TV last night? 16) by > DESI son pepotkion +-ing > SET 1 EXERCISES 94 Complete the sentences. Use on + one ofthese: holiday thephone theruilio television time 1 We listened to the news on. the, radio, 2 Please don’tbe late. ‘Try to be here... 3 Twouttbe here next week. I'm going $ Did Youtsee Lins? “No, bue talked to her : 5 What ~ this evening?” “There's a film at9 o'clock? Look atte pitures: Compete the sentences witha Preposition (al/by etc.), Te B ‘onthe 2 Seats paper hither ofscisors, 6 She' litening to some mune _ Monat 2 She usually goes to work... car 7 The plane is fying... 600 miles an hour, fyi ithe woman... shorehair? Tho holiday. 4: They are talking...” the weather, 9 Do you know the man... sunglasses? 5 The cacis fice 10 He reading a book... grammar Vera P Bull Complete the sentences with a prepostion (aybyuith et.) 1 In tennis, you hit the ball... a racket, 2 Its cold today. Don't go out... a coat 3 Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth ate plays William Shakespeare 4 Do you know anything... computer? 5 My grandmother died the age of 98. § flow long doss it ake fiom New York to Los Angeles plane? 7 Tdlidn't go to the football match, but I wetched it television. Ft is the one... the red door on the right 8 a tains ace very fast They can navel very high speeds 10 dont use my car very often. [prefer to go bike. iz Fat you sive me some information... hotels in hs town? 12 Twas arrested... two policemen and taken vo che police station, yu buses here ae very good. They'e nenly always time, 14 What would you like to drink... your meals 15 We travelled ftom Paris to Moscow train, 16 One ofthe mos famous paintings inthe worlds the Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci 217] afraid of... _goodat... etc. preposition + -ing (good at -ing etc.) A afraid of: * @ Are you afraid of dogs? angry with somebody 2 vy are you ange withime? What have I done! angry about something Sees amgey about lastnight? (= something mat ‘happened last night) different from © Annis very different from her sister fed up with « e:Fin fed up with my jb. Ianto do something ifferent, (~ I've had enough of my job) fall of 9 ‘The room was full of people. good at... /bad at. @ Are you good at maths? ‘@ Tina is very bad at writing letters. interested in . @ I'm not interested in sport married to... © sues married to a dentist (= her husband isa dentis) nice/kind of somebody io... Tens kind of you hhelp us. Thank you very much (be) ntce/Kind to (somebody) @ Davidit very firendly, He’ always very nice to me sorry about (something) ‘e 1'm afnid Lcan’thelp you. I'm sorry about that erry for (doing something) © 'msorry for net ‘phoning you yesterday. (or 'm sory 1 didn't phone you) B preposition + ing aera preposition (at/with/for et), verb ends in -ing: aver endsin ings [fe not very good at telling stories | Pm nod gpwith doing thesame thing every ay? caer for norphoning you yesterday Markisthinking of buying 2new cat fark ee singe goodbye. (=e did sy so0db¥=) thot vine. _the shopping, they went home 218] before/after ing > FEE] ‘Hink abouv/or => ma a EXERCISES Lookat the pictures and complete the sentences with a proposition (at/in etc.) 1 He's afraid OF .. dogs. 4 She's very good. languages, 3 snetinterested.___.science. «5 Hesfadup se ee 3 She's married... a footballet. 6 ‘Can help you” “Ob, that’ very kind nun you? Putin the right preposition (ot/inhuith ee.) 1 Pm notinterested iM, sport, 2 Vm not very good.......... sport 3 Like Sarah. She’ always very kind me § LMLSOFY n= your broken window. fe was an accident, 5 Het very brave. He im’ afaid anything § Te was very nee nm jis to let us stay fn hee fat 7 Life today is very different = life 50 years ago, B Are you interested politics? 9 Some people are aftaid spiders 10 Chris was angry what happened. 11 These boxes are very heavy. They ate full books. 12 I'm sony Betting angry... you yesterday Complete the sentences. 1 Tmnot very good. ab telling stories, (good / tell) 2 Twanted to go to the cinema but Paula wasn't (interested / go) 3 Sue isn very 7 up in the morning. (good / get) 4 Let's gol I'm (ed up / wait) 5 Tm... : - You up in the middle of the night. (sorry / wake) Complete the sentences. Uso without -ing, 1 (Tom left / he didn't say goodbye) Tom left without. saying goodbye. 2 (Sue walked past me / she didn’t speak) Sue walked 3 Won'edo anything / ask me first) Don't = 4 (Cwent out /I didn’elock the door) T ‘Write sentences about yourself. Use the words in brackets.) 1 interested) Um. interested. in sport, 2 (afiaid) I'm - 3 (not very good) Pmnot 4 (not interested) 5 (fed up) 19} A c 220) listen to... look at (verb + preposi on) [ask Gomebody) for Aman stopped me and asked me for money. | belong to «Does this book bélong to you? (= Is this your book?) happen to « {ean find my pen. Whats happened t0 it? listen to f¢ Listen to this music. Its beautifil speak/allc to somebody about» Didyou tall to Pal about he PC something 5 (on the phone) Can T speak to Chis, plese? thank somebody for . Thane you.yery much for your help. thank about ...or think of... @ Hlenever thinks aboist (oof) oes People 8 Mark is thinking of (orabout) buying a mew car. wait for. @ Don’t go yet: Wait for me. write to somebody © I never get letters. Nobody writes to me Trriacyghone somebody (wo @ Tmust phone my parents. (ot ‘phone t0 ny parents’) preposition) took at / look for / look after Took at ‘@ She's looking at her watch. © Look at these flowers! They're beautifil. ‘© Why are you looking at me like that? look for (9 He's lost his key. He's looking for it. (try 0 find) Tin looking for Sarab. Have you seen her? look after © When Barbara is at work, a friend of hers looks after E take cate of, keep safe) her children. 9 Dont lose this book. Look after it. (= Keep it safe) depend ‘We say depend on .. @ A: Do you like eating in restaurants? Be Sometimes. Ie depends on the restaurant, (not it depends of ) You can say it depends what/where/how (et) with or without on: ‘eA; Do you want to come out with us? By Tedepends where your'e going. or It depends on where For word order (It depends where you're going.) see Unit 48, wait > GEER pcpostion + ing > EATS

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