Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods For IoT Microservices With Mobility Management

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Received 26 April 2023, accepted 24 May 2023, date of publication 30 May 2023, date of current version 21 June 2023.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3281348

Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic

Methods for IoT Microservices With
Mobility Management
1 Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru 560035, India
2 CLOUDS Laboratory, School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia

Corresponding author: Shinu M. Rajagopal (

ABSTRACT The fog and edge computing paradigm provide a distributed architecture of nodes with
processing capability for smart healthcare systems driven by Internet of Thing (IoT) applications. It also
provides a method to reduce big data transmissions that cause latency and enhance the system’s efficiency.
Resource provisioning and scheduling in edge and fog systems is a significant problem due to heterogeneity
and dispersion of edge/fog/cloud resources. The goal of scheduling is to map tasks to appropriate resources,
which belong to NP-hard problems, and it takes much time to find an optimal solution. Meta-heuristic
methods achieve near-optimal solutions within a reasonable time. Current edge/fog resource allocation
research does not sufficiently address resource allocation problems in mobility-aware microservice-based
IoT applications. This paper proposes a meta-heuristic-based micro-service resource provisioning model
with mobility management for smart healthcare systems. The proposed approach has been tested on an
experimental set-up with a simulation of a critical real-time smart healthcare application with and without
considering the mobility of the devices. It applies meta-heuristic methods such as modified genetic and
flower pollination algorithms for resource management. The proposed method outperforms the existing
solutions in energy consumption, network usage, cost, execution time, and latency by 17%, 20%, 22%,
17%, and 63%, respectively.

INDEX TERMS Edge computing, fog computing, Internet of Things, meta-heuristic, microservices,
mobility, smart healthcare, time critical applications.

I. INTRODUCTION reduced latency, and bandwidth [3], [4]. It allows a seamless

The vast amounts of data generated by Internet of Thing connection between smart medical devices and computa-
(IoT) devices require latency-sensitive processing, which is tional resources to have more control over data privacy and
impossible when applications are placed in distant cloud security [5]. It also supports critical latency-sensitive IoT
data centers [1]. Hence cloud computing seems infeasible for applications that require faster responses with reduced energy
delay-sensitive medical real-time IoT applications [2]. Fog or and bandwidth consumption [6]. In some emergencies, mak-
edge computing, a cloud extension, can address these needs ing a decision using the appropriate resources in a fraction of
for smart IoT systems to provide better resource management. a minute directly impacts the patient’s life [7]. To avoid issues
The purpose of the fog or edge computing model is to pro- with over-provisioning or under-provisioning while satisfy-
cess tasks using local computing resources in fog or edge ing QoS requirements, it is critical to dynamically provide the
devices that have storage, computation, and communica- right amount of available fog or edge resources to manage
tion capabilities to enhance mobility, confidentiality, privacy, the workload of IoT services [8]. Because of its dynamic,
unpredictable nature, resource management is one of the most
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and challenging problems to tackle in such environments [9].
approving it for publication was Cong Pu . To create a comprehensive solution for proactive resource

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 11, 2023 60915
S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

management, the transition between multiple resource man- strategies have been experimented to generate near-optimal
agement strategies based on various network circumstances solutions in a reasonable amount of time [17]. Meta-heuristic
is presented [10]. scheduling algorithms flower pollination algorithm (FPA)
As a user relocates from one place to another, the proximity and genetic algorithm (GA) can emulate the best characteris-
to a fog or edge service may change; hence, user mobility tics are seen in nature and assist the scheduling algorithm in
restricts such benefits in practice [11]. IoT device mobility performing better. The modified GA and the modified FPA
can impact fog computing systems when they repeatedly are meta-heuristic methods used in the proposed scheduling
change access points. The mobility of end IoT devices causes method.
migration of the requested application services from one The genetic algorithm is one of the most effective
computing node to another to maintain the desired QoS. population-based algorithms in terms of ease of use and effec-
The deployment of local, small-scale data processing and tiveness for different problem contexts. Each chromosome on
storage at the network’s edge using edge computing makes GA consists of a set of genes representing a possible solution
computations closer to the source data, thus ensuring the QoS to a problem. The initial population, chosen at random, is the
requirements. In addition to meeting the demands of latency starting point of the algorithm. A fitness function determines
and bandwidth on the network, it offers intelligent services whether a chromosome is suitable for its environment. Single-
at the edge to fulfill the vital needs of IoT applications in point crossover and mutation methods are used to create
real-time [12], [13]. a new population. This procedure is repeated when there
IoT applications use various technologies to connect, are enough children. To select the best solution, heuristic
manage, and operate IoT smart devices. Microservices, algorithms use the objective function, but the fitness func-
a service-oriented architecture, have attracted much inter- tion is implemented by the genetic algorithm for choosing
est nowadays. It is an emerging technology based on the the optimal solution [18]. The flower pollination algorithm,
microservices concept to enable services with the small- which simulates the pollination process of flowering, has
est granularities that perfectly complement the distributed been proposed in the literature for multi-objective optimiza-
nature of IoT devices [14]. Each microservice is responsible tion applications. Global and local pollination are the two
for a single sub-task or service, requiring fewer compute most important processes in this algorithm. A flower and its
resources and lowering communication overhead. Based on pollen gametes provide a stable approach to the optimization
the resource availability and workload of fog nodes, microser- problem. The benefits of FPA include a more straightforward
vices can scale up and down dynamically due to loosely flower analogy and lightweight computing depending on just
coupled modules. Compared to an existing monolithic design, one control factor [19]. This paper proposes using the mod-
integrating distributed microservices into the application pro- ified genetic algorithm and flower pollination algorithm to
cess provide advantages such as independent deployment, effectively provision fog and edge resources.
scalability, and fault isolation [15]. The significant contributions of our work are as follows:
Resource management is a mechanism that manages the • Proposing a resource provisioning solution using IoT
system’s finite physical and virtual resources for the execu- microservices with mobility management for healthcare
tion of user tasks. Resource provisioning involves the process applications.
of allocating and provisioning resources, such as comput- • Utilizing modified meta-heuristic scheduling techniques
ing, storage, network bandwidth, and others, to support the for efficient resource provisioning in fog and edge
demands of applications or services. Resource scheduling, devices.
on the other hand, deals with the process of determining when • Simulating a set of experiments to validate the effective-
and how to allocate resources to tasks or jobs based on their ness of our proposed solution under real workloads in
requirements and priorities. Resource provisioning methods terms of energy consumption, network use, cost, execu-
when combined with resource scheduling policies, allocate tion time, and latency.
resources to applications efficiently in distributed scenarios, The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sections II
especially in edge/fog computing environments. To max- and III present the motivation, background, and related work.
imize the utilization of these resources and improve the Sections IV and V discuss the proposed method and the
efficiency of applications, efficient scheduling, and resource experimental setup. Results are presented in Section VI. The
allocation are required. To avoid over-provisioning and concluding comments are set out in Section VII.
under-provisioning, dynamic resource provisioning, an effec-
tive method of preparing resources based on changes in the II. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION
workload of IoT applications, is required [16]. Due to the vast Vast amounts of sensor data from IoT endpoints are expected
solution space, scheduling in fog/edge computing is classified to be transferred to the cloud in a conventional health monitor-
as an NP-hard problem, which means it takes a long time ing system, requiring significant network resources. Delay is
to discover an optimal solution. No algorithms can handle crucial in real-time contexts like health monitoring systems,
these issues in polynomial time and yield optimal results. and it gets complex if the technology is used on a big scale.
Finding a sub-optimal solution in a short period is preferred in The paradigm for resolving the issues mentioned above is
such scenarios. To address such issues, meta-heuristic-based fog/edge computing. Fog/edge computing reduces latency

