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Reading passage 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13. Which are based on Reading passage on pages 2 and 3 Using video diaries to collect research data from children Gaining knowledge for children’s experiences in relationship to various life situation is an essential task for researchers. However, using children as information places large demands on Knowledge of how children coped with illness involving other family members, we supplied children with a video camera and gave them instruction in its use. We then gave the children the task of carrying out daily video diary recording at home over one month in which they recorded their feeling relating to situation and their experiences over the day. It was hoped that the information gathered would help us to achieve the best possible care for the affected families We feel that the video diary method is particularly well suited for child research. In the traditional research interview, where the child is face- to- face with an adult interviewer, the uneven balance of power between the adult researcher and the child informant may affect the nature of what the child says in the interview, Much of children’s livers are regulated by adults, as illustrated for example by the requirement for them to follow school rules or do their homework before playing computer games, and children may feel the need to provide only the information they think the interviewer wants to hear. In addition, children may feel under pressure in interviews because their language skills are limited, and the amount of information gained during the interview may be relatively small, as their capacity for concentration if often less than that of adults Compares with more traditional research methods, video diaries have several advantages. They offer the opportunity to collect information on informants’ thoughts, feelings and actions over a much longer period than other methods of collecting research data, In addition, because the children and adolescents in our project had grown up with realty television shows, they were more likely to feel confident about sharing their personal narratives in this medium. We found the children immediately felt on home ground when the camcorders were handed out to them and many of them GROUP: ORIGINAL EXAMS- DU DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 proved skilled in their use. For example, one evening twelve- year- old Michael was sitting is front of the camera saying the he had a good day because the decoration of his new room had been completed. It had been painted in a super- cool color, he told the camera, supporting his observation with a shot in which the camera some informants the camera might gradually become a sympathetic, sensitive and loyal friend that they can turn to for a talk about their thoughts and feelings. This personification of the video recorder was evident in our project. Especially in the case of sixteen- year- old. Peter he would start the daily recording by saying. Today I've got something to tell you’ of it is probably going to be a bit boring today, because | have no news to tell you. In our project, we also benefited greatly from the opportunity to examine nonverbal expressions among the children, testimonies that were sometimes at odds with what they GROUP: ORIGINAL EXAMS- DU DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Questions 7-13 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading passage 1 In boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet, write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 7 In the project, children were asked to record themselves talking on video every day fora month true 8 Some of the children thought they might appear on a reality television show. 9 The way peter spoke to the video recorder suggests he thought of it as just a Machine 10 Michael's body language supported his spoken account of his visit to his grandmother. 44 Many children avoided making recordings about upsetting experiences. 12 The main purpose of the follow- up interview was to check and practical problems with the equipment. 13. Michael and Christian both said they had found making the video diary a helpful process GROUP: ORIGINAL EXAMS- DU DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 KEY 7- TRUE 8- NOT GIVEN 9- FALSE 10-FALSE 11-NOTGIVEN 12- NOTGIVEN 13- TRUE GROUP: ORIGINAL EXAMS- DU DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023

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