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Hassan Premier University

National School of Applied Sciences

Engineering cycle: Energy and Environmental Engineering

Project : Storage and Energy Recovery

Potential Mechanical Energy Storage (Hydroelectric

Dam, PSH Pumped Energy Transfer Station)

Prepared by: Demanded by:




university year: 2023/2024

Table of contents

01 02 03
Introduction Theoretical Hydroelectric
Foundations of Dams and PSH

04 05 06
Integration of The case study Conclusion
storage systems
into electrical
Presentation structure
the theoretical study
Theoretical Foundations of Mechanical Potential Energy Storage
Hydroelectric Dams
Pumped storage hydroelectricity (PSH)
Integration of storage systems into electrical networks
the case study
Cost Analysis
Environmental Impact
Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are vital
for a sustainable future, but their intermittent nature poses
challenges for grid integration
Mechanical energy storage (MES) systems offer a solution to this
challenge. They work by converting excess electrical energy into
potential or kinetic energy, which is then stored in a mechanical
Two main types of MES:
1. Hydroelectric Dams
2. Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity (PSH)
Theoretical Foundations of
Physical and Mechanical Principles

❑ Gravitational Potential Energy: The energy stored in

water due to its height. Higher elevation = more
potential energy.

❑ Hydrostatic Pressure: The force exerted by water at

rest. Deeper water = higher pressure to drive turbines.

❑ Hydraulic Turbines: Convert the energy of flowing

water into mechanical energy to spin a generator.

❑ Generators: Transform mechanical energy (from the

turbine) into electrical energy.

❑ Pumping Systems (PSH only) :Use excess electricity

to pump water uphill to store energy for later use .
Equations and Mathematical Models
❖ Potential Energy (E) :

o E = mgh
Energy (E) is determined by mass (m), gravity (g), and height (h).

❖ Water Mass (m) :

o m = density * Volume
Mass is calculated from water's density and the volume stored .

❖ Turbine Power Output (P):

o P = ηρgQH
Power depends on efficiency (η), density (ρ), gravity (g), flow rate (Q), and height difference (H).

❖ Round Trip Efficiency (RTC) :

o RTC = Energy Output / Energy Input

Measures the efficiency of storing and then releasing energy.
Hydroelectric Dams And
Hydroelectric Dams
Advantages of Hydroelectric Dams:

❑ Renewable and Clean: Hydropower harnesses the energy of moving water, a

constantly replenished resource. Unlike fossil fuels, it doesn't produce greenhouse
gases, making it a sustainable choice for the environment.

❑ Reliable Powerhouse: Unlike solar or wind power, which depend on weather

conditions, hydroelectric dams can generate electricity consistently. They can also
quickly adjust their output to meet changing electricity demands.

❑ More Than Electricity: Dams can provide additional benefits beyond power
generation. Reservoirs created by dams can be used for irrigation, flood control, and
even recreation like fishing and boating.

❑ Cost-Effective: Once constructed, hydroelectric dams have relatively low operating

costs. The energy they produce is dependable and affordable over the long term.
Challenges of Hydroelectric Dams:

❑ Environmental Impact: Building dams disrupts ecosystems. They can flood large areas
of land, displacing wildlife and destroying habitats. Additionally, altered water flow
downstream can harm aquatic life .

❑ Displacement of People: Reservoir creation can necessitate relocating communities

living in the flooded area. This can have social and cultural consequences .

❑ High Initial Costs: Constructing a hydroelectric dam is a massive undertaking with

significant upfront costs. This can be a challenge for developing countries .

❑ Limited Locations: Suitable sites for large-scale dams are geographically limited.
Specific geological conditions and river characteristics are necessary for optimal dam
function .
Pumped storage hydroelectricity (PSH)

Technical description:

The idea behind pumped hydro storage, is to use the

potential energy of water to store electrical energy .
The water will be pumped and held in an upper
reservoir during times of low demand and abundant
electrical energy supply. Within a little reaction time,
the energy can be released as needed and converted
into electrical power
Pumped storage hydroelectricity (PSH)

PHS is able to modify supply and demand in

order to minimize the difference between peak
and off-peak times.
Depending on whether we have surplus
production from RES or, conversely, if there is a
peak in demand that needs to be covered,
pumped hydropower energy storage (PHES) can
be implemented in accordance with the scheme
depicted in Figure and uses the reversible
turbine mode to generate hydroelectric power.
Pumped storage hydroelectricity (PSH)

PHS: electric power systems employ this kind of hydroelectric energy storage to balance their
loads. Water's gravitational potential energy is pumped from a lower reservoir to a higher
elevation reservoir in order to store energy. Pumps are usually powered by inexpensive,
surplus, off-peak electricity.
Electric power is produced by releasing the stored water through turbines during times of high
or peak electrical demand
Pumped storage hydroelectricity (PSH)

Important components:

The main components are the following:

➢ Two water reservoirs/ponds (upper and lower).