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by bringing resources close to the network’s edge [20]. grey Wolf optimizer, ant colony optimization, bat algorithm,
Microservice architecture is used to keep up with the IoT and flower pollination algorithm. Virtualizing fog computing
applications’ demand for fast development and deployment. includes an essential concept for optimal task scheduling.
Due to the microservices’ fine-grained modularity and being The best way to solve task scheduling issues in fog comput-
independently deployable and scalable, they show tremen- ing is to use meta-heuristic algorithms that can quickly handle
dous promise for utilizing both cloud and fog/edge resources a large search area and find the best solution. Hence we have
to satisfy various QoS demands of IoT application ser- selected meta-heuristic approaches for the proposed method.
vices [21]. Latency brought on by the mobility of a sensor We have also chosen a genetic algorithm for the proposed
device can significantly impact edge-based IoT applications approach since genetic algorithms use several sets in a search
for remote monitoring, including erroneous analysis and poor space where a search space is a collection of all possible
service quality. In order to reduce the latency while maintain- solutions to the problem. It requires one objective function
ing a connection, high-quality of service and energy-efficient to calculate an individual’s fitness and can work in parallel.
mobility support techniques are necessary [15]. Resource Genetic algorithms operate on potential solutions’ repre-
provisioning and scheduling is a significant problem due sentations, known as chromosomes, rather than the actual
to heterogeneity, mobility, and dispersion of edge/fog/cloud solutions. Genetic Algorithms are not guaranteed to produce
resources. Scheduling aims to match tasks with the right global optimal solutions as well but genetic operators like
resources, which are included within the scope of NP-hard crossover and mutation increase the likelihood of producing
issues, and it takes a long time to discover the optimal global optimal solutions. Genetic algorithms are stochastic
solution. and probabilistic in nature. With the right parameter setting,
Meta-heuristic-based techniques have been proven to due to their large solution space, genetic algorithms are highly
achieve near-optimal solutions within a reasonable time for effective at handling multi-modal problems [23].
such problems [22]. Finding global optimum solutions to sev- Because of the following characteristics, we have chosen
eral complicated multi-modal design problems in engineering the flower pollination method as the other meta-heuristic
and industry seems to be very difficult. In such scenarios, approach. Swarm intelligence (SI) optimization algorithms,
conventional optimization techniques perform inadequately which are modeled after numerous forms of biological behav-
because they may become locked in local optima. The utiliza- ior found in nature, have the advantages of being easy to
tion of meta-heuristic algorithms derived from nature is hence use, performing well in optimization, and having strong
proposed. Due to their ability to avoid stagnation in local robustness. The flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is a
optima and high convergence speed in the right direction of meta-heuristic inspired by flowering plants for artificial intel-
the near-optimal solution, meta-heuristic optimization algo- ligence. Flower pollination is the process of transferring
rithms have greatly impacted many fields in recent decades. pollen from one flower to another. Animals, such as birds,
These algorithms tackle many optimization problems, espe- bats, insects, and so forth, are the principal actors in such
cially problems in the engineering domain. Meta-heuristic transfers. Flowers and insects will form a flower-pollinator
algorithms currently occupy the leading technique as opti- alliance. These blooms can attract birds which are part of
mization models for solving various optimization problems in the pollination, and these insects are the primary pollinators
a reasonable amount of time due to their significant results. of the flowers. A flower and its pollen gametes provide a
By making a few assumptions about the optimization prob- reliable answer to the optimization problem. With only one
lems, meta-heuristics offer a set of solutions that can be control parameter, FPA gives a simplified flower analogy
applied to various issues. These algorithms use less process- with lightweight computing and provides a balanced intensi-
ing to find feasible results. fication and diversity of solutions by implementing the Lévy
According to the source of their inspiration, meta-heuristic flight and switch condition, which may be used to switch
algorithms have been divided into four groups: human-based, between local and global search. The pollinator transports
swarm-based, physics-based, and evolutionary algorithms. pollen over greater distances to high-fitting flowers in case
The first group of algorithms, referred to as ‘‘evolution-based of global pollination; however, in other circumstances, local
algorithms,’’ imitate biological evolution by using repro- pollination is carried out inside a small area of an exclu-
duction, mutation, recombination, and selection to create sive bloom. Switch probability is a possibility for global
new offspring that are more powerful than their parents. pollination. Local pollination can be used to replace phased
The majority of population evolutionary algorithms, such elimination. The flower optimization algorithm (FPA), which
as genetic algorithms, evolution strategy, genetic program- was developed to address global optimization based on sim-
ming, biogeography-based optimizer, and probability-based ulating the pollination process of flowers, has successfully
incremental learning, have been extensively used for different addressed several optimization problems. FPA is distin-
optimization issues. The swarm-based or social behavior- guished by its formulation’s simplicity, adaptability, and
based algorithms include the harris hawks algorithm, particle great computational performance efficiency. According to
swarm optimization, cuckoo search, whale optimization numerous studies, it can also outperform other well-known
algorithm, slime mold algorithm, marine predators algorithm, meta-heuristic optimization methods. As a result, FPA has

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

been incorporated into several optimization studies and suc- processes heterogeneous jobs, formulate the linear program-
cessfully used to solve numerous optimization issues in a ming problem for time and energy optimization and uses
variety of scientific domains. particle swarm optimization (PSO), binary PSO, and bat
To summarize, current research on edge/fog resource allo- algorithm [22]. Hosseinioun et al. propose a strategy based on
cation does not sufficiently address resource allocation issues the dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique
in mobility-aware microservice-based IoT applications. The that is energy aware and saves it using hybrid invasive weed
rise of edge/fog computing has opened up new possibilities optimization [28]. Ashkan et al. recommend FOGPLAN,
for healthcare sector, leading us to select a crucial medical a QoS-aware dynamic fog service provisioning framework,
application as the focus of our study. Edge/fog computing by defining it as an optimization problem and evaluating it
allows real-time processing of data generated by medical using a simulation based on real-world traffic traces [29].
devices and wearable sensors, thus enabling remote patient Naranjo et al. propose a penalty-aware bin packing heuristic
monitoring, faster diagnosis, and more personalized treat- algorithm for resource management hosted by each fog node,
ment. Efficient resource provisioning is crucial for healthcare allowing resource consolidation and admission control by
applications in edge/fog computing because of the reasons scaling up or scaling down computation frequencies [30].
such as low-latency requirements, limited network band- To reduce the average peak age of information, Fang et al.
width, and resource constraints. Therefore, we conducted a designed the associated time slot allocation problems and,
review of existing literature on resource allocation methods using an exact linear search strategy, found the best solutions
employed in healthcare applications, which led us to consider to the resulting non-convex problems [33].
utilizing metaheuristic techniques for resource provisioning. FCM-FPA, a new fuzzy clustering with flower pollination
We chose GA and FPA because similar applications of this method as a resource provisioning model for fog computing
category of heuristics, such as resource management on cloud proposed in the literature, includes resource normalization
infrastructure, have produced promising results. and fuzzy clustering and has been evaluated using the Iris and
Wine datasets [19]. Abdel et al. introduce an energy-aware
III. RELATED WORK meta-heuristic approach for task scheduling based on Har-
Reserving data processing, network, and storage resources ris hawk optimization to enhance QoS, which also assesses
for use by IoT applications is called provisioning. A fog or energy consumption, cost, makespan, flowtime, and carbon
an edge node must effectively provide resources to allocate dioxide emission [34]. To more effectively address numer-
IoT requests. In the literature, resource provisioning has been ous research difficulties, such as resource placement and
studied for years and has gained much attention recently [24]. scheduling, mobility, communication and edge control, many
This section reviews resource management concerns in fog nature-inspired meta-heuristic (NIMH) methods have been
and edge computing. applied in edge computing. Fuzzy logic, edge network sys-
Shakarami et al. propose an overview of resource tems, and various research issues are all included in the survey
provisioning methods in fog computing environments conducted by Adhikari et al., which divides the current NIMH
and discuss the open challenges in this area. Machine into three categories based on the nature of their work [35].
learning-based, heuristic/meta-heuristic-based, framework- To reduce Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations caused
based, game theoretic-based, and model-based are the by the limitations of edge computing resources and to handle
five primary classifications presented [7]. Masoumeh et al. the computational complexity of edge computing problems,
provide a resource provisioning technique that uses a Adyson et al. propose a random and heuristic approach to ini-
Bayesian learning-based autonomic computing model for tialize the population for multi-objective genetic algorithm.
decision-making and control loop planning. This work has The solution thus developed is found to be close to opti-
been carried out using time series prediction models [8]. The mal and is employed to examine the placement and load
work proposed in [25] also uses Bayesian learning along with distribution of IoT applications. It performs better than exist-
linear regression and autonomic computing to efficiently allo- ing benchmark algorithms in response to deadline violation,
cate the cloud resources. Dinesh et al. suggest an improved cost, and service accessibility [36]. Fang et al. provide a
resource provisioning method based on the JAYA (a sanskrit heuristic particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach built
word meaning victory) approach for placing virtual machines on a Lyapunov framework to balance system queue backlog
in a data center which aims to reduce energy consumption and energy efficiency for trajectory scheduling and alloca-
by effectively organizing the migrated VMs [26]. Literature tion of computational resources for Internet of Underwater
also presents many heuristic-based and evolutionary-based Things [37]. Table 1 presents the summary of related works
techniques for task scheduling. Heuristic algorithms are faster in meta-heuristic methods.
than evolutionary algorithms but unsuitable for finding an Among many applications, the healthcare sector deserves
optimal solution in NP-complete situations. Recently, meta- to be prioritized in terms of service quality compared to other
heuristics have also been employed to generate optimal domains. Critical functions such as simultaneous reporting
solutions [27]. and monitoring, tracking and alerts, and remote medical aid
Mishra et al. use meta-heuristic service allocation algo- are all possible with IoT-based apps. The center for connected
rithms for a heterogeneous fog computing system that health policy conducted a study that observed that remote

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TABLE 1. Summary of related works in heuristic/meta-heuristic methods.

