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Nama : Maria Putri Setyaningtyas

NIM : 042432866
Course : Reading 2

1. Main idea in paragraph 2 is in first sentence:
More people now exist than ever before, and the populatio keeps growing. Every 15
seconds, about 100 babies are born.

2.Main idea in paragraph 6 is in the last sentence :

Each year erosion steals billions of tons of topsoil from farmers – soil they could have
used to grow food.

3,Main idea in paragpraph 10 is in second sentence :

Pierre Crosson and Norman Rosenberg of Resources for the Future, a research group,
say that world food production could grow much more slowly than current rate, and there
would still be enough food for ten billion people.

4.Main idea in paragraph 13 is in third sentence:

Education will help them get the most out of agricultural assistance.

5.Main idea in paragraph 15 in is the last sentence:

No great scientific breakthroughs are required – just a collective determination to change
our minds and our ways.”

1. Population and hunger are global problems.

2. the two solutions listed in this article are first. Better education for women in
developing countries can help do a lot of agricultural work in these countries. Education
will help get the most out of agricultural assistance. They can also take advantage of
family planning information, both scientists can help fight hunger by developing disease-
resistant crops and by improving irrigation methods. People everywhere have to learn how
to grow food without harming the environment.

3. Women or young people whose human resources must be improved, as well as the
community who must be given direction to the government about population and food

4. Tree destruction, erosion, and overgrazing by livestock can turn fertile land into desert.
And the desert can spread. The Sahara Desert in North Africa, for example, is moving
south. The shifting sand gradually covered villages and fields. For farmers, water was as
important as land. In recent years irrigation has made many dry areas bloom. But experts
warn that some forms of irrigation can damage the soil in the long term. Sometimes
irrigation water contains large amounts of dissolved salts. Over time the salt builds up in
the soil and kills the plants.

5. Talking about environmental education, our society is still in dire need. Apart from
education, there is also direct action in the field. This is related to environmental care
behavior that must be carried out continuously. Environmental education is very important
to increase public awareness. Therefore, environmental conservation must receive support
from all parties and primary political forces. With environmental education, the community
will play an active role in law enforcement. For this reason, local governments must have
administrative capabilities in the environmental field in order to be able to answer the
demands of the community.

As we all know is the process of adjustment between humans and nature, or also the regular
development and perfection of all human moral, intellectual, and physical potential by and
for self and personal interests.

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