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According to Camden, C, M. T Motley and A.

Wilson say that most people would agree that lying to gain advantage

over an unknowing subject is wrong, another kind of mistruth - the white lie - is both a popular and often acceptable

type of communication . White lies are defined (at least by those who tell them) as being unmalicious, or even

helpful. After reading the article and doing an analysis, I was able to identify that in Mexico we use a similar term

"white lies" and we also say them when we don't want to make malicious comments and we don't want to be rude to


Turner mentions some reasons why people lie, the first is "to save face" When it would be unkind to be honest but

dishonest to be kind (Bavelas, 1983, p 132) This type of lie is said when you do not want to go through an

embarrassing moment, such as when you see someone and do not even remember their name and out of courtesy

you pretend to know them.

The second reason, he mentions it as "to guide social interaction, as I always say - behave yourselves, don't fight-.

We make these kinds of lies when we don't like someone but we have to relate to them for some kind of

commitment or relationship we have Another reason why people lie is "to avoid tensions or conflicts" described as

promoting relational stability, and it could be for charitable purposes and to avoid having problems with other

people and better to agree with them.

Moreover I could say that with the white lie that I connect the most is the last one - "to avoid tensions or conflicts" -

because sometimes in my daily work around my colleagues, they make many negative comments and complain

about education in our country and I don’t believe that our educational system could change, on the contrary, I have

a different mindset but I prefer to agree with them and not argue with them.

I could also mention that at work my students sometimes lie about the reasons why they don't finish their activities

and I could consider that I classify them as white lies because to save themselves from a conflict or a bad grade, they

prefer to lie.

However, I want to mention that often I have also lied to my students, for example when I tell them that I don't have

favorite students, but telling the truth I have a few, they are those students who pay attention in class, accomplish
their assignments and are respectful but I can’t say that I have that preference with those students because the rest of

the class may feel upset about it.

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