TABLE 2. Summary of related works in mobility implementations of fog computing.

health monitoring systems lower the re-admission rates of process [11]. Isaac et al. propose yet another fog simulator
heart failure patients by 50 percent [38], [39]. The following (YAFS) for fog computing environments that model network
paragraph discusses fog and edge technology in the medical failures and thereby allow the evaluation of service placement
sector. solutions in failure cases through run time creation/deletion
Nashatt et al. propose an E-health and wellness moni- of cloudlets and network links, as well as functions invoked at
tor application to encourage a healthier lifestyle. This work run time to implement actual events [31]. FogNetSim++ is
gathers the user behaviors, analyzes them, and later pre- a framework for constructing network simulators that extend
dicts certain events with personalized recommendations [40]. OMNeT++14 to mimic all aspects of energy consumption,
However, the latency in data processing affects critical pricing, mobility, and handoff mechanisms [32].
emergencies. Adesh et al. suggest a real-life cloud-based Jayasena et al. use a whale optimization meta-heuristic
smart medical system using a communication networking algorithm for optimal task scheduling in a smart healthcare
where-in a doctor treats his patients via internet. This pro- application model and found that it outperforms PSO, short-
posed application uses mobile, wireless body area networks, est job first and round robin in terms of energy usage and
and so on, intending to be extended to fog technology. cost [45]. Qiu et al. analyze the minimization optimization
The proposal claims that the suggested framework is more in fog computing-based Internet of Medical Things, which
effective in computation and communication expenditure is considered a non-convex and non-linear problem [46].
than the existing protocols in smart healthcare [41]. Tuli et The work considers the quality of service, power limit, and
al. propose a lightweight healthcare fog service that man- wireless constraint as optimization parameters. Abdel et al.
ages cardiac patients’ IoT data. The FogBus framework propose a fog-based IoT platform for real-time diabetic
allows efficient edge/fog/cloud integration for reliable and patient tracking, using a hybrid strategy based on type-2 neu-
fast results [3]. A comprehensive overview of fog-based trosophic with the help of VIKOR method [47]. Hasse et al.
technologies in healthcare IoT systems has been conducted present an e-health system that collects general and physio-
by Ammar et al. [42]. To identify the challenges and require- logical health indicators from older people using My signals
ments of edge devices for diverse use cases, Morghan et al. HW V2 technology using a fog computing mobile application
explore current and developing edge computing architectures for monitoring health [48]. The recommended strategies have
and approaches for health care applications [43]. To evenly the advantage of handover latency. However, they are unsuit-
distribute the load amongst fog nodes when the health moni- able for IoT fog systems since the message notifications, and
toring system is installed on a big scale, Asghar et al. offer a distributed storage cannot be refreshed when moving [49].
new load balancing scheme (LBS). It presents the comparison Table 2 presents the summary of related works in mobility
of the parameters, network use, and latency for different implementations of fog computing.
placements namely cloud-only implementation, load Balanc- This paper’s primary focus is building IoT microser-
ing scheme, and fog node placement [44]. vices for the healthcare sector. The goal of microservice
The mobility of IoT end devices can impact the per- architecture is to break down the system into small, self-
formance of fog-based provisioning. The provisioning of contained components linked to shared services with more
resources considering mobility for critical real-time applica- significant service decoupling compared to service-oriented
tions is a growing field with several unsolved issues. The and monolithic architectures [50]. Because of its essential
following articles examine the implementation of end node characteristics, such as small granularity and low coupling,
mobility in fog and edge computing environments. microservices architecture is recommended as a new design
Puliafito et al. implement the MobFogSim, an add-on to the method that is easier to update and deploy fog IoT appli-
iFogSim simulator that can account for user mobility, wire- cations. Due to its excellent performance and applicability
less connectivity, and the virtual machine/container migration for IoT applications, microservice deployments are more

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

relevant nowadays [51]. Each microservice is responsible architecture includes the concept of fog node virtual machine
for a single sub-task or service, requiring fewer compute partitioning to run medical IoT device data efficiently. Multi-
resources and lowering communication overhead. Zhao et al. ple processes running on a single fog/edge node might cause
offer an architecture based on the microservice container fog congestion, preventing tasks from running smoothly. To solve
system to execute delay-sensitive and cost-effective mobility this problem, fog/edge nodes can establish virtual machines
applications in which the costs are calculated as the sum of responsible for delivering computational resources to the
the computation and communication expenses [52]. A novel tasks. Virtual machines are primarily separate modules, each
approach to learn the microservice applications using pre- doing a specific task. Medical IoT applications are increas-
dictive autoscaling deployed on containerized fog computing ingly being implemented using modular architectures, which
infrastructure has been proposed by Abdullah et al., which use microservices architecture and allow time-sensitive tasks
seems to have less number of rejected requests and SLA inside fog/edge and latency-tolerant jobs inside the cloud.
violations compared to existing systems [53]. Samodha et al. Hence we have selected microservice architecture for design-
investigate the factors that distinguish microservices-based ing and modeling critical real-time medical applications. The
application scheduling in fog computing from other applica- application model is discussed in detail in the following
tion models. In addition, the work analyzes the integration paragraphs.
of microservices for IoT applications using applica- For an integrated fog healthcare application, a multitier
tion modeling, placement composition, and performance architecture paradigm has been chosen for the proposed
evaluation [54]. approach. IoT devices such as sensors and actuators consti-
We aim to develop a framework based on meta-heuristic tute tier 0. Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are sensed by
approach for mobile-aware IoT microservices that could be sensors connected to the patient and transmitted to the fog
implemented on edge/fog computing scenarios for the medi- nodes via smartphones. All sensors have the same sensing
cal IoT applications. Our proposed approach involves modi- frequency. In the proposed system, the tuple transmit rates
fying and integrating the mobility module within iFogSim2. of the sensors are set using transmitDistribution, which is
Along with latency addressed in the existing works, other an attribute in the Sensor class. DeterministicDistribution
parameters like energy consumption, network use, cost, and (EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME) defines the transmitDistri-
execution time are also to be considered while developing a bution of the sensor, and EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME is
healthcare IoT system. The focus of this paper is to develop a selected as 5ms in the proposed system. Actuators are used
resource provisioning solution using IoT microservices with to carry out corresponding actions based on the outcomes
mobility management by deploying meta-heuristic methods of applications. The fog nodes (proxy servers, gateways)
for healthcare applications and comparing the results against constitute the architecture’s tier-1 and tier-2. In the proposed
the existing implementations. fog-based smart healthcare system, the fog layer act as a
The main contributions of this paper are as follows: supportive intermediary layer for processing and analyzing
• Resource provisioning of IoT microservice applications real-time critical healthcare data close to end-users. The fog
considering the mobility of nodes. nodes process the data from the sensor IoT device, and the
• Experimentation on the meta-heuristic microservice patient’s health condition is relayed to the patient’s smart-
framework for efficient resource management. phone. The fog nodes are located near the network’s edge,
which is closer to the IoT device, hence the patients receive
IV. PROPOSED METHOD a quick response in a real-time application. The data center
A. APPLICATION MODEL at the cloud layer is the upper layer of the proposed system,
Healthcare systems are facing enormous challenges due to the which stores the permanent healthcare data of the patient. The
pandemic and chronic diseases. The proposed architecture is cloud, which acts as tier 3, supplies additional processing and
based on expectations extracted from the actual application of storage resources if fog devices cannot handle the incom-
the healthcare sector. If successfully applied, fog computing ing request requirements. Data stored in the cloud can be
can reduce the latency experienced in the quality of service retrieved anytime by the users connected with the application.
(QoS) and minimize the bandwidth usage in any healthcare Our proposed health monitoring system’s multitier architec-
application and later can be extended to other time-critical ture is depicted in Figure 1.
applications. The main difference between fog-based and
cloud-based systems is the computing and storage capability B. PROBLEM FORMULATION
of the fog devices between the patient and the cloud data cen- A systematic strategy of allocating available resources to
ter. With fog technology, the underutilization of intermediate clients is known as resource allocation. Every fog device
devices can also be addressed. Virtualized processing cores, has a data center with similar capabilities as a cloud but
storage, and memory are considered resources at fog nodes. with fewer hosts, computing elements, and storage. Hence,
If a request meets the resource requirements such as CPU, the fog computing model has limited resources to serve the
memory, and bandwidth, the request can be processed by the incoming user requests with stringent latency requirements.
current fog or edge device; else the request can be trans- The fog network’s client applications can run as cloudlets in
mitted to the neighboring device. The proposed fog-based virtual machines (VM). The cloudlet tasks are executed in the

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

FIGURE 2. The operation of task scheduling.

