MCQs of Education in Pakistan

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MCQs of education in Pakistan

First educational conference

Early childhood education (ECE)

1. Private sector should be encouraged to provide -------- to children between ages 3-4 years:

a. basic education

b. pre primary education

c. early education

d. no education

2. Primary schools should be co-educational or otherwise according to the local needs.

a. gender segregated

b. co educational

c. single gender


3. Ways and means should be undertaken for introducing free and compulsory primary education in the
------- of Pakistan.

a. urban areas

b. provinces

c. tribal and backward areas

d. none

Secondary education

1. As a transitional measure ------ should- be retained as a compulsory language at school level.

a. English

b. tribal languages

c. Punjab
d. bengali

Higher-secondary education

1. College students should take part in ------ campaign and should also be trained for this purpose.

a. education

b. mass literacy

c. mass literary

d. technical and vocational

2. Main Issues of colleges Focused in the Deliberations of the Conference was:

a. Compulsory physical education.

b. Compulsory military training in colleges

c.Training of citizenship

d. The problem of illiteracy

3. Steps should .be taken to bring------- into line with the existing system of education.

a. private sector

b. mudrassas

c. home based sectors

d. none

Higher level

1. Grants should be made available to students intending to pursue research in ------ and ----- fields.

a. economic and business fields

b. medical and nursing fields

c. arts and humanities fields

d. scientific and technological fields

2. A scheme for -------- between domains of Pakistan and other countries should be formulated.

a. exchange students
b. cultural exchange

c. financial funding

d. none

3. A/An ------Board of Pakistan should be formed.

a. higher secondary

b. inter university

c. provincial

d. federal

Technical education

1. A Council of ------ for Pakistan should be set up.

a. scientific education

b. primary education

c. early education

d. technical education

2. Fazal ur rehman suggested three dimensional type of education to be introduced in Pakistan such as
spiritual education, social education and --------.

a. basic education

b. vocational education

c.scientific education

d. business education

3. -------- for women he established to get training in various vocations.

a. institutes

b. schools

c. colleges

d. industrial homes
Women education

1. Separate schools for girls should be provided at -------.

a. primary stage

b. secondary stage

c. higher secondary

d. none

2. ------- should be introduced as compulsory subjects to the curriculum.

a. domestic sciences

b. technical education

c. home economics

d. none

3. Two ------- for women (one in each wing) should be established as soon as possible.

a. home economics colleges

b. science colleges

c. engineering colleges

d. medical colleges

4. ------- for female students should be provided in schools.

a. domestic facilities

b. educational facilities

c. fee grant facilities

d. none

Teacher education

1. --------- and stales should train teachers for special classes for adults.
a. Federal government

b.local government

c. provincial government

d. none

2. A scheme for ------- between domains of Pakistan and other countries should be formulated.

a. exchange of teachers

b. teacher training

c. teacher financial aid

d. none

3. ------- should take necessary steps for the training of teachers.

a. cities

b. districts

c. provinces

d. government


Primary education

1. According to the Commission, why is compulsory education at the elementary level necessary?

A. To reduce the burden on public education systems.

B. To ensure high standards through competition and innovation.

C. To create skilled manpower and an intelligent citizenry.

D. To implement advanced educational technologies and methodologies.

2. What duration did the Commission recommend for achieving 5-years compulsory schooling?

A. 5 years

B. 10 years

C. 15 years

D. 20 years

3. What are the main objectives of primary education as recommended by the Commission?

A. To reduce costs and simplify school buildings.

B. To make a child functionally literate and develop all aspects of their personality.

C. To ensure high standards through competition and innovation.

D. To provide advanced educational technologies and methodologies.

4. How should the curriculum for primary education be adapted according to the Commission?
A. It should be designed for advanced students only.

B. It should focus on competitive exams.

C. It should be adapted to the mental abilities of children and develop basic skills.

D. It should be oriented towards digital learning.

5. What type of teaching methods did the Commission recommend?

A. Lecture-based methods

B. Activity-oriented methods

C. Memorization techniques

D. Online teaching methods

Secondary education

1. How many years of compulsory schooling did the Commission recommend to be achieved within a
total period of 15 years?

A. 5 years
B. 6 years

C. 8 years

D. 10 years

2. According to the recommendations, how should secondary education be structured until compulsory
education is extended to the first eight years?

