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REG NO:C01/0041/2020

Kenya's fisheries sector encompasses both freshwater and marine resources, with freshwater fishing
dominating production. Lake Victoria, despite covering only 6% of the country's surface area, contributes
significantly, with Nile perch, omena, and tilapia being principal catches. The marine sector, though rich
in potential, currently accounts for only a small fraction of total production, hindered by limited domestic
fishing activity and the presence of distant water fishing fleets operating under licenses that offer little
benefit to the country. Aquaculture remains in its infancy, with production primarily focused on small-
scale pond culture and limited experimentation with shrimp farming in the Tana delta. Despite challenges
such as inadequate infrastructure and supply chain constraints, there's substantial potential for aquaculture
development, driven by Kenya's abundant water resources and the demand for indigenous fish species in
local and international markets. With targeted investment and support, the sector could significantly
contribute to food security, economic growth, and livelihood improvement for coastal communities.
Policy objectives
The overall objective of this policy is to:
Create an enabling environment for a vibrant fishing industry based on sustainable resource
exploitation providing optimal and sustainable benefits, alleviating poverty, and creating
other objectives are:
1. wealth, taking into consideration gender equity ensure responsible and sustainable use of fishery
resources, considering environmental impacts.
2. Develop responsible and sustainable aquaculture, recreational, and ornamental fisheries.
3. Secure fair access to and benefits from Kenya's shared fishery resources.
4. Promote responsible fish handling to minimize post-harvest losses.
5. Encourage value addition, marketing, and fair trade of Kenya's fishery products globally.
6. Foster efficient and sustainable investment in Kenya's fishery sector.
7. Engage fisher communities actively in fisheries management.
8. Address gender issues in fisheries development.
9. Increase fish consumption within the country.
The 9 objectives set out in this policy document will be pursued through the implementation
of the following 10 broad policies:
1. Strengthening of institutional framework and sustainable funding
The proposed policy aims to address the deficiencies in the current institutional framework for the fishery
sub-sector in order to enhance its development and management. Recognizing the need for coordination
among various stakeholders, the policy outlines the establishment of the Kenya Fisheries Development
Authority (KFDA) with optimal representation from relevant bodies such as the Department of Fisheries,
KMFRI, and other public and private sector entities. The KFDA will serve as a coordinating body rather
than duplicating existing functions, thus promoting efficiency and effectiveness in fisheries development
Additionally, the policy emphasizes the importance of formal collaboration between the Fisheries Board
and key stakeholders including governmental agencies, industry associations, civil society, and academic
institutions. This collaboration aims to enhance synergy and coordination in fisheries sector initiatives,
fostering a more cohesive approach to development and management.
Furthermore, the establishment of a sustainable funding mechanism is highlighted as a critical aspect of
the policy. The KFDA, in collaboration with both public and private sector entities, will create a funding
mechanism to support demand-driven research, resource management, and fisheries development.
Potential funding sources include government allocations, industry fees, royalties, and grants from
development institutions, ensuring long-term support for the sector's growth and sustainability.
2. Sustainable utilization of fishery resources
The policy aims to ensure sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources in Kenya through economic
empowerment, environmental integrity, and addressing social concerns. Key interventions include:
1. Economic Efficiency and Empowerment:
 Specifying access rights and controlled access to fisheries resources.
 Prioritizing artisanal and small-scale fishing while promoting industrial fishing in specific
 Guiding exploitation based on scientific information and indigenous knowledge.
 Negotiating favorable Fisheries Access Agreements with Distant Water Fishing fleets.
2. Environmental Conservation:
 Promoting integrated environmental management.
 Discouraging activities with negative impacts on biodiversity.
 Protecting and rehabilitating fragile aquatic ecosystems.
 Advocating for compliance with water abstraction laws and policy harmonization for
shared water bodies.
3. Social Responsibility and Good Governance:
 Mainstreaming health concerns like HIV/AIDS and malaria.