FIGURE 1. Multitier architecture.

by considering the location change of users. As mentioned

corresponding virtual machine. By creating multiple virtual- earlier, this paper experiments the mobility of the devices
ized copies of the hardware, the VMs provide resources to the and analyzes the results for varying conditions. A detailed
applications. In such distributed environments, task schedul- description of the mobility of the users is described in
ing involves allocating resources to the tasks efficiently. Section IV-B5 and results in Section VI-B1.
A task scheduler is in charge of mapping an application’s IoT applications handle the processing of user requests
task to the available resources so that specific requirements and respond to consumers’ need on a regular basis. The flow
can be met. Since each VM is cost-effective, task schedul- of the task scheduling module for the proposed approach is
ing is a challenging issue. To address the challenges faced, described below:
the literature finds the use of meta-heuristic approaches, A mobile user first sends a request, which is processed by
namely the genetic algorithm and the flower pollination the fog node to whom it is linked. The fog broker receives job
algorithm, for resource allocation. As a resource provisioning request. Each job is broken down into a series of tasks to be
model, this study proposes a mobility-aware IoT healthcare handled in the distributed system, and the resource require-
application using modified meta-heuristic approaches for ment for each of them is then calculated. The fog broker
scheduling. This proposed work integrates mobility, cluster- manages the data about tasks and nodes and uses a scheduling
ing, and microservice techniques for healthcare applications algorithm to determine the suitable assignment of resources
and analyzes energy consumption, network usage, cost, exe- to the task. Tasks are then dispatched to the corresponding
cution time, and latency parameters. IFogSim2 simulator fog nodes. Each node is responsible for completing all the
has been used to evaluate the proposed system [15]. The tasks allocated to it before sending the completed work back
following subsections go through the proposed method in to the fog broker. The connected fog node then transmits the
considerable detail. response to the mobile user. The sequence diagram depicting
the above discussions is presented in Figure 2.
1) SYSTEM MODEL An edge/fog computing system consists of a fully inter-
The proposed system model assumes the presence of a task connected set of m servers. Each server consists of n
scheduler placed at the edge/fog nodes, that is in-charge of VMs. Virtualization allows the creation of multiple virtual
the scheduling of the tasks which are forwarded for execution machines on the same host or server. We assume that all
once they are submitted. As a result, a resource provisioning the resources are homogeneous with respect to computing
technique is to be used in the nodes that help in finding an capacity and capability. Each host may be assigned to perform
efficient match between tasks and resources. different or the same services. The workload submitted to the
The main aim of this research is to allocate resources system is the tasks that are later submitted to the scheduler.
efficiently by considering users’ mobility with minimal pro- The scheduler allocates the tasks to the VMs on different
cessing time. The applications considered in this work are computing hosts. Tasks are independent scheduling entities
time-sensitive and hence processing user requests only using that cannot be preempted and generally represent the user’s
a cloud is not a preferable option due to the incurring latency compute or service request.
issues. The participation of fog/edge devices is a need to Efficient resource provisioning for edge /fog systems can
complete the tasks in a timely manner. The proposed model be represented as an optimization problem to minimize the
should address the limitations of such fog/edge devices like execution time, as represented in the following paragraph.
highly distributed nature and minimal resource availability. Since time-critical applications have a greater impact on this
It should also consider the hybrid fog-cloud environment parameter, we optimize the execution time in our model.
with the deadline and dynamic behavior of the users. Prior Requests from user applications are broken down into
research have not considered resource allocation in the fog small, independent tasks when they are transferred to the

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

fog layer to be processed through the cloud-fog computing 2) EVALUATION PARAMETERS

infrastructure. The following characteristics belong to each The objective function used in our work intends to minimize
task: the number of instructions, memory required, and size the execution time. Additional metrics considered are latency,
of input and output files. A set of n independent tasks are energy consumption, network use, and cost. This section
delivered to the system at each time, assuming that Tk repre- explains these performance measures which are used to eval-
sents the k th task, as follows: uate the modified meta-heuristic approaches (explained in
the next sub-section) for task scheduling in mobility-aware
T = {T1 , T2 , T3 , . . . , Tn } (1) microservice-based IoT medical applications proposed in this
The cloud-fog infrastructure comprises cloud nodes and fog
nodes, which are processors with characteristics such as CPU a: LATENCY
rate, CPU usage cost, bandwidth usage cost, and memory
The application’s control loop is Client Microservice →
usage cost. The cost of using cloud nodes is higher than that of
Preprocessing Microservice → Decision Making Microser-
fog nodes, despite the fact that they are often more powerful.
vice → Client Microservice which is described in
The system’s set of m processors is made up of fog nodes,
Section IV-B7. The relatively lower latency of this con-
as follows.
trol loop suggests improved allocation and coordination
N = {N1 , N2 , N3 , . . . , Nm } (2) of computer resources. Microservices in the fog hierarchy
are upgraded by edgeward placement, resulting in a single
where Ni presents the ith processing node. The processor Ni instance of each microservices from an edge to a cloud path.
is given each job Tk , which is denoted by Tki . The limited resource capacity of fog nodes necessitates a
A set of one or more tasks may be assigned to one processor strategy where microservice instances are placed in higher
for computing: fog layers. However, this approach leads to an increase in
average latency.
Ni Tasks = {Txi , Tyi , . . . , Tzi } (3) X
TL = CAL (7)
The execution time (EXT) required by node Ni to finish a m
set of Ni Tasks assigned to it, as follows: Total latency (TL) represented in Equation 7 directly
X depends on the allocation of VMs in fog devices in which
EXT (Ni ) = EXT (Tki ) (4) the tasks are distributed for execution. Total latency is the
Tki ∈Ni Tasks summation of the current average delay (CAL) experienced
length(Tki ) by every VM inside the host for m servers, where CAL is
EXT (Tki ) = (5) calculated as follows.

where length(Tki ) denote the number of instructions in the CAL = CC−ET (8)
task Tk and the node Ni ’s CPU rate is represented by CPUi In the above Equation, CC is the simulator clock and ET is
and is depending on factors such as clock rate, core count, the execution time of the tuple.
instruction level parallelism, etc. Total execution time is the
total time taken by the system to complete all the tasks, b: ENERGY CONSUMPTION
defined from the time when the request is received until the
Energy consumption is a crucial factor in computing systems,
last task, or the time when the last machine completes. Total
encompassing various components such as data communica-
execution time is determined by the formula:
tion infrastructure, backup power supplies, cooling systems,
X fire control, and security technologies. The operational costs
TXT = [EXT (Ni )] (6)
of infrastructure are influenced by the power supply, mak-
ing it essential to implement strategies for reducing these
The execution time of a task includes the time taken to costs. The edgeward method involves deploying the majority
complete the job while utilizing system services. The duration of microservices on cloud virtual machines, which leads to
of execution varies for different tasks depending on the level increased energy consumption of cloud resources. The extent
of processing and input-output activities involved. Enhancing of energy usage depends on the number of active microser-
execution speed increases system effectiveness; as a result, vices in each tier. Reducing energy consumption significantly
it becomes a crucial factor. Efficient resource provisioning affects the efficiency, affordability, availability, dependabil-
for edge /fog systems can be represented as an optimization ity, and environmental sustainability of devices.
problem to minimize the execution time, as represented in the The energy consumption of a server or host can be repre-
following paragraph. Since time-critical applications have a sented by separating it into two main components: the fixed
greater impact on this parameter, we optimize the execution energy consumption when the server is in an idle state, and
time in our model. the variable energy consumption when the server is actively

