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Sound and Place Reflection

The central theme is the constantly changing of our environs and how each of us, as human
being, adapts to it.

The edited audio is divided into different narrators and the way each of them reflects on
their inner feelings compared to the changing and disrupting of their environs. The audio starts
with a narrator being surrounded with strident sound of what seems like hammer incessantly
banging into the wall. But the narrator’s thoughts wander into what other people’s lives look like
and how they are different from her own. She feels a sense of detachment about her when she
doesn’t really know any of her neighbors even when they are living in close proximity. Then the
sound goes on to divulge a fragment of another narrator telling that I feel like it’s belong to
another lifetime. Those two thoughts are seemingly connected as they both perceive a
despondent and nostalgic feeling to what’s going on around them. Then what comes next in the
audio is the first narrator coming back with her observation and pondering on nature, whether the
trees feel embarrassed with their leaves falling all off, being naked in the middle of nowhere, or
they are excited waiting for their new coats donning on. The reflection on the trees one more
heralds the first narrator’s underlying thoughts on change, whether it’s necessary and how we
can adapt our feeling to it. Then the second narrator comes back with a somewhat answer to that
question. It is obvious from his narration that he is regretted of the things he didn’t appreciate
when he realizes that they are all sucked into the past as life changes and people move on. He
then wonders whether it matters if he did.

The audio cut to a third narrator when she enters her lab building and observes what has
been changed since her last visit. There is a sense of optimism about this narrator when she feels
that she likes the change, maybe change is for the better. One can see that she has to adapt to the
change, finding the gloves and everything, yet she is convinced that she enjoys seeing the
progress of things around her. The second narrator is back, and after hearing the enjoyment of
the second narrator, seems to come to the conclusion that maybe it is natural that we change and
things change. Then the fourth narrator is heard given the explanation of why change, as
everything needs to be improved upon. But he also perceives a sense of despondency for what
we lose in that hustle and bustle of life, as we cut people off, we forget. Then the audio is back to
the first narrator as she says that fifteen more cars just passed while she’s thinking about herself.
Change is inevitable and each of the narrators seems to either accept or regret or ponder about it,
yet the feeling they perceive is a harmonious combination of felicity and despondency.

The editing technique being used in the audio is copy, cut and paste of the sounds
connected to the main theme. There is also the playing with volume to let the voice of the
narrators not being mixed with the background noise, yet at the same time the background noise
can also be heard.

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