A. Classes VI-XII should be considered part of secondary education.

B. Classes IX-XII should be considered part of secondary education.

C. Classes VI-VIII should be considered part of primary education.

D. Classes XI-XII should be considered part of primary education.

3. What type of examination should be held for private candidates at secondary level?

A) Internal Examination

B) External Examination

C) Oral Examination

D) Practical Examination
Higher secondary education

1. What is the recommended division of secondary education for the present?

A. Classes VI-VIII (Middle), IX-X (Secondary), and XI-XII (Higher Secondary).

B. Classes VI-VIII (Primary), IX-X (Middle), and XI-XII (Secondary).

C. Classes VI-VIII (Middle), IX-XII (Secondary).

D. Classes IX-X (Middle), XI-XII (Secondary).

2. According to the commission, to what stage should the jurisdiction of the Boards at Karachi and Dacca
be extended?

A) Primary Stage

B) Middle Stage

C) Higher Secondary (Intermediate) Stage

D) Graduate Stage

3. What recommendation did the Commission make regarding the present intermediate classes?

A) They should remain under the jurisdiction of the university

B) They should be eliminated

C) They should be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Board of Secondary Education

D) They should be merged with higher education

Higher level education

1. According to the recommendation, when should admission to degree colleges and universities take

A) After ten years of schooling

B) After completion of twelve years of schooling

C) After the completion of secondary education

D) After passing a national entrance exam

2. According to the commission , how long should bachelor degree courses be extended?

A) Two years

B) Three years

C) Four years
D) Five years

3. What are the two types of courses that should be offered at the degree level?

A) Core course and elective course

B) Pass course and honour course

C) Practical course and theoretical course

D) Full-time course and part-time course

4. How long should the course leading to a degree of MA or M.Sc. require?

A) One year

B) Two years

C) Three years

D) Four years

5. According to the commission of 1959, What is the recommended period for completing a Ph.D.?
A) Minimum one year, maximum three years

B) Minimum two years, maximum five years

C) Minimum three years, maximum six years

D) Minimum four years, maximum eight years

6. What did the Commission recommend each university should set up to supervise and coordinate
research work?

A) Department of Research and Development

B) Office of Academic Affairs

C) Committee of Advanced Studies

D) Research and Innovation Council

7. According to the commission, what percentage of total marks is required for achieving a First Division
at higher level?

A) 50.0%

B) 60.0%
C) 70.0%

D) 80.0%

Women education

Teacher education

1.What did the Commission suggest regarding teacher training?

A. Only experienced teachers need training.

B. Training facilities should be provided to meet the requirements of compulsory primary education.

C. Teachers should self-study.

D. Training should be optional.

2. What role should the community and government play in providing land, buildings, and teaching

A. The community should provide everything without government assistance.

B. The government should provide everything without community involvement.

C. The community should provide these with government financial assistance to backward areas.

D. Private companies should provide land and buildings.

Technical education
Primary education

1.When did the first phase of making education free up to class VIII for boys and girls in all types of
schools begin?

A) 1st October 1972

B) 1st October 1975

C) 1st October 1978

D) 1st October 1982

2. According to the policy, what would be provided free to primary school children?

A) Uniforms

B) Textbooks and writing materials

C) Transportation

D) School meals

3. How many additional rooms for primary classes were planned to be constructed to accommodate
increased enrollment?

A) 15,000
B) 28,000

C) 38,000

D) 45,000

Secondary education

1.When did the second phase of providing free education to class IX and X in all schools begin?

A) 1st October 1972

B) 1st October 1975

C) 1st October 1979

D) 1st October 1982

Higher secondary education

1. According to the policy, what type of courses would be introduced at high and intermediate stages to
give students comprehensive and diversified preparation for higher education?

