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Composite cold-formed steel-concrete columns

Department of Civil Engineeritlg, U12iversityof Windsor, Windsor, Ont., Canada N9B 3P4
Received May 20, 1986
Revised manuscript accepted December 16, 1986

A new system of composite columns is developed using lipped cold-formed steel channels with embossments and cast-in-
place concrete. The combined action of the embossments and the channel's lips leads to very good bond between the steel and
the concrete. It has been found that by replacing the standard longitudinal reinforcing bars by cold-formed steel sections of
equal area, the structural performance of the columns remains almost unchanged, while considerable savings are achieved in
time and material of construction. The present paper outlines the main characteristics of the proposed columns and provides
an approach for their analysis and design, which is verified experimentally.
Key words: columns, composite structures, concrete (reinforced), construction, cold-formed steel.
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Un nouveau systkme de poteaux composites a CtC mis au point i I'aide de profilks d'acier form& i froid avec gravures en
relief et bCton coult sur place. L'action combinCe des gravures en relief et des l?.vres du profilk entraine une bonne adhCrence
entre I'acier et le bCton. On a dCcouvert qu'en rempla~antles barres longitudinales normales par des sections d'acier formCes
i froid, de superficie Cgale, la performance des poteaux ne subissait presqu'aucune modification et des Cconomies considkrables
pouvaient Ctre rtalisCes en temps et en matkriaux de construction. Cette communication dkcrit les principales caractkristiques
des poteaux proposies et contient une m6thode pour leur analyse et leur conception, vCrifiCe expkrimentalement.
Mots c l h : poteaux, structures composites, bkton (armC), construction, acier form6 a froid.
[Traduit par la revue]

Can. J . Civ. Eng. 14, 295-301 (1987)

Introduction By acting as an integral part of the column, the channels are

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A new system of beams has been developed in which the prevented from buckling in a mode separate from the column.
standard reinforcing bars are replaced by cold-formed steel Therefore, no local supports are required for the channels, as
sections of equal area (Abdel-Sayed 1982). The structural per- in the case of standard reinforced concrete columns in which
formance of these beams is almost unchanged while saving is ties are required to avoid local buckling of the individual longi-
achieved in the cost and time of construction. A similar system tudinal reinforcing bars.
can be applied to build composite columns with cold-formed
steel channels placed at two parallel faces, (Fig. 16). Herein, Analysis
considerable savings are achieved in time and material of con- With proper bond between the concrete and channels, strain
struction owing to the elimination of the steel ties in the column compatibility is assumed for the analysis of the elastic
as well as the reduction in the formwork. load-deflection, as well as the ultimate load-carrying capacity
The present paper outlines the main characteristics of the of the columns.
proposed composite columns. It also outlines a procedure for
their analysis and design as well as an experimental program Elastic analysis for loatl-d<jlectiotz behaviour
(Figs. 2 and 3), which examines their behaviour and ultimate T h e theoretical deflection, A , of an eccentrically loaded col-
load-carrying capacity. umn can be obtained at mid-height by applying elastic analysis
and the secant formula (Chajes 1974; Lin and Burns 1982):
Bond mechanism
Steel in the form of stiffened channels with embossments
(Fig. l a ) performed well as integral parts of composite columns in which P and e are the applied load and eccentricity, re-
(Fig. 16). The steel surface is not painted nor galvanized. It is spectively; P E = Euler buckling load = n2E,I,/(KL)'; K L =
degreased and cleaned before pouring concrete. The combined effective length of the column; and E,I, = rigidity of the
action of the embossments and the channel's lips leads to very transformed section of the concrete column. The transformed
good bond between the steel channel and the concrete. This is moment of inertia, I , , is to be determined on the basis of
due to the fact that the steel embossment has to be lifted up in either cracked or uncracked section according to the level of
order to slide over the concrete impression, while this move- tensile stress. Figure 4 shows the analytically obtained load-
ment is restrained by the lips, which are embedded in concrete. deflection of a column together with the corresponding ex-
Pull-out tests, reported by Chung (1986), confirm this bond perimental results (column A4, Table I). This represents the
characteristic and its high capacity. typical behaviour of the columns tested in the course of the
present paper and presented in detail in Chung (1986).

