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Reversal of Tachycardiomyopathy Due to Left Atrial

Tachycardia by Ivabradine
From the ∗ Baroda Heart Institute and Research Centre, Vadodara, India; †Arrhythmia Associates, Mumbai, India;
and ‡CARE Hospitals, Surat, India

Reversal of Tachycardiomyopathy. Ivabradine has been shown to be effective in reducing sinus

rate. Here we report of a case where ivabradine reduced the rate of a focal atrial tachycardia relieving
patient’s symptoms and reversing tachycardiomyopathy. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 22, pp. 340-342,
March 2011)

ivabradine, atrial tachycardia, cardiomyopathy, catheter ablation, automaticity

Case Report Electrophysiology (EP) study showed presence of early atrial ac-
A 15-year-old girl with history of palpitations was noted tivation in the LA appendage by 26 ms as compared to surface P
to have atrial tachycardia and tachycardiomyopathy with left waves (Fig. 1). Radiofrequency (RF) ablation, however, was not
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 40% at baseline. There successful despite prolonged efforts. Patient remained in inces-
was no relief of symptoms in spite of being on maximum tol- sant tachycardia. Though the patient was on maximum dose of
erated dose of beta-blockers and amiodarone for 3 months. On amiodarone and beta-blockers, the heart rate continued to be
presentation to us, she had incessant tachycardia with P wave 150/minute on follow-up (Fig. 2). A repeat mapping and ablation
characteristics suggestive of a left atrial (LA) origin (P waves was planned. Before a repeat procedure was planned, ivabra-
negative in leads I and aVL and positive in inferior limb leads). dine 2.5 mg twice daily was started on experimental grounds,
after having fully explained the patient and relatives regarding
the drug. After 2 days of starting ivabradine, the heart rate de-
No disclosures. creased to 90/minute, though with the same P-wave morphology
as the existing tachycardia on electrocardiogram (ECG) (Fig. 3).
Address for correspondence: Shomu Bohora, M.D., Baroda Heart Institute The patient’s symptoms resolved completely. Amiodarone and
and Research Centre, 44 Haribhakti Colony, Old Padra Road, Vadodara digoxin were withdrawn. The patient remained in a controlled
390020, India. Fax: 91-261-23927777; Email: rate, as monitored on 24-hour Holter study, after 1 month with
the LVEF becoming 60%.
Manuscript received 12 May 2010; Revised manuscript received 2 June The patient herself stopped ivabradine after 2 months. She
2010; Accepted for publication 3 June 2010.
again developed similar symptoms and LV dysfunction was
noted. A repeat EP study was performed. Mapping showed
doi: 10.1111/j.1540-8167.2010.01860.x
earliest signals at the junction of the left superior pulmonary

Figure 1. Intracardiac recording during incessant atrial tachycardia with mapping catheter in left atrial appendage showing activation early than surface
P wave by 26 msec. His = His bundle electrogram; HRAd = high right atrial distal; hraP = high right atrial proximal; MAPD = mapping catheter distal;
MAPP = mapping catheter proximal.
Bohora et al. Reversal of Tachycardiomyopathy 341

Figure 2. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram 1 month after ablation, showing similar P-wave morphology as the index tachycardia with tachycardia rate of

vein and LA appendage, preceding the P wave onset by 46 ms. case reports.1-4 In our patient the symptoms resolved and the
RF ablation at the site was successful. The patient now 1-month heart rate decreased by the third day of starting ivabradine.
postablation continues to be symptom free. A similar P-wave morphology as the tachycardia on ECG
suggested that the rate of the ectopic atrial tachycardia had
Discussion decreased due to the effect of ivabradine. The normalization
of LV function within 1 month of rate control suggested LV
Incessant atrial tachycardia can be disabling and often dysfunction mediated due to incessant tachycardia. Stoppage
difficult to treat. Despite prolonged mapping during the first of ivabradine by the patient, leading to recurrence, reinforced
EP study, we failed to achieve clinical success. On regular the hypothesis. Finally, a repeat procedure showed the ori-
drug therapy the patient remained symptomatic with inces- gin of tachycardia near the junction of the left superior pul-
sant tachycardia and tachycardiomyopathy. monary vein and the LA appendage, which was successfully
Postulating a possibility of the role of I(f) channels in au- treated by RF ablation.
tomatic pacemaker-mediated rhythms, ivabradine was started This case report highlights the effect of ivabradine in focal
after explaining to the patient and relatives the drug and its atrial tachycardia remote from the sinus node. Given the fact
effects. Ivabradine, an I(f) channel modulator, has a docu- that the patient was a child with no structural heart disease,
mented effect in reducing sinus rate in various studies and the possibility of an automatic focus, and hence the response

Figure 3. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram on third day of starting ivabradine 2.5 mg twice daily showing similar P-wave morphology as during the index
tachycardia, but with a rate of 90/minute.
342 Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Vol. 22, No. 3, March 2011

to ivabradine, was more likely. Microreentry-related focal of tachycardias and other possible antiarrhythmic effects of
tachycardias, which may be more common in the elderly or ivabradine.
in patients with structural heart disease, may not respond to
ivabradine. References
Molecular mechanisms of abnormal automaticity in hu-
mans are still not clear. The effect of ivabradine in de- 1. Borer JS, Fox K, Jaillon P, Lerebours G: Ivabradine Investigators Group.
creasing the rate of an atrial tachycardia raises the possible Antianginal and antiischemic effects of ivabradine, an I(f) inhibitor,
in stable angina: A randomized, double-blind, multicentered, placebo-
role of I(f) current in causing automatic atrial tachycar- controlled trial. Circulation 2003;107:817-823.
dias. Alternatively it is possible that some atrial tachycar- 2. Fox K, Ferrari R, Tendera M, Steg PG, Ford I: BEAUTIFUL Steer-
dias may be due to the presence of sinus nodal-like tissue ing Committee. Rationale and design of a randomized, double-blind,
in the atrial tissue, which may cause abnormal automatic placebo-controlled trial of ivabradine in patients with stable coronary
artery disease and left ventricular systolic dysfunction: The morbidity-
mortality evaluation of the I(f) inhibitor ivabradine in patients with coro-
Ivabradine possibly can be given as an antiarrhythmic in a nary disease and left ventricular dysfunction (BEAUTIFUL) study. Am
patient having atrial tachycardia resistant to routine drugs in Heart J 2006;152:860-866.
whom ablation has failed, or as a bridge to ablation therapy. 3. Winum PF, Cayla G, Rubini M, Beck L, Messner-Pellenc P: A case of
Further large studies are needed to evaluate the response cardiomyopathy induced by inappropriate sinus tachycardia and cured
by ivabradine. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2009;32:942-944.
of ivabradine in tachycardias, including atrial fibrillation, to 4. DiFrancesco D, Camm JA: Heart rate lowering by specific and selective
define the subset of patients in whom it might be effective, and I(f) current inhibition with ivabradine: A new therapeutic perspective in
also to understand the molecular mechanisms of automaticity cardiovascular disease. Drugs 2004;64:1757-1765.

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