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Driver Arrive Getting Invoice

Depot bill at exit gate

Terminal Automate


Purpose: Steps for


View point: Perspective of driver

for this process

Node: A0 Title: Terminal Automate System No.1

truck_i Instruction
d bill truck_id safety
PO truck_i truck_id
swipe setup Instruction
check d Drive
Driver bill
Driver valid swipe Driver get Drive to exit truck_id
Go to Drive to weighing to bay Getting
arrive instruction bill Press enter Go to weight gate
entrance truck area station Invoice bill
depot and lead seal button station (Out)
gate at exit gate
Weighing Weighing
Contact Sale Wait for Entrance Filling
truck area Filling bay truck area Exit gate
office queue gate process
(in) (out)
A1 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
Entrance reader
parking card card Bay Load card printer
gate Weight
card Weight reader station seal exit
lots reader Ground Outbound reader
reader Inboun gate
wire area
d area

Node: A0 Title: Terminal Automate System No.2

PO check
Received queue &
Driver come with PO truck_id swipe lead seal & filling
and truck ID instruction bill
Driver Arrive depot

park truck area Sales office

A11 A12

card reader
parking lots

Node: A1 Title: Terminal Automate System No.3

Drive to weighing
Driver Go to queue confirm truck area
entrance gate
Drive to entrance
swipe ID card

A31 A32

Entrance gate card reader

Node: A3 Title: Terminal Automate System No.4

Drive to truck_id
weighing truck Information Drive to bay
area approve station
swap ID card
Inbound process

A41 A42

Weight Inbound
card reader

Node: A4 Title: Terminal Automate System No.5

filling Turn of
engine and
instruction bill truck_id Instruction bill
batch Instruction bill driver come Instruct bill Press
hang truck completed enter
Drive to bay controller to gas
key swipe ID button
station aprrove dispenser
Complete fill
Filling bay
Park truck Swipe ID safety compartment
Instruction number
A51 A52 A53 A54 A55

Bay station card reader Ground wire Nozzle

Node: A5 Title: Terminal Automate System No.6

safety setup Instruction bill

Press enter Go to weight

Gas filled
button station (Out)

filling Gas Follow instruction

A61 A62

Lead seal

Node: A6 Title: Terminal Automate System No.7

Drive to exit Information Getting Invoice
gate confirmed bill at exit gate

swipe truck_id Receive invoice

A81 A82

Card reader Exit gate Printer

Node: A8 Title: Terminal Automate System No.8

Terminal Automate System

A7: Weighing
A2: Waiting queue A4: Weighing truck area (In)
A6: Filling process truck area (Out)

A1: Contact sale office A41: Weighing

Inbound process A61: Filling gas

A11: Park truck area A42: Swipe id card

A5: Filling bay A62: Follow Instruction
A3: Entrance gate

A12: Sales office

A31: Drive to A51: Park truck
A8: Exit gate
entrance gate

A52: Swipe id
A32: Swipe id card A81: Swipe truck_id
A13: Wait for queue
A53: Fill bay number A82: Receiver
A54: Complete Invoice
safety Instruction

A55: Fill compartment

Node: Tree Title: Terminal Automate System No.9

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