 Implementing safety regulations for boats and crew.
 Developing and enforcing codes of corporate social responsibility.
 Promoting good governance and gender equity in the fisheries sector.
These measures aim to address the decline in fish production, mitigate environmental degradation, and
tackle social issues within the fisheries sector, ultimately ensuring sustainable utilization of fisheries
resources in Kenya.
3. Achievement of efficient and effective fisheries management
To achieve efficient and effective fisheries management, several strategies and measures are proposed:
1. Fisheries Development Master Plan:
 Develop a comprehensive master plan to guide fisheries management, focusing on
linkages between various fisheries, by-catch management, value addition, and
infrastructure development.
2. Co-Management Approach:
 Adopt a co-management approach involving relevant stakeholders to ensure participatory
fisheries management.
 Build stakeholder capacity for effective participation in developing and implementing
fishery-specific management plans.
3. Conflict Resolution Mechanisms:
 Develop specific conflict management procedures for various water bodies in
consultation with stakeholders.
4. Review of Fines and Penalties:
 Regularly review fines, penalties, and fees related to fisheries offences, access, and
 Increase penalties and adjust fees for permits and registrations to deter illegal activities
and promote compliance.
5. Improvement of Field Station Facilities:
 Allocate adequate budgetary provision to improve facilities at field stations, including
modern patrol equipment, communication systems, and research and laboratory facilities.
6. Comprehensive Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance (MCS) Measures:
 Establish efficient MCS systems for both marine and inland water fisheries.
 Require foreign fishing vessels operating in Kenya's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to
install tracking devices such as Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS).
 Establish aerial and naval surveillance units to monitor fishing activities.
 Collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including the Kenya Navy, to manage the MCS
system effectively.
 Work with the Office of the President to establish an armed fisheries-dedicated law
enforcement unit.
4. Promotion of sustainable and efficient aquaculture development
1. Development of a Master Plan for Aquaculture:
 The Kenya Fisheries Development Authority (KFDA) will collaborate with stakeholders
and experts to develop a comprehensive Master Plan for aquaculture.
2. Facilitation of an Attractive Investment Environment:
 The Ministry responsible for fisheries, with guidance from KFDA, will establish an
environment conducive to investment in aquaculture, including legal frameworks,
institutional reforms, and affordable credit facilities.
 Encouragement of small-scale commercial fish farmers to form groups for improved
access to micro-credit and marketing facilities.
 Targeted investment in areas with high potential for aquaculture development.
3. Promotion of Commercial Operations:
 Capacity-building programs and aggressive market development efforts will be
implemented to promote commercial aquaculture operations of all scales.
4. Development of Infrastructure and Support Services:
 Establishment of necessary infrastructure and support services, including:
 Reliable and high-quality seed supply.
 Competitive and high-quality feeds.
 Efficient storage, processing, and marketing facilities.
 Credible quality control mechanisms.
 Comprehensive extension and information services.
 Organization of aquaculture producers into viable groups.
5. Establishment of Centres of Excellence:
 Collaboration among KFDA, the Department of Fisheries, Kenya Marine and Fisheries
Research Institute (KMFRI), institutions of higher learning, and the private sector to
establish centres of excellence for research, training, and demonstration in aquaculture.
 Upgrading and modernization of existing research facilities and centres to enhance
training of farmers on sustainable fish farming practices.
 Coordinated efforts to disseminate aquaculture information and facilitate development
across the sector.

5. Promotion of sustainable and efficient recreational and ornamental fisheries

The promotion of recreational and ornamental fisheries in Kenya is recognized as having significant
potential for economic growth and tourism development. Key policies for their promotion include:
1. Promotion of Sport Fishing:
 Encouragement and development of eco-tourism through the promotion of sport fishing
in both marine and inland waters with significant potential.
 Detailed assessment of potential fishing areas, special licensing, and restocking of natural
waters with sport fish to enhance opportunities for sport fishing.