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

processing requests. Energy consumption depends on the TABLE 3. Notations used in evaluation metrics equations.
server’s number of VMs and the allocated MIPS allocated for
each VM.
E0 is the current energy consumption, the fixed energy for
the server in an idle state. The variable energy for server
utilization while processing the requests is ENik . E is the total
energy consumption which can be calculated by
E = ENik + E0 (9)
ENik = c1 ∗ EXT (Tki ) (10)
where ENik is the energy consumption by the task Tk running memory needed by task Tk . Task Tk processed in node Ni
on the virtual machine or node i, E0 is the power required to needs an amount of bandwidth Bw(Tki ), which is the sum of
operate a data center which is the fixed energy for the server input and output file size. c3 is the bandwidth usage fee per
in an idle state, where c1 denote the CPU usage fee per time data unit. The following formula is used to determine how
unit in node Ni much each task in the cloud-fog system will cost in total:
c: NETWORK USAGE Totalcost = cost(Tki ) (13)
A crucial metric for comparing various approaches is the Tki ∈Ni Tasks
overall volume of data delivered across a network. Par-
ticularly on large networks, high data transfer techniques Our proposed strategy aims to deploy meta-heuristic
may result in network congestion, service interruptions, resource-provision methods and evaluate the above-
or an increase in the control loop’s average delay for the mentioned parameters.
applications. Compared to cloud operations, latency can Table 3 contains the list of acronyms used in this section.
be significantly minimized by offloading a portion of the
workload to the network edge. It is important to maintain 3) MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION
efficient communication between the edge and the cloud. This paper proposes the solution to the resource provisioning
Data pre-processing at edge and fog devices can greatly problem in two approaches. The first approach is address-
reduce the size of data transmission. However, it is crucial ing the resource provisioning problem as a multi-objective
to conserve bandwidth due to the large number of endpoints optimization problem with the objective to minimize the
connected to the network and the requirement for multiple evaluation parameters considered in this work. This approach
database servers to support them. Network usage depends on uses the weighted sum method to aggregate the results. The
the latency experienced by the network and the tuple size of second approach is to solve the problem using modified meta-
the data for ′ n′ VMs in the host as listed in Equation 11. heuristic methods. This subsection explains the formulation
of the multi-objective optimization problem and the next
NU = (l ∗ TNS) (11) subsection explains the meta-heuristic approach in detail.
n The parameters considered for optimization are energy
consumption, network use, execution time, cost and latency
where l denote the latency experienced by the network and
represented by the weight vectors w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 , w5 respec-
TNS denote the tuple network size. Total network use depends
tively. They hold the values between 0 and 1 and sum to 1.
on the number of VMs in fog devices in which the tasks are
These weights are subjective and define the contribution
distributed for execution.
of each parameter in the solution space. The multi criteria
decision making methods like analytical hierarchical process
could be used to derive the weight vector. Any point of a
Costs include infrastructure, network hardware, processing,
convex pareto front can be obtained by altering the weights.
network communications and storage costs. The investment
The model is solved for each combination of weighted coef-
made by service providers in fog computing also includes the
ficients, and the objective function values returned are saved
placement of communication and processing workloads in the
in the pareto set. The objective functions considered in this
fog device. One of the main issues with fog computing is cost
work are presented in Equations 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. The
multi-objective optimization problem is given in Equation 19.
Processing cost is defined as:
obj1 = min(TXT ) (14)
cost(Tki ) = c1 ∗ EXT (Tki ) + c2 ∗ M (Tki ) + c3 ∗ Bw(Tki )
(12) obj2 = min(TL) (15)
obj3 = min(E) (16)
where c1 denote the CPU usage fee per time unit in node Ni ,
and EXT(Tki ) is given in Equation 5. c2 denote the memory obj4 = min(NU ) (17)
usage fee per data unit in node Ni and M(Tki ) represent the obj5 = min(Totalcost) (18)

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TABLE 4. Weight selection for weighted sum method. a: FITNESS FUNCTION

Execution time is the the most important factors influencing
energy consumption, network use, cost, and latency. Thus,
an objective function is employed for evaluating the candidate
solutions as same as Equation 5, which can be represented as
X length(T i ) k
Fitness = (21)
min(w1 ∗ obj1 + w2 ∗ obj2 + w3 ∗ obj3 + w4 ∗ obj4
+ w5 ∗ obj5 ) (19) where length(Tki ) denote the number of instructions in the task
Tk and the node Ni ’s CPU rate is represented by CPUi
Algorithm 1 Modified Genetic Algorithm
w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 = 1 (20) 1: Input: An application’s set of resources available and
unmapped tasks.
The constraints for this problem include ensuring that the 2: Output: Output mapping
total CPU requirements of all the jobs assigned to a particular 3: Construct a list of the available resources.
host do not surpass the host’s capacity. Additionally, each 4: Create population
Virtual Machine should be allocated to only one host. The 5: for Each chromosome do
start time for the simulation should be greater than zero, 6: Determine the optimum resources (best fit) for every
and the tuple network size must not exceed the network size activity based on the time it will take to complete it.
limit. 7: Go to the next resource in the list.
Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) is a structured tech- 8: if The counter of index = last resource then
nique that is used to solve multi-criteria decision making 9: Go to the first resource on the list.
problems in many areas including e-commerce, transporta- 10: end if
tion, portfolio selection, supplier selection etc. It helps 11: end for
in organizing and analyzing complex decisions, based on 12: Evaluate all chromosomes using the fitness function
mathematics and psychology, where alternatives are ranked 13: while Termination condition not reached do
using the pairwise comparison of multiple criteria [55]. The 14: Random selection and crossover
weighted sum for each alternative is computed by multiplying 15: Mutation
each objective value with its corresponding weight and sum- 16: select best chromosomes
ming up the result, ending in a singular value representing 17: end while
the performance of each alternative. These alternatives are 18: Save the best solution
then ranked in descending order based on their weighted sum 19: Map the tasks on resources
values, creating a list from best to worst. Beginning with
the top alternative, non-dominated solutions are identified by
comparing their weighted sum value to those of the alterna-
tives below it. If an alternative has a better or equal weighted b: MODIFIED GENETIC ALGORITHM
sum value for at least one objective and a better-weighted sum By taking into consideration the fog/cloud system features,
value for at least one other objective, it is considered non- a modified meta-heuristic method based on GA is proposed
dominated. This process is repeated for all alternatives, and in this approach.
the preferred solution is selected from the non-dominated set. • Initial population: In a standard genetic algorithm, it is
However, this weight assignment is subjective and can vary generated at random. In fog-critical time applications,
from problem to problem. The use of AHP in this proposed creating a good and goal-oriented initial population that
study leads to the set of weight vectors listed in the Table 4 leads to finding the response promptly is preferable.
for the parameters considered. Hence to build the initial population, the tasks/cloudlets
The results comparing this with the existing and the pro- are sorted by execution times and their processing capac-
posed methods are presented in Fig. 13. ity in MIPS. The chromosome’s first row of genes is
occupied with sorted cloudlets. The best-fit technique is
4) PROPOSED META-HEURISTIC METHODS to select a suitable VM with the shortest operating time
This section explains the solution to the resource provision- for each task from the virtual resource list.
ing problem using the meta-heuristic methods. As described The proposed pseudo-code is presented as Algorithm 1.
in section IV-B, this work uses the modified version of Figure 3 presents the flowchart for the same.
genetic algorithm and the flower pollination algorithm which • Crossover: A random gene selection is used in this case.
is described below. Two parents are chosen randomly, and their genes are

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

solutions can be accelerated. The population selection

strategy opted is the elite selection, which is a simple
method to implement. It only involves selecting a fixed
number of the most best individuals from the population.
Elite selection helps quicken the convergence, enhance
the genetic diversity, and keep the good genetic material
by preserving the best individuals in the population.
It prefers some of the best chromosomes for the next
iteration, considered elites. The time complexity of GA
for the resource allocation problem considered in this
work depends on the number of generations (g), the
population size (n), and the complexity of the fitness
function (m) represented as O(g * n * m). The memory
complexity of the GA implementation depends on the
representation of the chromosome, the population size,
and the size of the problem. The memory required to
store the population is proportional to the number of
chromosomes (n) and the length of each chromosome
(l) denoted as O(n * l).


The flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is a meta-heuristic
inspired by flowering plants for artificial intelligence. Flower
FIGURE 3. Modified genetic algorithm flowchart.
pollination is the process of transferring pollen from one
flower to another. Animals, such as birds, bats, insects, and so
forth, are the principal actors in such transfers. Flowers and
chosen at random. Then, two other solutions are devel- insects will form a flower-pollinator alliance. These blooms
oped by altering resource regions of selected genes. can attract birds which are part of the pollination, and these
• Mutation: A chromosome and one of its genes along insects are the primary pollinators of the flowers. A flower
with a resource from a virtual list is chosen at random. and its pollen gametes provide a reliable answer to the opti-
If the execution time is faster than the last candidate, the mization problem. With only one control parameter, FPA
selected resource will be replaced with the selected gene. gives a simplified flower analogy with lightweight computing
The mutation leads to the speedy discovery of a good and provides a balanced intensification and diversity of solu-
solution. tions by implementing the Lévy flight and switch condition,
• Evaluation and selection solutions: It uses a fitness func- which may be used to switch between local and global search.
tion with efficient parameters to recognize the value The pollinator transports pollen over greater distances to
of a solution. The fitness function is applied to all the high-fitting flowers in case of global pollination; however,
solutions, and their values are determined in GA. Then in other circumstances, local pollination is carried out inside
the solution with the best value is identified as the maxi- a small area of an exclusive bloom. Switch probability is a
mum or minimum for the fittest solution using parameter possibility for global pollination. Local pollination can be
placement guidelines. In the proposed approach, solu- used to replace phased elimination. The steps of modified
tions with minimum execution time can be considered FPA in the proposed method are described below:
the best value after fitness function estimation. The num- • Step 1: Initialize the population with the help of the best
ber of virtual resources in the list is denoted as ′ n′ . Each fit strategy to get the response rapidly. Hence to build
solution’s fitness value is calculated using Equation 21. the initial population, the tasks/cloudlets are sorted by
The chromosome with minimum fitness value is consid- execution times, and their processing capacity in MIPS.
ered as the best solution among others. The target is to Cloudlets are allocated to VMs in the virtual resource
minimize the fitness function. The method tries to find a list using the best-fit strategy.
solution by using crossover and mutation operations to • Step 2: Evaluate performance for each solution in the
reduce the fitness value as much as feasible. Single-point initial population using the fitness function in Equation
crossover has been applied in the proposed approach due 21. The fitness function is applied to all the solutions,
to its advantages, which include enhanced genetic diver- and their values are computed in FPA, after which the
sity, expedited convergence, effective exploration of the solution with the best value is selected as the maximum
search space, and retention of favorable genetic mate- or minimum for the fittest solution using parameter
rial. By utilizing single-point crossover, the diversity of placement guidelines. In the proposed approach, solu-
solutions can be increased, and the search for optimal tions with minimum execution time can be considered

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

Algorithm 2 Modified Flower Pollination Algorithm

1: Input: An application’s set of resources available and
unmapped tasks.
2: Output: Output mapping
3: Construct a list of the available resources.
4: Create population
5: for Each solution do
6: Determine the optimum resources (best fit) for every
activity based on the time it will take to complete it.
7: Go to the next resource in the list.
8: if The counter of index = last resource then
9: Go to the first resource on the list.
10: end if
11: end for
12: Find the fitness of each solution in the population using
the fitness function
13: Find the best solution
14: while Termination condition not reached do
15: if (rand) is less than switching probability (.8) then
16: performs global pollination
17: else
FIGURE 4. Modified flower pollination algorithm flowchart.
18: performs local pollination
19: end if
the best value after fitness function calculation. Each 20: Find fitness of the new solution
solution’s fitness value is calculated using Equation 21. 21: if new solution better than existing solutions then
• Step 3: Find the best solution among all. The best solu- 22: swap with the new solution
tion among the others is the one with the lowest fitness 23: end if
value. The goal is to minimize the fitness function as 24: end while
much as possible. 25: Save the best solution
• Step 4: Define switch probability. In the proposed 26: Map the tasks on resources
approach, the switch probability is considered as 0.8.
• Step 5: Check to stop criteria. In the proposed approach,
the algorithm stops once it reaches the required number
of iterations.
medical applications in a fog computing environment utiliz-
• Step 6: Flower pollination main loop start. According to
ing mobility components of iFogSim2.
switch probability, perform local pollination or global
• Step 7: Update new solution and compare with old solu- 5) MOBILITY
tions. The mobility of fog nodes or users raise an issue for the fog
• Step 8: Display the best solution among all. computing platform by maintaining resources close to users
Figure 4 shows the flowchart for the same. The proposed at all times [56]. IoT device mobility can impact the perfor-
algorithm’s pseudo-code is included in Algorithm 2. The mance of fog applications because of the rapid movement
switching probability p, the scaling parameter, and the popu- of the devices from one access point to another. This causes
lation size n are the parameters in FPA. Empirical findings IoT device application service migration from one computing
and numerical simulations imply that a small population node to another to maintain the committed QoS. When opting
is adequate, regardless of whether the real-world popula- for mobility, one must consider identifying an intermediary
tion sizes are large. The time complexity of FPA for this node to which the origin fog node can upload the relevant
implementation depends on the number of iterations (t), the application service, so that the final fog node can download.
population size (n), and the complexity of the objective func- Location data for IoT devices, the device’s mobility trajectory
tion or the number of decision variables (m) which is given as or mobility direction and speed, are the factors we must con-
O(n * m * t). The memory complexity of FPA for this work sider for service migration. If we consider end node mobility,
relies on the population size (n) and the number of decision network metrics such as delay, energy use, and other variables
variables (m) denoted as O(n * m). also fluctuate dramatically. Considering all these characteris-
The proposed approach described in Algorithm 3 is tics, we have extended the mobility component of iFogSim2
the implementation of investigating resource provisioning to customize with the proposed application. A comprehensive
based on meta-heuristic methods for microservice-based IoT description of these classes is provided in Figure 5.

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

Algorithm 3 Healthcare Application unique mobility pattern without harming other users. The
1: Input: Sensor data DataParser class parses the location data of edge, fog, and
2: Output: Response to an actuator end nodes and generates separate location object for each
3: Create new FogBroker coordinate. A Location object may also contain the relevant
4: Create new Application entities’ block-wise information. Additionally, DataParser
5: Create new dataparser object and location handler object can use these Location objects to refer to the LocationHan-
6: Adding microservices (Client module, datapreprocess- dler class to sequence all mobile entities’ movement events.
ing, decision making, storage) to the application The MobilityController class wraps the object references
7: Using edges to connect application modules in the appli- of various mobility-specific classes to collectively address
cation model mobility-related problems.
8: Defining the relationships of the input and output The proposed use case dynamically initiates the necessary
microservice modules sequential or parallel events on various FogDevice and App-
9: Defining the microservice application loop as Module referenced objects. The MobilityController refers to
sensor-client module-data preprocessing-decision an object of the MobilityPlacementMobileEdgewards class
making-client-actuator for the initial placement of AppModules. Including a feature
10: Add application to fogbroker that tracks the fog node-wise deployment of microservices
11: Create fog devices in the physical topology or application modules for each end mobile device in the
12: Create Cloud datacenter simulation environment, this class duplicates the Module-
13: for each i to locator.getLevelWiseResources do PlacementEdgewards of the simulator. When the simulation
14: Create proxy fog device begins, MobilityController moves in to carry out activities
15: Apply modified genetic algorithm for task scheduling like module launch and resource management following ini-
and Apply modified flower pollination algorithm for task tial placement. It has many steps, including initialization, new
scheduling parent selection, migration of intra-cluster and inter-cluster
16: end for modules, and update. The mobility management operation’s
17: for each i=0 to locator.getLevelWiseResources do necessary setup is carried out in the initialization phase. The
18: Create gateway fogdevice new parent selection step establishes the mobile entity’s new
19: end for upper-tier contact’s minimum distance due to the shifting
20: Initialize microservice mapping of locations. During the migration of intra-cluster modules
21: Create MicroservicesMobilityClusteringController and and inter-cluster phase, the migration of modules between
submit the controller to the application clusters happen. In the final update stage, the simulation
22: Start Simulation environment must be updated based on intra-cluster or inter-
23: Stop Simulation cluster module migration. The above operations are described
24: End in Algorithm 4.
The consideration of mobility component in the applica-
tion causes the migration of applications modules from one
fog device to another which affects the scheduling of tasks to
resources and hence the evaluation parameters.

Resource augmentation can greatly help applications that
require a finite amount of fog resources, particularly in terms
of storage and computing power. To meet their QoS require-
ments, some tasks performed by IoT nodes may be delegated
to adjacent nodes [57]. Therefore, a clustering method that
permits resource augmentation among fog resources is essen-
FIGURE 5. IFogSim2 mobility. tial. The iFogSim2 clustering component enables distributed
dynamic coordination and collaboration between several
nodes. In accordance with the particular clustering policies,
The modified mobility components can expand data from
every node can probe and register its cluster members.
external sources using the DataParser class as an interface by
reading data from .csv files. The multitier logical hierarchy
of edge/fog nodes described in the previous subsection has 7) MICROSERVICES
been employed to deploy end devices, edge, fog, and cloud. To effectively exploit the fog computing paradigm, applica-
The DataParser class can independently assimilate the loca- tion development has transitioned from monolithic design
tion data of various mobile users and IoT devices, allowing to microservice architecture. The application model for the
application services to be handled according to each user’s suggested system consists of a number of microservices.