➢ Power waterway to connect both reservoirs/ponds.
➢ Hydro power station equipped with ternary machine sets or pump-turbines.
Pumped storage hydroelectricity (PSH)

Pumped hydro storage (PHS) is a well-established technology for storing energy. It boasts the
largest installed capacity and storage volume among all storage solutions.
In addition , to smoothing out fluctuations in electricity demand between peak and off-peak
periods, PHS offers several advantages to the power grid.
These include maintaining frequency, providing primary power reserves, and regulating
voltage. PHS can rapidly switch between different operating modes within seconds to meet the
needs of the power system .
Pumped storage hydroelectricity (PSH)

Due to their flexibility, extensive storage capacity, and benefits for grid operations, pumped hydro storage
(PHS) systems will enable utilities to effectively balance the grid and expand their renewable energy
portfolios. The integration of intermittent renewable generation has introduced a new level of uncertainty in
managing interconnected power systems. Thus, pumped storage is poised to play a crucial role in
facilitating the integration of renewables into the grid while assisting countries in achieving their ambitious
goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and expanding their clean renewable energy capacity
Advantages of Pumped storage hydroelectricity for energy storage :

• It is a well-established technology with installations designed for long lifespans.

• It provides frequency response and short-term operating reserve servic
• Energy arbitrage.
• Its high flexibility in absorbing and generating electricity helps to smooth the demand profile between
highly variable renewable electricity sources (VRES) and the response from conventional thermal plants.
Challenges of Pumped Hydro Storage:

• High upfront costs and long lifespans.

• Limited by geography and existing infrastructure:
• Uncertain returns in deregulated markets.
Integration of storage systems into electrical networks

To inject the energy produced by a pumped storage power station (PSP) into the electrical grid,
transformers and transmission lines are used. Here are the general steps of the process:
Electricity Production:

Alternators Coupled to the turbine, the alternator converts the mechanical rotational energy of the
turbine into electrical energy, consisting of a rotor (rotating part) and a stator (fixed part).

Voltage Transformation:

Power Transformers A transformer increases the voltage of the current generated by the alternator to
circulate it on the lines of the transmission network.
Injection into the grid:

Once the electricity has been transformed to the required voltage, it is sent through transmission lines to the
electrical grid. These lines can be overhead or underground, depending on the requirements
Control and command

The injection of electricity into the grid is controlled according to the demand for electricity and the needs of
the grid. This can be done by:
The electrical equipment includes:

• Medium-voltage cells (or cabinets) containing switching devices (circuit breakers, disconnect switches)

• Low-voltage distribution cabinets

The control and command equipment includes:

• Manual control devices for the units

• Controllers:

o Plant controller: it ensures the distribution of production between the units and the protection of general services

o Unit controllers: they ensure the starting, stopping, and protection of the units, as well as their connection to the

Specification document:

After studying the Hassan II PSH, we designed a station with an 800 m difference between the top and lower
reservoirs, which have volumes of 2,610 000 m3 and 749 700 m3, respectively.

Additionally, we created a pump with a flow rate of 6.4 m3/s, and a turbine with a turbinage flow of 8 m3/s.

Calculation of energy storage capacity :

E = m×g×h

E =20,5.106 MJ
Pumping mode Generation mode :

Choice of pump:
Generation mode:

The power generated by the turbine (in watts) is : P=η×ρ×g×Q×ΔH

P=50,17 MW
Choice of turbine:
The efficiency over a complete cycle:

A complete cycle for a pumped storage hydroelectric power station (PSH) consists of two main phases:
the pumping phase and the electricity generation phase

RTC= 81 %
Cost Analysis:

Estimation of Initial Investment Costs:

Type of Cost Estimated Cost (DH/kW)

Civil Engineering 1500-2500

Electromechanical 500-1000

Engineering and Project Management 100-200

Connection eith electricity 50-100

Commissioning 25-50

Total (low estimate) 2275 DH/kW

Total (high estimate) 3850 DH/kW

o Low estimate: 50.17 MW×2275 DH/kW = 114.2 million DH

o High estimate: 50.17 MW×3850 DH/kW = 193.2 million DH
Estimation of Potential Revenue:

average selling price of 1 DH/kWh during peak hours and 0.5 DH/kWh during off-peak hours, and
considering 2000 hours of annual operation in turbine mode and 1000 hours in pumping mode, we
can estimate the annual revenue:

o Annual revenue (generation): 100.34 million DH

o Annual costs (pumping): 8.36 million DH

Simplified Profitability Analysis:

o Low estimate: 1.27 years

o High estimate: 2.35 years
Environmental Impact:

Case 1: if the energy consumed in pumping mode is produced from coal:

Quantity of CO2 avoided = Energy produced × Combustion factor

The quantity of CO2 avoided = 54 000 kg CO2

Case 2: if the energy consumed in pumping mode is produced from gas:

The quantity of CO2 avoided = 30 000 kg CO2

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