 Vigorous sensitization and marketing efforts by the Kenya Fisheries Development
Authority (KFDA) to promote the sport fishing industry.
 Maintenance of a proper data collection mechanism by the Department of Fisheries in
collaboration with the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI).
2. Promotion of Ornamental Fishery:
 Development of a comprehensive plan for the promotion and development of ornamental
fisheries for both domestic and export markets.
 Utilization of the country's diverse fish species to capitalize on vibrant domestic and
international markets.
3. Encouragement of Investment:
 Promotion of private sector investment in sport and ornamental fisheries through
appropriate incentives and infrastructure recommended by KFDA.
 Capacity-building efforts by the Department of Fisheries, in collaboration with training
institutions and relevant stakeholders, to support players in recreational and ornamental
 Facilitation of greater private sector involvement in fishing camps and allocation of
fishing rights at designated water bodies.
6. Promotion of fish quality, consumption, trade and investment
The promotion of fish quality, trade, and investment is crucial for maximizing the economic potential of
the fisheries sector in Kenya. Here are the specific policies proposed to address these areas:
1. Development and Enforcement of Quality Control Standards:
 The Competent Authority (CA) in fishery matters will collaborate with relevant
institutions to develop and enforce fish sanitary and quality control standards.
 Establishment of a strong national fish safety control system in collaboration with fish
processors and stakeholders.
 Facilitation of regional harmonization of fish safety standards for shared resources.
 Identification, development, and introduction of appropriate technologies for fish
processing, with a focus on drying and smoking.
 Facilitation of an enabling environment for investment in cold storage facilities.
2. Establishment of Accredited Laboratory System:
 Expansion and upgrading of analytical laboratories in key locations such as Nairobi,
Kisumu, and Mombasa.
 Strengthening of laboratories at Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)
field stations.
 Collaboration with accredited laboratories, Kenya Bureau of Standards, and Kenya Plant
Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) for fisheries analysis.
3. Promotion of National and International Trade:
 Development of a comprehensive fish marketing system, including linkages between
fishers, traders, export companies, and various markets.
 Development of effective fish auction systems in major fish production areas and urban
 Encouragement of efficient marketing systems and effective linkages along different
trading levels through fish trader associations.
 Active participation in international trade negotiations to ensure fair access to
international markets and address non-tariff barriers.
 Regularization of trade in endangered species in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
4. Encouragement of Efficient Investment:
 Promotion of pooled use of facilities, contract processing, and stratified investment in the
fish marketing chain.
 Advocacy for reduction of duty on fishing gears and craft, coordination of the marketing
chain, provision of affordable credit, reduction of corporate taxes, and other incentives.
 Development of necessary infrastructure to enhance fish marketing and stimulate
 Advancement, coordination, and implementation of investment incentives recommended
by KFDA.
 Promotion of joint ventures between local and foreign entrepreneurs to exploit the
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
 Promotion of product development from by-products and by-catch through targeted
incentives, research, technology development, and capacity building.
7.Improvement of infrastructure and human resource development
Improving infrastructure and human resource development are vital for the growth and sustainability
of the fisheries sector in Kenya. Here are the proposed policies to address these areas:
1. Development of Fisheries Infrastructure:
 The Ministry responsible for fisheries will create an enabling environment for the
development of fisheries infrastructure.
 Formation of a fisheries infrastructure-working group to provide linkages with relevant
national sector-working groups.
 Development of guidelines and incentives for investment in critical areas such as cold
chain infrastructure.
 Collaboration with grassroots fisheries stakeholder organizations and civil society to
ensure fair allocation of government budgetary allocations to fisheries infrastructure.
2. Enhancement of Training for Fisheries Personnel:
 The Ministry responsible for fisheries will enhance the training of fisheries personnel.
 Establishment of formal collaboration with local and international training institutions by
the Department of Fisheries, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI),
and other key players in the sector.