VOLUME 11, 2023 60927

S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

Algorithm 4 Customized Mobility Management Logic

1: Input: Dataparser object, reference object, location han-
dler object, location of mobile entity m at time t, parent
of mobile entity, level of the mobile entities
2: Output: Migration of application modules to different fog
nodes due to the mobility of mobile entities
3: ρ ′ = null
4: δ = getmaximum distance denoted in the reference class
5: η = operation tier
6: ρ = upper tier contact due to the location change
7: for Every fog node of the upper layer of mobile entity do
8: Lfu =location of fog node
9: δ ′ = distance between m and fog node
10: Fog node residing at a minimum distance from
mobile entity marked as new upper tier contact or parent
node ρ FIGURE 6. Data flow diagram with microservice modules.
11: if The current and new upper tier contact of mobile
entity m differs then
12: Application modules of mobile entity deployed in
ρ ′ push to ρ, which is a new parent in the same cluster from the data in real-time. This decision-making is per-
13: else formed in this microservice.
14: Application modules of mobile entity deployed in To monitor user health, these microservices communicate
ρ ′ push to ρ, which is a new parent in the different cluster with one another. Depending on the placement policy, time-
15: end if critical microservices for preprocessing and decision-making
16: end for can be deployed in fog or in the cloud. The storage module
receives the data that will be residing in the cloud perma-
nently. This study suggests a useful resource provisioning
A methodology called microservices allow us to create an mechanism that takes advantage of a multi-level hierarchi-
application out of a number of small services, each of which cal fog architecture, where multiple levels of application
operates in its own process and uses simple protocols to com- placement requests are processed at the fog nodes. It uses
municate. Microservices enable the creation of systems made a decentralized placement method to disperse microservices
up of a number of small, independent components that may across the fog environment to model a critical IoT medical
each manage their own data. The development of large-scale application.
IoT applications is made possible by advantages including
heterogeneity, robustness, scalability, ease of deployment, V. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
organizational alignment, and composability. Microservice The market is very competitive with simulators for simulating
deployments are more important in the modern world because cloud, fog, and edge devices. One such discrete event network
of their high performance and suitability for IoT applications. simulator is NS3, which enables us to create various virtual
Figure 6 shows the application model of the proposed system, nodes and install devices, internet stacks, programs, etc.,
which consists of a group of microservices. Each microser- on our nodes with the aid of various classes. For model-
vice is represented by a vertex, while the edges depict the ing and simulating edge/fog/cloud computing infrastructures
data connections between them. In this design, there are three and services, we have chosen iFogSim2, an extension of
microservices, which are listed below. Cloudsim, since this framework can be used to develop and
• Client microservice: It is the front end of the deploy experiments for edge/fog/cloud devices that handle
fog computing-based healthcare system. The client compute, memory, I/O, and VM allocation, as well as VM
microservice is deployed on the users smartphone and power models, among other things. The iFogSim2 Simulator,
receives the sensor ECG signals associated with the an extension of the iFogSim simulator, holds the properties
patient. Later it transmits sensor data to the preprocess- of service migration, distributed cluster building across fog
ing microservice which is stored on the fog device. nodes, and microservice orchestration. This simulator helps
• Preprocessing microservice: The preprocessing validate the proposed approach’s performance in the fog
microservice performs data validation and cleaning to computing environment. The components of the iFogSim2,
reduce noise from ECG sensor data before transmitting such as mobility, clustering, and microservices, are loosely
it for further processing. coupled and can be utilized for simulation in such scenarios.
• Decision-making microservice: To alert the client iFogSim2 incorporates real datasets for assessing the per-
microservice about the patient’s health, the microservice formance of different service management strategies in fog
must determine whether an emergency situation exists computing settings, unlike most existing solutions. It includes

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S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

node clustering, mobility management, and microservice

orchestration methodologies that can be used as benchmarks
for comparing performance [15].
All iFogSim core classes, such as FogDevice, Actuator,
sensor, and AppModule, have object references in the Con-
troller class, and it can access the Tuple class through an
Application object. The Clustering element of iFogSim2
allows distributed dynamic coordination and collaboration
among multi-fog nodes. To add the modified mobility com-
ponent, which is customized for the proposed use case to the
iFogSim2 simulation, it includes classes such as DataParser
and MobilityController. The functions of these classes are
FIGURE 7. User mobility.
described below:
• The DataParser class allows the separation and assim-
ilation of location data from many IoT end devices so
that application services may be handled based on their
unique mobility patterns.
• MobilityController class helps to dynamically start
the required sequential or parallel actions on sepa-
rate FogDevice and AppModule referenced objects for
mobility management.
During simulations, the proposed model considers two
different types of mobility patterns namely ‘RAN-
In ‘DIRECTIONAL MOBILITY’ model, the time period
between any two of these motions is made to be equal to
ensure that the user/IoT device maintains a constant speed.
FIGURE 8. Resource location.
The ‘DIRECTIONAL MOBILITY’ model is being used,
which has a significant number of consecutive coordinates
lying at the same distances across the Melbourne central generating fog devices. The settings used for device configu-
business district (CBD) for a user/IoT device. Based on those ration in iFogSim2 [58] are listed in Table 5. The typical unit
coordinates, events are constructed to simulate the movement of measurement for latency is milliseconds, which indicates
of the associated end IoT device. There are numerous random the amount of time it takes for a tuple to travel from the
mobility patterns to represent users ‘RANDOM MOBILITY’ sensor to the mobile device, from the mobile device to the
model behaviors. According to numerous mobility criteria, Fog, from the Fog to the Proxy, from the Proxy to the Cloud,
user speed, direction, stopping time at each location, and and between clusters of Fog nodes. Table 6 displays the values
duration within each edge/fog node’s communication range assigned to these parameters in the configuration settings of
can be produced by the RandomMobilityGenerator class and iFogSim2.
can be expanded for multiple random mobility models. The Fog devices are the computational devices in iFogSim2.
diagrammatic representation of the connection between these Computational gadgets, on the other hand, come in various
modules are presented in Figure 5. levels. On Level 3, the parent node is a cloud server. The
This section explains the simulation environment used to fog nodes are connected to the cloud server via a proxy
evaluate the suggested approach’s performance. The sensors server at Level 2. Fog nodes are located closer to the user
detect ECG and regularly send data to the fog nodes through a at Level 1, giving more frequent computational and storage
smartphone. Data is processed and analyzed on the fog nodes capacities. Sensors and actuators are used in Level 0 IoT
to determine whether the patient’s health status is normal devices. The MicroserviceFogDevice, Actuator, and Sensor
or critical. The results are subsequently sent to the patient’s classes of iFogSim2 simulate the physical topology.
smartphone and to the cloud for storage. The fog nodes’ These scenarios were simulated on an Intel Core i7 CPU
connection to the cloud server is established through a proxy running at 1.80 GHz and 4GB of RAM. The fractional selec-
server. The client module is embedded in IoT devices to get tivity of the input-output relationship inside a module is set
the sensor data. The processing module is embedded in fog to 1.0.
nodes to process and analyze the incoming data to assess the
patient’s health status. The fog node then communicates the VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
results to the associated IoT device, which displays them. A. DATA SET
It must define values for numerous parameters such as CPU This work uses EUA dataset [59], which provides the posi-
length, bandwidth, RAM, and so on, in iFogSim2 when tion information of the fog nodes deployed across Central

VOLUME 11, 2023 60929

S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

TABLE 7. Results of Modified Genetic algorithm based resource


TABLE 8. Results of Modified Flower pollination algorithm based

resource provisioning.

FIGURE 9. Directional mobility of the user.

of user mobility and resource location in the dataset, and

Figures 9 and 10 show directional movement, and random
movement of the user [59].

