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1. What are the noticeable characteristics of the learners?

Learners are unique individuals. They have different characteristics, needs and
learning styles. Among the many characteristics of the 21st century learners, these are
just some that are easily observed in the classroom. First, they learn in different pace.
There are those who learn just after you discuss the lesson and there are those who
need guidance from the teacher in order for them to grasp the idea. Second, their
performance depend on their interest in the lesson. Students tend to be participative
when they feel that the topic is engaging and is easy to understand. On the other hand,
they easily lose their interest when the topic discuss is difficult. Third, the kind of learners
that we have are socially-engaged. They prefer to be doing the task with a group than
doing it on their own. Just like in my English 10 class. I usually divide my students into
groups and I observe that each one of them has designated roles and they perform their
roles well.
These are just three of the noticeable characteristics of my learners and as a
teacher it is very important to understand and address each one of them. In this way, I
can motivate my learners to love learning and become active and responsible learners.

2. Do you communicate with their parents? If yes, how often do you communicate with their
parents? What are the topics that you discuss with them (parents)?

Yes, I do communicate with the parents. I usually talk to the parents at the end of
the quarter to discuss the performance of their children. But there are times when I call
the attention of the parents whenever their children haven’t perform a certain task or
comply an assignment or just talk about how their children are in the classroom. These
are all possible during face to face classes. During this time of pandemic, my way of
communicating to the parents is by attaching letters to their children’s modules or
sending text messages stating in there the things that they need to know about their
children, their grades, their outputs and so on. It is one of the responsibilities of the
teachers to keep track of the learners’ records and constantly give feedback to the

3. How do you decide on the best course of action to resolve the issues or problems of the

Issues and problems of the learners are inevitable. Deciding on the best course
of action to resolve these issues is a challenge for us, teachers. In order to decide on
what is appropriate to do to address the issues it is best way to talk to the learners
personally. So, if they have problems with their studies, late submission of output or
issues with other students, it is better to have them think on the root cause of the
problem. Ask them their problems, how it started and from there, solicit ideas from the
persons/learners concern on how they can possibly solve these problems. I am not into
dictating them on what to do to solve the issues. The solutions should come from them
and after that I can help them decide on the best course of action that will definitely
resolve the problem.
4. How do you utilize the resources in the community to support the teaching and learning
Learners learn best if they are given first-hand learning experiences. In this
connection, the Department of Education (DepEd) is doing its best to ensure that
available materials in the community are utilized by encouraging the teachers to produce
localized learning materials that we can use in the teaching-learning process. One of the
topics that I have in my Grade 10-English is searching for local treasures or local
heritage. What I do in my class, I divide my students into groups and task them to visit
their community and interview the people on what they consider as their local treasure or
local heritage in the place. Connecting my learners to their local community doesn’t only
give them real-world experiences, it also helps them maximize available resources.

5. How do you work with the community to meet the needs of the learners?

The school doesn’t work without the support of the community. In order to meet
the needs of the learners, we need to collaborate with the community to help nurture our
learners. Tapping the community means working with the parents and other
stakeholders for the sake of the learners. Since I am in the school publication, my task is
to send letters or request to the community asking help in whatever way, like asking for
supplementary materials or any other form of support. This is our way of tapping the
resources of the community to help the learners.

Ms. Kathleen Joyce A. Cano


(Han these are the best answers that I can give to your questions. Hehe. I hope I
have answered everything right.) 

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