 Periodic reviews and development of fisheries training curricula.
 Regular review of the sector's training needs and implementation of adequate
arrangements to meet those needs under the coordination of the Kenya Fisheries
Development Authority (KFDA).
8. Support and coordination of fisheries research
Promoting and coordinating fisheries research is crucial for effective management and development of the
fisheries sector. Here are the proposed policies to address this:
1. Ensuring Adequate Funding and Coordination of Fisheries Research:
 KFDA will ensure that fisheries research is well-funded, coordinated, multi-disciplinary,
and demand-driven.
 Establishment of a national fisheries research agenda regularly prioritized by stakeholders
to ensure research meets the sector's needs.
 Allocation of resources to implement the agenda with a requirement for timely reporting
of research findings by KMFRI and other research institutions.
 Application of a participatory approach and adherence to professional standards and
ethics in fisheries research.
 Establishment of a sustainable financing mechanism for fisheries research by the
Ministry responsible for fisheries.
2. Creation of a Fisheries Research Data Bank:
 KMFRI, in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries, will establish and maintain a
database for all fisheries-related research.
 Requirement for fish traders, aquaculture producers, and other stakeholders to provide
data on trading quantities, prices, destinations, and other relevant parameters for inclusion
in the database.
3. Mainstreaming BMUs in Fisheries Data Collection:
 BMUs will be integrated into fisheries data collection systems under the guidance of
 Building capacity of BMUs to play an integral role in collecting catch and other fisheries
 Collaborative efforts between KMFRI, the Department of Fisheries, and other relevant
players to work with BMUs in data collection to optimize coverage and avoid duplication
of effort.
9. Enhancement of fisheries information and extension service
Improving fisheries information and extension services is crucial for the development of the sector. Here
are the proposed policies to address this:
1. Improvement of Extension Services through Public-Private Partnerships:
 The Ministry responsible for fisheries will enhance extension services through public-
private partnerships.
 Adoption of demand-driven fisheries extension services progressively.
 Facilitation of capacity building for extension workers, fishers, and fisher groups to carry
out efficient and cost-effective extension activities.
2. Establishment of a Formal Mechanism for Information Sharing and Dissemination:
 KFDA will facilitate the establishment of a formal mechanism for sharing and
disseminating information within the fisheries sector.
 Implementation of communication channels to provide routine information/education to
investors, fishers, fish farmers, and other stakeholders.
 Inclusion of both public and private sector channels in the communication mechanism.
 Ensuring clear linkage between research, management, private sector, fishers, and aqua
culturists in terms of data collection, synthesis, dissemination, and feedback mechanisms.
 Priority given to the establishment of a fisheries database holding information on fish
stocks, production, marketing, credit, and investment opportunities.
 Enhancement of capacity building in data collection, processing, storage, and
dissemination by KFDA.
10. Promotion of regional and international cooperation
Enhancing regional and international cooperation and collaboration is essential for the sustainable
management of fisheries resources in Kenya. Here are the proposed policies to achieve this goal:
1. Promotion of Regional and International Cooperation in Research, Development, and
 The Ministry responsible for fisheries will collaborate closely with neighboring countries'
fisheries ministries to ensure sustainable management of shared fisheries resources and
equitable distribution.
 Active participation in Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) such as
LVFO, SWIO, and IOTC, as well as regional policy and regulatory arrangements like the
Nile Basin Treaty.
 Ensuring adherence to international conventions such as the FAO Code of Conduct for
Responsible Fisheries and UNCLOS to promote sustainable conservation, management,
and development of fisheries.
2. Implementation of Conservation Treaties and Agreements:
 Collaboration between the Department of Fisheries, the National Environment
Management Authority (NEMA), and other relevant organizations to implement
international treaties such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on aquatic
resources and the Ramsar Convention.
 Assistance in implementing regional and international treaties aimed at conserving
aquatic resources and biodiversity.

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