NOTE: Written discussion of this paper is welcomed and will be ultim'zte

received by the Editor until September 30, 1987 (address inside front The proposed composite columns are built with the steel
cover). components placed at the outside surface of the section
'Prcsent address: Wilson, Dario and Associates, Consulting En- (Fig. 16). Therefore, the compression strain at failure is gov-
gineers, Windsor, Ont., Canada. erned by the yield strain of the steel (usually 0.0015-0.002)
CAN. I. CIV. ENG. VOL. 14, 1987

Y Round
I / I
I?c 152 1-
avcragc of measurc~l

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a ' = distance het~ieenthe

c e n t r o i d a n d t h e ircb
o f t h e s t e e l c h a n n e l = 14

(a) Scccl-lipped channel Cb) Cross section

o i tli rour?d e n h o s s r i e n t s

FIG. I. Proposed composite column. All dimensions in millimetres ( I mm = 0.03937 in.).

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FIG. 2. Setup of testing eccentrically loaded columns. All dimensions in millimetres ( 1 mm = 0.03937 in.).

rather than by the concrete strain at failure (0.003). Therefore, And by considering the moment about the point of load appli-
the ultimate strength analysis of the composite colunln should cation:
be based on a trapezoidal shape for the concrete conlpressive
stress block (Jensen, 1943; Lin and Lakhwara 1966) (Figs.
5-7). This assunlption is the main difference in analysis
between the coniposite and standard reinforced concrete col- in which, for the concrete,
umns. The latter analysis assumes Whiteny's rectangular stress
block on the compressive side.
For an r l ~ i ~ ~lorded
l l y column, the ultimate load is calculated:

[2] P,, = F,A, + 0.85f,IAC

With stnall eccentricity (Fig. 5), the niaxinium concrete
stress f: is constant over a depth:
and for the steel components,

The ultimate load is calculated:

[4] P, = (C,, + C,, - cc2) + C \ I + c\2 [6e] C,? =
F -f,
(t; + -!---
n' ) (0.5A .)

267 for A 2
in which, for the concrete,
For o t h e r s 3 4 3

and for the steel,

The moment equation is a cubic equation in the depth of

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cracked section, x. Oncex is determined, the ultimate strength,

P,, of the column can be calculated from the force equation.
In the tension control filillirc, the ultimate strength and
moment for the column (Fig. 7) can be written:
[ I I ] P , = C, + (C, - T )
Taking moment about the point of load application:

in which, for the conrete,

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C, = 2n h - x (DX)

and for steel,

1 P
S i d e View

F r o n t View [I301 T = F y
FIG.3. Eccentrically loaded columns (group A). All dimensions in
millimetres (1 mm = 0.03937 in.). As before, once x, the depth of the cracked section, is found
by solving the cubic moment equation, the ultimate strength,
P,,, can be calculated.
By substituting [6n] [6e] into [S], one can calculate the
unknown steel compressive stress, f , . Thereafter, the ultimate
load, P,, can be calculated (Wang and Salmon 1973). Experimental Program
When subjected to large eccentricities, the section cracks An experimental program has been conducted to study the
and the depth, klh, of the lnaxirnum concrete stress can be behaviour of the proposed conlposite columns (Fig. 115).
related as follows (Fig. 6): The dimensions of the tested columns were limted by the
load-carrying capacities of the available laboratory facilities.
The columns were cast vel-tically to simulate the actual con-
struction process. A minimum dimension of 152 mm (6 in.)
The ultimate strength of the column may be governed by was chosen in order to provide clear passage for the vibrator.
either the compression failure at E = E? or tension failure of the Details of the steel channel are shown in Fig. l a , and the
steel, Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The force and moment for the concrete and steel material properties are listed in Table I.
column in the cotnpressioiz contr.ol,fc~iliirecan be obtained by The tests are identified by A and B for the eccentrically and
examining the equilibrium conditions of force and moment as axially loaded columns, respectively. Axially loaded colun~ns
follows: (test group B) were built without the end concrete brackets and
tested vertically (Chung 1986).
[8] P,, = (C,, - C,?) + (C, - T) Figure 2 shows the experimental setup for eccentrically load-
Taking moment about the point of load application: ed columns while their details are outlined in Fig. 3. Strain
gauges were placed on the outside face of the exterior channels
around an embossment near the mid-height of the colulnn (Fig.
8). Dial gauges were used to measure the in-plane and lateral
k7h mid-height deflections of the eccentrically loaded columns.
- c,?(-j-+ e - - T(c + 0.511 - a ' ) = 0 Table 1 presents a summary of the analytical and cxperi-
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? l i d - h e i g h t Deflection, A(rnrn)
FIG.4. Load-deflection curve: column A4 (e = 100 rnm). (I kN = 0.225 kip, I mm = 0.03937 in.)