A) Integrated science courses including mathematics, biological, and physical sciences

B) Separate courses for mathematics, biology, and physics

C) Humanities courses
D) Art courses

2. What stream of education would be added in degree colleges?

A) Humanities

B) Social Sciences

C) Science

D) Arts

Higher education

1. According to the policy, which institution would be convened into a full-fledged university?

A) Agriculture College of Tandu Jam

B) N.B.D Engineering College Karachi

C) Agriculture University at Lylpur (Faisalabad)

D) Jamia Bahawalpur

2. A collaborative programme would be developed between _____ and other universities.

a. Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

b. Agricultural university Lyallpur

c. Agriculture College of Tandu Jam

d. N.B.D Engineering College Karachi

3. Which institution would have a constituent Medical College added to it?

A) University of Baluchistan

B) Agriculture College of Tandu Jam

C) N.B.D Engineering College Karachi

D) Jamia Bahawalpur

4. Which college would have new faculties added to it?

A) Agriculture College of Tandu Jam

B) N.B.D Engineering College Karachi

C) Agriculture University at Lylpur (Faisalabad)

D) Jamia Bahawalpur

5. What stream would be introduced at the degree level and in major occupational fields according to
the policy?

A) Humanities
B) Social Sciences

C) Technical and occupational

D) Arts

6. Where would the National Research Fellowship be initiated?

A) In primary schools

B) In high schools

C) In universities and other appropriate institutions

D) In vocational training centers

7. What type of university would be established according to the policy to provide part-time education

A) Technical University

B) People’s Open University

C) Medical University

D) Agricultural University
8. Where would the National Institute of Pakistan Studies be established?

A) Karachi University

B) Lahore University

C) Islamabad University

D) Peshawar University

9. For what purposes would a National Institute of Pakistan Studies be established at Islamabad

A) Undergraduate education

B) Primary education

C) Research purposes and postgraduate studies

D) Sports training

Women education

1. According to the commission, when was it anticipated that primary education would become
universal for girls?

A) By 1975
B) By 1979

C) By 1984

D) By 1990

Teacher education

1. How many additional teachers would be required for the universalization of elementary education
according to the policy?

A) 25,000

B) 50,000

C) 1.25 lakhs

D) 2.25 lakhs

2. Specially developed short in-service science and technical teacher training programs will be launched
according to the policy?

a. technical teacher training programs

b. educational teaching programs

c. activity learning training programs

d. none

Technical education

1. What increase in enrollment in technical subjects was targeted by the policy by 1980?
A) From 10% to 20%

B) From 5% to 33%

C) From 15% to 30%

D) From 20% to 40%

2. By what year did the policy aim to ensure that one third of enrollment would be in each of the three
main streams: arts, science, and technical/occupational subjects?

A) 1985

B) 1980

C) 1975

D) 1990


1. According to national education policy 2009 by what year shall all children, regardless of gender, be
enrolled in school?

a) 2010

b) 2012

c) 2015

d) 2020

2. What is the government's plan to provide free high-quality education facilities to poor students?

a) Establishing vocational schools

b) Implementing scholarship programs

c) Introducing after-school tutoring programs

d) Establishing "Apna Ghar" residential schools

3. What strategy will the government employ for expanding school facilities?

a) Inviting International Development Partners

b) Borrowing from international banks

c) Increasing taxes

d) Privatizing existing schools

4. What practice will be implemented for children upon admission to Grade I?

a) Issuing a standardized textbook

b) Assigning a unique identification (ID)

c) Implementing a mentorship program

d) Conducting a health assessment


5. According to national education policy of 2009, at secondary level which counselling facilities should
be made available to student?

A) Schooling guidance

B) Parental Relations

C) Career Guidance

D) Addressing psychological distress and aggression

6. To foster excellence in the country, what program shall be introduced to recognize bright students?

A) National Talent Scheme

B) National Excellence Initiative

C) National Merit Programme

D) National Achievement Award

7. What system will be implemented to encourage healthy competition between primary and secondary
educational institutions in the country?

A) National Assessment Program

B) School Performance Evaluation System

C) Educational Excellence Index

D) Institutional Ranking System





1. The required specialized training duration for Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers is:

a) One year

b) Two years

c) Three years

d) Four years

2. What kind of provisions must be made in teacher training according to national education policy

A) Enable them to address education in emergencies

b) Skill Enhancing

c) class management


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