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Digital Marketing


Course 1: Marketing in Digital World

( How do digital technologies change Marketing)

Week 1: “Product” in Digital World

1, Marketing mix (4Ps- Product, Price, Place, Promotion)

- Is process for creating, communicating, delivering, exchange an offer that bring value to
customers and society at large

2, Basic concept – Definition of product

- Customer: demand (need, want)

- Goods and services
- Anything that is made satisfy (human) customer

Activities in “Product”

- Product development
- Brand management
Doanh nghiệp : Past

- Research
- Idea
- Prototype
- Test
- Launching

Now : Firm central approach in product development or brand management

 Customer co-creation

3, Concept 1: Customer co-creation – Definition

- Contributions made by customers that assist a firm in the design and development of a new
product offering
- 2 step involving in customer co-creation:
+ Customers must submit contribution/ selection
Issue: lượng đóng góp ý tưởng không nhiều
 Solution:
White hacker ( Phát hiện lỗ hổng bảo mật để cải thiện/ đóng góp), Trao chứng nhận  Tạo
động lực
Cho cộng đồng loại ý tưởng  không làm mất lòng khách hàng

2.1, 4 type of co-creation depending on how firms control distribution and selection

- Co-creation Typology

Contribution Activity
Fixed Open
Selection Activity Customer-led Co-designing Collaborating
Firm-led Submitting Tinkering

• Submitting: Customers directly communicate ideas for new product offerings to a firm.

• Co-designing: a relatively small group of customers provides a firm with most of its new
product content or designs, while a larger group of customers helps select which content or
designs should be adopted by the firm.

• Tinkering: customers make modifications to a commercially available product and some of

these modifications are incorporated into subsequent product releases.

• Collaborating: customers have the power to collectively develop and improve a new
product’s core components and underlying structure.

2.2, Application

Crowdsourcing: tính năng đám đông phát triển sản phẩm <<< thuộc loại hình Submitting

- Low customer appeal(should) >< high customer appeal (shouldn’t)


Rule 1: about one percent of all customer contributions are good enough to implement

- Authenticity is critical: triển khai để khách hang đóng góp càng nhiều càng tốt
- Patches and badges:
- Don’t be the bad guy: loại bỏ ý tưởng của họ = cách sử dụng đám đông

2.3, Sharing economy

Có 3 bên : Tạo nền tảng ( grab, xanh SM) – sở hữu nguồn tài nguyên – phân bổ, sd…

Definition: Technology-enabled platforms that provide users with temporary access to a resource
that may be crowdsourced

- The sharing economy firms are inherently digital in nature & run on technology platforms

- The grant temporary access rather than permanent ownership

- Resources are often owned by external individuals

Type of sharing economy

Sharing economy typology

Low High
Consociality High Forums: Connect Matchmakers: Pair
actors actors (Uber)
(Carpool World)
Low Enablers: Equip actors Hubs: Centralize
( Posh Mark) exchange
- Leverage your prosumers: an individual who both consumers and produces
- Employ reverse ratings
- Ride to surge
- Position on price: (a sustainable form of consumption, a stronger sense of community, lower
price & greater value, saving money)

Week 3: How do digital technologies change Placement

1, Basis concept

a, Definition of placement:

Making a product conveniently accessible to potential customers

Ex: Coca-cola

b, How does placement change?

2, Concept 1: New retails

a, Definition

- A collection of strategies (both traditional & digital) that traditional retailers are using to
react to the challenges of operating in a digital world
- Ex: Tesco uses QR codes for supermarket
Showrooming & Webrooming
Omnichannel là gì?

b, Characteristics

c, Advice

3, Concept 2: Desktop manufacturing (Self-Manufacturing)

a, Definition:

3D printing is a technological device that can turn digital designs into physical objects.

b, Characteristics

c, Advice

market to shoppers: truyền thông cho chính người mua sắm tại cửa hang đó

enhancing the physical by adding the digital

use the power of touch: có thể thay offline  online nhưng k thể phủ nhận sức mạnh của offline

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