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Investigating the Benefits of Replacing Saturated Fats Acids (SFA) with

Polyunsaturated Fats Acids (PUFA)

This experiment aims to investigate the effects of replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated
fats on cardiovascular risk markers in human subjects. By assessing changes in blood pressure,
blood lipid profile, and blood glucose levels over a 12-week intervention period, the study aims
to provide insights into the potential benefits of dietary SFA-to-PUFA replacement in reducing
cardiovascular risk.

Research Question:
How does replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats affect cardiovascular risk markers,
including blood pressure, lipid profile, and fasting blood glucose levels, in human subjects over
a 12-week intervention period?

Independent Variable:
I will be changing the type of dietary fat that the subject group will consume, to identify how
each different dietary fat will affect an individual's cardiovascular health.

Dependant Variable:
I will be measuring the cardiovascular health markers, such as blood pressure, fasting blood
lipid profile, and fasting blood glucose levels, to show the difference in cardiovascular health and
to prove whether a diet of polyunsaturated fats is healthier.

Variable How it will be controlled Importance of controlling the

The age range of participants Via selecting a specific range Age-related factors such as
range of participants, hormonal changes or natural
between 25-30. aging processes don't
obscure the true effects of the

Absence of pre-existing Screen participants using To ensure observed changes

cardiovascular diseases or medical history in blood pressure or
metabolic disorders in questionnaires and diagnostic metabolic markers are solely
tests. attributable to the
Duration of the intervention By subjecting the group to Participants receive the
period changes in dietary restrictions intervention for the same
for 12 weeks (84 days) duration to observe
equivalent changes in
cardiovascular health

Standardized measurement Using the same model of Ensures reliability, accuracy,

techniques for blood pressure blood pressure monitor, and comparability of data,
and blood biomarkers follow the same established which allows for repeatable
protocols for taking measurements that minimize
measurements. errors.

The same environmental By choosing participants from Reduces the potential for
conditions for all participants similar living conditions, external factors, such as a
access to the same health large difference in living
care, etc. conditions, to influence study

1. Recruit 100 adult participants aged 25-60 years with no existing cardiovascular diseases
or metabolic disorders.

2. Randomly assign recruited participants into two groups: first the intervention group and
second the control group.

3. Conduct baseline assessments for all participants through food diaries and dietary recall

4. For the Intervention Group: Instruct participants to replace saturated fats in their diet with
polyunsaturated fats. Encourage participants to consume polyunsaturated foods for 12
weeks. For the Control Group: Participants will maintain their usual dietary habits without
any specific intervention.

5. Conduct follow-up assessments 6 times in total, every 2 weeks excluding the baseline
assessments, over the 12-week intervention period.

6. Monitor participants' adherence to the dietary intervention using food diaries or dietary
recall interviews.

- 100 study participants (adults aged 25 - 30 years)
- Saturated fat source
- Polyunsaturated fat source
- Blood pressure monitor
- Blood lipid profile test
- Blood glucose test
- Dietary assessment tools, such as diaries

Justification of the method:

This experiment is feasible, as the participants in this test can be encouraged monetarily, as well
as gathered through advertisements, community outreach, or healthcare facilities. This
experiment will require a large amount of resources, as well as funding, however, given that this
experiment is supported by a larger organization, it is still feasible.

Additionally, this research is relevant to the real world, as well as fit to answer the research
question. The research will be important to give ideas to countries with problems such as
obesity in America. Adding on, the research addresses the problem of cardiovascular disease
by investigating dietary interventions that have the potential to mitigate risk factors associated
with this condition. The outcomes of the study have direct implications for clinical practice and
public health policy.

The main ethical problem is the testing on live participants, as it requires informed consent.
Throughout this experiment, the study needs to be conducted carefully, to prevent harm to
participants. This is to ensure participants do not undergo any physical or psychological
distress, as well as suffering from side effects of this experiment.

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