The proposed work compares the system’s performance with
two approaches, namely, cloud-only and edge-fog with cloud,
changing the deployment of meta-heuristic algorithms for
resource management. The section also presents the results
with and without mobility considerations of IoT devices.
Parameters, namely cloud energy, router energy, cost, net-
work use, latency, and execution time, are analyzed with
FIGURE 10. Random mobility of the user. and without mobility as presented in Figure 11. The pro-
posed system’s performance is evaluated using the modified
TABLE 5. Configuration parameters [58].
genetic algorithm for resource provisioning, considering the
identified parameters, and are presented in Table 7 by uti-
lizing the evaluation metrics discussed in section IV-B. The
proposed system’s performance is also evaluated using the
modified flower pollination algorithm, considering the same
parameters, and is presented in Table 8. The fitness of solu-
tions for modified FPA and modified GA are depicted in
TABLE 6. Simulation parameters [58]. Figure 12. The comparison of fog implementation, edge
implementation, and cloud-only implementations for the
identified parameters using modified GA, modified FPA, the
multi-objective optimization method and the existing (First
Come First Serve) FCFS method in the simulator are pre-
sented in Figure 13.
The results presented in Figure 14 and Figure 15 presents
Business District zones of major Australian cities such as the results of modified FPA and modified GA for resource
Melbourne and Sydney. The dataset is segmented into various provisioning while taking into account directional and ran-
regions and is divided into several blocks, among which a dom mobility models for user movements with microservice
specific node is picked as the proxy server at random to ensure placement and clustering approach and compares the pro-
impartiality. Within a block, all nodes except the proxy server posed models for different movement patterns of a patient.
serve as the gateway for IoT devices. This repository includes
a collection of EUA datasets gathered from real-world data 1) OBSERVATIONS FROM THE INTEGRATION OF MOBILITY
sources. The datasets have been made available to the public AND MICROSERVICE FEATURES IN EDGE-FOG-CLOUD
in assisting edge computing research. The data corresponds to COMPUTING ENVIRONMENTS
the Australian region and helps in better simulation of a real- • In comparison to simulations lacking mobility compo-
time environment. Figures 7 and 8 show the characteristics nents, simulations with mobility systems are practical.

60930 VOLUME 11, 2023

S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

FIGURE 11. Result graphs with mobility and microservice integration.

TABLE 9. Sensitivity analysis for modified GA.

• Cloud energy, cost, network usage, execution time, and mobility implementations. This brings practical proof of
latency are all reduced in the fog computing model since performing the computation at the fog level.
processing happens at the lower fog level, which is very • Router energy consumption is less for cloud-only imple-
close to the end device both in mobility and without mentations if we deploy mobility and microservice

VOLUME 11, 2023 60931

S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

FIGURE 12. Fitness values.

FIGURE 13. Result graphs comparing modified GA, modified FPA, multi-objective optimization method and existing FCFS method.

concepts since microservice modules are loosely cou- • If we include mobility in our application, the network
pled, which consume less energy than monolithic use, execution time, and delay for cloud and fog sce-
architecture. narios is slightly longer in milliseconds since mobility

60932 VOLUME 11, 2023

S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

FIGURE 14. Results of modified FPA and modified GA in fog and edge computing using directional mobility user model.

requires service migration which needs more network • When compared to GA, FPA has less cost of execution
requirements and causes an increase in execution time since FPA converges faster than GA. GA and FPA have
and delay. almost the same network use and latency.
• In cloud scenarios, FPA takes less time to execute since
FPA converges fast, but GA and FPA take about the same
2) OBSERVATIONS FROM THE INTEGRATION OF amount of time to execute in edge/fog scenarios.
META-HEURISTIC METHODS IN EDGE-FOG-CLOUD • While considering the parameters, cloud energy, cost,
COMPUTING ENVIRONMENTS network use, execution time, and latency, genetic
• Metaheurtic methods provide efficient provision- algorithm, and FPA outperforms the existing resource
ing compared to existing systems. The reason provisioning methods since meta-heuristic methods con-
being, meta-heuristic methods converge to optimal or verge to optimal or sub-optimal solutions fast. However,
sub-optimal solutions at a faster rate when compared to router energy is slightly higher than traditional resource
multi-objective optimization approaches. provisioning methods since more computations are hap-
• The energy consumption of routers are same for GA and pening in the fog layer.
FPA since more computations are happening in the fog • In comparison, cloud energy consumption decreases by
layer. 15%, network use by 7%, cost by 29%, execution time

VOLUME 11, 2023 60933

S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

FIGURE 15. Results of modified FPA and modified GA in fog and edge computing using random mobility user model.

by 16% and latency by 55% when using meta-heuristic 3) OBSERVATIONS OF DIRECTIONAL AND RANDOM
based resource provisioning approach for edge com- MOBILITY USER MODELS IN EDGE-FOG-CLOUD COMPUTING
puting. While cloud energy consumption decreases ENVIRONMENTS
by 18%, network use by 33%, cost by 16%, execu- • Cloud energy is lesser for edge computing than fog com-
tion time by 18% and latency by 72% when using puting since computation occurs only in edge devices.
meta-heuristic based resource provisioning approach for • Router energy is the same for edge computing compared
fog computing. to fog computing because computations are happening
• The router energy consumption is 0.1% more for edge/ in the router for edge and fog computing in a similar
fog computing since more computations are happening manner.
in the fog layer for the meta-heuristic methods consid- • Since computations are happening in the edge layer,
ered in this work. edge computing has less cost of execution, network

60934 VOLUME 11, 2023

S. M. Rajagopal et al.: Resource Provisioning Using Meta-Heuristic Methods for IoT Microservices

FIGURE 16. Comparative analysis [44].

FIGURE 17. Comparative analysis [60].

use, latency, and execution time than fog computing for microservices in the edge/fog layers would be beneficial.
directional and random user mobility models. However, since we only simulate a few hops, there will not
In conclusion, edge computing is superior to fog com- be a significant difference between edge computing and fog
puting, and the resource provisioning efficiency of the computing in the simulator.
meta-heuristic techniques is high. However, in real-time
scenarios, there may be around 30 hops between the IoT 4) COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS
device and the destination server making fog computing and In order to have an effective conclusion, the proposed
cloud computing very distinct in real-world deployments. approach has been compared for its network use and the
In such scenarios, it is evident that the deployment of the latency parameters against the existing results presented in

VOLUME 11, 2023 60935

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TABLE 10. Sensitivity analysis for modified FPA.

TABLE 11. Topologies for simulation. As part of future work, we plan to pursue various
research directions in this domain, put the proposed strategy
into practice, and address the proposed system’s scalabil-
ity. We will investigate, enhance, and apply more hybrid
meta-heuristic algorithms to solve scheduling problems that
take into account task dependency and priority. We aim to
tackle and overcome the scalability limitations present in
the proposed approach, providing valuable information for
the literatures [44] and [60] which are presented in Figures 16 real-world deployments. We plan to extend our technique
and 17. The comparison of the parameters for the different to other critical real-time IoT applications which can be
architectures named config 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the description deployed in real-time edge/fog/cloud environments. Future
of which is listed in Table 11, is depicted in Figure 16. These directions for the simulation include considering the Edge AI
results also prove the conclusion statement in the previous and Blockchain technologies on the application’s deployment
sub-section. and performance in edge and fog computing environments.


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publications in reputed journals and conferences.
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She is an active ACM professional member and
toolkit for modeling and simulation of resource management techniques
in the Internet of Things, edge and fog computing environments,’’ Softw., leads various ACM club activities at the college. Her research interests
Pract. Exper., vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 1275–1296, Sep. 2017. include parallel/distributed computing, cloud computing, and fog computing.
[59] P. Lai, Q. He, M. Abdelrazek, F. Chen, J. Hosking, J. Grundy, and Y. Yang, She also works on integrating cloud computing with the Internet of Things,
‘‘Optimal edge user allocation in edge computing with variable sized which has emerged as a new challenging domain in research.
vector bin packing,’’ in Proc. Int. Conf. Service-Oriented Comput. Cham,
Switzerland: Springer, 2018, pp. 230–245.
[60] R. Paesani, G. Paolone, P. D. Felice, D. Iachetti, and M. Marinelli,
‘‘iFogSim simulations on IoT computational alternatives,’’ Eng. Proc.,
vol. 31, no. 1, p. 44, 2022. RAJKUMAR BUYYA (Fellow, IEEE) is currently
a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and the
Director of the Cloud Computing and Distributed
Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, The University
of Melbourne, Australia. He is also the Founder
and the CEO of Manjrasoft, a spin-off company of
the university, commercializing cloud computing
SHINU M. RAJAGOPAL received the B.Tech. technologies. He was an Honorary/Visiting Profes-
degree in electronics and communications from sor for several elite universities, including Imperial
Calicut University, India, and the M.E. degree College London, U.K., and University of Birming-
in computer science and engineering from Anna ham, U.K. He has written over 850 publications, including seven textbooks.
University, India, in 2008. She is currently pur- He has been recognized as a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher for five
suing the Ph.D. degree with Amrita Vishwa consecutive years, since 2016, and a Scopus Researcher of the Year 2017 with
Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru, India. She has more Excellence in Innovative Research Award by Elsevier and the ‘‘Best of
than ten years of teaching experience. Her research the World,’’ in computing systems field, by The Australian 2019 Research
interests include distributed computing, cloud Review.
computing, fog computing, and edge computing.

60938 VOLUME 11, 2023

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