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1.1. J.M. Cahill
1.2. 67331897
1.3. Invoice number: 190002838655 Amount due: R3 410,64
1.4. From 7 March (invoice date) to 22 March (due date) is 15 days
1.5. No. The amounts owing for 30, 60 and 90 days is R0 which means that the account is up-to-date and no
money from before the current invoice is owed.
1.6. 1 270 000 ÷ 1036 = R1 225,87 / m2
1.7. They could write a letter, phone, fax or send an e-mail.
1.8. VAT numbers for Pikitup, Johannesburg Water and City Power. This implies that the services involve refuse
pick up, water and / or electricity.

2.1. 2 Gig mobile data
2.2. A17566621
2.3. IN15586849
2.4. 1 March 2018
2.5. Yes. They charge VAT and they have a VAT number
2.6. The client pays by debit order. This is given as the payment method. The note at the bottom informs the
client that the money will be automatically charged on their bank account.
2.7. 86,84 × 0,14 = 12,16
86,84 + 12,16 = R99
2.8. Contact details for Afrihost have not been included.

3.1. A statement is a summary of transactions for purchases or services over a period of time.
3.2. R1 130
3.3. R350
3.4. R565
3.5. R1 130
3.6. R565 is the monthly fee for one child for one child
565 × 2 = R1 130 the monthly amount for two children
3.7. “D” stands for “debit” which is an amount owed by the client
“C” stands for “credit” which is money that the client has paid
3.8. IN103921
3.9. RC000274
3.10. All payment amounts (amounts ending with C in the last column) are totalled.
1 056,25 + 565 + 565 + 565 + 915 = R3 666,25

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