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LQT Marketing Talk - 26/1/2024

ễ ấ ủ
Nguy n T n Th
Air BnB superhost
Onetrip founder
Investment manager for VinaCapital
Boston College
ằ ằ
Ba th ng Quang - “th ng Quang” being the mascot dog of The Joi Factory
UBS Graduate training program
Masan Group-owns Chinsu brand

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Christina: homestay
Onetrip: tour

The Joi Factory: F&B

Muvv: transportation

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Build trust

—>What are the values companies need when investing in your business? - Basic and
fundamental values in a business .

Know your target customers AT THE TIME, because those people will pay for your bills
when your business first operate. Think of ways to accommodate those people.

But also think about your future customers.

For example: office workers wish for their meals to be tidy and quick —> clean and
convenient packaging.

Where are office workers most located? Thao Dien. —> try to open a chi nhánh there.

Steve Jobs

“We are not going to give the people what they want. We give the people what they are
going to want.”

Do not only observe your sales at the end of the day, observe your line of reoccurring
customers. Who are they? Find ways to accommodate them.

A startup:
Is like water hitting a wall. It will find a way to keep moving - might not be straight, but it
must keep moving.

As should you.

#viecphailam of Mr Thu: small campaigns that help the working people. For example,
giving out free banh mi for the homeless and the poor; squeezing orange juice and

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giving out to the doctors with extended shifts.
—> Added marketing value and maybe, turn it into one of your trademarks.

Different from picking a place by apply business strategies ; sometimes what you need,
is picking a place that fits your theme.

Believe in the work and the product that you put out. It will go a long way.

Leading philosophy of Mr Thu: Empower your people to take charge. And have a
system to manage their outcomes and possible risks.

(Hotel) Your connection with your customers, is what makes your rating. (The reason
why Christina’s stay has higher ratings than the Reverie hotel, despite one being 3 stars
and the other being 5 stars)

How to find/know if people you hired share you views? In the interviewing process,
ask them to stay with you for 30 minutes, and ask them what is it that they are thinking/
their view/ work philosophy?
And invest in training. It is one of the most standard way to get employees to be on your
same level of thinking/view (not skills, as different people = different skills)

ậ ậ ấ ả ề
Qu n 7, qu n nh t, th o đi n : the triangle of shipping

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