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C. R.

1. All these are ways of overcoming temptation except (a) fasting and prayer (b) cursing (c) self discipline

2. A person is _______ when he/she persuaded by another person to do something wrong (a) killed (b)
tempted (c) poison

3. One of this is not a cause of corruption (a) greed (b) patience (c) self centered

4. A guide for achieving one goal is called ______ (a) mis conduct (b) mis management (c) goal setting

5. Which of these is not a disadvantage of bad decision? (a) sadness (b) time wasting (c) getting good

6. ______ is the proper place to express one's sexuality (a) dating (b) courting marriage (c) marriage

7. Hardwork promote all these except _______ (a) success (b) dishonest (c) respect

8. God instructed _______ to sacrifice his only son, Isaac to him (a) Abraham (b) Hanaah (c) Peter

9. All the disciples were filled with the _______ on the day of the pentecost (a) Holy Ghost (b) Demons
(c) Holy Prophet

10. A plan of action reached after through consideration is called _______ (a) decision (b) democracy (c)
dis agreement

11. It take several years to achieve _______ term goals (a) long (b) short (c) medium

12. What a person intend to achieve within a period of time is Called _______ (a) goal (b) hazard (c)

13. To achieve anything, there must be a _______ (a) plan (b) number (c) King

14. ________ will help us make the best use of our time for God, ourselves and the society (a) gossiping
(b) disobedience (c) goal setting

15. Which of these will bring shame on us and our family (a) good decision (b) bad decision (c) excelling
in our studies

16. _______ is the best choice that one make after thinking about the best thing to do (a) decision
making (b) goal (c) goal setting

17. Epistle teach Christian how they can _______ (a) think (b) live (c) all of the above

18. One of the way to achieve our goal is _______ (a) laziness (b) procrastination (c) prayerfulness

19. One of these bible reference talk about goal setting (a) Luke 14: 27 - 33 (b) phillipian 1: 21 (c) act
20. Good decision wi bring us _______ (a) good results (b) bad results (c) no results


1. What is goal setting

b. List two types of goal

c. List two importance of goal setting

2. What is decision making

b. State four importance of decision making

3. What is Temptation and Corruption

b. State 2 causes of corruption and temptation

4. Give 2 disadvantage of making bad decision

Home Economic

1. Stitch are done on _______ (a) metals (b) clothes (c) water

2. Stitches are done mostly with _______ (a) knives (b) needles (c) nails

3. Which of these is not a type of stitches? (a) temporary (b) permanent (c) expensive

4. Stitches can be used to make _______ on fabrics (a) yarn (b) design (c) signal

5. All these are materials used in stitches except ______ (a) thread (b) yarn (c) paper

6. Stitching helps us to join _______ together (a) thread (b)woknd (c) metal

7. Seam are very useful in the making of ________ (a) cement (b) garments (c) biscuits

8. Seam are important to _______ (a) seamstress (b) tailors (c) garment makers

9. Seam results from _______ (a) stitches (b) writing (c) boxing

10. A line where two pieces of fabrics are sewn together us called _______ (a) stitch (b) seam (c) joint

11. A series of activities that is expected of a person during and immediate after meal is called _______
(a) exercise (b) table manner (c) eatery

12. A person that eat too much is called a/an _______ (a) foodie (b) stationer (c) orphan
13. A dangerous, unexpected event which causes injury, discomfort or damage is called ______ (a)
accident (b) safety (c) anger

14. ______ is added to perishable food item to preserve them. (a) pollutants (b) preservation (c) blood

15. Guests should be welcome and received ______ (a) warmly (b) rudely (c) arrogantly

16. _______ is the time when body change from being a child to being an adult (a) marriage (b) puberty
(c) fertilization

17. Salting is the act of preserving item like ______ (a) locust beans (b) milk (c) cereal

18. Which of this is a method of preserving meat (a) eating (b) scattering (c) sun dry

19. All these are types of home accident except _______ (a) comfort (b) burn (c) suffocation

20. A _______ is a person who clean, cooks and care for the house hold (a) home destroyer (b) home
furniture (c) home maker


1. What is Kitchen Hygiene

b. List 4 reason for cooking

2. What is stitches

b. List 3 types of stitches

3. What is steaming

b. Explain two types of pot that can be used to steam. Moin moin

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