(c) Concrete S t r e s s

(a) Cross S e c t i o n

C sl
(b) Strain (dl Steel Stress

FIG.5. Eccentrically loaded column (ultimate, small eccentricity - uncracked section).


(a) Cross S e c t i o n (b) Strain (c) Stress

FIG. 6. Eccentrically loaded column (ultimate, large eccentricity - cracked section, compression control)
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Y i
h-x I.
1: Y 1
hxx )
axis Cs
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(a) Cross S e c t i o n (b) Strain (c) Stress

FIG. 7. Eccentrically loaded column (ultimate, large eccentricity - cracked section, tension control).

- . F'--k -= 3 ,,Compression
steel channel

. 13 TZ ensio ion
T7 T6 steel channel
(a) P l a n (Compression C h a n n e l ) (b) S e c t i o n A-A (c) P l a n ( T e n s i o n Channel)

FIG. 8. Typical locations of strain gauges (groups A and B columns). All dimensions in millimetres (1 mm = 0.03937 in.).

mentally obtained ultimate strength of the eccentrically and 3. Figure 9 shows that the steel beside the embossment
axially loaded columns. (curves C2 and C4, section 1 - I, in Fig. 8) locally yields at 258
kN (58 kips) while section 2-2, curves C3, C6, and C7, has
an almost linear load-strain relation up to yield at section
Observations 1 - 1. Thereafter, C3, C6, and C7 reduce their compressive
I . Comparisons between the ultimate load of tests A l , A2 stresses (with C3 reversing sign into tension) near the failure
and tests A3-A5 show that the end battens improve the failure load. This can be explained by saying that the effective steel
mode and the load-carrying capacity of the composite columns. area is reduced at the embossed section (1 - 1) and reaches the
The failure is gradual with end battens, while undesirable sud- yield limit before the gross section 2-2. Because of the
den split caused the failure in columns with no end battens. strengthening effect of the embossments, section 1 - 1 can sus-
2. The combined action of the embossment and the chan- tain strains above the yield limit (see strain gauges C2 and C4,
nel's lip leads to very good bond between the channel and the Fig. 9). Yet by yielding, section 1 - I develops a plastic hinge
concrete. However, sufficient length of splice should be pro- and allows the steel at section 2-2 to buckle (or cripple)
vided in order to prevent premature failure at the outwards from the concrete.
beam-column connections, as in test A5* (Table I). This Therefore, it is concluded that failure of most of the columns
length can be determined from pull-out tests (Chung 1986). is triggered by yielding of the steel section. Thereafter, the
CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 14, 1987
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S t e e l S t r a i n (%)
FIG. 9. Load-strain curve: column A4 (e = 100 mm). (I kN = 0.225 kip.)

TABLEI. Summary of strengths of ccccntrically loadcd columns

Ultimatc strcngth (kN)

Eccentricity Stcel Concrctc
e, t I;, I;: Thcor.
Column (mm) L/h (mm) (MPa) (MPa) Expt. Thcor. (%) Failurc mode
Unbattencd columns
17.8 1.83 361 43.3 280 304 Prcmaturc bond failurc
17.8 1.91 446 54.8 - - Did not fail
17.8 1.91 446 54.8 420 715 Premature concrcte crushing

Battcncd columns
17.8 1.83 361 37.0 130 125.7 Tcnsion stccl yielded, compression steel
A4 Local buckling of cornprcssion steel
A5 Local buckling of compression stccl
A5:k Bond failurc
Blt Longitudinal crack in concrete core and yicld
of stccl
Compression failure in concrete and stecl
Repeated test.
t Axiallyloaded columns BI with height 565 mm (22 in.) and B2 with height 1220 nim (48 in.).
40 of the column. This leads to savings in time and material of
construction. The ultimate load-carrying capacity is found to be
governed by the yield strain of the steel on either the tension or
a ' = 1 4 mm
b = 152.4 mn
the compression side and can be calculated using the trapezoi-
dal compression concrete block.
ABDEL-SAYED, G. 1982. Composite cold-formed steel -concrete
beams. ASCE Journal of the Structural Division, lOS(ST1 I):
2609 -2622,
CHAJES,A. V . 1974. Principles of structural stability . Prentice-Hall,
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
CHUNG,K. C. 1986. Behavior of composite concrete columns with
cold-formed steel. M.A.Sc. thesis, Department of Civ~l En-
gineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont.
JENSEN. V. P. 1943. The plasticity ratio of concrete and its effect on
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by YORK UNIV on 06/19/14

the ultimate strength of beams. Journal of the American Concrete

-- ? ll
Institute, 14(6): 565-582.
L I N ,T. Y. and BURNS,N. H. 1982. Design of prestressed concrete
- structures. 3rd ed. S1 version, John Wiley & Sons, Inc , New York,
aclcC NY.
LIN,T. Y., ilnd LAKHWARA, T. R. 1966. Ult~matestrength of eccen-
trically loaded partially prestressed columns. Journal of the Pre-
stressed Concrete Institute, ll(3): 37-49.
WANG,C. K . , and SALMON, C. G. 1973. Reinforced concrete design.
10 2nd ed. lntext Press, Ine., New York, NY.

List of symbols
a' distance between the centroid and the outside
face of the web of a steel-lipped channel
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Ac cross-sectional area of uncracked concrete sec-

5 10 13
gross cross-sectional area of uncracked section
; c (!!!''I) As cross-sectional area of steel channels or of steel
compressive force components in concrete
FIG. 10. Theoretical column interaction diagram. ( I mm = 0.03937 compressive force components in steel channel
in., 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.) depth of a column
eccentricity of external load from the centre of
channel web is crippled in the zone between embossments at a column about x - x axis
the compression side. This confirms the assumption that the modulus of elasticity of concrete
ultimate load is governed by the yield strain of the steel, which concrete cylinder strength
is usually lower than the failure strain of concrete (0.003). The modulus of rupture of concrete
ultimate load calculated on the basis of these assumptions is stress in steel
found to be in reasonable agreement with the experimentally yield stress of steel
obtained load. depth of column
4. Based on the outlined analytical procedure, load- moment of inertia of transformed section
moment interaction curves, such as Fig. 10, can be developed depth of concrete section at maximum stress
for the proposed composite columns. These curves have the effective unsupported length
same characteristics as those developed for standard reinforced modular ratio
concrete columns and may be used for the analysis and design P external load
of composite columns. However, it should be noted that the test Euler load = .rr2~1/(KL)'
programme, which is reported in this paper, had been con- nominal ultimate load
ducted with restrictive limits to the size of the columns. There- thickness of steel channel
fore, more tests are to be conducted, on large-size columns, tensile force in steel
before the extrapolated analysis of Fig. 10 can be used. depth of cracked concrete section
mid-height deflection of column
Conclusion strain of concrete
Lipped channels with embossn~entsperformed very well as strain of steel
integral parts of composite columns. No intermediate ties were yield strain of concrete
required to prevent the channels from buckling independently yield strain of steel
This article has been cited by:

1. Pedro R. Muñoz, Cheng-Tzu Thomas Hsu. 1997. Behavior of Biaxially Loaded Concrete-Encased Composite Columns. Journal
of Structural Engineering 123:9, 1163-1171. [CrossRef]
2. H.D. Wright, S.C. Gallocher. 1995. The behaviour of composite walling under construction and service loading. Journal of
Constructional Steel Research 35:3, 257-273. [CrossRef]
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